987 research outputs found

    Putting servant leadership to the test

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    As interest in the servant leadership model has grown among academics and managers alike, so too has curiosity about the complex mechanisms underpinning it and its applicability within real-life relational and organisational circumstances. These and other concerns are explored in a recently published research paper, which adds considerably to our understanding of this leadership approach

    Reducing social inequalities in the oral health of an adult population

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between social inequality indicators and oral health conditions in an adult population. This prospective cohort study assessed a probabilistic sampling of adults (aged 20-64 years) living in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. Oral examinations were performed in 2011 and 2015, conducted at home, and used the decay-missing-filled (DMFT) index of permanent teeth, the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), and the visible biofilm criterion. A questionnaire was administered to determine demographic and socioeconomic aspects and dental services used, and collect oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) data. Social inequality indicators were evaluated according to social class (high, middle or low) and type of dental service used (public, health insurance or private), and compared with oral health conditions (visible biofilm, DMFT and incidence of tooth loss, periodontal pockets and bleeding, and OHRQoL), evaluated between 2011 and 2015. Analysis using chi-squared or Fisher tests (p < 0.05) and Cochran's Q test was conducted separately for each category analyzed between 2011 and 2015 (p < 0.05). A total of 143 adults who participated in an earlier study were examined after four years of follow-up. Although the occurrence of oral disease did not decrease over the study period (4 years), there was a reduction in inequality among lower social classes in regard to presence of tooth decay and oral health impact on self-perceived quality of life between 2011 and 2015 (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the Brazilian National Oral Health Policy has achieved its principles, especially that of greater equity33COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2014/15184-22009/16560-0; 2011/00545-

    Quinze anos de monitorização das comunidades biológicas do estuário do Tejo no âmbito da construção e funcionamento das ETARs do Portinho da Costa e da Mutela (Concelho de Almada): Experiência adquirida e ensinamentos para futuros casos semelhantes.

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    Desde 2001 que a Câmara Municipal de Almada tem vindo a promover, em colaboração com o MARE, a monitorização ambiental das regiões estuarinas sob influência das ETARs do Portinho da Costa e da Mutela, que vieram substituir efluentes não tratados emitidos sensivelmente nas mesmas regiões. O objetivo deste programa de monitorização consiste em avaliar as principais alterações ocorridas (na maioria dos casos positivas) nos ecossistemas estuarinos dos vários locais, após a entrada em funcionamento de ambas as infraestruturas. Estes 15 anos de estudos das comunidades bentónicas e de peixes locais têm permitido identificar variações nos padrões espácio-temporais destes compartimentos biológicos e identificar quais dessas evoluções podem ser presumivelmente relacionáveis com o funcionamento das infraestruturas e quais derivam provavelmente de flutuações naturais. Nesta comunicação são enunciados os pressupostos do estudo, descritos os delineamentos experimentais e metodologias de tratamento dos dados adotados, apresentados os principais resultados obtidos e discutidas as grandes dificuldades sentidas para cumprir os objetivos estabelecidos. Este conjunto de elementos será analisado numa perspetiva de como a experiência adquirida pode ser útil, no futuro, para casos semelhantes, sobretudo numa ótica da correta identificação dos verdadeiros efeitos infraestruturais e de despiste da influência de outros fatores concorrentes

    Servant Leadership to the Test: New Perspectives and Insights

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    __Abstract__ In support of the growing adoption of servant leadership and empirical evidence of its effectiveness, this dissertation expands on the applicability of servant leadership in different organizational and relational contexts. Two of a total of four empirical studies were focused on contrasting organizational perspectives. The first study allowed developing a new short measure of servant leadership which can be particularly suited for shared leadership assessments. Through this instrument it was possible to observe that shared servant leadership in small self-managed teams positively affected team behavioral integration and performance. A second study showed that servant leaders can be effective in ensuring workforce engagement during significant and uncertain large scale change processes through increased organizational identification and psychological empowerment. The two other studies of this dissertation emphasized relational factors. The third study allowed for a better understanding of the interaction between the virtuous and the action side of the servant leader. In particular, the virtuous side, which rests on an attitude of humility and standing-back, amplifies the impact of the action side on follower engagement, but this effect is only evident when the leader is in a high position of power. The fourth and last study focused on differences between self and other perceptions of leadership and had as main conclusion that servant leaders seem to under-estimate their own leadership behavior, confirming their humble nature. Finally, this dissertation provides also additional evidence on the potential validity of servant leadership across different national cultures

    The right way to kiss: directionality bias in head-turning during kissing

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    Humans have a bias for turning to the right in a number of settings. Here we document a bias in head-turning to the right in adult humans, as tested in the act of kissing. We investigated head-turning bias in both kiss initiators and kiss recipients for lip kissing, and took into consideration differences due to sex and handedness, in 48 Bangladeshi heterosexual married couples. We report a significant male bias in the initiation of kissing and a significant bias in head-turning to the right in both kiss initiators and kiss recipients, with a tendency among kiss recipients to match their partners’ head-turning direction. These interesting outcomes are explained by the influences of societal learning or cultural norms and the potential neurophysiological underpinnings which together offer novel insights about the mechanisms underlying behavioral laterality in humans

    Estudo experimental da dinâmica do escoamento de cereais em silos

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    Condições fitossanitárias de cereais nos silos da Federação Nacional dos Produtores de trigo (V zona)

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    Preservation of a highly perishable food, watermelon juice, at and above room temperature under mild pressure (hyperbaric storage) as an alternative to refrigeration

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    The feasibility of food preservation under pressure (hyperbaric storage) at and above room temperatures, as an alternative to refrigeration was evaluated. Preservation of a highly perishable food, watermelon juice, was studied at pressures of 25e150 MPa and temperatures ranging 20e37 C, being compared to refrigeration and storage at atmospheric pressure at the same temperatures. Hyperbaric storage at 75 MPa (20e37 C) revealed an inhibitory effect on microbial growth, with at least an equal performance compared to refrigeration. An additional inactivation effect was verified for storage at 100 and 150 MPa, with reduction of the initial microbial counts to 1.00 Log CFU/mL for enterobacteriaceae and yeasts and moulds, and from 4.43 ± 0.04 to 3.31 ± 0.04 and 2.99 ± 0.07 Log CFU/ mL, respectively, for total aerobic mesophiles (25 C). In general, pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids did not show a clear variation trend with pressure and no considerable differences among storage conditions were verified. Cloudiness decreased for samples stored under pressure and browning degree was in general lower in samples stored under pressure compared to refrigeration. This work demonstrates the potentiality of hyperbaric storage as a new preservation methodology, at variable (uncontrolled) room temperature without energetic costs during storage, as an alternative to refrigeration