14 research outputs found

    Treatment of Waste in Most Area

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    V předložené práci je zpracováno téma nakládání s odpady na Mostecku, které se řídí Plánem odpadového hospodářství města Mostu. Je zde popsána činnost Technických služeb města Mostu, a.s., kterou koordinuje Úsek komunálního hospodářství Magistrátu města Mostu. V další části je popsána skladba komunálního odpadu, jeho legislativní zařazení a současný systém nakládání s komunálními odpady v Mostě. Následuje sběr odděleně sbíraných složek KO, míra separace a produkce KO. Dále se lze dočíst o cílích odpadového hospodářství města Mostu, společnosti Technické služby města Mostu, a.s. a jejich systému svozu. Závěrem je zpracováno vyhodnocení dotazníků a návrh řešení k danému tématu.This presentation compiled information about trash services in Most region directed by the department of waste managment in Most. There are describe all activities of Technické služby města Mostu, a.s. coordinated by Úsek komunalního hospodařství Magistrátu města Mostu. The main part of the presentation describes trends of waste disposal by consumers, how it is controlled by waste management and how this process is governed in Most. Information about the goals and process of waste collection of services of department of waste management in Most and Technické služby města Mostu, a.s. can be found in the other part of this presentation. The end of the presentation states data evaluation gathered from question forms given to consumers.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    „Jste-li Kristovi, jste potomstvo Abrahamovo“: Etnografická studie českého mesiánsko-židovského společenství

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    The aim of the study is to acquaint the reader briefly with the movement of Messianic Judaism in the world and to introduce its specific Czech form in more depth. Based on almost two years of field research in the Messianic community in Prague, the author describes some selected aspects of the religiosity of this community, such as distinguishing between clean and unclean animals, celebrating Jewish holidays, observing the Sabbath or the community’s specific relationship to the Torah. It also clarifies the presence of non-Jewish believers in Messianic communities, which is typical of communities based in Europe. At the end of the text, the author places the movement, through the prism of Hervieu-Léger, in the context of the institutionalized-deinstitutionalized religiosity scale

    Tobacco and teenagers

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    The author devotes to teenage smoking, one of the forms of risking behavior having an important impact on the health in adulthood, in her bachelor thesis. The bachelor thesis "Tobacco and Teenagers" is divided into two parts. The author describes the term teenager, introduces us the history of tobacco, smoking and tobacco smoke, mentions the health consequences of smoking and describes the risk and protective factors, prevention at schools and families at the first, theoretical part. The author was attracted by the relationship of smokers to the sport and the influence of smoking on the performance of the human organism, and hence the attention is paid to it. In the Bachelor thesis, the author mentions the possibilities of prevention at schools, because the school and the social environment, in which the child moves, have a significant influence on him/her. According to the author's findings on preventive programs or lectures within the prescribed Framework Educational Plan at a specific school on "Smoking", the question remains about their continuity, long-term, professional erudition of teachers and invited experts, this means the effectiveness of prevention at schools. The second, practical part of the bachelor thesis introduces the realization of a descriptive study of a small scale. The aim was...Souhrn Autorka se ve své bakalářské práci věnuje kouření teenagerů, jedné z forem rizikového chování mající v dospělosti významný dopad na zdraví. Bakalářská práce "tabák a teenageři" je rozdělena na dvě části. V první, teoretické části autorka ozřejmuje pojem teenager, seznamuje nás s historií tabáku, kouřením a složením tabákového kouře, zmiňuje zdravotní důsledky spojené s kouřením, dále se věnuje popisu rizikových a protektivních faktorů, prevenci ve školách a v rodině. Autorku zaujal vztah kuřáků ke sportu a vliv kouření na výkon lidského organismu, a proto je mu věnována pozornost. V bakalářské práci autorka zmiňuje možnosti prevence na školách, jelikož škola a sociální prostředí, ve kterém se dítě pohybuje, ho významně ovlivňují. Dle zjištění autorky o preventivních programech či přednáškách v rámci předepsaného Rámcového vzdělávacího plánu na konkrétní škole k tématu "Kouření", zůstává otázkou jejich soustavnost, dlouhodobost, odborná erudice učitelů a přizvaných odborníků, tedy efektivita prevence na školách. Druhá praktická část bakalářské práce představuje realizaci deskriptivní studie malého rozsahu. Cílem bylo popsat aktuální stav užívání tabákových výrobků u žáků 7. - 9. ročníků dvou náhodně vybraných základních škol ve městě Tábor. Autorka si stanovila 5 výzkumných otázek týkajících se...Ústav hygienyDepartment of HygieneThird Faculty of Medicine3. lékařská fakult

