42 research outputs found


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    Acne is a polyetiological chronic disease of pilosebaceous units that affects 80% to 90% of teenagers and adolescents. It is manifested as mild, moderate, or severe form. Since adolescence is time of psychological, emotional and social personality development, the appearance of acne, most frequently on face, demands long-term treatment, significantly affects psychologic and emotional state, creating the feeling of being marked and leading to depression, anxiety, social isolation and negative effect on the quality of life. Timely education, with general information on the causes, duration of the disease and adequate treatment can significantly affect patientsā€™ relation to the disease and reduction of psycho-social problems. The analysis included 220, 39 (55%) males and 60 (45%) females, 14 to 30 years of age (or more), most frequently 16 to 20 years old with moderate form of the disease. Therapy was applied according to valid protocols. Each patient was given full attention with the explanation of the nature and course of the disease. The largest number of patients had the expected results, which was mutually appreciated. It was concluded that individual approach and cooperation during the treatment of each patient were necessary

    Determination of the development stage of erythrocytes in the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) using different classification methods.

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    Fish erythrocytes released from erythropoietic sites are immature. During circulation they increase their own surface while the cell body and nuclei begin to become more elliptical and less spherical during maturaration. The relative abundance of different developmental stages represents an erythron profile which could be a more sensitive indicator of contamination than classic hematological indices. In this study, we analyzed blood smears of the Common Nase (Chodrostoma nasus) with the main goal to identify the determinants of the developmental stage of erythrocytes. Based on parameters developmental stages, erythrocytes are categorized into immature, intermediate or mature. In this investigation we have used four classification methods: the Two Step Cluster analysis, the K-Means Cluster analysis and Neural Neworks - Multilayer Perceptron and an Ordinal Regression Model. Our findings clearly justify that Multilayers Perceptron and ORL models are appropriate to classify the developmental stage of fish erythrocytes

    Reakcija sorti soje na pojačanu ishranu azotom

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    The paper presents the variability of productive traits of six soybean varieties grown in conditions of increased nitrogen nutrition in the period 2006-2008. The trials were conducted in South Banat on the chernozem soil type. Soybean was grown under rain-fed conditions. Morphological traits were analyzed prior to harvest, while the grain yield was measured after harvest. The results show significant variations in the tested traits among the examined genotypes. The highest average yield had variety Sava, while in dry 2006, the higher yields achieved early varieties Proteinka and Valjevka. Increased nitrogen nutrition did not significantly affect the yield, especially in years with favorable rainfall schedule. Differences in production traits varied strongly among experimental years.U radu je proučavana varijabilnost produktivnih osobina Å”est sorti soje gajenih u uslovima pojačane ishrane biljaka azotom u periodu od 2006. do 2008. godine. Ogledi su postavljeni u južnom Banatu na zemljiÅ”tu tipa černozem. Soja je gajena u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima. Analize morfoloÅ”kih osobina urađene su pre berbe soje, prinos zrna je određen posle berbe oglednih parcela. Rezultati su pokazali da između genotipova postoje značajna variranja u ispitivanim osobinama. Najveći prosečni prinos imala je sorta Sava, dok su u suÅ”noj 2006. godini, veće prinose ostvarile rane sorte Proteinka i Valjevka. Pojačana ishrana azotom nije značajno uticala na prinos, posebno u godinama sa povoljnijim rasporedom padavina. Razlike u proizvodnim osobinama su jako varirale po godinama istraživanja

    Uticaj azota i vremenskih uslova na osobine metlice i prinos zrna sirka (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.)

