85 research outputs found

    Mounting Replicas in Stories of Angara Area Residents as Compositional Feature of Oral Narrative

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    Compositional technique, which is regularly found in the oral stories (narratives) of natives and residents of areas of the Angara river, - insert replicas, which are essentially collapsed themes (micro-themes) are considered for the first time. It is noted that insert have a complete composition. It is argued that the appearance of such speech structures is determined by the high importance of designated content for the narrator. The author defines the structure of the narrative as a relatively arbitrary: inset replicas appear in the place of the narrative, which seems appropriate to the speaker. The presence of such micro-thematic inserts allowed the author to assume that the informant, telling about one event or period of his / her life, at the same time implies a general picture of the narrative, that is, correlates the content of the replica with a holistic view of himself in the opposition “part - whole”. For example, as it was shown by the analysis of the collected material, the appearance of insert remarks about the death of relatives (a kind of folded “texts of death”) is dictated not by the logic and the topic of conversation, but by the metha-communicative task of the speaker. The narrator seems to perform mandatory labeling of the main stages of the human life cycle: birth - living - death. The author calls the content of such replicas micro-genealogy, as they are a brief mention of all the family members

    Climatically driven loss of calcium in steppe soil as a sink for atmospheric carbon

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    During the last several thousand years the semi‐arid, cold climate of the Russian steppe formed highly fertile soils rich in organic carbon and calcium (classified as Chernozems in the Russian system). Analysis of archived soil samples collected in Kemannaya Steppe Preserve in 1920, 1947, 1970, and fresh samples collected in 1998 indicated that the native steppe Chernozems, however, lost 17–28 kg m−2 of calcium in the form of carbonates in 1970–1998. Here we demonstrate that the loss of calcium was caused by fundamental shift in the steppe hydrologic balance. Previously unleached soils where precipitation was less than potential evapotranspiration are now being leached due to increased precipitation and, possibly, due to decreased actual evapotranspiration. Because this region receives low levels of acidic deposition, the dissolution of carbonates involves the consumption of atmospheric CO2. Our estimates indicate that this climatically driven terrestrial sink of atmospheric CO2 is ∼2.1–7.4 g C m−2 a−1. In addition to the net sink of atmospheric carbon, leaching of pedogenic carbonates significantly amplified seasonal amplitude of CO2 exchange between atmosphere and steppe soil

    Automation of the process of cell counting in camera Goryaeva

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    This study describes the operation of the program, allowing automating the process of counting cells in Goryaeva chamber. The purpose of this study is to facilitate and improve the accuracy of laboratory analysis methods. Program is made in the software package MA TLAB Version 9.1. It can lead to significant time savings of counting cellsСтатья посвящена актуальной на сегодняшний день проблеме автоматизации трудоемких процессов, с целью облегчения и повышения точности выполнения. В данной статье описана работа программы, позволяющей автоматизировать процесс подсчета клеток в камере Горяева, что приводит к значительной экономии времен

    Room temperature coexistence of large electric polarization and magnetic order in BiFeO3 single crystals

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    From an experimental point of view, room temperature ferroelectricity in BiFeO3 is raising many questions. Electric measurements made a long time ago on solid-solutions of BiFeO3 with Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 indicate that a spontaneous electric polarization exists in BiFeO3 below the Curie temperature TC=1143K. Yet in most reported works, the synthesised samples are too conductive at room temperature to get a clear polarization loop in the bulk without any effects of extrinsic physical or chemical parameters. Surprisingly, up to now there has been no report of a P(E) (polarization versus electric field) loop at room temperature on single crystals of BiFeO3. We describe here our procedure to synthesize ceramics and to grow good quality sizeable single crystals by a flux method. We demonstrate that BiFeO3 is indeed ferroelectric at room-temperature through evidence by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and P(E) loops. The polarization is found to be large, around 60 microC/cm2, a value that has only been reached in thin films. Magnetic measurements using a SQUID magnetometer and Mossbauer spectroscopy are also presented. The latter confirms the results of NMR measurements concerning the anisotropy of the hyperfine field attributed to the magnetic cycloidal structure.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Delivery and reveal of localization of upconversion luminescent microparticles and quantum dots in the skin in vivo by fractional laser microablation, multimodal imaging, and optical clearing

