1,828 research outputs found

    N-acetyl-d-glucosamine Delivery From Gels and 3D Printed Matrices: a Comparative Study

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2020, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.Contexto: Na última década tem-se visto um aumento exponencial da impressão a 3 dimensões (3D), principalmente com finalidade terapêutica, esperando-se que venha a atingir ainda maior importância com a personalização de medicamentos e produtos de saúde. De forma similar, o precursor do ácido hialurónico, N-acetil-D-Glucosamina (GlcNAc), tem sido amplamente estudado em diversas áreas devido, maioritariamente, à sua eficácia nos tratamentos de osteoartrite e artrite reumatóide, e à sua ação hidratante e elastificante quando usada topicamente. Estes exemplos, fazem com que esta substância seja usada como modelo para o desenvolvimento de novas formulações, nomeadamente recorrendo à impressão 3D. Método: Este estudo teve como objetivo testar a libertação de GlcNAc a partir de discos poliméricos produzidos por impressão 3D, o qual poderia funcionar como alternativa ao uso de geles para aplicação tópica. Filamentos de álcool polivinílico (PVA) foram usados na impressão 3D dos discos. Preparam-se 6 formulações de gel diferentes, sendo que em cada uma foram utilizados vários espessantes. Posteriormente, uma alíquota de cada formulação foi colocada no seu respetivo disco. Finalmente, foram efetuados estudos in vitro e in vivo de libertação e permeação de GlcNAc quer para os geles, quer para os discos de PVA impressos em 3D e incorporados nos geles. Resultados: Os espessantes carbómero e hidroxietilcelulose foram considerados mais adequados. No entanto, as formulações finais (discos contendo GlcNAc) não libertaram nem permearam a substância modelo quando comparados com os geles que apresentaram resultados positivos no estudo in vitro. Para além disto, o estudo in vivo foi interrompido quando ficou claro que a substância GlcNAc não estava a ser adequadamente quantificada em ambas as amostras. Conclusão: Os discos de PVA impressos em 3D contendo GlcNAc não provaram ser uma eficaz alternativa às formulações tradicionais de aplicação tópica. No entanto, a discussão cientifica e a prossecução de mais estudos permitirão melhorar os resultados obtidos.Purpose: The development of pharmacological applications via 3D printing is growing rapidly and it is expected to take over the dermopharmacy and cosmetic fields. Likewise, N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine (GlcNAc), a hyaluronic acid precursor, has been increasingly studied across a variety of research areas owing to its efficacy in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis treatments, and hydrating and elasticity increasing effects when used topically. These examples make this active substance highly stimulating for the search of alternative formulations, leading to the development of 3D printing in the cosmetics industry. Method: The aim of this study was to test the use of 3D printed matrices which could provide an alternative to the primal use of gels for topical application using GlcNAc as a model active substance. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) filaments were used for 3D printing the discs. 6 different gel formulations were prepared, each using a different thickener. Subsequently, a portion of each formulation was placed on its respective disc. Both gels and PVA 3D printed discs incorporated with the gels were analysed in terms of GlcNAc release and permeation in in vitro and in vivo studies. Results: Using carbomer and hydroxyethyl cellulose as the optimal thickeners, GlcNAc-loaded discs did not demonstrate an ability to release or permeate this substance, in comparison to gels that revealed positive results in the in vitro study. Furthermore, the in vivo study was stopped when it was clear that GlcNAc was not being adequately quantified from both samples. Conclusion: PVA 3D printed discs incorporated with GlcNAc have proven to be a poor alternative to using gels. This study provides possible explanations on these results and points that should be tackled to further understand and overcome them.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o patrocínio da University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion

    O julgamento moral utilitário e a personalidade Dark Triad

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    Algumas perturbações, ou a existência de sujeitos com determinados traços de personalidade subclínicos têm sido alvo de estudo no âmbito da psicologia cognitiva por apresentarem, do ponto de vista da relação com o outro, uma extrema insensibilidade e alto nível de utilitarismo. É o caso da denominada Dark Triad, ou seja, indivíduos com traços de psicopatia, maquiavelismo e narcisismo. Contudo, os estudos têm-se revelado inconsistentes no que se refere aos resultados obtidos em tarefas de julgamento moral (dilemas morais). As razões para estas divergências podem dever-se quer a questões metodológicas inerentes à construção dos próprios dilemas, quer à falta de uso de outras medidas diretas aquando da decisão moral. Assim, tivemos como principal objetivo avaliar a relação entre os traços da Dark Triad e o julgamento moral. Para o efeito, foram avaliados 35 estudantes universitários numa nova tarefa de julgamento moral registando-se em simultâneo os dados fisiológicos de resposta galvânica da pele. Os principais resultados demonstraram uma associação positiva entre o narcisismo e o maquiavelismo e as respostas utilitárias, em todas as categorias de dilemas morais. Sugerindo respostas mais frias e calculistas quando existe a presença forte destes traços. Também percebemos que os indivíduos com níveis mais elevados de narcisismo e maquiavelismo, demoram mais tempo a responder aos dilemas morais, sugerindo a ocorrência de maior planeamento e estratégia na tomada de decisão utilitária. Relativamente à resposta fisiológica, detetamos que quanto maior o nível de narcisismo maiores eram as respostas emocionais aquando da decisão utilitária, sugerindo uma maior emocionalidade deste traço apesar do utilitarismo verificado

