55 research outputs found

    Health and disease among Panará (Kreen-Akarôre) Indians in Central Brazil after twenty-five years of contact with our World, with an emphasis on tuberculosis

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    The Panará, who had previously lived in isolation from Brazilian national society in the Amazon forest, were first contacted in 1973. Two years later they were moved to another area in Central Brazil. During this same period they were reduced to 82 members, the survivors of a population of 400 to 500 in the mid-1960s. In 1995 they returned to a small area in their old territory still not occupied by outsiders. There, three years later, a health survey showed a presumed diagnosis of tuberculosis in 15 individuals out of a population of 181. Further tests in the town of Colider, based on clinical data and chest X-rays, confirmed the diagnosis in 10 Panará (6 children under 10 years of age and 4 adults from 40 to 50 years old). BCG scars were present in the entire population. The nutritional status of Panará children was better than that of other indigenous groups in the Amazon region. The following measures were introduced for Tb control: a) treatment follow-up in the village, under direct supervision by both a nurse and the local indigenous health worker; b) compliance with defined criteria for ending treatment; c) periodic control of contacts and non-contacts; c) and establishment of a reference system with the health services in Colider.Em 1973, houve a quebra do estado de isolamento dos Panará (Kren-Akarore) no interior da floresta amazônica. Dois anos após estavam reduzidos a 82 indivíduos, de uma população estimada em 400 a 500 em meados dos anos 60. Em 1998, o exame dos Panará, nas cabeceiras do rio Iriri, sul do Pará, levou ao diagnóstico presuntivo de tuberculose em 15 indivíduos, dos quais 10 foram confirmados na cidade de Colider com base em dados clínicos e radiológicos. Desses 10 casos, 6 eram menores de 10 anos de idade e 4 tinham de 40 a 50 anos. Todos da tribo apresentavam cicatriz vacinal do BCG. Em crianças, a prevalência de desnutrição crônica e de anemia ferropriva foi menor do que a relatada em outros grupos indígenas da região amazônica. As medidas de controle da Tb, a nível local, incluíram: a) continuidade do tratamento dos pacientes, na aldeia, sob supervisão do Auxiliar de Enfermagem e do Agente Indígena de Saúde; b) observância dos critérios de cura; c) acompanhamento clínico de comunicantes e não-comunicantes dada a elevada prevalência da doença; d) implantação de sistema de referência e contra-referência com serviços de saúde de Colider.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Medicina PreventivaCentro Universitário São CamiloUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    Padrão alimentar de idosos de diferentes estratos socioeconômicos residentes em localidade urbana da região sudeste, Brasil

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    Two hundred and eight three male and female elderly subjects were studied. They participated in the Multicentric project: "Health assessment of elderly people living in the urban area of S.Paulo", Brazil, and were stratified by socio-economic level in three areas of S.Paulo city. The food frequency questionnaire was applied in order to discover their food pattern. The results show that for the energy-producing foods more than 90% of the total sample eat tubers, rice, bread and pasta; however, only the rice and bread are consumed daily. As for protein, 70% or more of the elderly people eta beans, beef, poultry, milk and eggs but for the daily consumption there are differences between the 3 regions. More than 85% of the subjects eat fruits, leafy and other vegetables; nevertheless, the frequency of their daily consumption is bigger in the walthierarea. The dietetic information shows that the group analysed has the same food pattern as other population groups as far the energy-producing foods are concerned; there are, however, some defference as regards the protein foods and fruit and vegetables.Foram estudados 283 idosos do sexo masculino e feminino pertencentes ao projeto multicêntrico "Identificação de Necessidades dos Idosos Residentes em Zona Urbana do Município de São Paulo", estratificados por nível socioeconômico em três regiões do Município de São Paulo, SP - Brasil. Utilizou-se o método de freqüência de alimentos para se obter o padrão alimentar do grupo analisado. Os resultados indicam que no grupo de alimentos energéticos, mais de 90% dos indivíduos das três regiões ingerem feculentos, arroz, pão e macarrão; porém, apenas o arroz e o pão são utilizados diariamente. Quanto ao grupo de alimentos protéicos, 70% ou mais dos idosos consomem feijão, carne de boi, aves, leite e ovos, entretanto, no consumo diário, existe uma diferenciação entre as regiões analisadas. Dos reguladores, mais de 85% dos indivíduos têm por hábito consumir frutas, verduras folhosas e legumes, mas, ao se avaliar o consumo diário, verifica-se que a prática é maior na região de melhor nível socioeconômico. As informações dietéticas mostram que os idosos analisados apresentam o mesmo padrão alimentar de outros grupos populacionais no tocante aos alimentos energéticos, porém, diferem quanto aos protéicos e reguladores