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    Delivery and spatial localization of upconversion luminescent microparticles [Y 2 O 3 ;Yb, Er] (mean size ~1.6 μm) and quantum dots (QDs) (CuInS 2 ZnS nanoparticles coated with polyethylene glycol-based amphiphilic polymer, mean size ~20 nm) inside rat skin was studied in vivo using a multimodal optical imaging approach. The particles were embedded into the skin dermis to the depth from 300 to 500 μm through microchannels performed by fractional laser microablation. Low-frequency ultrasound was applied to enhance penetration of the particles into the skin. Visualization of the particles was revealed using a combination of luminescent spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, confocal microscopy, and histochemical analysis. Optical clearing was used to enhance the image contrast of the luminescent signal from the particles. It was demonstrated that the penetration depth of particles depends on their size, resulting in a different detection time interval (days) of the luminescent signal from microparticles and QDs inside the rat skin in vivo. We show that luminescent signal from the upconversion microparticles and QDs was detected after the particle delivery into the rat skin in vivo during eighth and fourth days, respectively. We hypothesize that the upconversion microparticles have created a long-time depot localized in the laser-created channels, as the QDs spread over the surrounding tissues

    КТ-диагностика последствий COVID-19 поражения легких

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    Introduction. The possible formation of persistent residual changes in the lung after a COVID-19 began to be reported after the first wave of the pandemic, but their extent and prevalence have not been fully assessed.Purpose of the study. Evaluate CT patterns of residual changes in COVID-19 lung lesions. Materials and methods. We analyzed the clinical and radiation data of 868 patients (f/m — 441/427) who underwent COVID-19 and were observed in the clinics of First St.-Petersburg State Medical University n.a. academician I.  P. Pavlov since 2020 until 2021. The average age of the patients was 33,4±17,2 years. All patients underwent high-resolution computed tomography in dynamics — after 6 months or more. Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistika 16.0 software/statistical package.Results. Analysis of the results of CT examination revealed the following patterns of residual changes after a new coronavirus infection: ILAs (interstitial lung abnormalities) in 0,7%, the formation of fibrotic changes (NsIP, OIP) in 0,2% of patients, CT signs of constrictive bronchiolitis in 0,3% of patients, CT signs of persistence in 0,1% of patients, CT signs of the formation of pulmonary hypertension, identified in 0.3% of patients.Conclusions. CT allows to identify a variety of residual changes in COVID-19 lung lesions, which is important for assessing the prognosis of the disease and the tactics of its treatment. Введение. О возможном формировании стойких остаточных изменений в легочной ткани после перенесенного COVID-19 поражения начали сообщать уже после первой волны пандемии, однако их степень и распространенность оценены не полностью.Цель исследования: оценить особенности КТ-картины после перенесенного COVID-19 поражения легких.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы клинико-лучевые данные 868 больных (441 женщины и 427 мужчин), перенесших COVID-19 и наблюдавшихся в клиниках ПСПбГМУ им. акад. И. П. Павлова с 2020 по 2021 г. Средний возраст больных составлял 33,4±17,2 года. Всем пациентам была выполнена высокоразрешающая компьютерная томография в динамике — через 6 месяцев и более. При статистической обработке данных использовали программу/статистический пакет Statistiсa 16.0.Результаты. Анализ результатов КТ-обследования выявил следующие паттерны остаточных изменений после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции: минимальные интерстициальные изменения — у 0,7% больных, формирование фиброзных изменений (неспецифической интерстициальной пневмонии, обычной интерстициальной пневмонии) — у 0,2% пациентов, КТпризнаки констриктивного бронхиолита  — у  0,3% пациентов, КТ-признаки персистенции COVID-19 поражения легких  — у 0,1% пациентов, КТ-признаки формирования легочной гипертензии — у 0,3% пациентов.Заключение. КТ позволяет выявить разнообразные последствия перенесенного COVID-19 поражения легких, что важно для оценки прогноза заболевания и тактики его лечения.


