931 research outputs found


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    Os últimos avanços em nanotecnologia revolucionaram os conceitos de prevenção e tratamento de algumas afeções cutâneas.O uso de nanopartículas e micropartículas em cosmética e terapêutica preventiva é cada vez mais utilizado.Menos conhecida mas muito investigada e utilizada é a aplicação de nano e micropartículas em materiais que contactam a pele, tais como vestuário, papel, equipamentos diversos, peles de animais, betão, vernizes, tintas, etc.,.The use of the latest advances in nanotechnology has revolutionized the way towards prevention and treatment of some skin affections. The use of nanoparticles and microparticles in dermatology with a cosmetic, preventive and therapeutic aim is becoming increasingly common. Less known but also thoroughly researched and used is the application of several active nano and microparticles in materials that are in contact with the skin, such as clothing, paper, various types of equipment used in everyday life, furniture, concrete, varnishes paints and so on


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    Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e medicação antidiabética : dos consumos populacionais aos perfis de prescrição e ao controlo glicémico em indivíduos seguidos em clínica especializada

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    Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Farmacoepidemiologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2015The work plan for the dissertation established the execution of population base studies and studies performed on diabetes specialized clinic, both on informatics databases. The population base study, with data of antidiabetic medicines reimbursed by National Health Service in continental Portugal, between 2005 and 2014, obtained the following results, in 2014, for the antidiabetic medicines 82.2 units of defined daily dose per one thousand inhabitants per day (DHD), for insulins 13.9 DHD and for non-insulin antidiabetic agents 68.3 DHD. From 2005 to 2014, the consumption of antidiabetic medicines increased by 66.7%. At a regional and district levels consumption differences were found. The study with subjects with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) being followed on diabetology medical appointments, is an observational, descriptive and transversal study, and obtained the following results: men 51%, average age of 66 years old, average of 18 years of DMT2, 41% presenting two or more diabetes complications, average of antidiabetic medicines 2.4, 70% on insulin, glycemic controls (HbA1c ≤6.5%) 10.8% and (HbA1c ≤8.0%) 52.8% and presented better results in personalized glycemic control for age and for DMT2 duration. The treatment with insulin and metformin represented 22.9%, insulin 22.8% and metformin, sulfonylureas and DPP-4 inhibitors 12.0%. The modelling study for glycemic control, defined as HbA1c ≤8.0%, used the same database from the previous study. The model developed contains eleven variables, including the type of treatment (oral antidiabetic medicines; oral antidiabetic medicines and insulin; insulin). This model was adapted to the outcome HbA1c ≤6.5%. The model was also adapted to compare the treatments with metformin and sulfonylureas versus metformin and DPP-4 inhibitors and the treatments with insulin versus insulin and metformin, both for the outcome HbA1c ≤8.0% and HbA1c ≤6.5%. The dissertation intends to provide clearer insights into the realities covered and to contribute for the pharmacoepidemiology in DMT2.O plano de trabalho para a dissertação estabeleceu a realização de estudos de base populacional e estudos em clínica especializada em diabetes, ambos em bases de dados informáticas. O estudo de base populacional, referente aos medicamentos antidiabéticos comparticipados pelo Serviço Nacional de Saúde em Portugal continental, entre os anos 2005 e 2014, obteve resultados, para 2014, de 82,2 unidades de dose diária definida por mil habitantes por dia (DHD) para os antidiabéticos, 13,9 DHD para as insulinas e 68,3 DHD para antidiabéticos não insulínicos. De 2005 a 2014 o consumo antidiabéticos aumentou 66,7%. A nível regional e distrital encontraram-se diferenças de consumo. O estudo com indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2), seguidos em consulta de diabetologia, é um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal e obteve os seguintes resultados: homens 51%, média de idade 66 anos, média de DMT2 18 anos, 41% com duas ou mais complicações da diabetes, média de 2,4 medicamentos antidiabéticos, 70% com insulina, controlos glicémicos (HbA1c ≤6,5%) 10,8% e (HbA1c ≤8,0%) 52,8% e melhores resultados no controlo glicémico personalizado na idade e na duração da DMT2. Tratamento com insulina e metformina representou 22,9%, com insulina 22,8% e com metformina, sulfonilureia e inibidores da DPP-4 12,0%. O estudo de modelação do controlo glicémico, definido como HbA1c ≤8,0%, utilizou a base de dados do estudo anterior. O modelo criado contém onze variáveis, incluindo o tipo de tratamento (antidiabéticos orais [ADO]; ADO e insulina; insulina), posteriormente adaptado para a resposta HbA1c ≤6,5%. O modelo também foi adaptado para a comparação entre os tratamentos de metformina e sulfonilureia versus metformina e inibidores da DPP-4 e entre os tratamentos de insulina versus insulina e metformina, ambos para a resposta HbA1c ≤8,0% e HbA1c ≤6,5%. A dissertação pretende dar perspectivas mais claras sobre as realidades abordadas, contribuindo para a farmacoepidemiologia na DMT2