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    Global climate changes, manifesting in the constant increase in air temperatures and more frequent summer droughts caused by the uneven distribution of rainfall, are detrimental to many crop plants. Some of the maize growing areas in the maize belt are less suitable for this production because of long and frequent droughts. This plant is replaced by sorghum and the scientific literature already uses the term sorghum belt (www.ksgrains.com/sorghum). Sorghum, due to greater tolerance to drought and high summer air temperatures, has been increasingly becoming an alternative type of grain replacing maize. Besides, sorghum is important due to multiple uses of its grain and above ground biomass, which are similar in chemical composition to maize. Sorghum for grain production contains 8-15.3% crude protein, 72-76% starch, 3.0% oil, 1.5% cellulose and 1.6% ash, Khalil et al., 1983. Grain is important not only for food and feed, but also as a raw material in the industry (for the production of starch, glucose, syrups, oils, gluten, alcohol and ethanol, Glamočlija, 2004. Although grain sorghum better tolerates drought than maize and has a genetic potential slightly lower than maize, it is not widely used in our agricultural production, Berenji, 1988. Two factorial experiments were carried out in southeast Srem in 2002 and 2003. Hybrids of grain sorghum Hybar 456 and Record ACCO 980 were used in this study. Supplementary plant nutrition was done with 60 kg phosphorus and potassium ha-1, while the amount of nitrogen varied from 0 to 170 kg ha-1. Mineral nutrients were incorporated prior to sowing, and a half of the nitrogen amount was used for top dressing. The applied cropping practices are used in maize cultivation. The results showed that sorghum can provide a high grain yield in years with less favorable weather conditions. Yields did not lag behind the yield of maize, which is significantly more sensitive to drought stress and high temperatures. The optimum amount of nitrogen for plant nutrition is 80 kg ha-1. .Globalne klimatske promene, koje se manifestuju stalnim rastom temperatura vazduha i sve čeŔćim letnjim suÅ”ama izazvanim neravnomernim rasporedom padavina, Å”tetno utiču na mnoge ratarske biljke. Pojedina područja gajenja kukuruza u kukuruznom pojasu sve manje su podesna za ovu proizvodnju usled dugih i čestih suÅ”a. Ovu biljnu vrstu zamenjuje sirak tako da se u naučnoj literaturi navodi i termin sorghum belt (oblast gajenja sirka), www.ksgrains.com/sorghum. Sirak, zahvaljujući većoj tolerantnosti na suÅ”u i visoke letnje temperature vazduha, sve viÅ”e postaje alternativna vrsta žita koja zamenjuje kukuruz. Pored toga značaj sirka proizilazi iz raznovrsne upotrebe zrna i nadzemne biomase, koji su po hemijskom sastavu slični kukuruzu. Plod sirka za proizvodnju zrna sadrži 8-15,3% ukupnih proteina, 72-76% skroba, 3,0% ulja, 1,5% celuloza i 1,6% mineralnih soli, Khalil i sar., 1983. Pored ishrane domaćih životinja i ljudi, zrno je značajna sirovina u prerađivačkoj industriji (skrob, glukoza, sirup, ulje, gluten, alkohol i etanol), Glamočlija, 2004. Iako bolje podnosi suÅ”u od kukuruza i ima genetički potencijal rodnosti neznatno manji, sirak za zrno joÅ” uvek nije značajnije zastupljen u naÅ”oj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, Berenji, 1988. Dvofaktorijalni ogledi izvedeni su u području jugoistočnog Srema 2002. i 2003. godine. Predmet istraživanja bili su hibridi sirka za zrno Hybar 456 i Record ACCO 980. Dopunska ishrana biljaka izvedena je sa po 60 kg fosfora i kalijuma ha-1, dok su količine azota varirale, od 0 do 170 kg ha-1. Mineralna hraniva su uneÅ”ena pre setve, a polovina azota je upotrebljena za prihranjivanje. Primenjena je agrotehnika koja se koristi u gajenju kukuruza. Rezultati su pokazali da sirak može dati visok prinos zrna i u godinama sa manje povoljnim meteoroloÅ”kim uslovima. Ostvareni prinosi ne zaostaju za prinosom kukuruza koji je značajno osetljiviji na stres izazvan suÅ”om i visokim temperaturama vazduha. Optimalna količina azota za ishranu biljaka je 80 kg ha-1.

    Determination of Microelements in Human Milk and Infant Formula Without Digestion by ICP-OES

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    The concentrations of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) in both human milk and infant formula were determined using a new sample preparation method, by inductively coupled plasma -optical emission spectometry (ICP-OES) and flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Human milk samples were diluted in ultrapure water. The infant formula of powder samples (suitable for an infant 1-6 months of age) and standard reference material (SRM-1849) were analyzed in parallel. The results have shown that FAAS method was more sensitive for Fe determination in human milk while ICP-OES was more sensitive for both Zn and Cu detection. The limit of quantification for both Zn and Cu was 5 mu g L-1 and 10 mu g L-1 for Fe and the recovery for Zn, Fe and Cu was ranged from 90% to 94%, 97% to 103% and 90% to 102%, respectively. Mean concentrations of Zn, Fe, and Cu in human milk samples were 5.35, 0.47 and 0.83 mg L-1, respectively while these values in infant formula were ranged from 3.52-4.75 mg L-1, 3.37-4.56 mg L-1 and 0.28-0.41 mg L-1, respectively. Despite the sample complexity, the proposed method using dilution of milk samples with water was simple, rapid, effective and accurate. ICP-OES was a better method for Zn determination while FAAS was a better method for Fe determination. In the case of Cu both methods were comparable

    Factor V Leiden, FII G20210A, MTHFR C677T mutations as risk factors for venous thrombosis during pregnancy and puerperium