    Dietary manipulation to inprove the nutritional value of lipids from lamb meat

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    A carne de borrego é caracterizada por altos teores em ácidos gordos (AG) saturados e baixos níveis de ácidos gordos polinsaturados (AGPI), propriedades que são consideradas prejudicais para a saúde humana. Para atender às recomendações nutricionais é necessário melhorar a sua composição em AG. A principal motivação desta tese foi explorar algumas estratégias nutricionais que permitam melhorar o valor nutricional da fracção lipídica da carne de borrego. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a suplementação das dietas com óleos vegetais ricos em AGPI é uma abordagem eficaz para reduzir a saturação da carne de borrego e aumentar o seu conteúdo em AGPI. Além disso, a suplementação com mistura de óleos de girassol e de linho permitiu aumentar simultaneamente o conteúdo em isómeros conjugados do ácido linoleico e em AGPI n-3 de cadeia longa. A inclusão de bentonite sódica e de Cistus ladanifer em dietas suplementadas com óleo também mostrou ser uma boa abordagem para melhorar a composição em AG da carne de borrego; ABSTRACT: Dietary manipulation to improve the nutritional value of lipids from lamb meat Lamb meat is characterized by high contents of saturated fatty acids and low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), properties that are regarded as being negative to human health. To meet the nutritional recommendations is necessary improving the fatty acid (FA) composition of lamb meat. The main motivation of this thesis was explored some nutritional strategies that allows improve the nutritional value of lipid fraction from lamb meat. Data presented here show that supplementation of diets with vegetable oils rich in PUFA is an effective approach to decrease the saturation of lamb meat and increase its content in PUFA. Moreover, supplementation with blend of sunflower and linseed oils allowed increase simultaneously meat content in conjugated isomers of linoleic acid and n-3 long chain PUFA. Inclusion of sodium bentonite and Cistus ladanifer in oil supplemented diets also showed to be a good approach to improve the FA composition of lamb meat

    Challenging Gender and Racial Stereotypes in Online Spaces. Alternative Storytelling among Latino/a Youth in the U.S.

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    Media play an important role in perpetuating racial and gender stereotypes that harm the self-esteem and self-concept of marginalized youth, especially for Latino/a youth in the US context. However, this article illustrates that through a participatory media and media literacy approach, media can also become part of the solution. The main aim of this article is to document Latinitas, the first digital magazine in the United States created by and for young Latinas that challenges stereotypes through participatory digital storytelling. Explored through an interview with one of Latinitas’ co-founders and press coverage about the organization, this case study sheds light on the importance of alternative community-based initiatives for minority youth to redefine their identities in their own terms. The findings shed light on how to design alternative youth media programs, negotiate funding, build relationships with the surrounding community, and adapt to the changing media landscape. Such initiatives point to the importance of media literacy programs and participatory storytelling initiatives aimed at redefining youth identity and empowering youth voices

    Challenging Gender and Racial Stereotypes in Online Spaces. Alternative Storytelling among Latino/a Youth in the U.S.

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    Media play an important role in perpetuating racial and gender stereotypes that harm the self-esteem and self-concept of marginalized youth, especially for Latino/a youth in the US context. However, this article illustrates that through a participatory media and media literacy approach, media can also become part of the solution. The main aim of this article is to document Latinitas, the first digital magazine in the United States created by and for young Latinas that challenges stereotypes through participatory digital storytelling. Explored through an interview with one of Latinitas’ co-founders and press coverage about the organization, this case study sheds light on the importance of alternative community-based initiatives for minority youth to redefine their identities in their own terms. The findings shed light on how to design alternative youth media programs, negotiate funding, build relationships with the surrounding community, and adapt to the changing media landscape. Such initiatives point to the importance of media literacy programs and participatory storytelling initiatives aimed at redefining youth identity and empowering youth voices

    2ARTs – Decision Support System for Exercise and Diet Prescriptions in Cardiac Recovery Patients