    Didactic analysis of curriculum of final accounts and financial statements in the second concentric circle of the subject of accounting on the Business Academy

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    The thesis deals with didactic analysis of curriculum of final accounts and financial statements in the second concentric circle. The aim of the thesis is to propose didactic analysis, which corresponds with professional knowledge of Business Academy students. The theoretical part is dedicated especially to incorporate the curriculum into the subject of accounting didactic methods and didactic techniques and also the issue of IAS/IFRS. The next part is focused on didactic analysis. There is a process of interpretation suggested in the individual chapters which includes clear schemes, tables, own examples and also didactic elaboration of IAS/IFRS. It is designed in the way to be most understandable for Business Academy students. The conclusion includes a survey results. This part shows how the teachers of the Business Academies teach this certain issue. The result is verification if the didactic analysis corresponds with the teaching in practice

    "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed" An Etnography of a Czech Messianic Jewish Community

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    This thesis deals with some aspects of the religiosity of the members of the Czech community, who claim to be a part of a Messianic Judaism movement. The text is based on the field research I did within the congregation. In the introduction, I attempt to present definitions of this type of religiosity, describe the historical development of the movement, make connection to evangelical religiosity, outline its basic pillars, clarify the role of non-Jewish believers in this movement, and ultimately outline possible forms of worship. Next, I describe my journey into the field, the development of my relationships with the informers and then I evaluate my insider-outsider position in the community. In the practical part of the thesis, I try to reveal the path of individual church members to this type of religiosity, relying on Kaell's concept of "born-again seeking". Based on testimonies from individual believers, I try to uncover why the congregation does not accept more elements of Pentecostal religiosity, as can be seen in many Messianic communities, especially in the United States and England. On the contrary, the church's aims seem to be a counterweight to emotional Pentecostal religiosity. On the phenomena of the celebration of Jewish holidays, the observance of the Sabbath, the relations to the...Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá některými aspekty religiozity členů českého společenství, které se hlásí k hnutí mesiánského judaismu. Text je založen na terénním výzkumu, který jsem v dané kongregaci uskutečnila. V úvodu se pokouším předložit definice tohoto typu zbožnosti, popsat historický vývoj hnutí, jeho sepětí s evangelikální religiozitou, nastínit jeho základní věroučné pilíře, objasnit roli nežidovských věřících v tomto hnutí a konečně předestřít možné podoby bohoslužeb. V metodologické části práce se věnuji jednak své pozici v terénu - vývoji svého vztahu s informátory, zhodnocení své insidersko-outsiderského postavení ve společenství a dále problematizuji sdílení náboženských zážitků, přičemž se hlásím k Palečkově a Konopáskově konceptu "věřícného přístupu". V praktické části práce se pokouším poodhalit cestu jednotlivých členů sboru k tomuto typu zbožnosti, přičemž se opírám o Kaellin koncept "born-again seeking". Na základě výpovědí jednotlivých věřících se snažím rozkrýt, proč daná kongregace nepřijímá více prvků letniční religiozity, které lze spatřit u mnohých mesiánských společenství, zejména ve Spojených státech amerických či Anglii. Směřování sboru se mi naopak jeví jako určitá protiváha emocionální pentekostální religiozitě. Na fenoménech slavení židovských svátků, svěcení...Department of General AnthropologyKatedra obecné antropologieFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

    „Jste-li Kristovi, jste potomstvo Abrahamovo“: Etnografická studie českého mesiánsko-židovského společenství

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    The aim of the study is to acquaint the reader briefly with the movement of Messianic Judaism in the world and to introduce its specific Czech form in more depth. Based on almost two years of field research in the Messianic community in Prague, the author describes some selected aspects of the religiosity of this community, such as distinguishing between clean and unclean animals, celebrating Jewish holidays, observing the Sabbath or the community’s specific relationship to the Torah. It also clarifies the presence of non-Jewish believers in Messianic communities, which is typical of communities based in Europe. At the end of the text, the author places the movement, through the prism of Hervieu-Léger, in the context of the institutionalized-deinstitutionalized religiosity scale