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    Cilj. Venske tromboze su jedan od najčeŔćih uzroka komplikacija i smrti kod trudnica i porodilja. Njihova učestalost se kreće od 1 na 1 000 do 1 na 2 000 porođaja. Mutacije FV G1691A (FV Leiden), FII G20210A i MTHFR C677T predstavljaju značajne genetske faktore rizika za nastanak venskih tromboza. Cilj ove studije bio je utvrđivanje prisustva ovih mutacija u grupi žena sa trombozom dubokih vena u toku trudnoće ili neposredno nakon porođaja. Metode. Studija je obuhvatila grupu od 45 žena kod kojih se prva epizoda tromboze dubokih vena pojavila u toku trudnoće ili puerperijuma. Bolesnice kod kojih je otkriven nedostatak proteina C, S ili antitrombina III, kao i maligni ili autoimunski poremećaji, nisu uzimane u razmatranje. Mutacije FV Leiden, FII G20210A i MTHFR C677T su otkrivene umnožavanjem željenog segmenta gena reakcijom lančanog umnožavanja polimerazom i digestijom dobijenih fragmenata odgovarajućim restrikcionim enzimima. Rezultati. Učestalost FV Leiden mutacije iznosila je 44,4% za heterozigotne nosioce i 2,2% za homozigotne nosioce. Mutacija FII G20210A javila se kod 13,3% bolesnica u heterozigotnom obliku, dok se nije javio ni jedan homozigotni nosilac. Učestalost heterozigota za MTHFR C677T mutacije iznosila je 48,9%, a homozigota 20%. Zaključak. Mutacije FV Leiden i FII G20210A predstavljaju značajne faktore rizika i trebalo bi vrÅ”iti rutinsko testiranje na njihovo prisustvo kod žena sa trombozom u toku trudnoće ili puerperijuma. Mutacija MTHFR C677T u homozigotnom obliku je manje značajan faktor rizika, ali je takođe treba uzeti u razmatranje, pogotovu u kombinaciji sa drugim faktorima rizika.Background. Venous thrombosis is the most common cause of obstetric morbidity and mortality during pregnancy and puerperium. The incidence of pregnancy associated venous thrombosis varies from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 deliveries. Factor V G1691A (FV Leiden), FII G20210A and MTHFR C677T mutations are the most common genetic risk factors for thromboembolism. The aim of this study was to establish the presence of these risk factors in a group of women with an episode of deep venous thrombosis during pregnancy or puerperium. Methods. The study was carried in a group of 45 women with the first episode of deep venous thrombosis during pregnancy or puerperium. The patients with antiphospholipid antibodies, antithrombin III, protein C or protein S deficiency, and autoimmune and malignant diseases were excluded from the study. FV Leiden, FII G20210A, and MTHFR C677T mutations were detected by polymerase chain reaction, followed by digestion with specific restriction enzymes. Results. Twenty heterozygous carriers of the FV Leiden mutation and one homozygous carrier were detected, which represents the frequencies of 44.4% and 2.2%, respectively. For the FII G20210A mutation, six heterozygous carriers were identified, giving the frequency of 13.3%. The MTHFR C677T mutation was observed in 31 patients (22 heterozygous and 9 homozygous carriers) which represents the frequencies of 48.9% and 20%, respectively. Conclusion. Our study suggested that the obligatory testing for FV Leiden and FII G20210A mutations was strongly recommended in women with history of venous thrombosis during pregnancy and puerperium. We found a slight effect of MTHFR 677T allele, but it should be considered in association with other risk factors

    Estimation of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) forage quality parameters depending on the cut, stage of growth and cultivar

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    A field trial was conducted to determine the forage quality parameters of two red clover cultivars ā€“ Nike and K-39 and to quantify the effects of cultivar, cut and stage of growth on red clover forage quality. The experiment was conducted in a randomised block design with three replicates. The changes in chemical constituents of red clover were analysed by Weende system of analysis. The differences between forage quality of investigated red clover cultivars were significant for crude ash, crude protein, crude fibre and nitrogen free extract (P< 0.05). The results of this investigation indicated that the crude protein content of red clover declined with advancing maturity in the second and third cut (from 245.60 to 180.50 g kg-1 of DM and from 256.25 to 160.25 g kg-1 of DM, respectively). The achieved results show that cv K-39 has lower forage quality at the second cut, with lower crude protein and higher crude fibre than cv Nike

    Characteristics of low-density and high-density lipoprotein subclasses in pediatric renal transplant recipients

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    Renal transplant recipients often suffer from dyslipidemia which is one of the principal risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This study sought to determine characteristics of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles and their associations with carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in a group of pediatric renal transplant recipients. We also examined the influence of immunosuppressive therapy on measured LDL and HDL particle characteristics. HDL size and subclass distribution were determined using gradient gel electrophoresis, while concentrations of small, dense LDL (sdLDL)-cholesterol (sdLDL-C) and sdLDL-apolipoprotein B (sdLDL-apoB) using heparin-magnesium precipitation method in 21 renal transplant recipients and 32 controls. Renal transplant recipients had less HDL 2b (P lt 0.001), but more HDL 3a (P lt 0.01) and 3b (P lt 0.001) subclasses. They also had increased sdLDL-C (P lt 0.01) and sdLDL-apoB (P lt 0.05) levels. The proportion of the HDL 3b subclasses was a significant predictor of increased cIMT (P lt 0.05). Patients treated with cyclosporine had significantly higher sdLDL-C and sdLDL-apoB concentrations (P lt 0.05) when compared with those on tacrolimus therapy. Pediatric renal transplant recipients have impaired distribution of HDL and LDL particles. Changes in the proportion of small-sized HDL particles are significantly associated with cIMT. Advanced lipid testing might be useful in evaluating the effects of immunosuppressive therapy