150 research outputs found
Evolução da Paisagem no Concelho de Arganil
O presente relatório teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um estudo sobre a evolução
da paisagem no concelho de Arganil.
Com a finalidade de alcançar o objetivo acima referido planearam-se levantamentos em
parcelas de amostragem sistemática em função da área ardida do ano de 2017, pois o
concelho sofreu um grande impacto com o incêndio pois ardeu cerca de 69% da área do
Seguiu-se a descrição e analise de resultados o método de regeneração natural dominante
é o vegetativo, pois a espécies dominantes é o Eucalipto e o Quercus spp., a exposição
com mais regeneração é a norte e os Carvalhos estão associados à exposição.
Por fim, abando da gestão tradicional por parte dos proprietários e produtores florestais
representa uma oportunidade para o ressurgimento da floresta autóctone de espécies com os
Carvalhos, Sobreiros e Castanheiros
Palavras-chave: Regeneração natural, Eucalipto, Pinheiro-bravo, Quercus spp., Gestão
florestal, Intervenções florestaisThis report aimed to develop a study on the evolution of the landscape in the municipality
of Arganil.
In order to achieve the above objective, surveys were planned in systematic sampling
plots according to the burned area of 2017, as the county suffered a major impact from
the fire as it burned about 69% of the county area.
This was followed by the description and analysis of results. The dominant natural
regeneration method is the vegetative one, as the dominant species is Eucalyptus and
Quercus spp., The most regenerating exposure is in the north and the Oaks are associated
with the exposure.
Finally, abandoning traditional management by forest owners and producers represents
an opportunity for the resurgence of native species forest with oaks, cork oaks and
chestnut trees.
Keywords: Natural regeneration, Eucalyptus, Pine tree, Quercus spp., Forest
management, Forest intervention
Sistema de apontamento para telemetria e rastreamento de Vant`s
Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação, 2017.O projeto desenvolvido tem como propósito o desenvolvimento de um sistema móvel de baixo consumo para apontamento de objetos voadores como balões, satélites e quadrirrotores. O sistema é composto por uma antena acoplada a um panoramizador que possui dois graus de liberdade com movimentações azimute e elevação. Da informação de posição do alvo obtida por GPS o objetivo do trabalho consiste em controlar ambos as movimentações de forma que o alvo permaneça dentro da área de comunicação efetiva gerada pela antena.The current project aims to develop a low energy mobile system for tracking flying objects such as balloons, satellites or even drones. The system is composed by an antenna mounted on a gimbal which has two degrees of freedom for azimuth and elevation movements. From the GPS information about the target‘s position the project‘s objective consists in controlling both movements so that the target remains inside the effective communication area created by the antenna
Retrospektivna studija o oralnoj i maksilofacijalnoj traumi u portugalskoj populaciji
Objective: The increasing significance of medicolegal evaluation following maxillofacial traumatic events constitutes a complex issue. This clinical research aimed to assess the current etiology of oral and maxillofacial injuries in Portuguese population. Material and methods: An epidemiological clinical observational study was conducted in Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte on a sample of 384 subjects diagnosed with oral and maxillofacial trauma, between 2018 and 2020. Data were collected through clinical reports and analyzed using SPSS version 27. Results: Women and men were nearly identical in the number and distribution, with 49.5% females and 50.5% males. In 2020, there was a decrease in the number of traumatic incidents compared to other years. Falls or accidental descents were found to be the most common cause of injury, accounting for 44.3%, followed by assaults accounting for 24.7%. A total of 84 subjects exhibited soft tissue injuries related to periodontal region. The upper central incisors (174) were the most frequently affected teeth with uncomplicated fractures, and the predominant form of treatment was the administration of pain medication. Conclusion: A correlation