19 research outputs found

    Divergent Processing of Cell Stress Signals as the Basis of Cancer Progression: Licensing NFκB on Chromatin

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    Inflammation is activated by diverse triggers that induce the expression of cytokines and adhesion molecules, which permit a succession of molecules and cells to deliver stimuli and functions that help the immune system clear the primary cause of tissue damage, whether this is an infection, a tumor, or a trauma. During inflammation, short-term changes in the expression and secretion of strong mediators of inflammation occur, while long-term changes occur to specific groups of cells. Long-term changes include cellular transdifferentiation for some types of cells that need to regenerate damaged tissue, as well as death for specific immune cells that can be detrimental to tissue integrity if they remain active beyond the boundaries of essential function. The transcriptional regulator NFκB enables some of the fundamental gene expression changes during inflammation, as well as during tissue development. During recurrence of malignant disease, cell stress-induced alterations enable the growth of cancer cell clones that are substantially resistant to therapeutic intervention and to the immune system. A number of those alterations occur due to significant defects in feedback signal cascades that control the activity of NFκB. Specifically, cell stress contributes to feedback defects as it overrides modules that otherwise control inflammation to protect host tissue. NFκB is involved in both the suppression and promotion of cancer, and the key distinctive feature that determines its net effect remains unclear. This paper aims to provide a clear answer to at least one aspect of this question, namely the mechanism that enables a divergent response of cancer cells to critical inflammatory stimuli and to cell stress in general

    A Triphenylphosphonium-Functionalized Delivery System for an ATM Kinase Inhibitor That Ameliorates Doxorubicin Resistance in Breast Carcinoma Mammospheres

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    Simple Summary Doxorubicin (DOX) is widely used in the treatment of breast cancer. However, resistance limits its effectiveness. In particular, breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) are associated with DOX resistance. We have previously demonstrated the potential of a polymeric nanocarrier based on a suitably functionalized hyperbranched polyethylenimine that preferentially targets BCSCs. ATM kinase is a key mediator of DNA damage response, so its inhibition has become an attractive therapeutic concept in cancer therapy for the sensitization of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. Herein, we tested the potential of this drug delivery system that encapsulates an ATM inhibitor to target and sensitize mammospheres-considered as a model system of BCSCs-to an anticancer drug, while having a comparably lower cytotoxic effect against bulk tumor cells. The enzyme ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase is a pluripotent signaling mediator which activates cellular responses to genotoxic and metabolic stress. It has been shown that ATM enables the growth of mammalian adenocarcinoma stem cells, and therefore the potential benefits in cancer chemotherapy of a number of ATM inhibitors, such as KU-55933 (KU), are currently being investigated. We assayed the effects of utilizing a triphenylphosphonium-functionalized nanocarrier delivery system for KU on breast cancer cells grown either as a monolayer or in three-dimensional mammospheres. We observed that the encapsulated KU was effective against chemotherapy-resistant mammospheres of breast cancer cells, while having comparably lower cytotoxicity against adherent cells grown as monolayers. We also noted that the encapsulated KU sensitized the mammospheres to the anthracycline drug doxorubicin significantly, while having only a weak effect on adherent breast cancer cells. Our results suggest that triphenylphosphonium-functionalized drug delivery systems that contain encapsulated KU, or compounds with a similar impact, are a useful addition to chemotherapeutic treatment schemes that target proliferating cancers

    Dynamic aberrant NF-κB spurs tumorigenesis: A new model encompassing the microenvironment

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    Recently it was discovered that a transient activation of transcription factor NF-κB can give cells properties essential for invasiveness and cancer initiating potential. In contrast, most oncogenes to date were characterized on the basis of mutations or by their constitutive overexpression. Study of NF-κB actually leads to a far more dynamic perspective on cancer: tumors caused by diverse oncogenes apparently evolve into cancer after loss of feedback regulation for NF-κB. This event alters the cellular phenotype and the expression of hormonal mediators, modifying signals between diverse cell types in a tissue. The result is a disruption of stem cell hierarchy in the tissue, and pervasive changes in the microenvironment and immune response to the malignant cells

