331 research outputs found

    Fruits of our labour: Work and organisation in the global food system

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record.This is the first special issue of any organisation studies journal on food labour. Why is this a big deal? In this Introduction, we argue that the field should pay much more attention to the agri-food system and the work that goes into producing, distributing and consuming foodstuff. Food is such an all-important, basic ingredient to human existence, incorporating a vast web of organisational processes that are constantly changing, being contested at all scales. Whether subsistence peasants, new-age community foodies, massive food logistics companies, Deliveroo dark kitchens or Uber Eats cyclists – there is a huge amount of labour everywhere in the agri-food system. Food labour is so vast, this special issue can only begin lifting the lid. In this Introduction, we provide an overview of the current scholarly work on food labour. We identify some of the historical contexts and struggles that have led to the agri-food system in existence today. We identify food labour types, particularly focusing on those that are vanishing or emerging, crucially asking why these transitions are taking place. We also engage with the various resistances expressed by people against the ever globalising agri-food system, outlining logics for the emergence of alternative food movements. Finally, we introduce each of the seven papers collated in this Special Issue, all of which, we hope, will provide food for thought to all of us who tend to have three meals a day without thinking too much about the labour that goes into our grub.Economic and Social Research Counci

    Connecting diverse knowledge systems for enhanced ecosystem governance: The multiple evidence base approach

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    Indigenous and local knowledge systems aswell as practitioners’ knowledge can provide valid anduseful knowledge to enhance our understanding of governanceof biodiversity and ecosystems for human wellbeing.There is, therefore, a great need within emergingglobal assessment programs, such as the IPBES and otherinternational efforts, to develop functioning mechanismsfor legitimate, transparent, and constructive ways of creatingsynergies across knowledge systems. We present themultiple evidence base (MEB) as an approach that proposesparallels whereby indigenous, local and scientificknowledge systems are viewed to generate differentmanifestations of knowledge, which can generate newinsights and innovations through complementarities. MEBemphasizes that evaluation of knowledge occurs primarilywithin rather than across knowledge systems. MEB on aparticular issue creates an enriched picture of understanding,for triangulation and joint assessment ofknowledge, and a starting point for further knowledgegeneration

    Healthy worker survivor analysis in an occupational cohort study of Dutch agricultural workers

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    OBJECTIVES: High microbial exposures in farmers and agricultural workers are associated with less atopy. Although it has been speculated that healthy worker survival could be an explanation, this has not been studied so far. Therefore, we investigated the presence of healthy worker survival in a five-year follow-up study of an occupational cohort of Dutch farmers and agricultural industry (company) workers. METHODS: We compared baseline demographic characteristics, respiratory health, atopy and endotoxin exposure of 259 workers followed up with 124 workers lost to follow-up. Additionally, baseline health status of 31 participants who had changed to lower exposure jobs at follow-up was compared to those with similar or higher exposure jobs at follow-up. RESULTS: In general, no major healthy worker survival effect was found. Nonetheless, small differences were observed between subjects included in follow-up and those lost to follow-up. Those lost to follow-up were older, had a lower peak expiratory flow, and were less often raised on a farm. Company workers lost to follow-up with a farm childhood had more often self-reported allergy, but this was not observed for subjects with atopic sensitization or other respiratory symptoms. No differences were found for any of the studied characteristics in participants with lower exposure at follow-up compared to participants with similar or higher exposure at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: No major healthy worker survival is present in this organic dust exposed cohort. Differences between participants lost to follow-up and participants included in follow-up with regard to health characteristics are small and unlikely to explain the previously reported inverse associations between endotoxin exposure and atopy

    Introduction: beyond the confinement of affliction: a discursive field of experience

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    Ngoma, a southern African ritual of healing, dance, rhythm and rhyme, is at the heart of social effort to change the fortunes of individuals and communities so that well-being is restored. This collective volume investigates ngoma in its many and culturally diverse manifestations. Contributions: Rijk van Dijk, Ria Reis and Marja Spierenburg (introduction); Henny Blokland (the use of drums in weddings in Unyamwezi, Tanzania, as the key to their use in healing cults and politics); Annette Drews (gender and ngoma among the Kunda of eastern Zambia); Ria Reis (therapeutic ngoma in Swaziland); Marja Spierenburg (the influence of healers' clientele in the Mhondoro territorial cult in Dande, Zimbabwe); Matthew Schoffeleers (rain cults as therapeutic ngoma in the Mbona cult of rural Malawi); Cor Jonker (the politics of therapeutic ngoma as exemplified in the Zionist churches in urban Zambia); Rijk van Dijk (ngoma and born-again fundamentalism in urban Malawi). In the afterword, John M. Janzen takes up critically the challenges to his own work (1992) presented by the contributions in this volume.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Tourism in Africa

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Waarneming effect bodemberoering op de Klaverbank

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    In juni 2017 is de 11e duikexpeditie op de Noordzee georganiseerd, door Stichting Duik de Noordzee Schoon. Op 18 juni werd er een duik gemaakt op het grind- en stenensubstraat van de Klaverbank, op locatie 54.021019 N / 3.165225 O, waterdiepte 38 meter (Bijlage 1 en 2). Van dit gebied is het bekend dat er veel stenen liggen (Leewis et al., 2015). Op de Klaverbank komen op deze natuurlijke harde substraten uitgebreide epifaunagemeenschappen voor, gedomineerd door koudwaterkoralen (dodemansduim)

    Про підготовку навчального посібника з краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України

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    У статті обґрунтовується необхідність підготовки навчального посібника з національного краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України, висвітлено стан його підготовки, концепція та окремі, найбільш важливі і дискусійні аспекти змісту майбутнього посібника.В статье обосновывается необходимость подготовки учебного пособия по национальному краеведению для высших учебных заведений Украины, показана степень его подготовки, концепция и отдельные, наиболее важные и дискуссионные аспекты будущего учебника.In the article the necessity of preparation of the tutorial of local history for higher educational establishments in Ukraine is settled down, the state of its preparation, conception and particular, most essential and debatable aspects of the content of the manual are covered