between falls or accidental descents, female subjects, and advancing age, as well as between assaults, male subjects, and adults, has been established. Falls or accidental descents and assault were the predominant etiologies, and the year 2020 exhibited a decrease in the incidents of traumatic events.Cilj: Sve veće značenje sudsko-medicinske evaluacije nakon maksilofacijalnih traumatskih događaja složeno je pitanje. Autorima ovoga kliničkoga istraživanja cilj je bio procijeniti trenutačnu etiologiju oralnih i maksilofacijalnih ozljeda u portugalskoj populaciji. Materijal i metode: Epidemiološ-ka klinička opservacijska studija provedena je između 2018. i 2020. godine u Kliničkome bolničkom centru Lisabon-sjever na uzorku od 384 ispitanika s dijagnosticiranom oralnom i maksilofacijalnom traumom. Podatci su prikupljeni iz kliničkih izvješća i analizirani u SPSS verziji 27. Rezultati: Muški i ženski ispitanici bili su gotovo izjednačeni u broju i distribuciji – sudjelovalo je 49,5 % žena i 50,5 % muškaraca. U 2020. godini zabilježen je pad broja traumatskih incidenata u odnosu prema ostalim godinama. Ustanovljeno je da su padovi ili slučajna spuštanja najčešći uzrok ozljeda – čine 44,3 %, a slijede napadi koji čine 24,7 %. Ukupno 84 ispitanika imalo je ozljede mekog tkiva u parodontnoj regiji. Gornji središnji sjekutići (174) bili su najčešće zahvaćeni kad je riječ o nekompliciranim prijelomima, a prevladavajući oblik liječenja bili su lijekovi protiv bolova. Zaključak: Utvrđena je korelacija između padova ili slučajnih silazaka, ženskih subjekata i starije dobi, te između napada muških subjekata i odraslih. Padovi ili slučajni padovi i napadi bili su dominantni uzroci, a u 2020. godini smanjio se broj traumatskih događaja
Levantamento de insetos no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Brasil, em áreas submetidas a ação do fogo
Características morfofisiológicas da soja em Latossolo Amarelo submetida a diferentes fontes de fertilizantes fosfatados no cerrado piauiense
As fontes de fertilizantes fosfatados apresentam diferenças no produto das reações químicas entre o fertilizante e o solo, sendo influenciadas pelas características químicas e texturais do solo. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar características morfofisiológicas da cultura da soja sob diferentes fontes de fósforo no sudoeste piauiense. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, sendo que os tratamentos constaram de quatro fontes de fósforo (o superfosfato simples (SSP), o superfosfato triplo (SPT), fosfato natural reativo (FNR) e o fosfato natural reativo + enxofre (FNR+S)), mais uma testemunha com calcário Cincal, com quatro repetições. O experimento foi implantado no ano agrícola 2012/13 e as avaliações foram realizadas durante as safras 2013/14 e 2014/15. Foram avaliadas variáveis do estádio fenológico de florescimento pleno e de produção da soja. As características morfofisiológicas da cultura da soja foram influenciadas pelas fontes de fósforo, conforme constatado no estande de plantas, índice de área foliar, radiação fotossintética ativa e eficiência da radiação fotossintética ativa, fitomassa seca, produtividade e no peso de mil grãos
Objetivou-se avaliar a interação entre diferentes níveis salinos e substratos sob o crescimento inicial, o acúmulo de biomassa e as trocas gasosas da cultura do feijão-caupi. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (5 x 2), com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por substratos inseridos ao solo (T1- biocarvão + solo na proporção 1:1; T2- solo (testemunha); T3- adubação mineral; T4- casca de arroz carbonizada + carnaúba + solo na proporção 2:1:1 e S5- casca de arroz carbonizada + solo na proporção 1:1), e duas águas de irrigação (1,0 e 4,0 dS m-1). Aos 40 dias após a semeadura (DAS) foram avaliados: número de folhas (NF), altura de planta (AP), diâmetro do caule (DC), área foliar (AF), massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA) e total (MST), fotossíntese (A), transpiração (E) e condutância estomática (gs). A água de alta salinidade afetou negativamente a AP, DC, MSPA e a gs das plantas. Os tratamentos T4 e T5 promoveram maior NF e A quando combinado com água não salina. Os tratamentos T4 e T5 proporcionaram maiores valores de gs e E.
Palavras-chave: Vigna unguiculata L. Walp; salinidade; adubação.