    Primary healthcare and the construction of thematic health networks: what role can they play?

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    The enhancement of primary healthcare has been a core strategy for the empowerment of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Recent guidelines issued by OPAS and the Ministry of Health highlight the role it has played as a thematic communication network center, a regulating agent for the access and use of services required for comprehensive healthcare. Sponsored by PPSUS/Fapesp, this study examines the possibilities of the primary healthcare network exercising such a strategic function. Life narratives involving 15 regular users were produced in two cities of ABC Paulista, which have adopted the Family Health Strategy for the organization of their primary healthcare networks. The study presents three main findings: the primary healthcare network serves as an outpost of SUS by producing user values even for high complexity service users; the primary network is perceived is a place for simple care needs; there is shared impotence between users and teams when it comes to the network functioning as the coordinator of care, indicating that it does not possess the technological, operational and organizational material conditions or symbolic conditions (values, meanings, and representations) to be in a central position in the coordination of thematic healthcare networks.O fortalecimento da atenção básica tem sido valorizado como estratégia central para a construção do SUS. Diretrizes recentes emanadas pela OPAS e pelo MS destacam seu papel como centro de comunicação de redes temáticas, como reguladora do acesso e utilização dos serviços necessários para a integralidade do cuidado. O presente estudo, financiado com recursos PPSUS/Fapesp, problematiza as possibilidades da rede básica exercer tal função estratégica. Foram produzidas narrativas de vida de 15 usuários altamente utilizadores de serviços de saúde em dois municípios do ABC paulista, que adotaram a Estratégia de Saúde da Família para organização de suas redes básicas. O estudo apresenta três achados principais: a rede básica funciona como posto avançado do SUS, produzindo valores de uso mesmo para os pacientes utilizadores de serviços de alta complexidade; a rede básica é vista como lugar de coisas simples; há uma impotência compartilhada entre usuários e equipes quando se trata da rede básica funcionar como coordenadora do cuidado, indicando como ela não reúne condições materiais (tecnológicas, operacionais, organizacionais) e simbólicas (valores, significados e representações) de deter a posição central da coordenação das redes temáticas de saúde.2893290

    Guidelines for the management and treatment of periodic fever syndromes Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (cryopyrinopathies – CAPS)

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    AbstractObjectiveTo establish guidelines based on cientific evidences for the management of cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes.Description of the evidence collection methodThe Guideline was prepared from 4 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation.Results1215 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 42 articles were selected to support the recommendations.Recommendations1. The diagnosis of CAPS is based on clinical history and clinical manifestations, and later confirmed by genetic study. CAPS may manifest itself in three phenotypes: FCAS (mild form), MWS (intermediate form) and CINCA (severe form). Neurological, ophthalmic, otorhinolaryngological and radiological assessments may be highly valuable in distinguishing between syndromes; 2. The genetic diagnosis with NLRP3 gene analysis must be conducted in suspected cases of CAPS, i.e., individuals presenting before 20 years of age, recurrent episodes of inflammation expressed by a mild fever and urticaria; 3. Laboratory abnormalities include leukocytosis and elevated serum levels of inflammatory proteins; and 4. Targeted therapies directed against interleukin-1 lead to rapid remission of symptoms in most patients. However, there are important limitations on the long-term safety. None of the three anti-IL-1β inhibitors prevents progression of bone lesions

    Primary healthcare and the construction of thematic health networks: what role can they play?

