1,197 research outputs found

    Impact of red flour beetle infestations in wheat flour and their effects on dough and bread physical, chemical, and color properties

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    The impact of Tribolium castaneum on the quality and technological suitability of bread-making wheat flour was evaluated. The aim of this study is to investigate whether insect-infested flours can be used, after pest removal, avoiding the common use of insecticides and flour waste. The tests were carried out with wheat flour infested red flour beetle with 500 adults/kg (N1), 1000 adults/kg (N2) and 2000 adults/kg (N3), for two weeks. Flour color, total starch, protein and water contents, mineral composition and flour acidity were studied. The technological properties of the respective doughs and of bread were characterized. The results showed that infested flours acidity was significantly higher (N1, N2 and N3 = 0.3 g H2SO4/100 g) than the control (0.1 g H2SO4/100 g), the total starch content decrease, from 78 g (control) to 70 g/100 g dm (N3), and protein content did not significantly change, 7 g/100 g (control) to 8 g/100 g (N2); flour infested showed darker greyish tone which colour differences ΔE higher than 5, while the bread crust was lighter; the gelatinization properties of starch were slightly influenced by degree of infestation with gelatinization temperature reduction of about 5◦c. There was not impact on the structure of the doughs from infested flours measured by rheology. The extensibility of the doughs, before and after fermentation, was moderately affected by the insects. For the respective breads, they kept their softness for longer, without significant volume change. These results encourage insect tolerance on grains and derivatives, avoiding chemical toxic insecticides and food waste. This pretends to be a contribution to pest management and decision support systems, prevention, and control of losses, relevant subject to stored products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marine debris ingestion by sea turtles (Testudines) on the Brazilian coast: an underestimated threat?

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    Assessment of marine debris ingestion by sea turtles is important, especially to ensure their survival. From January to December 2011, 23 specimens of five species of sea turtleswere found dead or dying after being rehabilitated, along the coast of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To detect the presence of marine debris in the digestive tract of these turtles, we conducted a postmortemexamination from the esophagus until the distal portion of the large intestine for each specimen. Of the total number of turtles, 39% had ingested marine debris such as soft plastic, hard plastic, metal, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle caps, human hair, tampons, and latex condoms. Five of the seven sea turtles species are found along the Brazilian coast, where they feed and breed. A large number of animals are exposed to various kinds of threats, including debris ingestion

    Proposta de avaliação do fluxo e uso da informação em saúde por gestores de saúde nos níveis de decisão local, estadual e federal

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    O modelo Sense-making de estudo centrado no usuário de informação (Dervin, 1983; 1999; 2003), que considera a perspectiva de tomada de decisão orientada por problemas e focada no conteúdo da decisão em uma dimensão cognitiva, será utilizado para avaliar o uso da informação por gestores de saúde e seu fluxo nos níveis de decisão local, estadual e federal. O cerne desta abordagem tem como base o trinômio ‘situação – lacuna – uso’, consistente com o modelo de tomada de decisão também cognitivo que considera a informação como sendo uma construção do sujeito que se dá de forma ativa, dinâmica e intuitiva. Dervin propõe que ao fazer uso da informação, o usuário consegue transpor os vazios que aparecem no seu caminho, reduz as incertezas, informa-se, instrui-se e faz progressos no caminho da ação - a tomada de decisão em saúde. O estudo qualitativo, de cunho analítico e descritivo baseado na metodologia de estudo de caso, a ser realizado no Rio de Janeiro, fará entrevistas em profundidade com quinze gestores de saúde e profissionais da informação do Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso, da Secretaria Municipal e Estadual de Saúde, bem como gestores do Ministério da Saúde. Os achados do estudo servirão de subsídio para a melhoria da tomada de decisão e, consequentemente, da administração do sistema e serviços de saúde

    Dinâmicas da Cooperação China-África: perspectivas e controvérsias

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    This paper seeks to demonstrate that the motivations of China’s engagement in Africa go beyond the exploitation of natural resources, revealing political interests of international insertion, external recognition of its status as an international power and participation in the definition of the rules governing the International Order.A presente reflexão procura demonstrar que as motivações do engajamento da China no continente africano vão além da exploração de recursos naturais, revelando interesses políticos de inserção internacional, reconhecimento externo do seu status de potência e de participação na definição das regras da Ordem Internacional

    The effect of warm-up on sprinting kinematics

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    The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of warm-up on kinematic variables during short distance repeated sprints. Twenty-two college students randomly performed 2 x 30-m running time-trials after warm-up or with no warm-up, in different days. Performance (time-trial) and biomechanical (step length and step frequency) were assessed during both repeated trials. Performance was 0.5% faster after warm-up in the first 30-m time-trial (p = 0.03, d = 0.44), but without differences on step length and frequency. The second sprint was not different between conditions, but it was better than the first sprint in the no warm-up condition. This condition also led to higher changes between the first and second sprint. Thus, the warm-up is suggested to improve maximal running performances and maintaining kinematics more similar throughout the sprints.N/

    Effect of Hevea brasiliensis latex sap gel on healing of acute skin wounds induced on the back of rats

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    Objetivo: avaliar o efeito da administração tópica do gel-creme de látex em feridas cutâneas agudas induzidas no dorso de ratos. Métodos: dezesseis ratos foram submetidos à excisão dermoepidérmica de retalho cutâneo dorsal, circular com 2,5cm de diâmetro. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos, um experimental e outro controle: Grupo Látex- aplicação em todo o leito da ferida do látex em base gel-creme no período zero, no terceiro, no sexto e no nono dias pós-operatórios; Grupo Controle- sem nenhum tratamento sobre a ferida. Foram feitas fotografias das lesões no dia da operação, no sexto e no 14º dia pós-operatório, para análise de área e do maior diâmetro da ferida. Realizou-se a eutanásia de todos os animais no 14º dia pós-operatório. Ressecouse a pele dorsal e o plano muscular subjacente contendo a ferida para estudo histopatológico. Resultados: não houve diferença estatisticamente significante no percentual de fechamento, nos achados histopatológicos ou na redução da área e do maior diâmetro das feridas, entre os grupos estudados no 14º dia pós-operatório. Conclusão: nas condições experimentais em que o estudo foi realizado, o gel-creme de látex não interferiu na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas agudas em ratos.Objective: to evaluate the effect of topical delivery of latex cream-gel in acute cutaneous wounds induced on the back of rats. Methods: we subjected sixteen rats to dermo-epidermal excision of a round dorsal skin flap, with 2.5cm diameter. We divided the animals into two groups: Latex Group: application of cream-gel-based latex throughout the wound bed on postoperative days zero, three, six and nine; Control group: no treatment on the wound. Photographs of the lesions were taken on the procedure day and on the 6th and 14th postoperative days, for analyzing the area and the larger diameter of the wound. We carried out euthanasia of all animals on the 14th postoperative day, when we resected he dorsal skin and the underlying muscle layer supporting the wound for histopathological study. Results: there was no statistically significant difference in the percentage of wound closure, in the histopathological findings or in the reduction of the area and of the largest diameter of the wounds among the groups studied on the 14th postoperative day. Conclusion: according to the experimental conditions in which the study was conducted, latex cream-gel did not interfere in the healing of acute cutaneous wounds in rats