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    The global health care system is faced with a variety of complicated challenges, ranging from limited access and increasing expenses to an aging population causing increased pressure on healthcare systems. Healthcare professionals are seeking alternative approaches to provide fair access and sustain high-quality care for everyone as a result of these challenges. Patients have historically been restricted from accessing essential healthcare services due to traditional barriers like geographic distance, financial and resource limitations. Innovative solutions to these problems are starting to take shape, thanks to the growth of eHealth platforms that use technology to improve patient care. Through a comprehensive study of existing solutions in the healthcare domain, particularly in cardiology, we identified the need for a Decision Support System (DSS) that would empower physicians with valuable insights and facilitate informed physical and diet prescribing practices into Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes (CRPs). The major goal of 2ARTs’ project is to create and implement a cardiac rehabilitation platform into a hospital's infrastructure. A key aspect of this platform is the integration of a decision support system designed to provide physicians with valuable information when prescribing individualized treatment prescriptions for each patient, minimizing the potential of human error. The DSS uses algorithms and predictive models to classify patients into distinct groups based on their features and medical history. This classification provides critical insights and additional knowledge to doctors, allowing them to make informed judgments regarding the most effective treatment options for each patient's cardiac rehabilitation journey. By using the power of data-driven analytics and machine learning, the DSS enables doctors to better understand each patient's needs and personalize treatment actions accordingly. In order to achieve the best possible results aligned with the goals of the project, a variety of approaches based on comprehensive studies were explored, specifically feature selection and feature reduction methods, where their performance metrics were evaluated, seeking the most effective solution. It was through this thorough analysis that Principal Component Analysis (PCA) emerged as the standout choice. PCA not only demonstrated superior outcomes in evaluation metrics, but also showcased excellent compatibility with the selected clustering algorithm along with the best results after an expert analysis. Moreover, with the analysis of the data types and features the dataset had, the K-Means algorithm produced the best results and was more adaptable to our dataset. We were able to identify useful insights and patterns within the data by employing both PCA and K-Means, opening the way for more accurate and informed decision-making in the 2ARTs project

    Development of sustainable energetic and nutritious balls based on chestnut and apple flours enriched in macroalgae from the Portuguese coast

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaMacroalgae are increasingly being integrated into food, where their incorporation has contributed to an increase in its nutritional composition, namely mineral values and fibre (Gomez-Zavaglia et al., 2019; Milledge et al., 2016). This increased interest in their consumption is related to the health benefits they provide, resulting from the high number of bioactive compounds, as well as high content in polysaccharides and protein (Fradinho et al., 2019; Paiva et al., 2014). The present study aimed to develop innovative nutritious balls based on chestnut and apple flours, incorporating three macroalgae from the Portuguese coast: Porphyra dioica and Gracilaria gracilis (red macroalgae), and Ulva rigida (green macroalgal), at different concentrations (1, 3, 5 and 10% w/w). The impact of the addition of macroalgae on the rheology, nutrition, bioactivity, sensory properties (colour, smell, taste, texture and general acceptance) of the nutritious balls was studied, and the maximum level of incorporation, to understand up to what algae content the consumer accepts the product. The instrumental texture was analysed by Texture Profile Analysis (TPA), and small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) measurements were carried out in a controlled stress rheometer. Colour was instrumentally measured using a colorimeter (CIELAB* system). The nutritional and chemical composition was evaluated based on the AOAC methods (lipids, ash, moisture), protein content by DUMAs methodology, and mineral profile using an ICP-OES equipment. Bioactivity was accessed by the determination of the total phenolic compounds (Folin-Ciocalteu), antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP assays). The obtained results showed that all the three macroalgae can be used as natural innovative and sustainable ingredients to nutritionally enrich snacks using high incorporation levels, presenting a high number of nutritional claims, namely in terms of mineral content. However, the global appreciation showed higher scores for control (4.10) than for 3% and 5% Gracilaria gracilis nutritious balls, 3.85 and 3.63, respectivelyN/

    Os efeitos da globalização nos sistemas fiscais dos blocos económicos

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    O trabalho ora apresentado trata do fenómeno da globalização e o relaciona com os impactos trazidos aos sistemas fiscais dos países membros dos blocos económicos. Através de um levantamento histórico, legislativo e jurisprudencial será possível discorrer sobre os aspetos mais importantes acerca desse tem

    Green housing development: A perspective from angola

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    Green housing developments take an important role in our societies, not only because we face an era of environmental awareness, but because people need to think long term and face the impending scarcity of natural elements that have been in use. This paper takes a look upon the needs of a particular country, Angola, and the basic needs people in the said country face on a daily basis, having in mind their way of living, their actual needs, how they view the world of green development and how cultural marketing can have an influence on how people from an underdeveloped country may think and act upon the worlds change into sustainability seeing as most of them are not even aware of those changes and needs. The findings of this study will show how a green housing development can help current and future generations in need and try to find the most sustainable approach to bring the basic needs to these people, such as water and electricity for a population with 0 to minimum wage in the country