18,716 research outputs found

    The Conflict Between Generations in the Workplace

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    This paper presents a study on the Conflict of Generations in the Workplace. We live in a period of rapid change, and much knowledge about the incorporation of young people into the labour force has been widely disseminated. According to literature theories, they are called Generation Y. But we must remember the existence of previous generations inserted in the same desktop, they are: Veterans, Baby Boomers and Generation X. Each generation has a perception, and different expectations which can cause conflicts, this subject has been studied by many researchers. The scientific study was based on a theoretical study by several authors, and field research was carried out in a financial institution. Questionnaires with closed questions were given to employees of all generations. The results of the field research and the bibliographic research are presented in an essay followed by the discussion about the relationship between the theoretical study and the analyzed data of the research. After the research, divergences were found between the theoretical concepts and the attitudes of the professionals of the generations in the researched company. Furthermore, the statement that the job market needs all generations working together

    Semiclassical Effects Induced by Aharonov-Bohm Interaction Between a Cosmic String and a Scalar Field

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    In the context of the vacuum polarization effect, we consider the backreaction of the energy-momentum tensor of a charged scalar field on the background metric of a cosmic string carrying a magnetic flux Φ\Phi. Working within the semiclassical approach to the Einstein eqs. we find the first-order (in \hbar) metric associated to the magnetic flux cosmic string. We show that the contribution to the vacuum polarization effect coming from the Aharonov-Bohm interaction is larger than the one coming from the non-trivial gravitational interaction.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Letters

    The environment of the fast rotating star Achernar - Thermal infrared interferometry with VLTI/MIDI and SIMECA modeling

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    Context: As is the case of several other Be stars, Achernar is surrounded by an envelope, recently detected by near-IR interferometry. Aims: We search for the signature of circumstellar emission at distances of a few stellar radii from Achernar, in the thermal IR domain. Methods: We obtained interferometric observations on three VLTI baselines in the N band (8-13 mic), using the MIDI instrument. Results: From the measured visibilities, we derive the angular extension and flux contribution of the N band circumstellar emission in the polar direction of Achernar. The interferometrically resolved polar envelope contributes 13.4 +/- 2.5 % of the photospheric flux in the N band, with a full width at half maximum of 9.9 +/- 2.3 mas (~ 6 Rstar). This flux contribution is in good agreement with the photometric IR excess of 10-20% measured by fitting the spectral energy distribution. Due to our limited azimuth coverage, we can only establish an upper limit of 5-10% for the equatorial envelope. We compare the observed properties of the envelope with an existing model of this star computed with the SIMECA code. Conclusions: The observed extended emission in the thermal IR along the polar direction of Achernar is well reproduced by the existing SIMECA model. Already detected at 2.2mic, this polar envelope is most probably an observational signature of the fast wind ejected by the hot polar caps of the star.Comment: A&A Letter, in pres


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    A Organização Mundial da Saúde declarou em 2020 estado pandêmico relacionado à Covid-19 (sigla em inglês para Doença do Coronavírus 2019). O estudo descreve características da epidemia e sumariza projeções de organismos internacionais acerca de seus impactos sobre o setor de turismo e viagens. O objetivo consiste em mensurar impactos da pandemia sobre as viagens e o turismo na perspectiva dos consumidores brasileiros que estavam viajando ou pretendiam viajar à época da expansão da doença. São objetivos específicos: Identificar impactos sobre as viagens em curso ou programadas; Descrever como turistas brasileiros avaliam as medidas e as políticas públicas para mitigação dos impactos no turismo; Identificar a perspectiva dos respondentes em relação à prática do turismo e viagens no período posterior ao surto. A metodologia tem natureza de pesquisa exploratória e abordagem quantitativa, com delineamento de websurvey aplicado em abril/2020. Os resultados apontam que 69,51% dos respondentes foram diretamente impactados pela pandemia, com altos níveis de interferência, resultando no adiamento das viagens. Os participantes apoiam medidas de isolamento social, percebem impactos no turismo e avaliam que só será seguro voltar a viajar em período superior a seis meses. Estima-se que, com o término da pandemia, o turismo poderá contribuir com a recuperação socioeconômica.The World Health Organization (WHO) declared, in 2020, a state of pandemic related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019). This study describes the characteristics of the epidemic and summarizes its forecast impacts on the tourism and travel sector, according to international organizations. The objective is to measure the impacts of the pandemic on travel and tourism, from the perspective of Brazilian consumers who were traveling, or intending to travel during the time of the spread of the disease. The specific objectives are: To identify impacts on current or scheduled trips; to describe how Brazilian tourists evaluate public measures and policies to mitigate the impacts on tourism; and to identify the perspective of respondents in relation to the practice of tourism and travel in the period after the outbreak. The methodology used was exploratory research, and a quantitative approach was used, with a websurvey design applied in April 2020. The results indicate that 69.51% of the respondents were directly impacted by the pandemic, with high levels of interference, resulting in them having to postpone their planned trips. The Participants supported social distancing measures, perceived that the pandemic had impacted on tourism, and took the view that it will only be safe to return to travel after more than six months. It is estimated that at the end of the pandemic, tourism may contribute to socioeconomic recovery