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    The article considers the role of magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and radionuclide methods of investigation to assess the prediction of favorable and unfavorable outcomes of current rheumatoid arthritis with pulmonary involvement.В статье освещена роль магнитно-резонансного, компьютерно-томографического и радионуклидного методов исследования в оценке прогнозирования благоприятных и неблагоприятных исходов течения ревматоидного артрита с поражением легких

    Математико-статистическая оценка персистирующих возбудителей как факторов риска внебольничной пневмонии и острого бронхита у детей

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between infection with “persistent” agents of children and the possibility of the development of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract such as community-acquired pneumonia and acute bronchitis on the basis of risk management concepts.Materials and methods. 701 children in age from 15 days to 16 years were examined in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region with clinically and radiologically confirmed diagnosis: community-acquired pneumonia, acute bronchitis. This study was performed in the period from 2005 to 2014. The control group consisted of 127 healthy children of different ages. The detection of M. pneumoniae, Сytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex I/II C. pneumoniae was performed by PCR. The concept of risk determination was based on the determination of the absolute risk in the exposed and the no exposed groups, attributable risk, relative risk, the population attributable risk, as well as determining the standard errors for each type of risk and confidence interval.Results. Attributable risk, relative risk, population-attributable risk are statistically significant figures. Attributable risk of development of community-acquired pneumonia was 29,26%; 27,37%; 25,70%; 20,21% for the M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae, CMV, HSV I / II respectively. The relative risk was 1,43 for the M. pneumoniae; 1,38 – for C. pneumoniae and CMV; 1,28- for HSV I / II. The presence of persistent pathogens is resulting in increased incidence of communityacquired pneumonia throughout the population (population attributable risk): 4,75% for M. pneumoniae, 0,23% for C. pneumoniae, 5,59% for the CMV and 1,08% for the HSV I/II. Similar calculations were performed for patients with acute bronchitis. The statistical analysis allowed to exclude C. pneumoniae and HSV I / II of the risk factors for communityacquired pneumonia and acute bronchitis.Conclusion. The findings suggest the influence of M. pneumoniae and CMV in the development of communityacquired pneumonia and acute bronchitis in children. C. pneumoniae, and HSV I / II do not play a statistically significant role in the overall landscape of etiologic agents of community-acquired pneumonia and acute bronchitis.Целью данного исследования явилось определение связи между инфицированностью «персистирующими» возбудителями детей и возможностью развития воспалительных заболеваний респираторного тракта, таких как внебольничная пневмония и острый бронхит на основании концепции факторов рисков.Материалы и методы. В период с 2005 по 2014 г. обследован 701 ребенок из г. Нижнего Новгорода и Нижегородской области в возрасте от 15 дней до 16 лет с рентгенологически и клинически подтвержденными диагнозами: внебольничная пневмония, острый бронхит. Контрольную группу составили 127 практически здоровых детей разных возрастов. Детекцию M. pneumoniae, Сytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex I/II C. pneumoniae осуществляли методом ПЦР. Концепция определения рисков строилась на определении абсолютного риска в экспонируемой и не экспонируемой группах, атрибутивного риска, относительного риска, популяционного атрибутивного риска, а также на определении стандартных ошибок для каждого вида риска и доверительного интервала.Результаты. Статистически значимыми показателями являются атрибутивный риск, относительный риск, популяционный атрибутивный риск. Атрибутивный риск развития внебольничной пневмонии составил 29,26%; 27,37%; 25,70%; 20,21% для M. pneumoniae, С. pneumoniae, CMV, HSV I/II соот- ветственно. Относительный риск составил 1,43 для M. pneumoniae; 1,38 – для С. pneumoniae и для CMV; 1,28 – для HSV I/II. Наличие персистирующих возбудителей приводит к увеличению заболеваемости внебольничной пневмонией по всей популяции (популяционный атрибутивный риск): на 4,75% для M. pneumoniae, 0,23% для С. pneumoniae, 5,59% для CMV и 1,08% для HSV I/II. Аналогичные расчеты были проведены для пациентов с острым бронхитом. Проведенный статистический анализ позволил исключить С. pneumoniae и HSV I/II из факторов риска развития внебольничной пневмонии и острого бронхита.Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют говорить о влиянии M. pneumoniae и CMV на развитие внебольничной пневмонии и острого бронхита у детей. С. pneumoniae и HSV I/II не играют статистически важной роли в общем пейзаже этиологических агентов внебольничной пневмонии и острого бронхита