47 research outputs found

    <i>Acarinina multicamerata</i> n. sp. (Foraminifera): a new marker for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum

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    During the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), low to mid-latitude planktic foraminiferal assemblages were characterized by blooms of the surface-dwelling Acarinina. Among this group a new ‘excursion taxon’ is identified, Acarinina multicamerata n. sp. Previously, this taxon was lumped together with Acarinina sibaiyaensis El-Naggar. Considering that A. sibaiyaensis already occurred prior to the hyperthermal event, both in open ocean and ocean margin deposits, it is proposed that these taxa are differentiated in order to avoid taxonomic and biostratigraphic ambiguities. Acarinina multicamerata n. sp. occurred exclusively during the PETM, hence this taxon represents an excellent biostratigraphic marker of the PETM, while its common occurrence in various marine settings makes it an excellent marker of Subzone P5b or its new equivalent zone E1

    Decline of coral reefs during late Paleocene to early Eocene global warming

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    Since the 1980s the frequency of warming events has intensified and simultaneously widespread coral bleaching, and enhanced coral mortality have been observed. Yet, it remains unpredictable how tropical coral reef communities will react to prolonged adverse conditions. Possibly, coral reef systems are sufficiently robust to withstand continued environmental pressures. But if coral mortality increases, what will platform communities of the future look like? The co-evolution of early Paleogene carbonate platforms and palaeoclimate may provide insight. Here we document the impact of early Paleogene global warming on shallow-water carbonate platforms in the Tethys. Between 59 and 55 Ma, three discrete stages in platform development can be identified Tethys-wide: during the first stage carbonate platforms mainly consisted of coralgal reefs; during the second – transitional – stage coralgal reefs thrived only at middle latitudes and gave way to larger foraminifera as dominant carbonate producer in low latitudes; finally, during the third stage, newly developing larger foraminifera lineages completely took over the role as main carbonate-producing organisms in low to middle latitudes. We postulate that rising temperatures led to a stepwise demise of Paleocene coral reefs, giving way to an unprecedented expansion of larger foraminifera, dominating Tethyan platforms during the early Eocene

    Late Paleocene–early Eocene Tethyan carbonate platform evolution — A response to long- and short-term paleoclimatic change

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    The early Paleogene experienced the most pronounced long-term warming trend of the Cenozoic, superimposed by transient warming events such as the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). The consequences of climatic perturbations and associated changes on the evolution of carbonate platforms are relatively unexplored. Today, modern carbonate platforms, especially coral reefs are highly sensitive to environmental and climatic change, which raises the question how (sub)tropical reef systems of the early Paleogene reacted to gradual and sudden global warming, eutrophication of shelf areas, enhanced CO2 levels in an ocean with low Mg/Ca ratios. The answer to this question may help to investigate the fate of modern coral reef systems in times of global warming and rising CO2 levels.Here we present a synthesis of Tethyan carbonate platform evolution in the early Paleogene (~59–55 Ma) concentrating on coral reefs and larger foraminifera, two important organism groups during this time interval. We discuss and evaluate the importance of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors leading to the dissimilar evolution of both groups during the early Paleogene. Detailed analyses of two carbonate platform areas at low (Egypt) and middle (Spain) paleolatitudes and comparison with faunal patterns of coeval platforms retrieved from the literature led to the distinction of three evolutionary stages in the late Paleocene to early Eocene Tethys: Stage I, late Paleocene coralgal-dominated platforms at low to middle paleolatitudes; stage II, a transitional latest Paleocene platform stage with coralgal reefs dominating at middle paleolatitudes and larger foraminifera-dominated (Miscellanea, Ranikothalia, Assilina) platforms at low paleolatitudes; and stage III, early Eocene larger foraminifera-dominated (Alveolina, Orbitolites, Nummulites) platforms at low to middle paleolatitudes. The onset of the latter prominent larger foraminifera-dominated platform correlates with the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum.The causes for the change from coral-dominated platforms to larger foraminifera-dominated platforms are multilayered. The decline of coralgal reefs in low latitudes during platform stage II is related to overall warming, leading to sea-surface temperatures in the tropics beyond the maximum temperature range of corals. The overall low occurrence of coral reefs in the Paleogene might be related to the presence of a calcite sea. At the same time larger foraminifera started to flourish after their near extinction at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary. The demise of coralgal reefs at all studied paleolatitudes in platform stage III can be founded on the effects of the PETM, resulting in short-term warming, eutrophic conditions on the shelves and acidification of the oceans, hampering the growth of aragonitic corals, while calcitic larger foraminifera flourished. In the absence of other successful carbonate-producing organisms, larger foraminifera were able to take over the role as the dominant carbonate platform inhabitant, leading to a stepwise Tethyan platform stage evolution around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. This szenario might be also effective for threatened coral reef sites

