133 research outputs found

    Deconstructibility and the Hill lemma in Grothendieck categories

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    A full subcategory of a Grothendieck category is called deconstructible if it consists of all transfinite extensions of some set of objects. This concept provides a handy framework for structure theory and construction of approximations for subcategories of Grothendieck categories. It also allows to construct model structures and t-structures on categories of complexes over a Grothendieck category. In this paper we aim to establish fundamental results on deconstructible classes and outline how to apply these in the areas mentioned above. This is related to recent work of Gillespie, Enochs, Estrada, Guil Asensio, Murfet, Neeman, Prest, Trlifaj and others.Comment: 20 pages; version 2: minor changes, misprints corrected, references update

    Corrigendum to `Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone', published in Adv. Math. 219 (2008)

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    In this note, we point out an error in the proof of Theorem 4.7 of [P. Achar and A.~Henderson, `Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone', Adv. Math. 219 (2008), 27-62], a statement about the existence of affine pavings for fibres of a certain resolution of singularities of an enhanced nilpotent orbit closure. We also give independent proofs of later results that depend on that statement, so all other results of that paper remain valid.Comment: 4 pages. The original paper, in a version almost the same as the published version, is arXiv:0712.107

    Nilpotent orbits of exceptional Lie algebras over algebraically closed fields of bad characteristic

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    The classification of the nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebra of a reductive algebraic group (over an algebraically closed field) is given in all the cases where it was not previously known (E7 and E8 in bad characteristic, F4 in characteristic 3). The paper exploits the tight relation with the corresponding situation over a finite field. A computer is used to study this case for suitable choices of the finite fiel

    Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone

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    We study the orbits of G=GL(V)G=\mathrm{GL}(V) in the enhanced nilpotent cone V×NV\times\mathcal{N}, where N\mathcal{N} is the variety of nilpotent endomorphisms of VV. These orbits are parametrized by bipartitions of n=dimVn=\dim V, and we prove that the closure ordering corresponds to a natural partial order on bipartitions. Moreover, we prove that the local intersection cohomology of the orbit closures is given by certain bipartition analogues of Kostka polynomials, defined by Shoji. Finally, we make a connection with Kato's exotic nilpotent cone in type C, proving that the closure ordering is the same, and conjecturing that the intersection cohomology is the same but with degrees doubled.Comment: 32 pages. Update (August 2010): There is an error in the proof of Theorem 4.7, in this version and the almost-identical published version. See the corrigendum arXiv:1008.1117 for independent proofs of later results that depend on that statemen

    A unified approach on Springer fibers in the hook, two-row and two-column cases

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    We consider the Springer fiber over a nilpotent endomorphism. Fix a Jordan basis and consider the standard torus relative to this. We deal with the problem to describe the flags fixed by the torus which belong to a given component of the Springer fiber. We solve the problem in the hook, two-row and two-column cases. We provide two main characterizations which are common to the three cases, and which involve dominance relations between Young diagrams and combinatorial algorithms. Then, for these three cases, we deduce topological properties of the components and their intersections.Comment: 42 page

    Irreducible components of exotic Springer fibres

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    Kato introduced the exotic nilpotent cone to be a substitute for the ordinary nilpotent cone of type C with cleaner properties. Here we describe the irreducible components of exotic Springer fibres (the fibres of the resolution of the exotic nilpotent cone), and prove that they are naturally in bijection with standard bitableaux. As a result, we deduce the existence of an exotic Robinson–Schensted bijection, which is a variant of the type C Robinson–Schensted bijection between pairs of same-shape standard bitableaux and elements of the Weyl group; this bijection is described explicitly in the sequel to this paper. Note that this is in contrast with ordinary type C Springer fibres, where the parametrisation of irreducible components, and the resulting geometric Robinson–Schensted bijection, are more complicated. As an application, we explicitly describe the structure in the special cases where the irreducible components of theexotic Springer fibre have dimension 2, and show that in those cases one obtains Hirzebruch surfaces

    Cohomological descent theory for a morphism of stacks and for equivariant derived categories

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    In the paper we answer the following question: for a morphism of varieties (or, more generally, stacks), when the derived category of the base can be recovered from the derived category of the covering variety by means of descent theory? As a corollary, we show that for an action of a reductive group on a scheme, the derived category of equivariant sheaves is equivalent to the category of objects, equipped with an action of the group, in the ordinary derived category.Comment: 28 page

    The orbit structure of Dynkin curves

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    Let G be a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k; assume that Char k is zero or good for G. Let \cB be the variety of Borel subgroups of G and let e in Lie G be nilpotent. There is a natural action of the centralizer C_G(e) of e in G on the Springer fibre \cB_e = {B' in \cB | e in Lie B'} associated to e. In this paper we consider the case, where e lies in the subregular nilpotent orbit; in this case \cB_e is a Dynkin curve. We give a complete description of the C_G(e)-orbits in \cB_e. In particular, we classify the irreducible components of \cB_e on which C_G(e) acts with finitely many orbits. In an application we obtain a classification of all subregular orbital varieties admitting a finite number of B-orbits for B a fixed Borel subgroup of G.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Math

    Quotients for sheets of conjugacy classes

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    We provide a description of the orbit space of a sheet S for the conjugation action of a complex simple simply connected algebraic group G. This is obtained by means of a bijection between S 15G and the quotient of a shifted torus modulo the action of a subgroup of the Weyl group and it is the group analogue of a result due to Borho and Kraft. We also describe the normalisation of the categorical quotient // for arbitrary simple G and give a necessary and sufficient condition for //G to be normal in analogy to results of Borho, Kraft and Richardson. The example of G2 is worked out in detail