115 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Power of the Civil Society: an empirical study of Brazilian professionals working in the NGOs

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    This study critically analyses the way Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operate in Brazil and their contribution to the development of the Brazilian civil society. The notion of "power fields" and "habitus", proposed by Bourdieu (1989; 1996), provides the theoretical backdrop to our discussions. This focusses largely on the recursive connection between structure and agency which resonates with the work of Fligstein (2006). This study seeks to critically analyse the learning and social practice developed by professionals in NGOs in their daily activities. This study is based on qualitative research and the results indicated that the knowledge produced by Brazilian NGOs, through the recursive connection between the agents of the fields and the structures underpinning them, contributes to the expansion and transformation of the field in which they operate. This perspective shows that the knowledge generated by this NGOs give them a certain level of power and influence in the Brazilian civil society

    Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um sistema web para auxiliar os alunos no estágio supervisionado

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Tecnologias da Informação e ComunicaçãoOs sistemas de compartilhamento de conhecimento surgiram para ajudar na melhoria das limitações impostas pela distância. Junto desses sistemas, podemos, ainda, relacionar com a quantidade de informações disponibilizadas na Web. Neste contexto, este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objetivo desenvolver um protótipo de um sistema para a Web como um repositório de planos de aula e ensino. O sistema Web funciona como um portal de apoio a alunos e professores das licenciaturas no desenvolvimento de suas atividades do estágio supervisionado. Para atingirmos esse objetivo, realizamos um estudo utilizando método experimental para revisão bibliográfica dos conceitos de sistemas colaborativos, internet, aplicação web e modelagem do protótipo de telas do sistema. Para a análise e projeto do sistema utilizou-se a UML. Também fizemos um levantamento dos processos de desenvolvimento de software para o protótipo frontend. Como tecnologias, utilizamos o BOOTSTRAP, CSS e HTML. A partir destas tecnologias, criamos um conjunto de telas do sistema, dentre elas: tela do aluno, com menus de cadastro do perfil, cadastro do plano de aula, página de contato com supervisor e página de pesquisa dos planos e, tela do professor, com página de cadastro do perfil, de gerenciamento dos planos enviados e do contato e, tela do administrador do sistema. No geral, pode-se concluir que os sistemas de compartilhamento de planos de aulas auxiliam os estudantes de cursos de licenciatura.Knowledge sharing systems have emerged to help improve the limitations imposed by distance. Together these systems, we can also relate to the amount of information available on the Web. In this context, this course conclusion work aims to develop a prototype system for the Web as a repository of lesson plans and teaching. The Web system acts as a portal to support students and teachers of undergraduate education in the development of their activities supervised training. To achieve this goal, we conducted a study using experimental method for literature review of the concepts of collaborative systems, internet, web application and modeling of the system screens prototype. For the analysis and system design used the UML. alsowe conducted a survey of the software development process for the prototype frontend. As technology, we use the Bootstrap, CSS and HTML. Based on these technologies, we have created a set of system screens, such as: student's screen with the profile registration menus, lesson plan registration, contact page with supervisor and search page of the plans and teacher's screen, profile registration page, management plans submitted and the contact and system administrator screen. Overall, it can be concluded that the lesson plans sharing systems help students of degree courses

    Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is recognized by a set of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) that usually coincide with insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. These risk factors include hyperglycemia (fasting glucose > 100 mg/dl), high blood pressure (SAD ≥ 130 mmHg and TAD ≥ 85 mmHg), triglyceride increase (≥150 mg/dl), decreased HDL levels <40 mg/dl, and central obesity (waist circumference ≥102 cm in men and ≥88 cm in women). The purpose of this chapter is to review the natural history of metabolic syndrome and epidemiology and to review risk factors for the appearance of metabolic syndrome, pathophysiology, and biochemistry among the various cardiovascular risk factors and their importance within the metabolic syndrome

    Influence of temperature and photoperiod on the maturation of the seminal vesicle and albumen gland in Oxychilus (Drouetia) atlanticus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

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    The land snail Oxychilus (Drouetia) atlanticus is endemic to São Miguel (Azores). In this species, the reproductive system, especiailly the glandular organs, changes in size and shape during the reproductive cycle. As maturation-diagnostic organs, the seminal vesicle and the albumen gland have complementary interpretations. While the former is appropriate to establish the phase of the pre-copulatory and copulatory periods the latter appears a more accurate way to define pre-egg-laying and egg-laying periods. Concerning the effects of photoperiod and temperature on both organs, it seems that while the former triggers the physiological phenomena related to reproduction, inducing the seminal vesicle and the albumen gland to mature, the latter acts mainly as a regulatory factor for these organs, delimiting the distinct phases of reproduction