    Biostratigraphy of the Danian/Selandian transition in the southern Tethys. Special reference to the Lowest Occurrence of planktic foraminifera Igorina albeari

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    The P3a/P3b subzonal boundary is delineated by the lowest occurrence of Igorina albeari. Using literature, identification of the first representatives of I. albeari appeared to be very confusing. In this study descriptions of I. albeari are compared and a consistent definition is proposed. Igorinid specimens with an incipient keel are considered to be I. albeari. Flattening of the last chambers and the fusion of muricae on the peripheral margin may indicate such a slight keel. This keel enables an unambiguous distinction between I. pusilla and the first form of I. albeari and is in keeping with the original descriptions without introducing an intermediate species. In the southern Tethys, the lowest occurrence of I. albeari occurs just prior to the pinkish-brown marl bed in Egypt and immediately overlies the glauconitic bed in Tunisia. Furthermore, the NTp7A/NTp7B subzonal boundary, delineated by the lowest occurrence of Chiasmolithus edentulus, is in close correlation with these marker beds. In Egypt C. edentulus appears 1 m below the entry of I. albeari, whereas in Tunisia they coappear. This implies significant erosion at the glauconitic bed in the studied parts of the Tunisian Trough and a more complete succession at the dark-brown marl bed in the Nile Valley. These marker beds can also be correlated to a level of minor lithologic change in the upper part of the Danian Limestone Formation in the Zumaia section through the lowest occurrence of Chiasmolithus edentulus. The distinct lithologic change in Zumaia, from the Danian Limestone to the Itzurun Formation, however, appears to be ~600 kyr younger than what we now call upper Danian event beds, in Tunisia and Egypt

    Differential response at the seafloor during Palaeocene and Eocene ocean warming events at Walvis Ridge, Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1262)

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    The Latest Danian Event (LDE, c. 62.1 Ma) is an early Palaeogene hyperthermal or transient (&lt;200 ka) ocean warming event. We present the first deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunal record to study deep-sea biotic changes together with new benthic (Nuttallides truempyi) stable isotope data from Walvis Ridge Site 1262 (Atlantic Ocean) to evaluate whether the LDE was controlled by similar processes as the minor early Eocene hyperthermals. The spacing of the double negative δ13C and δ18O excursion and the slope of the δ18O–δ13C regression are comparable, strongly suggesting a similar orbital control and pacing of eccentricity maxima as well as a rather homogeneous carbon pool. However, in contrast to early Eocene hyperthermals, the LDE exhibits a remarkable stability of the benthic foraminiferal fauna. This lack of benthic response could be related to the absence of threshold-related circulation changes or better pre-adaptation to elevated deep-sea temperatures, as the LDE was superimposed on a cooling trend, in contrast to early Eocene warming

    Assessing paleotemperature and seasonality during the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) in the Belgian basin by means of fish otolith stable O and C isotopes

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    The Paleogene greenhouse world comprises variable paleoclimate conditions providing an indispensable deep-time perspective for the possible effects of human-induced climate change. In this paper, paleotemperature data of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO) from the mid-latitude marginal marine Belgian Basin are discussed. They are derived from fish otolith d18O compositions of four non-migratory species belonging to the families Congridae and Ophidiidae. Otoliths from several levels and localities within the middle to late Ypresian were selected. After manual polishing, bulk and incremental microsamples were drilled and analyzed by a mass spectrometer. A cross-plot of bulk otolith d18O vs. d13C results shows a discrepancy between both families used. Ophidiid data probably represent true bottom water temperatures of the Belgian Basin. The mean annual temperature (MAT) of the EECO is calculated at 27.5 °C, which is in line with other proxy results. However, variations in MAT up to 6 °C occur, suggesting a pronounced expression of climate variability in mid-latitude marginal basins. Incremental analyses revealed a ~9.5 °C mean annual range of temperatures, similar to modern seasonality. These results show that marginal marine environments such as the Belgian Basin are well suited to infer high-resolution paleoclimate variability

    Response of marine ecosystems to deep-time global warming: a synthesis of biotic patterns across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM)

