383 research outputs found


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    Indonesia has diverse society in various aspects; ethnic, religion, race and groups, and these require tolerance to maintain integrity and peace. It is undeniable that conflicts in many regions are as a result of those differences. It is being a signal of the importance of teaching a tolerant attitude since early childhood. Tolerance is an attitude of openness and respect differences in any cases, not merely in ethnic and religious differences. Tolerance also means to respect and care about others, respect for differences, bridge cultural gaps, reject unfair stereotypes, in order to achieve equality, attitude, and behavior. Therefore, character education need to be designed to foster tolerance since early childhood in a family environment, by: (1) giving affection, (2) giving exemplary of tolerance from parents and other family members, (3) creating a pleasant and democratic atmosphere, (4) understanding talents, interests, and uniqueness of each child, and (5) habituating mutual respect, care and help each other, do not discriminate race, religion, ethnic, and groups


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    Character Education is a never ending process, so it must be proceed continuously and cannot be stopped at just the high school level. In fact, some students have a variety of problems as a result of the influence of modernity which brings cultural and capitalist hedonist such as: vandalism, promiscuity, drugs, alcoholism, anarchism, campus friction and so on. One of the alternative models of Character Education applied to build students character of Islamic universities is "Character Education Based on the Reinforcement of Social Capital", considering the fact that radius of trust is still need the reinforcement of social capital to bridge it. The philosophy of this model is "the best of a man is useful for others". While the basic concept of the model consists of: trust, social glue, and reciprocity norm. The approaches used in this model are: a micro approach with the implementation of the module, meso approach to build a culture, and a macro approach to build a network. These models are very effective to build a care and cooperation character, effective to build a character of obedient worship and responsibilities, and less effective to build character of honesty. Keywords: Character Education, Social Capital, and Higher Education


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    When the effects of globalization strike all dimensions of human beings, they make individualism harden, communal rights are neglected, the bonds become so loose, hence social capital is scraped. So that, it is important to develop an adaptive strategy in order that the condition of our nation will be recoverable. Moreover, it will be ecjual at the same level with full confidence, with other nations in the world. One ofthe strategic steps that should be taken is how to develop and strengthen our nation's social capital simultaneously. One of strategic sectors that is expected to contribute to the strengthening of social capital is the sector of education. This article discusses the concept of social capital, and its implications in the teaching of Islamic religious education in Schools. To analyze it, there are three dimensions of social capital presented, they are: 'bonding', 'bridging' and 'linking'. The main point is that the Islamic religious education must have a strong foundation to develop a society that committed to social capital. Plenty of Islamic education zuhich is used as the basis for Islamic religious educators to implement the edu- cability based on social capital. This effort started on the mutual relationship be- tween teachers and students

    Local Wisdom Values as Social Attachment of School and Multicultural Society (the Implementation of Multicultural Education at Muhammadiyah Islamic School Sendangmulyo, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta)

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    Through peace, the world civilization will be implemented. Meanwhile, peace will be created if each nation in the world is able to build tolerance and cooperation in multicultural society context. Indonesia has owned a motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” which becomes the base of nation unification, while in the local areas, the local wisdom values which become the various societies. In Yogyakarta in particular, or Javanese in Geneal, many local wisdom values that can become social attachment in multicultural societies. This research is aimed to explain the form of interaction and local wisdom values which are able to strenghten the relationship of a school wi th the multicultural societies. Through qualitative-naturalistic method, this research is performed to draw a conclusion that the relationship basic in the interaction between the school and society is trust. Trust is built from social values sourced from local wisdoms, which is “cooperation” full of sincerity or which is called as “holobis kuntul baris.” This value has given societys spirit since the building of this school. Eventhough the society and school have difference religions, they let their children to study at thi school. Also, theres no anxiousness towards their childrens learning activity. Until nowadays, the school and society have been able to maintain the local wisdom values even to keep and protect each other. They have belief that “eventgough they have different religions, they have similar ancestor so that they should not hurt each other, even they have to respect and help each other.” In the concept of multicult ural religious education, it has entered the level of “beyond the wall”. According to Christina and Intersubjective step according to Abdullah. It is the implementation of Multicultural Education which is based on local wisdom which is continously dug in many regions in Indonesi a. Keywords: Local Wisdom; Social Attachment; Multicultural Societ


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    Asthma is a chronic airway disease that is found throughout the world with varying frequency associated with increased airway sensitivity that triggers episodes of repeated wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dyspnea and coughing. (cough) especially at night or early morning. Anxiety can also be a heavy burden that causes the individual's life to always be under the shadow of prolonged anxiety and considers anxiety to be a mental strain accompanied by a disturbance in a person's sleep patterns that can easily change or experience a sleep disorder as a result of anxiety in his sick condition or hospital routine. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Anxiety Levels and Sleep Quality of Asthmatics. The design of this study used the Correlational Cross Sectional Analytic method with Non Probality Sampling technique with Quota Sampling type, with a population of 25 patients with asthma and a total sample of 25 people, while data collection using interviews guided by a questionnaire. Results are presented in tabular and narrative form. The results of the study the relationship between anxiety levels with sleep quality of asthmatics indicates that there is a very strong relationship between anxiety levels and sleep quality in asthma patients in Moncek puskesmas with a correlation coefficient of 0.664 with a significance (p value) of 0,000. Seeing the results of this study it is recommended for the health center to be able to create a comfortable environment, especially to limit the skating or drapery in the patient's room and to limit the patient's visit time so that the patient's sleep is not disturbed

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Dengan Penerapan Strategi Berpasangan Pada Siswa Kelas V SDN 1 Sorogaten, Tulung, Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2012/ 2013

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika melalui strategi berpasangan pada siswa kelas V SD N 1 Sorogaten, Tulung, Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2012/ 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri atas perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi dengan dua siklus. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam Penelitian ini diantaranya tes, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata siswa pada siklus I putaran pertama yaitu 65,31 (termasuk kategori kurang minat). Nilai rata-rata pada putaran kedua meningkat menjadi 70 dari putaran pertama yang hanya 65,31, karena putaran kedua sudah menggunakan strategi berpasangan. Siklus II meningkat menjadi 77,5 dari siklus I putaran kedua yang hanya 70 (termasuk kategori berminat). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penerapan strategi berpasangan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika pada siswa kelas V SD N 1 Sorogaten, Tulung, Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2012/ 201

    Contextualization of Wasathiyah Values in Haji Sulong’s thoughts for Islamic Education Renewal in South Thailand

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    Since Pattani region entered into a nation state of Thailand there have been various policies of assimilation toward the people of Southern Thailand. Until the present time, this policy has caused a conflict to both sides. The main problem is not about religious issues, but the ethnicity to maintain Malay-Muslim identity from Thai-Buddhist threats. Efforts to understand each other's identity, both Malay-Islamic and Thai-Buddhist can be continuously explored, such as: Islamic values as ummatan wasathan and Buddha’s Majjhima-patipada oriented to the idea of "middle way". Efforts to understand each other can be done through education starting from Early Childhood Education to Higher Education. Efforts to understand both identities can also be done by a figure, such as Haji Sulong. Haji Sulong's struggle was initially prioritized the renewal of the Islamic Education System in Pattani, both the management and the curriculum. But along with the royal policy that continues to pressure the people of Southern Thailand, Haji Sulong also plunged into the political world. Haji Sulong heroic values can be a transformative spirit for the people of South Thailand, such as: (1) Innovative value, (2) Caring values, (3) Values of love/empathy, (4) Prudence, (5) The value of self-control, (6) The value of justice, (7) The value of courage, and etc. Keywords: Contextualization, Ummatan Wasathan, Haji Sulong, Renewal, Education Abstrak Sejak wilayah Pattani Raya masuk menjadi negara bangsa Thailand telah berlaku berbagai kebijakan asimilasi terhadap rakyat Thailand Selatan. Kebijakan ini menimbulkan konflik yang merugikan kedua belah pihak hingga sekarang. Persoalan pokoknya bukan masalah keagamaan, tetapi masalah etnisitas yaitu mempertahankan identitas Melayu-Muslim dari ancaman Thai-Buddha. Upaya saling memahami identitas masing-masing fihak, baik Melayu-Islam maupun Thai-Buddha dapat terus digali, seperti: nilai-nilai Islam sebagai ummatan wasathan dan Buddha Majjhima-patipada yang berorientasi pada gagasan “jalan tengah”. Upaya saling memahami tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui jalur pendidikan mulai Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini sampai Perguruan Tinggi. Upaya saling memahami dua identitas tersebut juga dapat dilakukan oleh seorang tokoh, seperti Haji Sulong. Perjuangan Haji Sulong awalnya lebih mengutamakan pembaharuan Sistem Pendidikan Islam di Pattani, baik managemen maupun kurikulumnya. Namun seiring dengan kebijakan kerajaan yang terus menekan rakyat Thailand Selatan, Haji Sulong juga terjun ke dunia politik. Nilai-nilai kepahlawanan Haji Sulong dapat menjadi spirit transformatif bagi rakyat Thailand Selatan, antara lain: (1) Nilai inovatif, (2) Nilai kepedulian, (3) Nilai kasih saying/empati, (4) Nilai kehati-hatian/ tidak gegabah, (5) Nilai pengendalian diri, (6) Nilai keadilan, (7) Nilai keberanian, dan sebagainya. Kata Kunci: Kontekstualisasi, Ummatan Wasathan, Haji Sulong, Pembaharuan Pendidika


