1,426 research outputs found

    Kitchen-Sink Enlightenment: A Review of “Grace for Amateurs”

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    Excerpt: Here’s an honest admission: Several times while reading Lily Burana’s new book Grace for Amateurs: Field Notes on a Journey Back to Faith, I consulted the copyright page, confirming again that Grace for Amateurs was really published by Thomas Nelson, the notoriously evangelical (and, in my mind, notoriously traditional) press. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that Thomas Nelson asked another writer to remove the word “vagina” from her book, well aware that Christian readers would balk at language so closely associated with women and S-E-X. Would this same publisher be willing to support a memoir as edgy and progressive as Burana’s

    New Synthetic Tools in the Pyridine, Quinoline and Other Nitrogen-Heterocyclic Series

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    The halogen-metal interconversion reaction now makes possible the preparation of hitherto difficultly or completely inaccessible organolithium compounds from the corresponding bromo- or iodo-nuclear substituted nitrogen heterocycles by means of other organolithium compounds like n-propyllithium and n-butyllithium : C5H4NBr +n-C4H9Li ( 3-bromopyridine) → C5H4NLi +n-C4H9Br ( 3-pyridyllithium). These organolithium compounds of the nitrogen heterocycles are of a relatively high order of reactivity with other functional groups. Some of the types reported on in the pyridine series are: 1. 3-pyridyllithium in 70 per cent yield from 3-bromopyridine and n-butyllithium, 2. 3-quinolyllithium in 52 per cent yield from 3-bromopyridine, 3. 5-bromo-3-pyridyllithium in 41 per cent yield from 3, 5-dibromopyridine and slightly more than two equivalents of n-butyllithium. In the carbazole series, some of the organolithium compounds rep0rted are: 1. N-ethyl-2, 8-dilithiocarbazole in 84-91 per cent yield from N-ethyl-2, 8-dibromocarbazole, and in 79-92 per cent yield from the corresponding di-iodo-compound. 2. N-ethyl-2-lithiocarbazole 1 from the corresponding iodocarbazole in 68 per cent yield

    Palladium nanoparticles by electrospinning from poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid)-PdCl2 solutions. Relations between preparation conditions, particle size, and catalytic activity

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    Catalytic palladium (Pd) nanoparticles on electrospun copolymers of acrylonitrile and acrylic acid (PAN-AA) mats were produced via reduction of PdCl2 with hydrazine. Fiber mats were electrospun from homogeneous solutions of PAN-AA and PdCl2 in dimethylformamide (DMF). Pd cations were reduced to Pd metals when fiber mats were treated in an aqueous hydrazine solution at room temperature. Pd atoms nucleate and form small crystallites whose sizes were estimated from the peak broadening of X-ray diffraction peaks. Two to four crystallites adhere together and form agglomerates. Agglomerate sizes and fiber diameters were determined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Spherical Pd nanoparticles were dispersed homogeneously on the electrospun nanofibers. The effects of copolymer composition and amount of PdCl2 on particle size were investigated. Pd particle size mainly depends on the amount of acrylic acid functional groups and PdCl2 concentration in the spinning solution. Increasing acrylic acid concentration on polymer chains leads to larger Pd nanoparticles. In addition, Pd particle size becomes larger with increasing PdCl2 concentration in the spinning solution. Hence, it is possible to tune the number density and the size of metal nanoparticles. The catalytic activity of the Pd nanoparticles in electrospun mats was determined by selective hydrogenation of dehydrolinalool (3,7-dimethyloct-6- ene-1-yne-3-ol, DHL) in toluene at 90 °C. Electrospun fibers with Pd particles have 4.5 times higher catalytic activity than the current Pd/Al2O3 catalyst

    Biomarkers in melanoma

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    Biomarkers are tumour- or host-related factors that correlate with tumour biological behaviour and patient prognosis. High-throughput analytical techniques--DNA and RNA microarrays--have identified numerous possible biomarkers, but their relevance to melanoma progression, clinical outcome and the selection of optimal treatment strategies still needs to be established. The review discusses a possible molecular basis for predictive tissue biomarkers such as melanoma thickness, ulceration and mitotic activity, and provides a list of promising new biomarkers identified from tissue microarrays that needs confirmation by independent, prospectively collected clinical data sets. In addition, common predictive serum biomarkers--lactate dehydrogenase, S100B and melanoma-inhibiting activity--as well as selected investigational serum biomarkers such as TA90IC and YKL-40 are also reviewed. A more accurate, therapeutically predictive classification of human melanomas and selection of patient populations that would profit from therapeutic interventions are among the major challenges expected to be addressed in the futur