    Thrombophilic risk factors for retinal vein occlusion

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    The aim is to study risk factors for retinal vein occlusion (RVO), such as thrombophilic and cardiovascular risk factors (CRF). A retrospective consecutive case series of 60 patients with RVO was made, tested for CRF, hyperhomocysteinemia, lupic anticoagulant, antiphospholipid antibody and 5 gene variants: factor V (FV) Leiden (G1691A), factor II (PT G20210A), 5,1-methylenetetra-hydrofolate reductase (MTHFR; 677 C > T and 1298 A > C), plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1; 4 G/5 G). More than 1 CRF were present in 36 patients (60%), which had a significantly higher mean age at diagnosis (66.7 ± 12.9 versus 59.5 ± 13.7 with ≤1 CRF, [t(57) = -2.05, p = 0.045, d = 0.54). Patients with thermolabile MTHFR forms with decreased enzyme activity (T677T or C677T/A1298C) had a significant lower mean age [57.6 ± 15.1; t (58) = 3.32; p = 0.002; d = 0.846] than patients with normal MTHFR enzyme activity (68.5 ± 10.2). Regarding CRF and thermolabile forms of MTHFR, the mean age at diagnosis could be significantly predicted [F(2,56) = 7.18; p = 0.002] by the equation: 64.8 - 10.3 × (thermolabile MTHFR) - 5.31 × ( ≤ 1CRF). Screening of MTHFR polymorphisms may be useful in younger RVO patients, particularly when multiple CRF are absent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    0002/2011 - Identificação automática de serviços em uma abordagem SOA

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    A modelagem de processos de negócio está sendo utilizada em larga escala nas empresas atualmente. Quando bem elaborados, os modelos englobam informações detalhadas sobre as atividades realizadas no processo: fluxo de execução, sistemas de apoio, regras de negócio, requisitos de negócio, tecnologias de armazenamento, dados de entrada e saída das atividades e outras informações relevantes. Em uma abordagem SOA, essa gama de informações permite uma análise computacional automatizada, baseada em heurísticas que identificam serviços candidatos a partir dos modelos de processo de negócio. Este trabalho descreve como é realizada a identificação automatizada de serviços candidatos, as informações extraídas no processo e sua utilização no apoio aos analistas e desenvolvedores


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    The aim of this report was to describe a case of urinary capilariosis in a feline and an ultrasonographic finding of Capillaria plica in the urinary bladder. A female feline, 14-years-old, was seen presenting a history of weight loss and anorexia for five days. A hemogram, renal and hepatic serum biochemistry, total protein dosages and albumin and urinalysis were performed. The urinalysis showed dark yellow urine, elevated density, turbid aspect, proteinuria, hematuria, cylindruria, presence of leucocytes and bacteria. The microscopic examination of the urinary sediment revealed the presence of oval and colourless eggs with a thick capsule and bioperculated, characterized as being of C. plica. Treatment with levamisole was carried out, however some of the parasites’ eggs were still verified after the therapy. An abdominal ultrasonography was performed being visualized, in the urinary bladder, a filiform mobile hyperechoic structure of 0.59 cm of length and 0.28 of thickness, besides a thickening of the organ’s wall. Ivermectine was administered at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg, IM. After this treatment, C. plica eggs were no longer found in the urinary sediment. The ultrasonographic examination of the urinary bladder may be a good tool for the confirmation of the diagnosis in these cases


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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar como a teoria e a metodologia desenvolvidas pela Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), a partir dos pressupostos apresentados por Fairclough (1989; 2001; 2008) e discutidos por Meurer (2005) e Melo (2011), podem ser aplicadas à análise do gênero anúncio publicitário. Para este artigo, selecionamos vinte peças publicitárias, dez da marca Itaipava e dez da marca Havaianas. Em seguida, cada um desses eventos discursivos foi analisado enquanto texto, prática discursiva e prática social, conforme propõe Fairclough (2001) em sua teoria tridimensional. Do total analisado, destacamos que, para este artigo, apresentamos um anúncio de cada empresa. Como resultado, pudemos constatar que os pressupostos da ACD possibilitam uma tomada, não apenas descritiva, mas também interpretativa do gênero anúncio publicitário, compreendendo, assim, tanto a sua estrutura quanto a sua função social. Por tudo isso, conclui-se que a teoria e o método propostos pela ACD, apesar de não terem sido inicialmente formulados para o estudo dos gêneros discursivos, mas, sim, construídos para a investigação das práticas de hegemonia e poder na sociedade social, apresentam-se como mais um caminho para a compreensão dos componentes estruturais e da função social do gênero anúncio publicitário.DOI: https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v10i4.316