2,593 research outputs found

    Spectral Engineering with Coupled Microcavities: Active Control of Resonant Mode-Splitting

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    Optical mode-splitting is an efficient tool to shape and fine-tune the spectral response of resonant nanophotonic devices. The active control of mode-splitting, however, is either small or accompanied by undesired resonance shifts, often much larger than the resonance-splitting. We report a control mechanism that enables reconfigurable and widely tunable mode-splitting while efficiently mitigating undesired resonance shifts. This is achieved by actively controlling the excitation of counter-traveling modes in coupled resonators. The transition from a large splitting (80 GHz) to a single-notch resonance is demonstrated using low power microheaters (35 mW). We show that the spurious resonance-shift in our device is only limited by thermal crosstalk and resonance-shift-free splitting control may be achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Perilipin regulates the thermogenic actions of norepinephrine in brown adipose tissue

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    In response to cold, norepinephrine (NE)-induced triacylglycerol hydrolysis (lipolysis) in adipocytes of brown adipose tissue (BAT) provides fatty acid substrates to mitochondria for heat generation (adaptive thermogenesis). NE-induced lipolysis is mediated by protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent phosphorylation of perilipin, a lipid droplet-associated protein that is the major regulator of lipolysis. We investigated the role of perilipin PKA phosphorylation in BAT NE-stimulated thermogenesis using a novel mouse model in which a mutant form of perilipin, lacking all six PKA phosphorylation sites, is expressed in adipocytes of perilipin knockout (Peri KO) mice. Here, we show that despite a normal mitochondrial respiratory capacity, NE-induced lipolysis is abrogated in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) of these mice. This lipolytic constraint is accompanied by a dramatic blunting (∼70%) of the in vivo thermal response to NE. Thus, in the presence of perilipin, PKA-mediated perilipin phosphorylation is essential for NE-dependent lipolysis and full adaptive thermogenesis in BAT. In IBAT of Peri KO mice, increased basal lipolysis attributable to the absence of perilipin is sufficient to support a rapid NE-stimulated temperature increase (∼3.0°C) comparable to that in wild-type mice. This observation suggests that one or more NE-dependent mechanism downstream of perilipin phosphorylation is required to initiate and/or sustain the IBAT thermal response

    Zeolites as Ingredients of Medicinal Products

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    Development of new medicinal products for particular therapeutic treatment or for better manipulations with better quality and less side effects are possible as a result of advanced inorganic and organic materials application, among which zeolites, due to their properties and versatility, have been gaining attention. This paper is an overview of the development in the use of zeolite materials and their composites and modifications as medicinal products for several purposes such as active agents, carriers, for topical treatments, oral formulations, anticancer, the composition of theragnostic systems, vaccines, parenteral dosage forms, tissue engineering, etc. The objective of this review is to explore the main properties of zeolites and associate them with their drug interaction, mainly addressing the advances and studies related to the use of zeolites for different types of treatments due to their zeolite characteristics such as molecule storage capacity, physical and chemical stability, cation exchange capacity, and possibility of functionalization. The use of computational tools to predict the drug—zeolite interaction is also explored. As conclusion was possible to realize the possibilities and versatility of zeolite applications as being able to act in several aspects of medicinal products

    Development of microsprinkler prototypes through rapid prototyping and mechanical lathing

