51 research outputs found


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    Dalam operasinya, pompa harus dapat memenuhi head yang diperlukan oleh sistem pipa. Head statis pompa harus ditentukan dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik pompa apabila permukaan air berubah-ubah. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah tugas akhir Rancang Bangun Alat Uji Head Statis Pompa pada Tekanan 1,5 Bar. Tujuan dari pembuatan alat ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik sistem pompa dengan menghitung : head total pompa, head sistem dengan metode ( perhitungan ) dan ( pengukuran ) dan efisiensi pompa,yaitu dengan cara pengaturan laju aliran pompa melalui pembukaan katup dan pengaturan frekuensi melalui inverter. Hasil pengujian head statis pompa menggunakan fluida air pada tekanan dalam tangki 1,5 bar diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : head total pompa pada debit tertinggi sebesar 16,3 m dan head total pompa pada debit terendah sebesar 26,81 m. Sedangkan pada head sistem ( Metode Perhitungan ) pada debit tertinggi sebesar 16,7 m dan pada debit terendah sebesar 16,58 m dan head sistem ( metode pengukuran ) pada debit tertinggi sebesar16,53 m dan pada debit terendah sebesar16,53 , maka hasil pengujian didapat titik kerja pompa pada laju aliran 16,02 LPM ( Liter Per Menit ) dengan head pompa 16,74 m. Kata kunci : pompa sentrifugal, head statis, head sistem, head total pompa, laju aliran. In operation, the pump must be able to meet the head required by the system piping. Static head pump must be determined by considering the characteristics of the pump when the water level changes. Therefore made final project "Design of Static Head Test Equipment Pump at Pressure of 1.5 Bar. The purpose of this tool is to determine the characteristics of the pump system by calculating: total pump head, head system with the method (calculation) and (measurement) and the efficiency of the pump, that is by setting the pump flow rate through the valve opening and frequency setting through an inverter. Test results using the pump static head of fluid in a tank of water at a pressure of 1.5 bar the results are as follows: total head of the pump at the highest discharge of 16.3 m and a total head of the pump at the lowest discharge of 26.81 m. While the head system (calculation method) at the highest discharge of 16.7 m and the lowest at 16.58 m discharge and head system (method of measurement) at the highest discharge 16,53 m and the lowest discharge sebesar16,53, the test results pump working point obtained at a flow rate 16.02 LPM (liters Per Minute) with 16.74 m pump head. Keywords : centrifugal pump, static head, system head, pump total head, flow rate


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    The objectives of this research are to analyze: (1) the relation of the instructional materials of Social Science and the character education content to the results of researches in the character-based Social Science learning; (2) the constraints encountered and the solutions to the constraints in the implementation of character education in relation to the instructional materials of Social Science at State Junior Secondary School I of Ngadirojo, Wonogiri regency; and (3) the results of the implementation of character education in relation to the instructional materials of Social Science at State Junior Secondary School I of Ngadirojo, Wonogiri regency. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn as follows: 1) The relation between the instructional materials of Social Science which contain the character education internalized to the students have not appeared deep as reflected by the instructional materials presented. 2) The constraints encountered in the instructional materials of Social Science are that the students have low learning motivation, and low ability; the teachers meet difficulties in preparing the instructional materials of Social Science which contain the character values, the facilities and infrastructures to support the learning process are limited, and the school is lack of guideline book which contains the character values. To deal with the constraints, the school has established relations with the related stakeholders, has conducted supervision toward the students’ behavior in collaboration with the students’ parents and community. The teachers have motivated the students and exemplified how the students should develop their character values. 3) The results of the use of the instructional materials of Social Science which contain the character values at State Junior Secondary School I of Ngadirojo, Wonogiri regency are not good enough. The results of the implementation have not appeared clearly and have not been well-measured. The evaluation system on the character values on the Social Science subject matter has not been implemented comprehensively. Keywords: instructional materials and character values

    The Audio Medium Model of Character Education in Increasing The Discipline Attitude of Elementary School Students

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    This research aims to reveal and describe the effectiveness of the audio medium of character education in increasing the discipline attitude in high grade students at elementary school. This type of study is experimental research that takes place in Gunung Kidul district, Yogyakarta special territory, Indonesia. The target of research is the fifth grade students in elementary schools which consists of two classes. Each class has 30 students, taken from elemtary school of ponjong IV elementary school as an experimental class, and from ponjong II elementary school as a control group. Data were collected by giving anquette of attitude to the students, an analyzed by aplaying t-test statistical formula.  The research result showed that the character education by learning with audio medium model character education can increased the dicipline value of students more than without or conventional learning. Keywords: Audio Medium, Character Education, Increase the Attitude of Dicipline