    Structural study of Cu2x_{2-x}Se alloys produced by mechanical alloying

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    The crystalline structures of superionic high temperature copper selenides Cu2x_{2-x}Se (0x0.250 \le x \le 0.25) produced by Mechanical Alloying were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The measured XRD patterns showed the presence of the peaks corresponding to the crystalline superionic high temperature α\alpha-Cu2_2Se phase in the as-milled sample, and its structural data were determined by means of a Rietveld refinement procedure. After a heat treatment in argon at 200^\circC for 90 h, this phase transforms to the superionic high temperature α\alpha-Cu1.8_{1.8}Se phase, whose structural data where also determined through the Rietveld refinement. In this phase, a very low occupation of the trigonal 32(f) sites (3\sim 3%) by Cu ions is found. In order to explain the evolution of the phases in the samples, two possible mechanisms are suggested: the high mobility of Cu ions in superionic phases and the intense diffusive processes in the interfacial component of samples produced by Mechanical Alloying.Comment: 2 figures, submitted to Acta Crystallographic

    Relação peso-comprimento para duas espécies de peixes de rios do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    The study of the weight-length relationship of a fish species can be used to address several aspects that involve the distinction of small taxonomic units, providing basic information for the study of species biology, in addition, this relationship can also be used as quantitative indicator of the degree of health or well-being of the species in the environment. The objective of this study was to present unpublished data on the weight-length relationship (LWRs) for two species of fish. The fish were sampled in the months of January and July 2017 and January 2018 in rivers belonging to the Upper Paraná and Upper Paraguay basin along the MS-163, collected through sieves and trawls. 49 individuals were captured, distributed in two orders and two families, being 31 from Hisonotus francirochai and 18 from Roeboides descalvadensis. The results showed that the two species are within the expected for both parameters (a and b), even with a relatively low sample number. In addition, the data this study contribute with biological information for the species studied in this work.El estudio de la relación peso-longitud de una especie de pez se puede utilizar para abordar varios aspectos que implican la distinción de pequeñas unidades taxonómicas, proporcionando información básica para el estudio de la biología de las especies, además, esta relación también se puede utilizar como indicador cuantitativo del grado de salud o bienestar de las especies en el medio ambiente. El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar datos no publicados sobre la relación peso-longitud (LWR) para dos especies de peces. Los peces fueron muestreados en los meses de enero y julio de 2017 y enero de 2018 en ríos pertenecientes a la cuenca del Alto Paraná y Alto Paraguay a lo largo de la MS-163, recolectados a través de tamices y redes de arrastre. Se capturaron 49 individuos, distribuidos en dos órdenes y dos familias, 31 de Hisonotus francirochai y 18 de Roeboides descalvadensis. Los resultados mostraron que las dos especies están dentro de lo esperado para ambos parámetros (ayb), incluso con un número de muestra relativamente bajo. Además, los datos de este estudio contribuyen con información biológica para las especies estudiadas en este trabajo.O estudo da relação peso-comprimento de uma espécie de peixe pode ser utilizado para abordar diversos aspectos que envolvem a distinção de pequenas unidades taxônomicas, contribuindo com informações básicas para o estudo da biologia das espécies, além disso, esta relação pode ser também usada como indicador quantitavo do grau de saúde ou bem-estar da espécie no ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar dados não publicados sobre a relação peso-comprimento (LWRs) para duas espécies de peixes. Os peixes foram amostrados nos meses de Janeiro e Julho de 2017 e Janeiro de 2018 em rios pertencentes à bacia do Alto Paraná e Alto Paraguai ao longo da MS-163, coletados através de peneiras e rede de arrasto. Foram capturados 49 individuos, distribuidos em duas ordens e duas familias, sendo 31 de Hisonotus francirochai e 18 de Roeboides descalvadensis. Os resultados mostraram que as duas espécies estão dentro do que é esperado para ambos os parâmetros (a e b), mesmo apresentando número amostral relativamente baixo. Além disso, os dados deste estudo contribuem com informações biológicas para as espécies estudadas neste trabalho

    Relação peso-comprimento de duas espécies de peixes da Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, SP, Brasil

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    The weight-length relationship is an important tool in the studies of fish biology, physiology and ecology, as this relationship is useful for determining weight and biomass, indicating conditions and allowing comparisons between the growth of different populations, in addition, this relationship can also be used to assess the degree of health of species in the environment. The objective of this study was to present unpublished data on the weight-length relationship (LWRs) of the species Hypostomus ancistroides and Corydoras flaveolus. The fish were sampled in the months of January and June 2013 in rivers of the Ipanema National Forest, sub-basin of the Ipanema River, collected through sieves and trawls. 91 individuals were captured, distributed in one order and two families 52 from Hypostomus ancistroides and 39 from Corydoras flaveolus. The results of this study showed that the Hypostomus ancistroides is outside of what is expected for parameter “a” 0.0058 (0.0043-0.0072), and Corydoras flaveolus is outside of what is expected for parameter “b” 3.75 (3.38-4.11), these date consisted of important biological information for freshwater fish, as this relationship justifies the search for mathematical improvement of the indices, as well as standardization of the types of condition factor used in studies with the same species, facilitating comparisons and, consequently, management and conservation actions.La relación peso-longitud es una herramienta importante en los estudios de biología, fisiología y ecología de los peces, ya que esta relación es útil para determinar el peso y la biomasa, indicar condiciones y permitir comparaciones entre el crecimiento de diferentes poblaciones, además, esta relación también puede ser utilizado para evaluar el grado de salud de las especies en el medio ambiente. El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar datos no publicados sobre la relación peso-longitud (LWR) de las especies Hypostomus ancistroides y Corydoras flaveolus. Los peces fueron muestreados en los meses de enero y junio de 2013 en ríos del Bosque Nacional Ipanema, subcuenca del río Ipanema, recolectados a través de tamices y redes de arrastre. Se capturaron 91 individuos, distribuidos en un orden y dos familias, 52 de Hypostomus ancistroides y 39 de Corydoras flaveolus. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que Hypostomus ancistroides está fuera de lo esperado para el parámetro “a” 0.0058 (0.0043-0.0072), y Corydoras flaveolus está fuera de lo esperado para el parámetro “b” 3.75 (3.38-4.11), estos la fecha consistió en información biológica importante para peces de agua dulce, ya que esta relación justifica la búsqueda de una mejora matemática de los índices, así como la estandarización de los tipos de factores de condición utilizados en estudios con la misma especie, facilitando las comparaciones y, en consecuencia, el manejo y la conservación comportamiento.A relação peso-comprimento é uma importante ferramenta nos estudos de biologia, fisiologia e ecologia de peixes, pois esta relação é útil para determinar o peso e a biomassa, indicando condições e permitindo comparações entre o crescimento de diferentes populações, além disso, esta relação também pode ser utilizada para avaliar o grau de saúde da espécie no ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar dados não publicados sobre a relação peso-comprimento (LWRs) das espécies Hypostomus ancistroides e Corydoras flaveolus. Os peixes foram amostrados nos meses de Janeiro e Junho de 2013 em rios da Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, sub-bacia do rio Ipanema, coletados através de peneiras e rede de arrasto. Foram capturados 91 individuos, distribuidos em uma ordem e duas familias, sendo 52 de Hypostomus ancistroides e 39 de Corydoras flaveolus. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que Hypostomus ancistroides está fora do que é esperado para o parâmetro “a” 0.0058 (0.0043-0.0072), e Corydoras flaveolus está fora do que é esperado para o parâmetro “b” 3.75 (3.38-4.11), esses dados consistiram em importantes informações biológicas para os peixes de água doce, pois essa relação justifica a busca de aprimoramento matemático dos índices, bem como padronização dos tipos de fator de condição utilizados em estudos com as mesmas espécies, facilitando comparações e, consequentemente, ações de manejo e conservação destas

    Hydrothermal liquefaction of organic waste streams on a continuous pilot scale reactor

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    Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is a promising technology for biofuel production and treatment of organic wastes and biomass. Due to the wet nature of the process where biomass is heated in an aqueous slurry at 350°C and 200 bar, wet biomass and wet wastes are particularly suited for the process. The current study investigates the utilization of wastewater treatment sludges and other organic wastes for the production of sustainable petroleum replacement products. The work has been carried out on a pilot scale continuous hydrothermal liquefaction reactor with a novel oscillating flow system and heat exchanger. The influence of these are discussed in terms of heat recovery and operability of the plant. The reactor was run at 50 L/h with maximum solids loadings of ~25% and short residence times of80% was accomplished, leading to an energy efficient process. During operation of the HTL system, approximately 5 units of energy are created in the form of bio-crude for every unit of energy invested for heating and pumping the slurry (EROI\u3e5). We present and discuss the results of processing diverse samples ranging from high ash (sewage sludge), lignocellulosics (miscanthus) and manure to microalgae. The potential of mixing different waste biomasses such as sludge and lignocellulosics, plastics and lignocellulosics is explored during this research and synergistic effects on bio-crude yields and fuel quality are observed, leading to higher carbon and energy recoveries. Water phase recycling of the HTL process water was employed during the liquefaction of pine where a significant increase in bio-crude yields, energy recovery and energy return on investment could be achieved. Initial results on bio-crude upgrading via catalytic hydrotreatment are also presented, demonstrating the feasibility of the HTL process as a viable pathway towards drop in replacement fuels. The current presentation gives a realistic insight into the processing of diverse biomass feedstocks at pilot scale, showing the potential of the technology while areas for future development and bottlenecks are highlighted

    Intermittent applied mechanical loading induces subchondral bone thickening that may be intensified locally by contiguous articular cartilage lesions

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    Objectives: Changes in subchondral bone (SCB) and cross-talk with articular cartilage (AC) have been linked to osteoarthritis (OA). Using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) this study: (1) examines changes in SCB architecture in a non-invasive loading mouse model in which focal AC lesions are induced selectively in the lateral femur, and (2) determines any modifications in the contralateral knee, linked to changes in gait, which might complicate use of this limb as an internal control. Methods: Right knee joints of CBA mice were loaded: once with 2weeks of habitual use (n=7), for 2weeks (n=8) or for 5weeks (n=5). Both left (contralateral) and right (loaded) knees were micro-CT scanned and the SCB and trabecular bone analysed. Gait analysis was also performed. Results: These analyses showed a significant increase in SCB thickness in the lateral compartments in joints loaded for 5weeks, which was most marked in the lateral femur; the contralateral non-loaded knee also showed transient SCB thickening (loaded once and repetitively). Epiphyseal trabecular bone BV/TV and trabecular thickness were also increased in the lateral compartments after 5 weeks of loading, and in all joint compartments in the contralateral knee. Gait analysis showed that applied loading only affected gait in the contralateral himd-limb in all groups of mice from the second week after the first loading episode. Conclusions: These data indicate a spatial link between SCB thickening and AC lesions following mechanical trauma, and the clear limitations associated with the use of contralateral joints as controls in such OA models, and perhaps in OA diagnosis

    Randomized comparison of ultrasonic aspiration versus conventional electrocautery for dissection of the human internal thoracic artery

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    AbstractThe most common technique currently employed to harvest the internal thoracic artery for coronary artery bypass grafting is conventional electrocautery. This study compared an alternative method, electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator, for harvesting the internal thoracic artery. Patients were randomly assigned to one of six experimental groups (conventional electrocautery, ultrasonic aspirator at settings of 60%, 80%, and 100% power output, and ultrasonic aspirator in 100% CAVI-Pulse modes 1 and 3). Ring segments of internal thoracic artery were studied in an organ bath. Contraction responses were elicited with 123 mmol/L potassium physiologic salt solution, KPSS, KPSS solution containing noradrenaline, and a cumulative noradrenaline dose-contraction curve. Relaxation studies were performed with the vasodilators acetylcholine, bradykinin, and sodium nitroprusside. Forty percent of the electrocauterized vessels were traumatized or damaged and failed to respond to contractile stimuli, whereas only 10% of the vessels in ultrasonic aspirator groups 60%, 80%, and 100% failed to respond. All vessels in the group harvested by ultrasonic aspirator in 100% CAVI-Pulse mode 1 responded, whereas 20% of the vessels in the group harvested by ultrasonic aspirator in 100% CAVI-Pulse mode 3 failed to respond. All settings of electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator produced a greater contractile response to KPSS and noradrenaline. Acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside produced similar relaxations in all groups, but the bradykinin responses were significantly improved in all groups undergoing 100% electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator. These results suggest that 100% electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator, particularly in 100% CAVI-Pulse mode 1, resulted in less damage and trauma than conventional electrocautery during harvesting of the internal thoracic artery. (J T HORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1996;111:1194-9