306 research outputs found

    Governance and duty in global refugee education: a Kantian perspective

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    The broad adoption of the human-rights based approach to refugee education has not only accentuated the link between education provision and the realization of human rights; it has re-framed refugees as right-bearers. This conceptual shift from ‘refugee as victim’ to ‘refugee as right-bearer’ carries with it immense implications also for the way we think of the duty-bearers of refugee education. Once we re-conceptualize refugees as right-bearers, we acknowledge, too, the primacy of duty-bearers and ‘global moral obligations’. In this article, I first consider the history of global governance of refugee education, dating back to the ratification of the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. In tracing the shifting role of stakeholders in refugee education, I note, in particular, how the burden of responsibility of education policy and provision has oscillated between local host communities and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Next, I look at how rights and responsibilities are conceptualized in forced displacement context, that is, in the absence of a nation-state—traditionally considered the primary duty-bearer of human rights. Finally, I turn to Kant’s duty-based ethics, and suggest a Kantian perspective can help expand our understanding of duties and duty-bearers in global refugee education.publishedVersio

    Identifying flood deposits in lake sediments: Changing frequencies and potential links to long-term climate change

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    This thesis consists of an introduction and three individual papers that investigate the possibility for identifying the sedimentary imprint of catchment processes in lake sediments, emphasising on extreme events and in particular those deposited by river floods. Three individual lake sediment basins in southern Norway have been studied and changes in the frequency of such events are reconstructed for the last c. 10,000 years. In Paper I, the sediments of the glacier-fed Lake Russvatnet in eastern Jotunheimen (61′ N 8′ E) were studied. The record comprises a combination of glacier-derived material produced by the glacier Blackwellbreen and also several episodic processes in the catchment area such as floods and debris flows. In order to distinguish late- Holocene (last 4000 years) river floods and mass movements from glacier fluctuations, the sedimentary record from Russvatnet was analysed for grain-size distribution and minerogenic content, which allowed for discrete mass-movement and river-flood deposits to be recognized. Twenty-two such episodic events were identified; 11 mass movement events and 11 river-flood events. Enhanced river-flood and colluvial activity are observed at 4000–3400, 2900–2500, 2000–1400 and 1000– 500 cal. years BP, suggesting a decreasing trend over the last 4000 years. At c. 2300 cal. years BP a shift in sedimentation regime from a paraglacial to a glacially dominated regime was observed, followed by a Neoglacial expansion period after 2300 cal. years BP. In Paper II we examine the possibility for objectively identifying flood deposits in lake sediments and hence construct Holocene flood records that may reveal changes in the long-term frequency of river floods. The method for identifying flood deposits was successfully applied to a high-resolution lake sediment core retrieved from Meringsdalsvatnet in eastern Jotunheimen (61′ N 9′ E) resulting in a detailed record of river-flood activity covering the last c. 10,000 years, including floods that have also been recorded by instrumental and historical data. The minimum number of individual floods recorded for this period is c. 100. On centennial timescales significant change in flood frequency is observed that arguably can be attributed to large-scale climatic changes such as the varying amount of winter precipitation and number of summer rainstorms. The flood frequency was low during the early Holocene (9770–7700 cal. years BP), and was even lower for the period that followed, lasting until 5500 cal. years BP. For the next 2500 years, a modest increase in flood activity followed. This trend was truncated at 2500 cal. years BP by a sudden shift towards increased flooding frequency. With the exception of a short interval around 1000 cal. years BP, when the number of floods was again low, this tendency of increased flood activity prevailed until the present day; including Stor-Ofsen, a large flood that occurred in AD 1789, and also three other historically documented river floods. In Parer III we compared the record from Jotunheimen to a second continuous, highresolution palaeoflood record from Butjønna (62′ N 10′ E) and found that both the frequency and distribution of flood events over southern Norway has changed significantly during the Holocene. The present regional-discharge regime is dominated by spring–summer snowmelt, and results indicate that the changing flood frequency cannot be explained by local conditions associated with the respective catchments of the two lakes, but rather by long-term variations of solid winter precipitation and related snowmelt. Applying available instrumental winterprecipitation data and associated sea-level pressure re-analysis data as a modern analogue, we document that atmospheric-circulation anomalies, significantly different from the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), have some potential in explaining the variability of the two different palaeoflood records. Centennial-scale patterns in shifting flood frequency might be indicative of shifts in atmospheric circulation and can shed light on past pressure variations in the North Atlantic region, in areas not dominated by the NAO. Major shifts were found at about 2300, 1200 and 200 cal. years BP. This thesis presents and applies approaches to detect rapid geological events in lake sediment archives, and indicates that there have been significant changes in the frequency of floods and possibly debris flows over the Holocene. These changes may partly be linked to climatic, particularly precipitation, fluctuations, but also to other mechanisms such as land uplift, changing seasons and vegetation changes

    Country differences in numeracy skills: how do they vary by job characteristics and education levels?

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    To what extent do favourable job characteristics contribute to the variation in numeracy skills between countries? Based on theory of maintenance and further development of pre-existing skills, this is explored by applying data on numeracy skills among employed persons in seven European countries participating in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). Regression analyses are used to examine the extent to which numeracy skills vary with job characteristics and education levels across the seven countries, when controlling for industrial sector, work hours, demographic variables (gender, age, Western and Non-Western immigrant background), cultural capital (books at home and parental education level). The findings indicate that job characteristics and the individuals’ educational level have large and equal statistical impact on the total skills variation in the seven countries. However, regarding the country- differences, variations in education level play a lesser role than job characteristics.publishedVersio

    Forelesninger over ostens kjemi og bakteriologi

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    I hovedsaken består ostemodningen i at det uoppløselige og derfor smakløse kasein spaltes i enklere forbindelser som ikke bare er oppløslige og lettfordøielite, men også har en viss tiltalende smak, hvilke to nye egenskaper betinger at ostestoffet som næringsmiddel betraktet vinner i verdi. Imidlertid er det også en del av ostemassens øvrige bestanddeler, underkastet omdannelser som dels medfører at kaseinets spaltning forløper i en henskitssvarende retning og dels bidrar til l forhøye smaken på den modne ost. Disse spaltninger er biologiske prosesser som iverksettes av mikroorganismer og enzymar der forekommer i enhver melk eller tilføres melken bevisst eller ved ufrivillig infeksjon

    Forelesninger over smørets kjemi og bakteriologi

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    Sammensetning er i det store og hele tatt ikke meget vekslende. Det er mengden av vann som idet vesentlige kommer til å bestemme variasjonene. Da et høyt vanninnhold alltid ledsages av et lavere fettinnhold og omvendt, er summen av disse to bestanddeler nær konstant, varierer sjelden utover 97-98 %

    Livsverda - frå subjektivt medvit til kommunikativ handling: Ei drøfting av stillinga til livsverdsomgrepet i samfunnsvitskapen

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    Samandrag av masteroppgåva i filosofi Oppgåva drøftar omgrepet «livsverd» slik det fyrst vart lansert av den tyske filosofen og matematikaren Edmund Husserl, framfor alt i verket «Krisa i dei européiske vitskapane og den transcendentale fenomenologien», som kom ut i 1936. Her forklårar han krisa i dei européiske vitskapane med at dei ikkje lenger greier å relatera seg til livet kring dei. Husserl legg skulda på «den positivistiske reduksjonen av den vitskaplege ideen til rein faktavitskap», og finn årsaka til denne utviklinga i Descartes skarpe skilje mellom subjekt og objekt – ei utvikling han kallar «idealiseringsprosessen», der den vitskaplege metoden vert ihopblanda med røyndomen. Som alternativ lanserer Husserl medvitsfilosofien, eller fenomenologien, der ein tek utgangspunkt i opplevingane til det einskilde subjektet, som igjen legg grunnlaget for det intersubjektive fellesskapet i livsverda gjennom analogislutning frå eg et til «den andre». Føresetnaden for at eit slikt fellesskap kan koma i stand er at subjekta har gått i gjennom den fenomenologiske reduksjonen, som for det fyrste har til føremål å nå fram til vesenseigenskapane ved objektet («den eidetiske reduksjonen»), og for det andre å finne ut om objektet verkeleg finst ved å setja det i parentes («den transcendentale reduksjonen»). I sosiologien vart livsverdsomgrepet teke i bruk og gjeve empirisk innhald av Alfred Schütz og Thomas Luckmann, som kalla si utgåve av fenomenologien «sosialfenomenologi», tufta på eit «mondent» (dvs. «verdsleg») livsverdsomgrep, der ein vrakar den fenomenologiske reduksjonen og heller rettar blikket mot samspelet andlet-til-andlet mellom menneska i kvardagslivet. Medan medvitet var nedlagt i menneskenaturen hjå Husserl, var det utgått frå samfunnet hjå sosialfenomenologane. Medan livsverda vart konstituert ut frå subjektet hjå Husserl, var ho alt i utgangpunktet intersubjektivt konstituert hjå sosialfenomenologane. Både Schütz og Luckmann ser i dette eit radikalt brot med Husserls fenomenologi. Jürgen Habermas sluttar seg til kritikken mot Husserl frå sosialfenomenologane, men hevdar dei ikkje går langt nok, og at dei vert ståande fast i ein subjektivistisk tenkemåte, av di dei vantar ein språkfilosofi. Dette søkjer Habermas å rå bot på gjennom den kommunikative handlingsteorien, som han presenterer i hovudverket «Teorien om kommunikativ handling» frå 1981, der han hentar impulsar frå amerikansk pragmatisme og britisk språkfilosofi. Her vert den kommunikative talehandlinga hovudkjenneteiknet på samkvæmet mellom menneska i livsverda. Ho lyt stette fire krav for å kunna reknast som gyldig, nemleg krava om truverd, sanning, rettvise og klårleik. Krava er universelle, men speglar likevel ikkje av a priori eigenskapar ved menneskenaturen, av di Habermas ser dei som produkt av evolusjonen, og soleis spesifikt heimehøyrande i det moderne verdsbiletet. Ei slik talehandling, prega av kommunikativ rasjonalitet, der føremålet er å nå fram til semje på grunnlag av det argumentet som fær gjennomslag ut frå ei sams oppfatning av rettvise, står i motsetnad ei talehandling prega av teleologisk, eller instrumentell, rasjonalitet, og som vert nytta strategisk for å fremje eigne interesser. Medan den kommunikative rasjonaliteten rår grunnen i livsverda, rår den instrumentelle rasjonaliteten grunnen i systemverda. Det som kjenneteiknar moderne samfunn er at systemet koloniserer stendig større delar av livsverda ved hjelp av styringsmedia makt og pengar, høvesvis lovverk og marknad. På det viset nyttar Habermas livsverdsomgrepet til å føre saman to retningar som tradisjonelt har stått steilt mot einannan i sosiologien, nemleg fenomenologien og systemteorien. Det er likevel grunn til å merkje seg at dette skjer på premissane til rasjonaliteten , som no anten kan vera kommunikativ eller teleologisk. Dette kan berre skje ved å kaste vrak på vesentlege sider ved den fenomenologiske tradisjonen – både den transcendentale frå Husserl og den mondene frå Schütz og Luckmann. Konklusjonen er difor at ein syntese av fenomenologi og positivistisk samfunnsforsking ikkje er mogleg utan at ein øver vald mot Husserls intensjonar. Det tyder likevel ikkje at ikkje fenomenologien har ei rolle å spela som kritisk korrektiv til og grunnlag for sjølvrefleksjon innanfor den empiriske samfunnsvitskapen