    Progress in treatment of viral infections in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    In children, the most commonly encountered type of leukemia is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). An important source of morbidity and mortality in ALL are viral infections. Even though allogeneic transplantations, which are often applied also in ALL, carry a recognized risk for viral infections, there are multiple factors that make ALL patients susceptible to viral infections. The presence of those factors has an influence in the type and severity of infections. Currently available treatment options do not guarantee a positive outcome for every case of viral infection in ALL, without significant side effects. Side effects can have very serious consequences for the ALL patients, which include nephrotoxicity. For this reason a number of strategies for personalized intervention have been already clinically tested, and experimental approaches are being developed. Adoptive immunotherapy, which entails administration of ex vivo grown immune cells to a patient, is a promising approach in general, and for transplant recipients in particular. The ex vivo grown cells are aimed to strengthen the immune response to the virus that has been identified in the patients’ blood and tissue samples. Even though many patients with weakened immune system can benefit from progress in novel approaches, a viral infection still poses a very significant risk for many patients. Therefore, preventive measures and supportive care are very important for ALL patients

    Glucocorticoid and proteasome inhibitor impact on the leukemic lymphoblast: Multiple, diverse signals converging on a few key downstream regulators

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    Twenty years ago a proteasome inhibitor was suggested as therapy for glucocorticoid-resistant multiple myeloma, a disease that involves terminally differentiated B cells. Since then, research has proven that it has utility on a number of tumors resistant to chemotherapy. Hematologic malignancy, however, often involves lesser differentiated cells, which have a high potential to modulate their intrinsic machinery and thereby activate alternative rescue pathways. A corresponding multiplicity of therapies is not always practical. One approach to conditions with heterogeneous physiology is to identify key biochemical mediators, thereby reducing the number of treatment targets. Results from several ongoing studies indicate convergence of genomically diverse signal pathways to a limited number of key downstream regulators of apoptosis. Convergence of pathways can be exploited to address the problem of genetic heterogeneity in acute leukemia: this would mean treating multiple molecular aberrations with fewer drugs and enhanced therapeutic benefit. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Triphenylphosphonium-Functionalized Mitochondriotropic Nanocarrier for Efficient Co-Delivery of Doxorubicin and Chloroquine and Enhanced Antineoplastic Activity

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    Drug delivery systems that target subcellular organelles and, in particular, mitochondria are considered to have great potential in treating disorders that are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, including cancer or neurodegenerative diseases. To this end, a novel hyperbranched mitochondriotropic nanocarrier was developed for the efficient co-delivery of two different (both in chemical and pharmacological terms) bioactive compounds. The carrier is based on hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine) functionalized with triphenylphosphonium groups that forms ~100 nm diameter nanoparticles in aqueous media and can encapsulate doxorubicin (DOX), a well-known anti-cancer drug, and chloroquine (CQ), a known chemosensitizer with arising potential in anticancer medication. The anticancer activity of this system against two aggressive DOX-resistant human prostate adenocarcinoma cell lines and in in vivo animal studies was assessed. The co-administration of encapsulated DOX and CQ leads to improved cell proliferation inhibition at extremely low DOX concentrations (0.25 μΜ). In vivo experiments against DU145 human prostate cancer cells grafted on immunodeficient mice resulted in tumor growth arrest during the three-week administration period and no pervasive side effects. The findings put forward the potential of such targeted low dose combination treatments as a therapeutic scheme with minimal adverse effects

    Chromosome correlation maps of gene expression signatures could provide useful information on gene regulatory mechanisms in urinary bladder cancer

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    <p>Chromosome correlation maps display correlations between gene expression patterns on the same chromosome and are considered of major importance in the understanding of how gene expression is regulated. It has not yet been elucidated based on chromosome correlation, whether gene expression among same chromosomes from different tumor samples is governed by similar patterns; and if it exists we do not know whether it is of linear nature or not. In the present study we used urinary bladder carcinoma as the model of our hypothesis. Following microarray experimentation in combination with raw microarray data extraction from the GEO, we collected a data cohort of 129 bladder cancer and 17 normal samples and performed network analysis for the co-deregulated genes using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). Chromosome mapping, mathematical modeling and data simulations were performed using the WebGestalt and Matlab software. The top deregulated molecules among all bladder cancer samples were implicated in the PI3K/AKT signaling, cell cycle, Myc-mediated apoptosis signaling and ERK5 signaling pathways. Their most prominent molecular and cellular functions were related to cell cycle, cell death, gene expression, molecular transport and cellular growth and proliferation. Chromosome correlation maps allowed us to detect significantly co-expressed genes along the chromosomes. We identified strong correlations among tumors of Tα-grade 1, as well as for those of Tα-grade 2, in chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 7, 12 and 19. Chromosomal domains of gene co-expression were revealed for the normal tissues, as well. The expression data were further simulated, exhibiting an excellent fit (0.7</p