    Communication Model for Generalist News Media Websites

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    AbstractThis paper presents a communication model to support participation initiatives in generalist news media websites. Within this context, it is proposed a conceptual model and a proof of concept – a Web platform – is presented. The initial goal was to provide an answer to the identified communication gap between the generalist news media and its user community. It is believed that the proposed Web platform can contribute to strengthen the communication and relationship between these two key stakeholders and provide a digital mediation infrastructure between them

    Óleo de canola como uma alternativa para a têmpera do aço AISI 8640

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    AISI 8640 is one of the most used steel in the manufacturing industry due its wide range of applicability and properties. The quenching process is commonly applied in parts made of this steel in order to enhance some properties, such as strength and hardness. Petroleum derived oils are the most common quenchants, however this kind of quenchant is considered to be non-biodegradable, toxic to the health and environment, as well as, not renewable. In the present study, canola oil presented the same efficiency than a conventional petroleum derived oil in the quenching process of AISI 8640 steel billets with diameter of 25.4mm.O AISI 8640 é um dos aços mais utilizados na indústria de manufatura devido às suas grandes faixas de aplicabilidade e propriedades. O processo de têmpera é comumente aplicado em peças feitas desse aço com o objetivo de melhorar suas propriedades, como a resistência e a dureza. Óleos derivados de petróleo são os mais comumente utilizados como meio de têmpera, porém esse tipo de óleos é considerado como não biodegradável, tóxico para a saúde e o ambiente, bem como, não renováveis. No presente estudo, o óleo de canola apresentou a mesma eficiência que o óleo convencional derivado de petróleo em um processo de têmpera de tarugos de aço AISI 8640 com diâmetro de 25,4 mm

    Characterization and ecotoxicity evaluation of chitosan/tripolyphosphate nanoparticles loaded with different essential oils

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    Essential oils (EOs) are botanical products extracted from medicinal and aromatic plants, which are constituted by volatile hydrophobic compounds exhibiting varied biological activities such as biopesticidal properties1. Chitosan is a polysaccharide with cationic nature and high potential to encapsulate natural ingredients. Electrostatic interactions between the cationic chitosan (protonated amine groups) and polyanions like tripolyphosphate (TPP) can be considered as an efficient polyelectrolyte complex to encapsulate EOs2. Therefore, the objective of this study was to encapsulate Anethum graveolens, Coriandrum sativum, Satureja montana and Thymus vulgaris EOs into chitosan/TPP nanoparticles via the ionic gelation technique. The particles encapsulating the EOs were characterized regarding their physicochemical and structural properties through DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) and UV-vis spectroscopy during 30 days of storage. A first screening of the ecotoxic potential of the formulations was performed through the Microtox Test using the bioluminescent bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri. Nanoparticles with average sizes ranging from 188 to 210nm and surface charge between +28 to +35 mV, respectively, were physically stable throughout storage at 4ºC. The EOs encapsulation efficiency (EE %) was high for the 4 EOs tested (86 to 97%). Despite having less toxicity than EOs loaded nanoparticles prepared from a concentration of 4.76 mg of EO/mL, empty chitosan/TPP nanoparticles (4.76 mg/mL of chitosan) also showed some toxicity through the Microtox Test. Other ecotoxicity tests will be carried out to assess the nanoformulations´ potential hazard towards different non-target organisms. Chitosan/TPP nanoparticles are a suitable, stable, and high-efficient nanocarrier.This work was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through a PhD research grant with the reference UI/BD/151043/2021.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposta de Utilização de Mediação Digital para a Participação Pública Direta em Períodos Eleitorais

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    Defesa de Tese de Doutoramento 30 de Abril de 2013Proposta de Utilização de Mediação Digital para a Participação Pública Direta em Períodos Eleitorai

    A generic and highly efficient parallel variant of Borůvka's algorithm

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    This paper presents (i) a parallel, platformindependent variant of Borůvka's algorithm, an efficient Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) solver, and (ii) a comprehensive comparison of MST-solver implementations, both on multi-core CPU-chips and GPUs. The core of our variant is an effective and explicit contraction of the graph. Our multi-core CPU implementation scales linearly up to 8 threads, whereas the GPU implementation performs considerably better than the optimal number of threads running on the CPU. We also show that our implementations outperform all other parallel MST-solver implementations in (ii), for a broad set of publicly available roadnetwork graphs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio