494 research outputs found
Cultura visual e protagonistas negras : representações visuais das mulheres negras na primeira pessoa do plural
Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Visuais, 2013.Esta monografia é um estudo sobre representações visuais de mulheres negras elaborado a partir dos efeitos produzidos pela cultura visual hegemônica no Brasil. O objetivo é o de analisar a construção dos discursos, a produção de sentidos e a criação dos estereótipos presentes nos modos mais recorrentes de olhar o referido segmento. De tal importância também se torna a avaliação dos efeitos dessas práticas na formação identitária das mulheres negras, e na construção do imaginário social e cultural da sociedade brasileira.This work is a result of studies concerned about black women visual representations, considering the effects procuded by the hegemonic visual culture in Brazil. The aim is to analyse the speeches, the meanings and the breed of stereotypes found in the most popular ways of seeing the people with such characteristics. As important as this exercise is the evaluation of harmful effects of all these practices among those women during the process of building their indentities, and the development of social imaginary in the brazilian society
Um estudo sobre o autoconceito e a escrita de alunos com deficiencia visual
Orientador: Selma de Cassia MartinelliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoMestrad
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada - A comunicação oral e escrita em contexto de sala de aula
O presente relatório reflete o trabalho realizado na unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada e advém de duas intervenções em contexto escolar, bem como na apresentação do estudo realizado seguido dos resultados. As intervenções realizaram-se numa turma de 3.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e em duas turmas de 5.º ano do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O estudo que aqui se apresenta foi realizado em ambos os contextos, no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico nomeadamente e procurou dar resposta à questão problema: “Como é que as crianças comunicam oralmente as suas ideias, quando comparado com a comunicação escrita?” Por forma a orientar a resposta para esta questão foram delineados os seguintes objetivos: i) identificar aspetos que as crianças têm em conta quando lhes é pedido, por escrito, e oralmente, que expliquem as suas ideias; ii) realizar experiências de ensino-aprendizagem onde as crianças, nas suas tarefas, evidenciem essas ideias; iii) analisar as produções escritas das crianças comparando-as com a comunicação oral sobre as mesmas, atendendo a quatro dimensões: clareza, fundamentação, lógica e profundidade.
Para a concretização desta investigação de carácter qualitativo, foi necessário recolher dados e posteriormente analisa-los. Neste sentido selecionamos as técnicas e instrumentos de entre as quais destacamos a observação participante, narrativas orais, as narrativas escritas, registos fotográficos, notas de campo. Foram então implementadas experiências de ensino-aprendizagem que permitiram a recolha de dados através dos instrumentos supracitados. Após a análise dos dados, conseguimos compreender que os alunos do contexto do 1.º CEB têm dificuldades mais notórias na comunicação escrita, o mesmo se passa com os alunos na área da Matemática no 2.º CEB, enquanto que os alunos na área das Ciências da Natureza têm mais dificuldades em expressar-se oralmente.This report results from the Supervised Teaching Practice course from two interventions in the school context, as well as in the presentation of the study carried out followed by the results. The interventions were carried out in a class of the 3rd year of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and in two classes of the 5th year of the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. The study presented here was carried out in both contexts, including the answer of the question: “How do children communicate their ideas orally, comparing with writing? ”To guide the answer to this question, the following goals were outlined: i) to identify the aspects that children take into account when asked, in writing and orally, to explain their ideas; ii) carry out teaching and learning experiences where children, in their tasks, show these ideas; iii) analyze children's written texts by comparing them with oral communication about them, taking into account four aspects: clarity, logic, logic and depth.
To carry out this qualitative investigation, it was necessary to collect the data and subsequently analyze it, then we selected techniques and instruments such as: oral narratives, photographic records and field notes.
Thereafter, teaching-learning experiences were implemented that were related with this research, consequently searching and collecting the data were made, the results were analyzed and it was possible to understand that students in the context of the 1st CEB have more difficulties in written communication and the same happens with students in Mathematics in the 2nd CEB, while students in the field of Natural Sciences have more difficulty in expressing themselves orally
Study of Organizational Image as Competitive Differential for the Institution of Higher Education
This article presents the results of a satisfaction survey carried out with a College located in Ponte Nova/MG-Brazil. The research in question, aimed to verify what are the factors that affect the formation of the image of a school of higher education, the perception of your target audience. Among the multivariate techniques used in this paper we can highlight the principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA) aimed mainly to reduce a large amount of data to a smaller set, to convey as much information possible. The results achieved through the analysis of the variables obtained by the survey, can serve as a basis for establishing improvement targets for forming the image of an institution of higher education, because they represent the views of the main public that establishment
A revegetação de áreas degradadas é uma estratégia de recuperação, fundamental para melhorar os atributos físicos e químicos dos solos, além de fornecer através da cobertura vegetal, a proteção necessária para diminuir a perda de sedimentos por erosão hídrica. Com o intuito de recuperar uma área significativamente alterada pelos processos erosivos, foi realizado um plantio heterogêneo, com o emprego de espécies arbóreas selecionadas em função de seu estágio sucessional bem como, sua adaptabilidade e desenvolvimento na região em questão. As variáveis analisadas foram; a altura da planta, o diâmetro da área da copa e do caule conseguidas aos 18 meses do plantio. A Anadenanthera macrocarpa e a Ochroma pyramidalis apresentaram o maior crescimento em altura. Em relação ao desenvolvimento da copa, os maiores valores foram alcançados pela Mimosa caesalpinenafolia e Mimosa artemisiana. O crescimento em diâmetro foi significativo nas espécies Albizia Lebbeck e Mimosa caesalpinenafolia. As plantas mesmo em estágio inicial já oferecem benefícios para a área, através da cobertura foliar e da deposição de serapilheira. O que tem proporcionado maior proteção ao solo, reduzindo a energia das gotas provenientes da chuva, contribuindo também para o aumento da estabilidade dos agregados por meio da incorporação da matéria orgânica
Endividamento de longo prazo e desempenho em tempos de crise: evidências de empresas no Brasil e América Latina
This study aimed at examining the effect of long-term debt on the performance of Brazilian and Latin American companies, encompassing the previous economic scenario, during and after the global crisis of 2008. It was considered in this study the accounting data from public companies listed in stock exchanges of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru within the period of 2007 to 2015. It was elaborated a multiple linear regression model with panel data based on the literature of the subject. It was used Stata software for data analysis. The results indicated that for companies from Latin America, except Brazilians, there is a negative relationship between long-term debt and performance. In the case of Brazilian companies, for such relationship, the results were inconclusive.Este trabalho teve como objetivo examinar o efeito do endividamento de longo prazo no desempenho de empresas brasileiras e latino-americanas, de modo a abranger o cenário econômico anterior, durante e após a crise mundial de 2008. Considerou-se no estudo os dados contábeis referentes às companhias abertas listadas nas Bolsas de Valores do Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Colômbia, México e Peru, durante o período compreendido entre 2007 e 2015. Foi elaborado um modelo de regressão linear múltipla com dados em painel baseados na literatura sobre o tema. O software Stata foi utilizado para a análise dos dados. Os resultados indicaram que para as empresas da América Latina, exceto para as do Brasil, existe relação negativa entre o endividamento de longo prazo e o desempenho. No caso das empresas brasileiras, para tal relação, os resultados se mostraram inconclusivos
Deciphering the interaction of lactoferrin with V-ATPase towardsa deeper understanding of its mechanisms of action
Lactoferrin (Lf), a bioactive milk protein, exhibits strong anticancer and antifungal activities. The search for Lf targets and mechanisms of action is of utmost importance to enhance its effective applications. A common feature among Lf-treated cancer and fungal cells is the inhibition of a proton pump called V-ATPase. Lf-driven V-ATPase inhibition leads to cytosolic acidification, ultimately causing cell death of cancer and fungal cells. Given that a detailed elucidation of how Lf and V-ATPase interact is still missing, in this work we aimed to fill this gap by employing a multilevel computational approach. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of both proteins were performed to obtain a robust sampling of their conformational landscape, followed by clustering and protein-protein docking. Subsequently, MD simulations of the docked complexes and free binding energy calculations were carried out to evaluate the dynamic binding process and build the final ranking. This computational pipeline allowed the unraveling of the putative mechanism by which Lf inhibits V-ATPase and the identification of key binding residues that will certainly aid in the rational design of follow-up experimental studies, bridging in this way computational and experimental biochemistry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests
AimWater availability is the major driver of tropical forest structure and dynamics. Most research has focused on the impacts of climatic water availability, whereas remarkably little is known about the influence of water table depth and excess soil water on forest processes. Nevertheless, given that plants take up water from the soil, the impacts of climatic water supply on plants are likely to be modulated by soil water conditions.LocationLowland Amazonian forests.Time period1971–2019.MethodsWe used 344 long-term inventory plots distributed across Amazonia to analyse the effects of long-term climatic and edaphic water supply on forest functioning. We modelled forest structure and dynamics as a function of climatic, soil-water and edaphic properties.ResultsWater supplied by both precipitation and groundwater affects forest structure and dynamics, but in different ways. Forests with a shallow water table (depth <5 m) had 18% less above-ground woody productivity and 23% less biomass stock than forests with a deep water table. Forests in drier climates (maximum cumulative water deficit < −160 mm) had 21% less productivity and 24% less biomass than those in wetter climates. Productivity was affected by the interaction between climatic water deficit and water table depth. On average, in drier climates the forests with a shallow water table had lower productivity than those with a deep water table, with this difference decreasing within wet climates, where lower productivity was confined to a very shallow water table.Main conclusionsWe show that the two extremes of water availability (excess and deficit) both reduce productivity in Amazon upland (terra-firme) forests. Biomass and productivity across Amazonia respond not simply to regional climate, but rather to its interaction with water table conditions, exhibiting high local differentiation. Our study disentangles the relative contribution of those factors, helping to improve understanding of the functioning of tropical ecosystems and how they are likely to respond to climate change
The distribution of wall shear stress downstream of a change in roughness
In the present work, six different experimental techniques are used to characterize the non-equilibrium flow downstream of a rough-to-smooth step change in surface roughness. Over the rough surface, wall shear stress results obtained through the form drag and the Reynolds stress methods are shown to be mutually consistent. Over the smooth surface, reference wall shear stress data is obtained through two optical methods: linear velocity profiles obtained through laser-Doppler anemometry and a sensor surface, the diverging fringe Doppler sensor. The work shows that the two most commonly used methods to determine the wall shear stress, the log-law gradient method and the Reynolds shear stress method, are completely inappropriate in the developing flow region. Preston tubes, on the other hand, are shown to perform well in the region of a non-equilibrium flow.Indisponível
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