241 research outputs found

    Coprodução em Conselhos Municipais de Educação: possibilidades para a coprodução do controle

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    This essay aims to theoretically examine the actions of Municipal Education Councils in coproduction arrangements through Municipal Education Plans and coproduction of control. These councils are spaces conducive to the coproduction of control since their formative nature, functions, and attributions lead to mutual and continuous engagement between public agents and citizens to perform and control education services. This theoretical essay provides insights for future studies integrating the education and public management fields and addressing the coproduction of this public good.El objetivo de este artículo es examinar teóricamente las posibilidades de actuación de los Consejos Municipales de Educación (CME) en la coproducción del bien público, a través de los Planes Municipales de Educación (PME) y de la coproducción del control. Los CME son espacios propicios para la coproducción del control, una vez que su carácter formativo, funciones y atribuciones conducen al compromiso mutuo y continuo entre los agentes públicos y los ciudadanos en la realización y control de los servicios educativos. El artículo señala posibles estudios entre los campos de la educación y de la gestión pública, a través de la coproducción del bien público.Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar teoricamente as possibilidades de atuação dos Conselhos Municipais da Educação (CMEs) na coprodução do bem público, por meio dos Planos Municipais de Educação (PMEs) e da coprodução do controle. Os CMEs são espaços propícios à coprodução do controle, visto que sua natureza formativa, funções e atribuições ensejam engajamento mútuo e contínuo entre agentes públicos e cidadãos na realização e controle de serviços educacionais. O trabalho sinaliza possíveis estudos entre os campos da educação e da gestão pública, por meio da coprodução do bem público

    ISSR como uma ferramenta para apoiar decisões taxonômicas: uma abordagem preliminar para complexos de espécies em Chascolytrum (Poaceae)

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    Chascolytrum Desv. is a South American grass genus, with extension up to Central America, which presents several taxonomic controversies concerning genera and species circumscriptions. Morphological studies were not able to provide robust elements for taxonomic decisions in some species complexes. It was the case of Chascolytrum subaristatum and morphological allies, and of Chascolytrum rufum plus the acceptance (or rejection) of two varieties. In order to provide additional elements for taxonomic decisions in these species complexes, it was performed a preliminary survey using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. Nine primers were used to build similarity dendrograms, and 25 collections  were included, analysed in two separated complexes. ISSR were able to separate the two varieties of Chascolytrum rufum, supporting their acceptance. Two species recently described could be clearly separated from their morphologically related taxa, but the species Briza erecta, Briza macrostachya and Chascolytrum subaristatum, as well as Briza subaristata var. interrupta, could not be separated, adding elements to the synonymization of these three taxa under Chascolytrum ubaristatum. The ISSR contributed to solving some controversies on genus Chascolytrum, but its use as an exclusive species-marker is limited in this genus due to high band polymorphism.Chascolytrum Desv. é um gênero sul-americano de gramíneas, com extensão da distribuição até a América Central, o qual apresenta diversas controvérsias taxonômicas com relação à circunscrição de gêneros e espécies. Estudos morfológicos não foram capazes de fornecer elementos robustos para a tomada de decisões taxonômicas em relação a alguns complexos de espécies. Esse foi o caso de Chascolytrum subaristatum e espécies morfologicamente afins, e de Chascolytrum rufum com relação à aceitação (ou rejeição) de duas variedades. Para fornecer elementos adicionais para decisões taxonômicas nesses complexos de espécies, foi realizado um estudo preliminar utilizando marcadores do tipo Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR). Foram utilizados nove primers para construir dendrogramas de similaridade, e 25 coletas foram incluídas, analisadas em dois complexos distintos. Os marcadores ISSR foram capazes de separar as duas variedades de Chascolytrum rufum, apoiando a aceitação das mesmas. Duas espécies recentemente descritas puderam ser claramente separadas de seus táxons morfologicamente relacionados, porém as espécies Briza erecta, Briza macrostachya e Chascolytrum subaristatum, bem como Briza subaristata var. interrupta, não foram discriminadas nos dendrogramas, o que adiciona elementos para justificar a sinonimização desses três táxons sob Chascolytrum subaristatum. Os ISSR contribuíram para a resolução de algumas ontrovérsias taxonômicas no gênero Chascolytrum, mas seu uso como um marcador para espécies é limitado no gênero devido ao alto polimorfismo de bandas

    Insights into Chloroplast genome evolution across Opuntioideae (Cactaceae) reveals robust yet sometimes conflicting phylogenetic topologies