    A Path Analysis of Sustaining Small Scale Fishing Industry in Indonesia

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    The over exploitation of the international fishing activities does affect the sustainability of the local small-scale fishing industry. The small scale fishing industry sectors especially economic, social, ecological, and governance in Indonesia has not been well managed. The objective of this paper is therefore to analyze the causal relationships between the four variables using a path analysis technique. The results of this analysis showed that the economic factor has the largest effect on the small-scale fisheries system. Future studies should emphasized more on the economic variable to sustain the local fishing industry in Indonesia

    Fermentation Characteristics and Nitrogen Retention of Madura Cattle Fed Complete Rations Containing Soybean Pod and By-Products

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of complete rations containing soybean pod and soybean by-products (soybean meal and tofu waste) on rumen microbial population, fermentation characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen retention of Madura cattle. Twelve Madura cattle of 1.5 years of age were given 4 feeding treatments in triplicates in randomized block design experiment. The treatments included T0 (100% native grass) as a negative control, T1 (concentrate: grass (60:40) as a positive control, T2 (complete ration containing 15% soybean pods), and T3 (complete ration containing 30% soybean pods). The treatments were based on feeding practices commonly applied by farmers in the village. The results showed that the use of concentrate rations or complete rations containing soybean pod and by-product did not affect protozoa population, ammonia concentration, and total VFA production compared to cattle fed 100% native grass. In contrast, the use of concentrate rations or complete rations containing soybean pod and by-products reduced acetate and increased butyrate proportion compared to native grass. The use of a concentrate ration resulted the highest propionate proportion. Methane estimation increased with the use of concentrate ration or complete ration containing 15% soybean pod, but it decreased when the level of soybean pod was increased to 30%. It can be concluded that soybean pod has a potential to be used as a fiber source in beef cattle ration to substitute native grass


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    Indonesia is a developing country with a dense population, so the government carry on KB (Family Planning) program in which the targets are mostly women. Contraceptives are intended for women are birth control pills and IUD (Intra Uterine Device), whereas until now the contraceptive for men who are considered well-established are condom and vasectomy. Thus, the development of herbal medicine, which is cheap and affordable, makes it possible to be consumed in a long term with less meaningful side effects. Papaya seeds (Carica papaya) is one of the many plants used by communities to eradicate intestinal worms, menstrual laxative, and abortivum. Empirically papaya fruit, leaves, and seeds of papaya also contains carpaine, an alkaloid which is used as anthelmintic. Papaya seeds, which are edible and spicy in India are used for contraception. Alkaloid content in seeds of papaya can be antifertility herbal plants for males that can be measured from the quality of spermatozoa. Alkaloid compounds contained in papaya seeds can disrupt the hormone testosterone, which would interfere the sperm quality, making papaya seed potential to become a candidate for contraceptive

    Karakteristik Fermentasi Rumen dan Keseimbangan Nitrogen Domba yang Diberi Minyak Kanola Murni dan Terenkaspulasi

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    ABSTRAK                                                            Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh minyak kanola tanpa proteksi dan terenkapsulasi pada karakteristik fermentasi rumen. di domba garut jantan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan rancangan 3 perlakuan dan 5 kelompok sebagai ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari P0 (kontrol/pakan ternak:konsentrat = 60:40), P1: P0 (mengandung minyak kanola 4% dari total ransum); P2: P0 (mengandung mikroenkapsulasi minyak kanola 4% dari total ransum). Bahan pelapis yang digunakan dalam produk mikroenkapsulasi memiliki komposisi 50% maltodekstrin dan 50% gum arab. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan minyak kanola bebas maupun minyak kanola proteksi pada ransum sangat nyata (P<0,01) menurunkan populasi protozoa. Sintesis protein bakteri, NH3, retensi nitrogen, dan kadar BUN sangat nyata meningkat (P<0,01) pada pemberian minyak kanola bebas. Sementara penurunan terjadi pada pemberian minyak kanola terenkaspulasi dibandingkan kontrol. Namun, penambahan 4% minyak kanola bebas dan terenkapsulasi tidak signifikan mempengaruhi populasi bakteri total dan VFA. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan minyak kanola tanpa proteksi memberikan produksi NH3, BUN, dan SPM tertinggi di rumen serta minyak kanola dalam bentuk bebas dan terenkaspulasi mampu menurunkan pertumbuhan protozoa rumen yang merupakan predator bakteri tetapi tidak dapat menstimulasi pertumbuhan populasi bakteri rumen.Kata Kunci: mikroenkapsulasi, minyak kanola, rumen, spm, total bakteriABSTRACTThis experiment aimed to investigate the effects of unprotected and microencapsulated canola oil on rumen fermentation characteristics in Garut young rams. The design of experiment was using randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatments and 5 groups as replication. The treatments were T0 (control/forage:concentrate = 60:40), T1 = T0 (Contain canola oil 4% total diet), T2 T0 (Contain microencapsulated canola oil (4% total diet). Coating materials composition used in microencapsulation were 50% maltodextrin and 50% arabic gum. The data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that addition either protected or unprotected of canola oil on diet significantly (P<0.05) decreased rumen protozoa population. Microbial protein synthesis (MPS), NH3 nitrogen retention, and BUN were significantly (P<0.01) increased in unprotected canola oil meanwhile was decreased in the microencapsulated. Nonetheless, addition 4% of protected or unprotected canola oil did not significantly affect total bacterial population and VFA. It is concluded that addition of the unprotected canola oil gave the highest production of NH3, BUN, and MPS in rumen. In addition, the use of unprotected and microencapsulation of canola oil reduced the population of protozoa which are the predators of bacteria, but could not stimulate the growth population of rumen bacteria.Keywords: beef, diversification, development strategy, populatio

