938 research outputs found

    Retos para la inclusión digital : propuestas de futuro

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    Los días 22 a 25 de septiembre de 2004 se celebró en Murcia el III Congreso Nacional de Tecnología, Diversidad y Educación (Tecnoneet 2004), un foro de encuentro y discusión de carácter pluridisciplinar y abierto a profesionales, usuarios y familias que trabajan, investigan o utilizan las nuevas tecnologías en el campo de la discapacidad y las necesidades educativas específicas. Con motivo de dicho evento, los Comités Científico y Organizador elaboraron un documento de conclusiones del que ofrecemos un extracto. Se puede consultar íntegro en http://www.tecnoneet.or

    La igualdad de oportunidades en el mundo digital

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    TIC y Educación Social, una experiencia de innovación docente basada en la red social

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    [SPA]En la presente comunicación presentamos el proyecto de innovación llevado a cabo en la asignatura Educación Social y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, de primer curso del grado en Educación Social de la Universidad de Murcia durante el curso 2009-2010. Se trata de una apuesta por una metodología basada en el planteamiento de tareas complejas, en la línea de los planteamientos de aprendizaje por competencias, y en la que se apuesta por las TIC no sólo como contenido de la asignatura, sino como plataforma y canal para el desarrollo de la asignatura; siempre entendiendo que uno de los principales retos educativos a los que nos enfrentamos en la educación superior está marcado por el desarrollo de la capacidad de aprender a lo largo de toda la vida, y entendiendo que las TIC –y en enriquecido por ellas el Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE)- son parte fundamental de dicho aprendizaje. [ENG]In this paper we chow the innovation project carried out around the course Social Education and ICT, from the first year of the degree of Social Educator, at the Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia during the period 2009.2010. This project was based in the development of complex tasks, according to learning competencies, and trying to integrate ICT as content, platform and communication channel in the course. We understand that one of the principal challenges of Higher Education nowadays is to prepare students for lifelong learning, and on this purpose, ICT have a vital role, specially in the ways of create, enrich and manage the Personal Learning Environments.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    El uso de la plataforma WebCT en la formación de los estudiantes

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    Esta experiencia está estrechamente relacionada con la metodología que hemos venido realizando en los últimos cursos académicos. Los estudiantes se han organizado individualmente, parejas o en grupos para trabajar las actividades correspondientes a cada tema a través de la plataforma Virtual WebCT y, se ha dedicado el tiempo de créditos prácticos para su puesta en común en el aula. La metodología se ha basado en estrategias propias de una enseñanza activa y autónoma, centrada en la figura del alumno como elemento clave del sistema de formación y con una participación del profesor/ tutor como dinamizador y facilitador del proceso de aprendizaje. Siendo objetivo prioritario lograr que los alumnos utilicen las diversas herramientas para la participación y la interacción con otros/as compañeros/as, con la profesora y los propios materiales

    Design and deployment of a wireless sensor network for the Mar Menor coastal observation system

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    The Coastal Ocean Observation System of Murcia Region (OOCMUR) was established in 2008 as a major scientific and technological infrastructure in Spain with the main objective of studying the impact of global climate change in the Mediterranean. The coastal lagoon of Mar Menor in southeast Spain was chosen as the first region to be monitored because it is one of the most hypersaline coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean, with a limited exchange of water with the open sea, and it is the largest in Europe. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offer an efficient and innovative solution for oceanographic monitoring, allowing a higher density sensor deployment, at a lower cost. This paper presents the design of an ad hoc WSN system and a control software for Mar Menor monitoring using a buoy structure with sensors, energy harvesting, and communications platform. The study focuses on the oceanographic interest of the selected marine area, details of network deployment, the custom-designed sensor nodes, and the results of system operation.This work was supported by the “Monitorizacion Costera ´ para el Mar Menor, CMS (463.01-08_CLUSTER)” project from the “Plan de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa” of the Murcia Region 2007–2010. This paper is also a result of the activity carried out under the “Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia” of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia—19895/GERM/15)

    Impulsando la competitividad internacional de la empresa turística en España: Una agenda de cambio institucional