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    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, construir protótipos de microaspersores, com boa uniformidade de distribuição para irrigações com sobreposição em hortas agrícolas, utilizando-se os processos de prototipagem rápida e torneamento mecânico. O estudo foi conduzido na ESALQ/USP e no Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer (CTI). Utilizou-se o coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen na avaliação do desempenho dos emissores. O PVC e o tecnyl foram os materiais que apresentaram mais facilidade na construção dos protótipos no processo de torneamento mecânico, porém o PVC foi o escolhido devido ao melhor acabamento. Os protótipos construídos com torneamento mecânico apresentaram resultados satisfatórios ressaltando tratar-se de um processo bastante artesanal e laborioso; já com a prototipagem rápida se construíram protótipos com melhores acabamentos e mais rapidez. A utilização da prototipagem rápida no desenvolvimento de equipamentos de irrigação é algo totalmente inovador e de caráter pioneiro, além de uma ferramenta de grande utilidade na área de inovação de produtos no setor de Engenharia Agrícola.The present study had the objective of developing prototypes of microsprinkler with good distribution uniformity to irrigate with overlap in vegetable crops, by rapid prototyping and mechanic tournament. The work was carried out in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and in the Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer (CTI). Two processes were tested in the development of the microsprinkler prototypes rapid prototype and mechanical lathing. Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient was used as indicator to evaluate the distribution uniformity. Among the tested materials, the PVC and the technyl showed more facility in the prototype development in the mechanical lathing process, however, the PVC was chosen due to better finishing. The prototypes built by mechanical lathing showed satisfactory results, but were hard work and handmade. On the other hand, with the rapid prototyping, prototypes were built with better finishing and were quicker. The utilization of rapid prototyping in the development of irrigation devices is something completely innovative and pioneering, besides being a tool of great utility in the product innovation in the Agricultural Engineering sector.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), pelo apoio financeiro a esta pesquisa, através do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Engenharia da Irrigação (INCTEI

    WALO: ferramenta para gerenciamento de mídias sociais / WALO: social media management tool

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    A mídia social é uma ferramenta muito importante para as empresas, especialmente aquelas que dependem de estratégias de marketing para maior reconhecimento da marca. Além disso, as mídias sociais ajudam a enriquecer a experiência do cliente e reduzir as despesas de marketing. O gerenciamento de mídia social permite que as empresas obtenham informações que representam o sentimento geral do consumidor sobre sua marca ou seus produtos, de maneira rápida e segura. No entanto, esse gerenciamento não é uma tarefa fácil, pois a grande quantidade de mídias sociais existentes exige muito esforço dos profissionais para lidar com todas as informações que influenciam essas mídias sociais. Portanto, é identificada uma necessidade razoável na criação de uma ferramenta específica para gerenciar as mídias sociais de uma só vez. Neste artigo, propomos o WALO, uma nova ferramenta de código aberto que permite aos profissionais usar diferentes mídias sociais simultaneamente, fornecendo uma nova maneira para esses profissionais interagirem com seus clientes por meio de um chatbot. 

    Gr\"uneisen parameter as an entanglement compass

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    The Gr\"uneisen ratio Γ\Gamma, i.e., the singular part of the ratio of thermal expansion to the specific heat, has been broadly employed to explore both finite-TT and quantum critical points (QCPs). For a genuine quantum phase transition (QPT), thermal fluctuations are absent and thus the thermodynamic Γ\Gamma cannot be employed. We propose a quantum analogue to Γ\Gamma that computes entanglement as a function of a tuning parameter and show that QPTs take place only for quadratic non-diagonal Hamiltonians. We showcase our approach using the quantum 1D Ising model with transverse field and Kane's quantum computer. The slowing down of the dynamics and thus the ``creation of mass'' close to any QCP/QPT is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, comments are wellcome

    Serological Monitoring Of A Toxoplasma Infection After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.

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    We report a primary response to Toxoplasma gondii following a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with multiple myeloma. The primary response to T. gondii was supported by IgM, IgG and IgA seroconversion. The patient was promptly treated and there were no complications related to toxoplasmosis in the subsequent months.52225-

    Monitoramento sorológico de uma infecção toxoplásmica após transplante de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas

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    We report a primary response to Toxoplasma gondii following a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with multiple myeloma. The primary response to T. gondii was supported by IgM, IgG and IgA seroconversion. The patient was promptly treated and there were no complications related to toxoplasmosis in the subsequent months.Esse relato de caso descreve uma resposta primária ao Toxoplasma gondii após transplante de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas em paciente com mieloma múltiplo. A resposta primária para o T. gondii foi evidenciada pela soroconversão observada na resposta de anticorpos IgM, IgG e IgA. O paciente foi prontamente tratado e complicações relacionadas à toxoplasmose não foram observadas nos meses subseqüentes