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    Chloroplast genomes (plastomes) are frequently treated as highly conserved among land plants. However, many lineages of vascular plants have experienced extensive structural rearrangements, including inversions and modifications to the size and content of genes. Cacti are one of these lineages, containing the smallest plastome known for an obligately photosynthetic angiosperm, including the loss of one copy of the inverted repeat (∼25 kb) and the ndh gene suite, but only a few cacti from the subfamily Cactoideae have been sufficiently characterized. Here, we investigated the variation of plastome sequences across the second-major lineage of the Cactaceae, the subfamily Opuntioideae, to address (1) how variable is the content and arrangement of chloroplast genome sequences across the subfamily, and (2) how phylogenetically informative are the plastome sequences for resolving major relationships among the clades of Opuntioideae. Our de novo assembly of the Opuntia quimilo plastome recovered an organelle of 150,347 bp in length with both copies of the inverted repeat and the presence of all the ndh gene suite. An expansion of the large single copy unit and a reduction of the small single copy unit was observed, including translocations and inversion of genes, as well as the putative pseudogenization of some loci. Comparative analyses among all clades within Opuntioideae suggested that plastome structure and content vary across taxa of this subfamily, with putative independent losses of the ndh gene suite and pseudogenization of genes across disparate lineages, further demonstrating the dynamic nature of plastomes in Cactaceae. Our plastome dataset was robust in resolving three tribes with high support within Opuntioideae: Cylindropuntieae, Tephrocacteae and Opuntieae. However, conflicting topologies were recovered among major clades when exploring different assemblies of markers. A plastome-wide survey for highly informative phylogenetic markers revealed previously unused regions for future use in Sanger-based studies, presenting a valuable dataset with primers designed for continued evolutionary studies across Cactaceae. These results bring new insights into the evolution of plastomes in cacti, suggesting that further analyses should be carried out to address how ecological drivers, physiological constraints and morphological traits of cacti may be related with the common rearrangements in plastomes that have been reported across the family

    Population genetic structure of Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. (Iridaceae) in Itapuã State Park, Southern Brazil

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    Sisyrinchium micranthum Cav. is a member of the family Iridaceae, which is distributed over the American continent. In Brazil, this species is found, not only in disturbed areas and coastal regions, but is also very common in urban centers, such as public parks, during the spring. Chromosome counts for North American specimens are 2n = 32 and 2n = 48, whereas in southern Brazil, there is a polyploidy series with three chromosome numbers, 2n = 16, 2n = 32, and 2n = 48. Population analyses using DNA molecular markers are inexistent for this species, in spite of its wide distribution and morphological variation. To study the genetic population structure of S. micranthum, five natural populations were accessed in a conservation park within the Atlantic Rain Forest Biome in southern Brazil. Here, the chromosome numbers 2n = 16 and 2n = 48 had already been described. Molecular analysis showed that the populations are highly structured with low gene flow among them. The population with 2n = 48 was genetically less variable than and distinct from the other populations. Population genetics in relation to cytogenetic data provided new insights regarding the genetic diversification and mating system of S. micranthum

    A Pesquisa em Comunidades de Prática: Panorama Atual e Perspectivas Futuras

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    Num contexto de crescente interesse pela temática da aprendizagem organizacional, percebe-se que há espaço para novas compreensões sobre esse fenômeno. Dentre as diferentes perspectivas para melhor compreender a aprendizagem organizacional, uma delas tem alcançado posição de destaque. Trata-se da abordagem sócio-prática. Nessa vertente, emerge a noção de comunidade de prática, que vem sendo considerada um fecundo contexto para a promoção da aprendizagem organizacional. contudo, a literatura sobre tal noção, no Brasil, ainda mostra-se frágil e incipiente. Assim, este trabalho busca traçar um retrato do estado da arte relativo ao conceito de comunidades de prática, no país, propondo elementos para o desenho de uma agenda de pesquisa, em diferentes perspectivas temáticas e metodológicas

    Aprendizagem Organizacional e Comunidades de Prática

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    The Overlooked Potential of Generalized Linear Models in Astronomy-III: Bayesian Negative Binomial Regression and Globular Cluster Populations

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    In this paper, the third in a series illustrating the power of generalized linear models (GLMs) for the astronomical community, we elucidate the potential of the class of GLMs which handles count data. The size of a galaxy's globular cluster population NGCN_{\rm GC} is a prolonged puzzle in the astronomical literature. It falls in the category of count data analysis, yet it is usually modelled as if it were a continuous response variable. We have developed a Bayesian negative binomial regression model to study the connection between NGCN_{\rm GC} and the following galaxy properties: central black hole mass, dynamical bulge mass, bulge velocity dispersion, and absolute visual magnitude. The methodology introduced herein naturally accounts for heteroscedasticity, intrinsic scatter, errors in measurements in both axes (either discrete or continuous), and allows modelling the population of globular clusters on their natural scale as a non-negative integer variable. Prediction intervals of 99% around the trend for expected NGCN_{\rm GC}comfortably envelope the data, notably including the Milky Way, which has hitherto been considered a problematic outlier. Finally, we demonstrate how random intercept models can incorporate information of each particular galaxy morphological type. Bayesian variable selection methodology allows for automatically identifying galaxy types with different productions of GCs, suggesting that on average S0 galaxies have a GC population 35% smaller than other types with similar brightness.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA