272 research outputs found

    Diagnosing interoperability problems and debugging models by enhancing constraint satisfaction with case -based reasoning

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    Modeling, Diagnosis, and Model Debugging are the three main areas presented in this dissertation to automate the process of Interoperability Testing of networking protocols. The dissertation proposes a framework that uses the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) paradigm to define a modeling language and problem solving mechanism for interoperability testing, and uses Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for debugging interoperability test cases. The dissertation makes three primary contributions: (1) Definition of a new modeling language using CSP and Object-Oriented Programming. This language is simple, declarative, and transparent. It provides a tool for testers to implement models of interoperability test cases. The dissertation introduces the notions of metavariables, metavalues and optional metavariables to improve the modeling language capabilities. It proposes modeling of test cases from test suite specifications that are usually used in interoperability testing performed manually by testers. Test suite specifications are written by organizations or individuals and break down the testing into modules of test cases that make diagnosis of problems more meaningful to testers. (2) Diagnosis of interoperability problems using search supplemented by consistency inference methods in a CSP context to support explanations of the problem solving behavior. These methods are adapted to the OO-based CSP context. Testers can then generate reports for individual test cases and for test groups from a test suite specification. (3) Detection and debugging of incompleteness and incorrectness in CSP models of interoperability test cases. This is done through the integration of two modes of reasoning, namely CBR and CSP. CBR manages cases that store information about updating models as well as cases that are related to interoperability problems where diagnosis fails to generate a useful explanation. For the latter cases, CBR recalls previous similar useful explanations

    A Conceptual Model of Knowledge Management Practices and Internationalization of SMEs

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    This work aim is to study the relationship between the internationalization of SMEs and Knowledge Management practices. In order to better assimilate the behaviour of these companies, we will focus on their main features as well as the different forms of possible entries to foreign markets. Afterwards, interest will be focused on the role of knowledge in the internationalization process. Through the literature review, it turns out that researchers mainly focus on the perception, the implementation and the transfer of knowledge practices, while neglecting other aspects like identifying, sharing and applying knowledge. For this purpose, we will attempt to conceptualize relations that require more attention in future research. The proposed model can form a basis for future researches in International Business and Knowledge literature

    Cutaneous tuberculosis with an unusual appearance and location

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    Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Its cutaneous form accounts for 2% of all extrapulmonary tuberculosis. We report a case of 30-year-old woman with nodules evolving for two years. Examination showed gums of genital and inguinocrural location, and scrofulous scars. Several diagnoses were discussed including tuberculosis, syphilis, actinomycosis, or cutaneous lymphoma. Skin biopsy revealed an epithelial giganto-cellular granuloma with caseating necrosis; the culture of a cutaneous fragment was positive for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Our case is original and unusual due to the uncommon clinical appearance and location of the nodules grouped in the inguinocrural region. The multiplicity of the clinical forms of cutaneous tuberculosis sometimes makes the diagnosis difficult. Gums and scrofulodermas remain the most frequent forms of cutaneous tuberculosis in Morocco. According to the immuno-anatomo-clinical classification, tuberculous gum is part of the multi-bacillary forms and is seen mostly in immunocompromised patients

    Kaposi of the penis: about a case

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    Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a multicentric angioproliferative disorder of endothelial origin. It predominantly affects mucocutaneous sites but may also affect visceral organs. We are reporting a case of KS with unusual presentation. A 45-year-old male presented violaceous macules on the glans which appeared 3 weeks ago. Otherwise he reported fever and loss weight. Histological examination detected the presence of spindle cells and the positivity for Kaposi-associated Herpes virus-8 confirmed the lesions as Kaposi's sarcoma. Visceral sarcoma lesions were also present in the oesophagus and gastric fundus. HIV viral serology was positive. Treatment with antiretroviral therapy and bleomycine was initiated. Sarcomas of the penis are very uncommon, representing less than 5% of malignant tumors in this area. KS is the most common sarcoma of the penis and the second most common is leiomyosarcoma. Primary presentation of KS on the penis is not common but more often observed in patients with AIDs, whose lesions are the aggressive form, and only approximately 2-3% cases have shown penile KS lesions as first manifestation of disease as our patient. This case is important as it illustrates that disseminated KS was not to be predicted by the number or the external lesions

    Tuberculose multirésistante chez l’enfant: à propos de deux cas

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    La tuberculose multirésistante chez l'enfant est une forme grave de la tuberculose, présentant un problème majeur de santé surtout dans les pays en voie de développement. Nous présentons le cas de deux enfants suivis dans notre formation pour tuberculose multirésistante mis sous schéma thérapeutique de deuxième ligne.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Internationalisation des PME : Entre Chaînes de Valeur Mondiales et commerce électronique

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    A travers cet article, nous tenterons d’exposer les différentes approches théoriques del’internationalisation des PME.En particulier, ce papier vise à présenter les principales approches proposées dans lalittérature, mais également, et à l’ombre des nouveaux comportements des PMEinternationales, de s’interroger sur leur portée.De plus, cette contribution cherche à attirer l’attention sur de nouvelles formesd’internationalisation chez les PME, en l’occurrence la participation aux Chaînes de ValeurMondiales (CVM) et le commerce électronique

    Desarrollo de un sitio web para una empresa

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    Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sitio Web para una empresa que se dedica a vender e instalar productos informáticos (ordenadores, impresoras, discos duros) y productos de vigilancia. El sitio Web sólo ofrecerá información sobre los productos, no es una solución de comercio electrónico donde el cliente pueda realizar sus compras online, esta vía se deja abierta para posibles ampliaciones de funcionalidades.Sqalli Houssaini, Y. (2012). Desarrollo de un sitio web para una empresa. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18176.Archivo delegad

    Un mode révélateur original de la sarcoïdose: syndrome de sweet

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    Le syndrome de Sweet est une dermatose neutrophilique, le plus souvent idiopathique. L'association d'un syndrome de Sweet et d'une sarcoïdose est rare. Nous rapportons le cas clinique d'un syndrome de Sweet révélant une sarcoïdose.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2
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