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    The enhancement of primary healthcare has been a core strategy for the empowerment of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Recent guidelines issued by OPAS and the Ministry of Health highlight the role it has played as a thematic communication network center, a regulating agent for the access and use of services required for comprehensive healthcare. Sponsored by PPSUS/Fapesp, this study examines the possibilities of the primary healthcare network exercising such a strategic function. Life narratives involving 15 regular users were produced in two cities of ABC Paulista, which have adopted the Family Health Strategy for the organization of their primary healthcare networks. The study presents three main findings: the primary healthcare network serves as an outpost of SUS by producing user values even for high complexity service users; the primary network is perceived is a place for simple care needs; there is shared impotence between users and teams when it comes to the network functioning as the coordinator of care, indicating that it does not possess the technological, operational and organizational material conditions or symbolic conditions (values, meanings, and representations) to be in a central position in the coordination of thematic healthcare networks.O fortalecimento da atenção básica tem sido valorizado como estratégia central para a construção do SUS. Diretrizes recentes emanadas pela OPAS e pelo MS destacam seu papel como centro de comunicação de redes temáticas, como reguladora do acesso e utilização dos serviços necessários para a integralidade do cuidado. O presente estudo, financiado com recursos PPSUS/Fapesp, problematiza as possibilidades da rede básica exercer tal função estratégica. Foram produzidas narrativas de vida de 15 usuários altamente utilizadores de serviços de saúde em dois municípios do ABC paulista, que adotaram a Estratégia de Saúde da Família para organização de suas redes básicas. O estudo apresenta três achados principais: a rede básica funciona como posto avançado do SUS, produzindo valores de uso mesmo para os pacientes utilizadores de serviços de alta complexidade; a rede básica é vista como lugar de coisas simples; há uma impotência compartilhada entre usuários e equipes quando se trata da rede básica funcionar como coordenadora do cuidado, indicando como ela não reúne condições materiais (tecnológicas, operacionais, organizacionais) e simbólicas (valores, significados e representações) de deter a posição central da coordenação das redes temáticas de saúde.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Medicina PreventivaInstituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Departamento de Saúde ColetivaUniversidade Estadual de Campinas Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Departamento de Saúde ColetivaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    High levels of immunosuppression are related to unfavourable outcomes in hospitalised patients with rheumatic diseases and COVID-19 : first results of ReumaCoV Brasil registry

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    Objectives To evaluate risk factors associated with unfavourable outcomes: emergency care, hospitalisation, admission to intensive care unit (ICU), mechanical ventilation and death in patients with immune-mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD) and COVID-19. Methods Analysis of the first 8 weeks of observational multicentre prospective cohort study (ReumaCoV Brasil register). Patients with IMRD and COVID-19 according to the Ministry of Health criteria were classified as eligible for the study. Results 334 participants were enrolled, a majority of them women, with a median age of 45 years; systemic lupus erythematosus (32.9%) was the most frequent IMRD. Emergency care was required in 160 patients, 33.0% were hospitalised, 15.0% were admitted to the ICU and 10.5% underwent mechanical ventilation; 28 patients (8.4%) died. In the multivariate adjustment model for emergency care, diabetes (prevalence ratio, PR 1.38; 95% CI 1.11 to 1.73; p=0.004), kidney disease (PR 1.36; 95% CI 1.05 to 1.77; p=0.020), oral glucocorticoids (GC) (PR 1.49; 95% CI 1.21 to 1.85; p50 years (PR 1.89; 95% CI 1.26 to 2.85; p=0.002), no use of tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) (PR 2.51;95% CI 1.16 to 5.45; p=0.004) and methylprednisolone pulse therapy (PR 2.50; 95% CI 1.59 to 3.92; p<0.001); for ICU admission, oral GC (PR 2.24; 95% CI 1.36 to 3.71; p<0.001) and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone (PR 1.65; 95% CI 1.00 to 2.68; p<0.043); the two variables associated with death were pulse therapy with methylprednisolone or cyclophosphamide (PR 2.86; 95% CI 1.59 to 5.14; p<0.018). Conclusions Age >50 years and immunosuppression with GC and cyclophosphamide were associated with unfavourable outcomes of COVID-19. Treatment with TNFi may have been protective, perhaps leading to the COVID-19 inflammatory process