    Value platforms as compass in system oriented design for sustainability

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    System Oriented Design is a natural approach in Design for Sustainability. Products must be designed and evaluated in a longer time-lap, as well as in a wider perspective of human needs, desires, culture, and material life cycles (and more). Hence, the choices of non-material values are also critical, although not seldom a neglected factor. On the one hand, during the last five years the society in general has become stronger aware of the challenges humanity is facing in ecological care and social development. Public economic support has been increased for environmental profiled projects. On the other hand, solutions asked for and suggested by the businesses, researchers and government are not always convincing. Are we actually able to design for change within the same value-frame as before? A researcher and pioneer within Industrial Ecology, John Ehrenfeld, pinpoints that a new care-structure within design and development also is critical for us to succeed (Ehrenfeld, 2008). What does this actually mean? This article describes how two projects include design of a value platform as guideline for co-design with all stakeholders. A bottom up and research related approach is necessary for strong individual and organisational ownership to the success criteria and challenges

    USAs militære styrker. Budsjettsituasjon og tegn til politisk risikosport

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    USA og landets rolle internasjonalt er i støpeskjeen. Endringene merkes av omverdenen. Et viktig kjennetegn ved USA er landets militære styrker og evne til globalt nærvær. USAs evne til å fatte nød- vendige politiske beslutninger og vedta årlige forsvarsbudsjetter forblir vesentlig for å sikre dette. Denne Insighten beskriver USAs forsvarsbudsjettprosess og faktorer som påvirker budsjettprosessen og hva den frembringer. Aspekter som kan skape usikkerhet og uforutsigbarhet, både for amerikanere og deres allierte, blir belyst

    Using microcomputed tomography (μCT) to count varves in lake sediment sequences: Application to Lake Sagtjernet, Eastern Norway

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    Varved lake sediments are one of the most important natural archives that allow annual resolution paleoclimate reconstructions. Conventional varve counting techniques use thin sections to manually identify lamina. However, this technique is destructive, labour intensive and limited to a 2D representation of complex 3D features which may lead to misidentification of varve boundaries. This study presents the use of microcomputed tomography (μCT) scans in constructing varve chronologies, utilizing scanning resolutions of ∼50 μm (binned to ∼200 μm) for core sections up to 150 cm long. To evaluate this method, we cored and analysed Lake Sagtjernet in Eastern Norway — revealing a 593 cm-long sediment record of the past 10274 (+220/-329) years, with continuous laminations from 84 to 533 cm depth (75% of the sediments). Through limnological monitoring and microfacies analyses we demonstrate that the laminations are rare ferrogenic varves, with an annual deposition pattern comprised of seasonal changes in biogenic production superimposed on seasonal precipitates of iron and manganese hydroxides. The floating μCT-counted varve chronology presented here is the first non-glacial varve chronology in Norway and covers 4023 +113/-185 years. We find that μCT scans allow for a very fast and non-destructive way of counting varves with sufficient detail of varve boundaries. In the few sections where varve boundaries are too vague to resolve, we recommend using complimentary techniques such as thin sections in parallel. The varve chronology is in good agreement with the 95% confidence interval of the independent radiocarbon chronology based on 16 14C dates, and 210Pb and 137Cs activity peaks, indicating that the varve chronology can be equated to calendar age.publishedVersio