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    This paper provides a synthesis of the long- and short-term response of various marine ecosystems (deep oceans, pelagic, politic shelves and carbonate platforms) to the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) and its broader paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic context. Despite the severity and sudden onset of global warming the PETM is not marked by a mass extinction event. The only major extinction is among bathyal to abyssal calcareous benthic foraminifera, including some calcareous agglutinated taxa. Coexisting non-calcareous deep water agglutinated foraminifera, ostracodes and trace fossils show prominent changes in composition, population structure and biodiversity, but there is no clear evidence of global extinctions. Except for the deep-sea calcareous benthic foraminiferal record, the PETM is best classified as a migration and origination event and was instrumental in kick-starting various short- and long-term evolutionary innovations in marine microfossil lineages. In pelagic and shallow shelf ecosystems, migration and origination during and after the PETM appears to precede extinction in the aftermath of the PETM. The response of most marine invertebrates (mollusks, echinoderms, brachiopods) to paleoclimatic and associated environmental changes (e.g., acidification, deoxygenation) during the PETM is virtually unknown as continuous high-resolution data of these groups spanning the PETM are unexplored and possibly not or hardly preserved. Yet information on these groups is required in order to improve assessments of the value of biotic records to deep-time global warming in the context of current climate change. In contrast, the relatively well-established response of Tethyan reef systems to late Paleocene-early Eocene global warming may provide a potential analog to a – possibly bleak - future of present-day coral reefs

    Reconstruction of a latest Paleocene shallow-marine eutrophic paleoenvironment at Sidi Nasseur (Central Tunisia) based on foraminifera, ostracoda, calcareous nannofossils and stable isotopes (d13C, d18O)

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    In order to unravel faunal and paleoenvironmental parameters in shallow marine settings prior to the Paleocene- Eocene thermal maximum, we investigated the Sidi Nasseur section (NAS) in Central Tunisia. This section exposes Paleocene to lower Eocene shales and marls of the El Haria Formation. The uppermost Paleocene part of the Sidi Nasseur section is marked by poor to moderately rich, but fairly diversified nannofossil associations, containing the typical latest Paleocene taxa of the top of NP9a. The ostracode record displays an almost continuous record in the uppermost Paleocene part of the section. Representatives of Aegyptiana, Paracosta, Reticulina and Reymenticosta make up the major part of the ostracode fauna. The benthic foraminiferal assemblage consists of numerous small calcareous benthic foraminifera, like Anomalinoides midwayensis and Lenticulina spp. and many large Frondicularia phosphatica, Pyramidulina spp. These, together with the non-calcareous agglutinated foraminifera and the rare planktic foraminifera, indicate an inner neritic to coastal environment with eutrophic conditions, regularly interrupted by oxygen deficiency. The dominance of non-calcareous benthic foraminifera between intervals with abundant calcareous benthic foraminifera suggests post-mortem dissolution. The foraminiferal d13C record (based upon Pyramidulina latejugata) of the latest Paleocene in the Sidi Nasseur area is very similar to these from coeval sediments at Gebel Duwi and Gebel Aweina in Egypt. Oxygen isotopic ratios indicate a marine setting with a water composition affected by evaporation. During the latest Paleocene, the highly productive shallow water environment evolved to shallower water depths with higher salinity and increasing dominance of A. midwayensis

    Intra- and intertaxon stable O and C isotope variability of fossil fish otoliths: an early Eocene test case

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    Knowledge of basic data variability is essential for the interpretation of any proxy-based paleotemperature record. To evaluate this for d18O stable isotope paleothermometry based on early Paleogene fish otoliths from marginal marine environments, an intra- and interspecific stable O and C isotope study was performed at a single locality in the southern North Sea Basin (Ampe Quarry, Egem, Belgium), where shallow marine sands and silts are exposed. The age of the deposits is early late Ypresian (ca. 50.9 Ma) and falls within the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) interval. In each of four fossiliferous levels sampled, the same three otolith species were analyzed (Platycephalus janeti, Paraconger papointi and “genus Neobythitinorum” subregularis). Intrataxon stable isotope spread amounts on average 2.50-3.00‰ for all taxa and is present in all levels. This implies that each sample level comprises substantial variability, which can be attributed to a combination of temporal and taphonomic effects. More importantly, intertaxon offsets of 4.60‰ in d13C and 2.20‰ in d18O between the mean values of the three otolith species are found, with “N.” subregularis representing more positive values relative to the other species. We hypothesize that freshwater influence of coastal waters is the most likely cause for these discrepancies. Similar analyses on two coastal bivalve species (Venericardia sulcata and Callista laevigata) corroborate this hypothesis. Accordingly, d18O values measured on “N.” subregularis otoliths probably represent a more open oceanic signal, and therefore seem well-suited for d18O stable isotope paleothermometry. This study highlights the importance of investigating data variability of a biogenic carbonate paleotemperature proxy at the species level, before applying paleotemperature equations and interpreting the outcome