    Biomarkers in melanoma

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    Biomarkers are tumour- or host-related factors that correlate with tumour biological behaviour and patient prognosis. High-throughput analytical techniques—DNA and RNA microarrays—have identified numerous possible biomarkers, but their relevance to melanoma progression, clinical outcome and the selection of optimal treatment strategies still needs to be established. The review discusses a possible molecular basis for predictive tissue biomarkers such as melanoma thickness, ulceration and mitotic activity, and provides a list of promising new biomarkers identified from tissue microarrays that needs confirmation by independent, prospectively collected clinical data sets. In addition, common predictive serum biomarkers—lactate dehydrogenase, S100B and melanoma-inhibiting activity—as well as selected investigational serum biomarkers such as TA90IC and YKL-40 are also reviewed. A more accurate, therapeutically predictive classification of human melanomas and selection of patient populations that would profit from therapeutic interventions are among the major challenges expected to be addressed in the future

    Sampling Local Fungal Diversity in an Undergraduate Laboratory using DNA Barcoding

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    Traditional methods for fungal species identification require diagnostic morphological characters and are often limited by the availability of fresh fruiting bodies and local identification resources. DNA barcoding offers an additional method of species identification and is rapidly developing as a critical tool in fungal taxonomy. As an exercise in an undergraduate biology course, we identified 9 specimens collected from the Hendrix College campus in Conway, Arkansas, USA to the genus or species level using morphology. We report that DNA barcoding targeting the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region supported several of our taxonomic determinations and we were able to contribute 5 ITS sequences to GenBank that were supported by vouchered collection information. We suggest that small-scale barcoding projects are possible and that they have value for documenting fungal diversity

    Роль хемокинов в рекрутировании клеток-предшественников в опухолевую нишу при раке молочной железы

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    Развитие первичной опухоли сопровождается формированием опухолевой ниши, котораясоздает благоприятные условия для выживания и пролиферации раковых клеток. Одним из ключевых элементов эволюции опухолевой ниши является рекрутирование костномозговых клеток-предшественников, включая клетки-предшественники макрофагов, мезенхимальные столовые клетки, эндотелиальные и гемопоэтические клетки-предшественники. Миграция упомянутых клеток в опухоль регулируется рядом хемокинов, в том числе CCL2, CXCL12, MSP (macrophage stimulating protein) и MIF (macrophage inhibitory factor). Целью настоящего исследования являлось изучение параметров опухолевой ниши при раке молочной железы. Исследование включало 24 больных с инвазивной карциномой неспецифического типа молочной железы. В суспензии опухолевых клеток методом проточной цитофлюориметрии определяли содержание клеток-предшественников. Концентрацию хемокинов CCL2, CXCL12, MSP и MIF в венозной крови больных оценивали с помощью твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Достоверных различий в содержании исследованных клеточных популяций, а также концентрации изученных хемокинов между пациентами, разделенными на группы взависимости от наличия или отсутствия лимфогенных метастазов и неоадъювантного лечения, обнаружено не было. В то же время, установлена прямая корреляционная связь между содержанием гемопоэтических клеток-предшественников в опухоли и концентрацией CXCL12 и MIF в крови

    Moving lessons: teaching sociology through embodied learning in the HE classroom

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    This chapter outlines an approach to classroom teaching that makes use of physical movement alongside more traditional lecturing methods when delivering lessons on abstract theoretical material. It develops the notion of embodied learning as a 'physical metaphor', outlining some examples of this practice that we have used in our recent work with a class of first year undergraduates. We argue that conceptualising students as embodied subjects, whose capacity to learn extends through and beyond their physical selves, educators are able to enhance classroom delivery by diversifying teaching activities and creating opportunities for enjoyable and memorable learning experiences. We advocate the reflexive, contextually-sensitive and level- appropriate use of this method, arguing that despite some limitations it can animate students' understanding of academic ideas in uniquely personalised ways

    Dual-Acting Small Molecules: Subtype-Selective Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Agonist/Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitor Hybrids Show Neuroprotection in an Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model.

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    We present the synthesis and characterization of merged human butyrylcholinesterase (hBChE) inhibitor/cannabinoid receptor 2 (hCB2R) ligands for the treatment of neurodegeneration. In total, 15 benzimidazole carbamates were synthesized and tested for their inhibition of human cholinesterases, also with regard to their pseudoirreversible binding mode and affinity toward both cannabinoid receptors in radioligand binding studies. After evaluation in a calcium mobilization assay as well as a β-arrestin 2 (βarr2) recruitment assay, two compounds with balanced activities on both targets were tested for their immunomodulatory effect on microglia activation and regarding their pharmacokinetic properties and blood-brain barrier penetration. Compound 15d, containing a dimethyl carbamate motif, was further evaluated in vivo, showing prevention of Aβ25-35-induced learning impairments in a pharmacological mouse model of Alzheimer's disease for both short- and long-term memory responses. Additional combination studies proved a synergic effect of BChE inhibition and CB2R activation in vivo