    Analysis of Production Factors of Small-Scale Fisheries using Arad Nets in Tegal City, Indonesia

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    Production factors are an important issue in fishing operations. The success of a fishing operation is determined by the role of each production factor. This study aims to examine the factors that influence the production of small-scale fisheries using Arad nets in Tegal. This research carried out in the Muarareja Village, a small-scale fishing village in Tegal. The study was conducted between July 2013 and March 2014. The production factors analyzed were the size of fishing gear, the fishing season, the availability of fuel, ice blocks, fresh water, crew, and cost supplies using Arad nets. Data were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis. The results showed there were a very strong relationship between the production factors with a R2 value of 82.30% and a probability significance value of &lt;0.05. Factors that influence the production of fishing operations using Arad nets are the fishing season, the use of fuel, the use of ice, and cost supplies. Keywords: small-scale fishermen, production factors, small-scale fisheries, Arad nets, Tega

    Mapping of Shrimp Fishing Areas in Cilacap District in Central Java Province

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    Cilacap still be one of the centers of fisheries in Indonesia at this time. One of its main commodities are shrimp. Shrimp fishing activities in Cilacap waters is conducted using trammel net (three layered nets). This study aims to draw up a map of the location of Penaeidae spp shrimp fishing areas in Cilacap waters area using a trammel net. Type of shrimp as a target is catching  banana prawn, endeavour prawn, tiger prawn, and tiger cat shrimp. Method of preparation of a map the location of shrimp fishing areas is to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis technique is a technique used in studies analysing spatial. Preparation of shrimp fishing area location  map using ArcGIS Geographic Information System Software. Shrimp fishing area mapping  is useful to know the position or where shrimp is the target of fishing operations. By knowing the shrimp fishing areas, then the fishermen will easily find the point where shrimp congregate. This will cause the shrimp fishing operations become more effective and efficient because shrimp fishing vessels can go directly to shrimp fishing area. Some of the efficiencies that can be obtained by fishermen is the cost of fuel efficiency, the efficiency of material consumption must be issued at any time the arrest operation and efficiency of the operation time of arrest. Keywords: Cilacap, Shrimp, trammel net, shrimp fishing area map

    Analisis Daya Dukung Populasi Kambing Berdasarkan Potensi Aerial Tanaman Singkong di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

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    Sisa tanaman berupa batang, ranting, dan daun (aerial singkong) adalah limbah yang berpotensi dijadikan untuk bahan hijauan pakan ternak kambing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa daya dukung aerial singkong sebagai pakan ternak kambing. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel diambil aerial yang dipotong 40 cm di atas tanah. Populasi kambing di 28 Kecamatan sebanyak 277.420 ekor atau 20.385 animal unit (AU). Analisis location quotient (LQ) diperoleh 46,4 % kecamatan merupakan basis dari ternak kambing. Produksi bahan kering (BK) aerial tanaman singkong yaitu 242.247 ton/tahun, kebutuhan konsumsi BK 71.427 ton/tahun. Daya dukung ternak dengan memanfaatkan sisa tanaman singkong sebesar 69.134 AU, sehingga kapasitas peningkatan ternak untuk Kabupaten Lampung Tengah adalah 48.750 AU. Sebanyak 36 % kecamatan yang ada di Lampung Tengah memiliki kebutuhan pakan melebihi daya dukungnya jika hanya memanfaatkan sisa tanaman singkong saja