    Negócios inclusivos e pobreza: perspectivas no contexto brasileiro

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    Negócios Inclusivos é um termo adotado para explicar as organizações que visam solucionar problemas sociais com eficiência e sustentabilidade financeira. Pode-se dizer que Negócios Inclusivos são aqueles voltados à geração de oportunidades de emprego e renda para grupos com baixa mobilidade no mercado de trabalho, dentro dos padrões do chamado "trabalho decente" e de forma auto-sustentável, estabelecendo relações com organizações empresariais privadas tradicionais na condição de fornecedores ou distribuidores de seus produtos ou serviços. No presente artigo, procura-se discutir as diferentes concepções que aparecem na literatura científica sobre Negócios Inclusivos, bem como analisam-se dados provenientes de pesquisa realizada com públicos participantes de seminários sobre Responsabilidade Social Empresarial promovidos pela Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais (FIEMG). Essa análise revela que perspectivas, riscos e idealizações semelhantes às presentes na teorização sobre Negócios Inclusivos também podem ser encontrados entre indivíduos envolvidos na gestão de projetos de responsabilidade social empresarial, mesmo que para eles essa denominação seja uma novidade. A ligação entre empresas e pobreza, sobretudo pelos caminhos dos Negócios Inclusivos, parece cheia de tropeços e armadilhas no contexto brasileiro.Inclusive business is a term currently used to explain the organizations that aim to solve social problems with efficiency and financial sustainability by means of market mechanisms. It can be said that inclusive businesses are those targeted at generating employment and income for groups with little or no market mobility, in keeping with the standards of so-called "decent jobs" and in a self-sustaining manner, i.e., generating profit for the enterprises, and establishing relationships with typical business organizations as suppliers of products and services or in the distribution of this type of production. This article discusses the different concepts found in the scientific literature on inclusive businesses. It also analyses data from a survey conducted with the audiences of Social Corporate Responsibility seminars held by FIEMG. This analysis reveals that prospects, risks and idealizations similar to those found in inclusive business theories can also be found among individuals that run social corporate responsibility projects, even if this designation is new for them. The connection between companies and poverty, especially in relation to inclusive businesses, seems full of stumbling blocks and traps in the Brazilian context.Negocios inclusivos es un término adoptado para explicar las organizaciones que tienen como objetivo solucionar problemas sociales con eficiencia y sostenibilidad financiera. Se puede decir que los negocios inclusivos son aquellos dirigidos a generar oportunidades de empleo e ingresos para grupos con baja movilidad en el mercado de trabajo, dentro de los estándares del denominado "trabajo decente" y de forma autosostenible, estableciendo relaciones con organizaciones empresariales privadas tradicionales, en la condición de proveedores o distribuidores de sus productos o servicios. En este artículo se analizan las diferentes concepciones que aparecen en la literatura científica sobre negocios inclusivos, así como los datos provenientes de encuestas con el público participante en los seminarios sobre Responsabilidad Social Empresarial promovidos por la FIEMG (Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais). Dicho análisis revela que perspectivas, riesgos e idealizaciones semejantes a los que se observan en la teorización sobre negocios inclusivos también se pueden encontrar entre individuos involucrados en la gestión de proyectos de responsabilidad social empresarial, aunque para ellos esa denominación sea una novedad. La relación entre empresas y pobreza, sobre todo en los caminos de los negocios inclusivos, parece llena de tropiezos y trampas en el contexto brasileño

    A morte de D. João I : um tema de propaganda dinástica

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    This study examines the process of emancipation of women in social andproductive arrangements of Popular Solidarity Economy from a case study in the “Pastorinhas” Rural Settlement, located in the region ofBrumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Popular Solidarity Economy can contribute to promote the gender equalities, because it recognizesand tries to fight against different forms of discrimination, not onlyrelated to gender, which manifest themselves in sociability in its political, cultural and economic. Semi-structured interviews in-depth with different participants in this project and conducted field visitswere made to discuss the status of women in the “Pastorinhas” Settlement. It is possible to observe and interact with individualsin their daily lives, checking the social articulation, organizationand productive relationships with external actors to the realities andsettlement. Despite the “Pastorinhas” community have some degree of organization based on the principles of solidarity and cooperative,there are still challenges to overcome in the process of emancipationof the settlers, especially towards women