    Secularization processes in Czech society since the 19th century

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    Práce popisuje sekularizační procesy v české společnosti od osvícnství do 20. let 20. století. Seznamuje s významnými událostmi, které ovlivnily ústup náboženství z veřejného života společnosti: Náboženskou reformu Josefa II., roli kněží v českém národním obrození a v revoluci 1848. Práce dále popisuje reakci společnosti na podepsání konkordátu z roku 1855, na zrovnoprávnění všech konfesí z roku 1867 a na vyhlášení papežské neomylnosti z roku 1870. Práce pojednává též o přestupovém hnutí mezi léty 1918-1922.Katedra filozofieObhájenoThe thesis describes the secularization processes in Czech society from the Age of Enlightenment to the 20. years in the 20th century. The work acquaint with the major events that affected the retreat of religion from public life of society: Religious reform of Joseph II., the role of priests in the Czech national revival and in the revolution of 1848. Work describes the reaction of the signing of the Concordat of 1855, the equalization of all denominations of 1867 and the promulgation of papal infallibility in 1870. The work also deals with the Transfer Movement in the time period of 1918-1922

    Pragmatic and didactic analysis of the topic of balance sheet in the first concentric circle

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    The present bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of company property and balance sheet in the first concentric circle. The theoretical part introduces the methods of teaching accounting, i.e. the legislative on which the methods are based - curriculum, didactic techniques as well as didactic rules. The practical part is devoted to the didactic analysis as such. Particular methods the teacher should use in the process of teaching company property and balance sheet are suggested and specific examples the teacher should introduce are presented. The final research part is focused on real life teaching accounting. Teachers were asked to answer questions related to the topic. The provided answers show which methods the teachers prefer, which techniques they employ and what kind of examples they consider useful. This part of the thesis examines whether the suggested didactic procedure coincides with the actual practice. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a didactic analysis that would be clear and understandable for those students who are encountering this topic for the first time

    "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed" An Etnography of a Czech Messianic Jewish Community

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    This thesis deals with some aspects of the religiosity of the members of the Czech community, who claim to be a part of a Messianic Judaism movement. The text is based on the field research I did within the congregation. In the introduction, I attempt to present definitions of this type of religiosity, describe the historical development of the movement, make connection to evangelical religiosity, outline its basic pillars, clarify the role of non-Jewish believers in this movement, and ultimately outline possible forms of worship. Next, I describe my journey into the field, the development of my relationships with the informers and then I evaluate my insider-outsider position in the community. In the practical part of the thesis, I try to reveal the path of individual church members to this type of religiosity, relying on Kaell's concept of "born-again seeking". Based on testimonies from individual believers, I try to uncover why the congregation does not accept more elements of Pentecostal religiosity, as can be seen in many Messianic communities, especially in the United States and England. On the contrary, the church's aims seem to be a counterweight to emotional Pentecostal religiosity. On the phenomena of the celebration of Jewish holidays, the observance of the Sabbath, the relations to the..

    Tobacco and teenagers

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    The author devotes to teenage smoking, one of the forms of risking behavior having an important impact on the health in adulthood, in her bachelor thesis. The bachelor thesis "Tobacco and Teenagers" is divided into two parts. The author describes the term teenager, introduces us the history of tobacco, smoking and tobacco smoke, mentions the health consequences of smoking and describes the risk and protective factors, prevention at schools and families at the first, theoretical part. The author was attracted by the relationship of smokers to the sport and the influence of smoking on the performance of the human organism, and hence the attention is paid to it. In the Bachelor thesis, the author mentions the possibilities of prevention at schools, because the school and the social environment, in which the child moves, have a significant influence on him/her. According to the author's findings on preventive programs or lectures within the prescribed Framework Educational Plan at a specific school on "Smoking", the question remains about their continuity, long-term, professional erudition of teachers and invited experts, this means the effectiveness of prevention at schools. The second, practical part of the bachelor thesis introduces the realization of a descriptive study of a small scale. The aim was..