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    Alam berubah, kehidupan manusia berubah, pendidikan juga harus berubah. Paradigmalam pendidikan membangun manusia dengan satu jenis kecerdasan saja yaitu IQ. Paradigm baru pendidikan lebih menekankan pada kecerdasan kreativitas (CQ) dan kecerdasan-kecerdasan lain yakni EQ, SQ AQ, Pembangunan SDM merupakan tanggung jawab bidang pendidikan. Kurikulum merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Tujuan pendidikan Indonesia adalah membangun SDM yang berkualitas yang mampu hidup di era abad 21 dan hidup di manapun di seluruh belahan bumi ini. Istilah abad 21 memberikan semangat baru kurikulum yang ada. Relevan dengan era 21 atau masa depan, maka melalui tulisan ini, nama kurikulumnya adalah kurikulum visioner. Kurikulum visioner adalah kurikulum yang berorientasi pada scientce, berbasis object study, implementasinya menyenangkan dan mengaktifkan siswa, dengan model evaluasi autentik. Lingkungan merupakan sumber pembelajaran agar pendidikan fungsional untuk kehidupan. SDM hasil pendidikan melalui kurikulum visioner sebagai berikut: mengakui keEsaan Alloh SWT, menjadi manusia sosialis berbudaya, serta tidak melakukan perusakan

    Improving Quality Learning Subject Building Materials Science through Research Based Learning

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    Research based learning is a learning method that uses authentic learning, problem solving, cooperative learning, contextual, and the inquiry discovery approach. That is based on the philosophy of constructivism, to develop self-sustained and sustainable student. The purpose of research based learning is to create a learning process with analysis’s activity, synthesis, and evaluation also to improve the student and lecture about assimilation and application of knowledge also increases the capabilities of student as researcher. It’s make the subject building material science more significance. The purpose of the research is to improve the quality of the student subject building material science based on research, the method of research used quantitative research. Samples were selected 34 students. The results showed that the first phase gets 200.3 score, then the second phase gets 209.24 of score, based on the observation concluded that using research based learning improve the quality of learners


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    Menopause is a normal change that occurs in a woman's life when her menstrual period stops. Menopause causes women to be susceptible to cancer, one of which is breast cancer. One way that can be done to detect early incidence of breast cancer is by doing Breast Self-Examination (BSE) routinely, and this requires a woman's knowledge of how to detect breast cancer with the breast self-examination method (BSE). This study used a quasi-experimental study with a pre test - post test design with a control group. The population in this study were all menopausa women (45 - 55 years) in Wates Village, Wonotunggal Subdistrict, Batang Regency. The sampling technique was simple random (simple ramdom). In this study, the sample used was 60 respondents, with a sample size of 30 for the intervention group and 30 samples for the control group. The data analysis used the Wilcoxon test to determine the effect of BSE training, while to determine the difference in knowledge between the intervention group and the control group, the Friedman test was used to test the normality of the data using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov non-parametric statistical test. The results showed that there was an effect of providing BSE training in the intervention group on knowledge with a value of p 0.05.Suggestions are given to increase public awareness, especially menopausal women about breast self-examination (BSE), through health training activities. Keywords: BSE training, menopausal age women, knowledg