    Understanding social enterprises in the United Kingdom: the case of South Yorkshire

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    Purpose-- This study analyses the development of social enterprises in the UK, in the context of the increased need for creative solutions to ameliorate deprivation and deliver effective public services. Design/methodology/approach-- The investigation draws on a mixed method approach, using a postal survey of 102 social enterprises complemented by detailed analysis of two selected cases and key informant interviews. Findings-- The results of the study show that there is a paradigm shift in the practice and conceptualisation of social enterprises in South Yorkshire as they are increasingly taking a more corporate approach to achieve their outcomes. Research limitations/implications-- The study is limited to social enterprises in South Yorkshire, UK. Further comparative analysis in other regions and social contexts is required in order to explore if these results are widely applicable. Practical implications-- This study is of potential benefit to researchers and those involved in formulating policies for the development and support of social enterprise. Originality/value-- The study contributes to the extant literature by investigation of the development of social enterprise in competitive markets, which is an area that requires further academic scrutiny. The South Yorkshire region presents an interesting case that extends our understanding of the operations of social enterprises in the UK given the high levels of deprivation due to the steady decline of its industrial base ( Bache and Chapman, 2008)

    A inovação na indústria têxtil e vestuário : o papel da colaboração

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    Mestrado em Economia e Gestão de Ciência, Tecnologia e InovaçãoAtualmente, a inovação e o investimento em investigação & desenvolvimento (I&D) aparentam ser fatores de diferenciação e vantagem competitiva no panorama organizacional, independentemente da indústria em questão. A procura pela inovação constante e melhoria contínua, assim como pela realização de atividades de I&D, é realizada de várias formas e com vários objetivos. A Indústria Têxtil e Vestuário encontra-se num momento onde a evolução é constante e a inovação um pilar. Adicionalmente, a qualidade e competência melhoradas foram sempre os meios requeridos para que esta indústria se globalizasse e internacionalizasse. Deste modo, no ambiente incerto atual, o setor têxtil aposta na inovação contínua e persistente, com o objetivo de melhorar e de definir novos standards, através das atividades acima mencionadas e das suas ligações. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar que a colaboração tem um papel importante na procura pela inovação através das várias atividades realizadas pelas empresas, na Indústria Têxtil e Vestuário Portuguesa. Em adição, pretende-se também demonstrar que as atividades de I&D estão positivamente ligadas à inovação. Os principais resultados revelam que a realização de atividades de I&D está ligada à inovação, sendo esta uma ligação positiva. Além disso, concluiu-se que as colaborações com fornecedores e clientes têm uma relação positiva com a inovação, mas não moderam a relação entre as várias atividades e a inovação. Esta dissertação permitiu explorar relações numa indústria pautada pela inovação e melhoria contínua, onde é proposta a colaboração como fator moderador, aumentando o conhecimento sobre esta indústria.Currently, innovation and investment in research & development (R&D) appear to be factors of differentiation and competitive advantage in the organizational landscape, regardless of the industry in question. The search for constant innovation and continuous improvement, as well as for carrying out R&D activities, is carried out in various ways and with various objectives. The Textile and Clothing Industry is at a time where evolution is constant and innovation a pillar. In addition, improved quality and competence have always been the means required for this industry to globalize and internationalize. Thus, in today's uncertain environment, the textile sector bets on continuous and persistent innovation, with the aim of improving and defining new standards, through the activities mentioned above and their connections. Therefore, the objective of this work is to demonstrate that collaboration has an important role in the search for innovation through the various activities carried out by companies, in the Portuguese Textile and Clothing Industry. In addition, it is also intended to demonstrate that R&D activities drive innovation. The main results reveal that R&D activities are connected to innovation, which is a positive connection. Moreover, it was concluded that collaborations with suppliers and customers have a positive relationship with innovation, but do not moderate the relationship between the various activities and innovation. This dissertation allowed to explore relationships in an industry guided by innovation and continuous improvement, where collaboration is proposed as a moderating factor, increasing the knowledge about this industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aplicação de argamassas leves de reboco e assentamento em alvenarias

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil (Especialização em Construções). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201