13 research outputs found

    Air Quality Modeling for the Urban Jackson, Mississippi Region Using a High Resolution WRF/Chem Model

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    In this study, an attempt was made to simulate the air quality with reference to ozone over the Jackson (Mississippi) region using an online WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting–Chemistry) model. The WRF/Chem model has the advantages of the integration of the meteorological and chemistry modules with the same computational grid and same physical parameterizations and includes the feedback between the atmospheric chemistry and physical processes. The model was designed to have three nested domains with the inner-most domain covering the study region with a resolution of 1 km. The model was integrated for 48 hours continuously starting from 0000 UTC of 6 June 2006 and the evolution of surface ozone and other precursor pollutants were analyzed. The model simulated atmospheric flow fields and distributions of NO2 and O3 were evaluated for each of the three different time periods. The GIS based spatial distribution maps for ozone, its precursors NO, NO2, CO and HONO and the back trajectories indicate that all the mobile sources in Jackson, Ridgeland and Madison contributing significantly for their formation. The present study demonstrates the applicability of WRF/Chem model to generate quantitative information at high spatial and temporal resolution for the development of decision support systems for air quality regulatory agencies and health administrators

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    Not AvailableArunachal Pradesh, the largest mountainous state of India, is situated in the northeastern part of the Himalayan region and characterized by high annual rainfall, forest vegetation and diversity in soils. Information on the soils of the state is essential for scientific land use planning and sustainable production. A soil resource inventory and subsequent database creation for thematic mapping using a Geographical Information System (GIS) is presented in this paper. Physiographically, Arunachal Pradesh can be divided into four distinct zones: snow-capped mountains (5500 m amsl); lower Himalayan ranges (3500 m amsl); the sub-Himalayan Siwalik hills (700 m amsl); and the eastern Assam plains. Soils occurring in these physiographic zones are lnceptisols (37 percent), Entisols (35 per- cent), Ultisols (14 percent) and Alfisols (0.5 percent). The remaining soils can be classed as miscellaneous. Soil resource inventory studies show that the soils of the warm perhumid eastern Himalayan ecosystem, with a ‘thermic’ temperature regime, are lnceptisols and Entisols; and that they are highly acidic in nature. Soils of the warm perhumid Siwalik hill ecosystem, with a ‘hyperthermic’ temperature regime, are also Entisols and lnceptisols with a high to moderate acidic condition. The dominant soils of the northeastern Purvachal hill ecosystem, with ‘hyperthermic’ and ‘thermic’ temperature regimes, are Ultisols and Inceptisols. lnceptisols and Entisols are the dominant soils in the hot and humid plain ecosystem. Steeply sloping landform and high rainfall are mainly responsible for a high erosion hazard in the state. The soil erosion map indicates that very severe (20 percent of TGA) to severe (25 percent of TGA) soil erosion takes place in the warm per-humid zone, whereas, moderate erosion takes place in the Siwalik hills and hot, humid plain areas. This is evident from the soil depth class distribution of Arunachal Pradesh, which shows that shallow soils cover 20 percent of the TGA of the state. Most of the the state is covered by hills and agri- cultural practices are limited to valley regions, However, the soils of other physiographic zones (lower altitudinal, moderately hilly terrain) provide scope for plantations, such as orange, banana and tea plantations.Not Availabl

    Use of Fc-engineered antibodies as clearing agents to increase contrast during PET

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    Despite promise for the use of antibodies as molecular imaging agents in PET, their long in vivo half-lives result in poor contrast and radiation damage to normal tissue. This study describes an approach to overcome these limitations. Methods: Mice bearing human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2)-overexpressing tumors were injected with radiolabeled (124I, 125I) HER2-specific antibody (pertuzumab). Pertuzumab injection was followed 8 h later by the delivery of an engineered, antibody-based inhibitor of the receptor, FcRn. Biodistribution analyses and PET were performed at 24 and 48 h after pertuzumab injection. Results: The delivery of the engineered, antibody-based FcRn inhibitor (or Abdeg, for antibody that enhances IgG degradation) results in improved tumor-to-blood ratios, reduced systemic exposure to radiolabel, and increased contrast during PET. Conclusion: Abdegs have considerable potential as agents to stringently regulate antibody dynamics in vivo, resulting in increased contrast during molecular imaging with PET. COPYRIGHT</p

    Dispersion modeling of air pollutants in the atmosphere: a review

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    Assessment of recent process analytical technology (PAT) trends : a multiauthor review

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    This multiauthor review article aims to bring readers up to date with some of the current trends in the field of process analytical technology (PAT) by summarizing each aspect of the subject (sensor development, PAT based process monitoring and control methods) and presenting applications both in industrial laboratories and in manufacture e.g. at GSK, AstraZeneca and Roche. Furthermore, the paper discusses the PAT paradigm from the regulatory science perspective. Given the multidisciplinary nature of PAT, such an endeavour would be almost impossible for a single author, so the concept of a multiauthor review was born. Each section of the multiauthor review has been written by a single expert or group of experts with the aim to report on its own research results. This paper also serves as a comprehensive source of information on PAT topics for the novice reader

    Renal Drug Transporters and Drug Interactions.

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    Transporters in proximal renal tubules contribute to the disposition of numerous drugs. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms of tubular secretion have been progressively elucidated during the past decades. Organic anions tend to be secreted by the transport proteins OAT1, OAT3 and OATP4C1 on the basolateral side of tubular cells, and multidrug resistance protein (MRP) 2, MRP4, OATP1A2 and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) on the apical side. Organic cations are secreted by organic cation transporter (OCT) 2 on the basolateral side, and multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) proteins MATE1, MATE2/2-K, P-glycoprotein, organic cation and carnitine transporter (OCTN) 1 and OCTN2 on the apical side. Significant drug-drug interactions (DDIs) may affect any of these transporters, altering the clearance and, consequently, the efficacy and/or toxicity of substrate drugs. Interactions at the level of basolateral transporters typically decrease the clearance of the victim drug, causing higher systemic exposure. Interactions at the apical level can also lower drug clearance, but may be associated with higher renal toxicity, due to intracellular accumulation. Whereas the importance of glomerular filtration in drug disposition is largely appreciated among clinicians, DDIs involving renal transporters are less well recognized. This review summarizes current knowledge on the roles, quantitative importance and clinical relevance of these transporters in drug therapy. It proposes an approach based on substrate-inhibitor associations for predicting potential tubular-based DDIs and preventing their adverse consequences. We provide a comprehensive list of known drug interactions with renally-expressed transporters. While many of these interactions have limited clinical consequences, some involving high-risk drugs (e.g. methotrexate) definitely deserve the attention of prescribers