4 research outputs found

    Epilepsy due to PNPO mutations: genotype, environment and treatment affect presentation and outcome

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    Mutations in PNPO are a known cause of neonatal onset seizures that are resistant to pyridoxine but responsive to pyridoxal phosphate (PLP). Mills etal. show that PNPO mutations can also cause neonatal onset seizures that respond to pyridoxine but worsen with PLP, as well as PLP-responsive infantile spasm

    Genetic, Phenotypic, and Interferon Biomarker Status in ADAR1-Related Neurological Disease

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    International audienceWe investigated the genetic, phenotypic, and interferon status of 46 patients from 37 families with neurological disease due to mutations in ADAR1. The clinicoradiological phenotype encompassed a spectrum of Aicardi–Goutières syndrome, isolated bilateral striatal necrosis, spastic paraparesis with normal neuroimaging, a progressive spastic dystonic motor disorder, and adult-onset psychological difficulties with intracranial calcification. Homozygous missense mutations were recorded in five families. We observed a p.Pro193Ala variant in the heterozygous state in 22 of 23 families with compound heterozygous mutations. We also ascertained 11 cases from nine families with a p.Gly1007Arg dominant-negative mutation, which occurred de novo in four patients, and was inherited in three families in association with marked phenotypic variability. In 50 of 52 samples from 34 patients, we identified a marked upregulation of type I interferon-stimulated gene transcripts in peripheral blood, with a median interferon score of 16.99 (interquartile range [IQR]: 10.64–25.71) compared with controls (median: 0.93, IQR: 0.57–1.30). Thus, mutations in ADAR1 are associated with a variety of clinically distinct neurological phenotypes presenting from early infancy to adulthood, inherited either as an autosomal recessive or dominant trait. Testing for an interferon signature in blood represents a useful biomarker in this context

    De novo variants in SNAP25 cause an early-onset developmental and epileptic encephalopathy

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    Purpose This study aims to provide a comprehensive description of the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of SNAP25 developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (SNAP25-DEE) by reviewing newly identified and previously reported individuals. Methods Individuals harboring heterozygous missense or loss-of-function variants in SNAP25 were assembled through collaboration with international colleagues, matchmaking platforms, and literature review. For each individual, detailed phenotyping, classification, and structural modeling of the identified variant were performed. Results The cohort comprises 23 individuals with pathogenic or likely pathogenic de novo variants in SNAP25. Intellectual disability and early-onset epilepsy were identified as the core symptoms of SNAP25-DEE, with recurrent findings of movement disorders, cerebral visual impairment, and brain atrophy. Structural modeling for all variants predicted possible functional defects concerning SNAP25 or impaired interaction with other components of the SNARE complex. Conclusion We provide a comprehensive description of SNAP25-DEE with intellectual disability and early-onset epilepsy mostly occurring before the age of two years. These core symptoms and additional recurrent phenotypes show an overlap to genes encoding other components or associated proteins of the SNARE complex such as STX1B, STXBP1, or VAMP2. Thus, these findings advance the concept of a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that may be termed “SNAREopathies.

    Sähkönlaadun ja energiankulutuksen tutkimus

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan sähkönlaadun ja energiankulutusta Raute Oyj:n rakentamissa vaneri- ja LVL-viilupalkkikoneissa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää esiintyykö Raute Oyj:n valmistamissa koneissa sähkönlaatua heikentäviä tekijöitä, kuten harmonisia yliaaltoja. Sähkönlaatua heikentävien tekijöiden lisäksi opinnäytetyössä selvitetään mahdollisuutta moottorikeskusten mitoituksessa käytettävän korjauskertoimen tarkentamiselle. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosassa esitellään sähkönlaatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä, sekä niiden vaikutuksia sähköverkkoon ja verkonkäyttäjälle. Lisäksi teoriaosassa käydään läpi ratkaisuja, joilla esimerkiksi sähköverkossa esiintyvien yliaaltojen pitoisuutta voidaan vähentää tai poistaa kokonaan. Verkossa esiintyville häiriöille kuten harmonisille yliaalloille, taajuuden ja jännitteen vaihteluille on määritelty rajoituksia standardilla SFS-EN 50160, myös näitä rajoituksia ja niiden vaikutuksia sähkönlaatuun käydään läpi opinnäytetyön teoriaosassa. Sähkönlaatua ja energiankulutusta mitattiin kahdessa Raute Oyj:n koneessa, ja näiden mittaukseen käytettiin Fluken power quality analyzer mallia olevaa mittalaitetta. Mittaustuloksissa huomattiin sähkönlaadun olevan yleisesti hyvällä tasolla ja täyttävän standardissa SFS-EN 50160 sähkönlaadulle määritellyt raja-arvot. Tulosten perusteella huomattiin myös, että joissakin tapauksissa keskusten mitoituksessa käytettäviä korjauskertoimia pystyy tarkentamaan.The study researches the quality of electricity and the energy consumption on plywood and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) machines manufactured by Raute Plc. The Thesis aims to examine the potential existence of factors reducing the quality of electric, such as harmonic waves, on machines manufactured by Raute Plc. In addition to examine the electricity quality and consumption of energy, the thesis looks into the possibility of elaboration of motorcabin’s equalisation. The theory part of the Thesis presents factors that influence electric quality, as well as their influences on the electricity network and network’s users. Additionally, the theory part discusses solutions, which for instance reduce or eliminate harmonic waves in electric network. SFS-EN 50160 standard defines restrictions for disturbance in electric network such as harmonic waves, frequency and voltage variation, these restrictions are also presented in the theory part of the Thesis. In this study, electric quality and energy consumption were measured in two different machines manufactured by Raute Plc, and the measurements were conducted by Fluke power quality analyser measuring device. Electric quality was generally high according to the measurements, and it meets the electric quality standards defined in SFS-EN 50160. The measurements also indicated that in some cases the equalisation is possible to elaborate