Influence of saline stress and fertilizers on caupi bean crop
ABSTRACT: The objective was to evaluate the effects of salt stress on the initial growth, on the accumulation of biomass and on the gas exchange of the cowpea culture submitted to different substrates. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará. The design used was completely randomized in a factorial scheme (5 x 2), with four replications. The treatments consisted of substrates inserted in the soil (T1- biochar + soil in the proportion 1: 1; T2- soil (control); T3- mineral fertilization; T4- carbonized rice husk + carnauba + soil in the proportion 2: 1: 1 and S5- carbonized rice husk + soil in a 1: 1 ratio), and two irrigation waters (1.0 and 4.0 dS m-1). At 40 days after sowing (DAS), the following were evaluated: number of leaves (NF), plant height (AP), stem diameter (DC), leaf area (AF), shoot dry matter (MSPA) and total (MST), photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E) and stomatal conductance (gs). High salinity water negatively affected AP, DC, MSPA and plant gas. The treatments T4 and T5 promoted greater NF and A when combined with non-saline water. The treatments T4 and T5 provided higher values of gs and E.
Keywords: Vigna unguiculata L. Walp; salinity; fertilization
Toxicity and Anti-promastigote Activity of Benzoxazinoid Analogs Against Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum
Purpose: Here, we aim to evaluate the antileishmanial activity of compounds with a benzoxazinoid (BX) skeleton, previously synthesized by our group, against Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum promastigotes.
Methods: Anti-promastigote activity, as well as cytotoxicity, were determined using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) colorimetric assays. The selectivity index (SI) for each compound was calculated using a ratio of the cytotoxicity of compounds and the geometric mean (GM) of antileishmanial concentrations to each species tested. The comparisons between groups were carried out using a t test or analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA). A P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: All the compounds tested were active, with IC50 falling between 92 +/- 6.19 mu g/mL and 238 +/- 6.57 mu g/mL for L. braziliensis, and 89 +/- 6.43 mu g/mL and 188 +/- 3.58 mu g/mL against L. infantum. Bex2, Bex3, Pyr1, Pyr2, and Pyr4 were compounds that showed activity similar to the drug Glucantime (R), exhibited low cytotoxicity against splenic hamster cells (CC50 raging between >400 and 105.7 +/- 2.26 mu g/mL) and had favorable selectivity indices (SI 1.12 to 3.96).
Conclusion: The analogs in question are promising prototypes for the pharmaceutical development of novel, safer and more effective leishmanicidal agents
Adherence to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Portuguese-Speaking Countries
Funding Information: National Research Council–CNPq. Process: 159908/2019-1. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Strengthening strategies to improve adherence to the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in key populations constitutes a global health priority to be achieved across countries, especially in countries that share a high flow of people such as Brazil and Portugal. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with adherence to PrEP among MSM from two Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the opportunities and preventive strategies for the global health scenario. This was a cross-sectional analytical online survey conducted from January 2020 to May 2021 with MSM in Brazil and Portugal. For analysis of the data, the Poisson regression model was used to estimate the prevalence ratio (PR) for developing a model to evaluate the associated factors in both countries in a comparative and isolated way. Adherence to PrEP use corresponded to 19.5% (n = 1682) of the overall sample: 18.3% (n = 970) for Brazil and 21.5% (n = 712) for Portugal. Having more than two sex partners in the last 30 days (aPR: 30.87) and routinely undergoing HIV tests (aPR: 26.21) increased the use of this medication. Being an immigrant (PR: 1.36) and knowing the partner’s serological status (PR: 1.28) increased adherence to PrEP in Portugal, whereas, in Brazil, it was being an immigrant (PR: 0.83) and not knowing the serological status (PR: 2.24) that promoted the use of this medication. Our findings reinforce the need to invest in programs and strategies to improve access and adherence to PrEP, especially in key populations.publishersversionpublishe
Enriched artemia nauplii with commercial probiotic in the larviculture of angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Lichtenstein (1823)
This study evaluated the effect of enriched artemia nauplii with commercial probiotic for angelfish larvae determining productive performance, intestinal modulation and survival. Therefore, it experiment occurred in completely randomized design with five treatments (T1- 0.0, T2- 1.5, T3- 3.0, T4- 4.5 and T5- 6.0g of commercial probiotic) and four replaces during 20 days. After larvaculture, post larvae passed by biometric procedures to determine productive performance and then microbiological analysis. Occurred reduction of total heterotrophic bacteria while increased lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal tract from the post larvae for treatments T3, T4 and T5. The commercial probiotic also increased the survival and performance as final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate. For these reasons, the use of 3g of commercial probiotic promotes greater performance and intestinal modulation for angelfish larvae
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