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    In a context in which tourism destinations are increasingly seeing the internationalisation of their enterprises, as well as the setting up of foreign businesses there, it becomes a point of interest to know the circumstances under which tourism enterprises can maintain and strengthen their international competitiveness. In order to make a contribution in this area, the present work identifies –in the case of Spain– the necessary changes to the cognitive, normative and regulatory institutional pillars so as to favour the international competitiveness of tourism businesses established in the country. To this end, empirical research has been carried out in two phases, the first qualitative and the second quantitative. The work done makes it possible to identify and prioritise in terms of importance 37 changes to the institutional pillars and 139 more specific measures, which would contribute to improving the international competitiveness of the enterprises in the tourism sector. Given that the competitiveness of enterprises in a country affects their results and their survival, as well as the socio-economic prosperity of the territory, the work presented is of practical utility both for entrepreneurs and business associations, and for those responsible for formulating laws and policies that support the tourism sector in Spain, since all are necessary and responsible actors in the development of the required institutional changes.Este trabajo ha obtenido el 1.er Premio «Estudios Financieros» 2019 en la modalidad de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas. En un contexto en el que los destinos turísticos asisten de forma creciente tanto a la internacionalización de sus empresas como a la instalación en ellos de empresas foráneas, adquiere elevado interés conocer las circunstancias bajo las cuales la empresa turística puede mantener y reforzar su competitividad internacional. En aras de realizar una contribución en este ámbito, el presente trabajo identifica, para el caso de España, los cambios necesarios en los pilares institucionales cognitivo, normativo y regulativo al objeto de favorecer la competitividad internacional de la empresa turística establecida en el país. A tal objeto se lleva a cabo un trabajo empírico en dos fases, la primera de índole cualitativa y la segunda cuantitativa. El trabajo realizado permite identificar y priorizar 37 cambios en los pilares institucionales, y su concreción en 139 propuestas, que contribuirían a mejorar la competitividad internacional de las empresas del sector. Dado que la competitividad de las empresas de un país afecta a los resultados y supervivencia de estas, así como a la prosperidad socioeconómica del territorio, el trabajo que se presenta es de utilidad práctica tanto para empresarios y asociaciones empresariales como para los responsables de formular leyes y políticas de apoyo al sector turístico en España, pues todos son actores necesarios y con responsabilidad en el desarrollo del cambio institucional requerido

    Estimating the Relationship between Reading in Primary Education, Educational Attainment and Social Welfare. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the Social Welfare Index and the reading habits of primary school students in Extremadura (Spain). A study has been performed which consists of two parts. First, we conducted 4,288 surveys on reading habits in 87 municipalities. Second, we calculated the social welfare index. The statistical analysis refl ects two conclusions: firstly, educational and socio-economic policies have resulted in equal opportunities that allow for similar social possibilities throughout the territory; secondly, Educational Attainment of parents is the most decisive factor in obtaining the best results in terms of students' reading habits

    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups and serum levels of anti-oxidant enzymes in patients with osteoarthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress play a main role in the initiation and progression of the OA disease and leads to the degeneration of mitochondria. To prevent this, the chondrocytes possess a well-coordinated enzymatic antioxidant system. Besides, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups are associated with the OA disease. Thus, the main goal of this work is to assess the incidence of the mtDNA haplogroups on serum levels of two of the main antioxidant enzymes, Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (Mn-SOD or SOD2) and catalase, and to test the suitability of these two proteins for potential OA-related biomarkers. METHODS: We analyzed the serum levels of SOD2 and catalase in 73 OA patients and 77 healthy controls carrying the haplogroups J, U and H, by ELISA assay. Knee and hip radiographs were classified according to Kellgren and Lawrence (K/L) scoring from Grade 0 to Grade IV. Appropriate statistical analyses were performed to test the effects of clinical variables, including gender, body mass index (BMI), age, smoking status, diagnosis, haplogroups and radiologic K/L grade on serum levels of these enzymes. RESULTS: Serum levels of SOD2 appeared statistically increased in OA patients when compared with healthy controls (p < 0.001). Even in those OA patients with higher OA severity (K/L grade IV), the serum levels of this antioxidant enzyme appeared more significantly increased than in OA patients with lower K/L grade (p < 0.001). The mtDNA haplogroups showed an influence on serum levels of catalase (p = 0.054), being carriers of the mtDNA haplogroup J those who showed higher serum levels than non-J carriers (p = 0.057). CONCLUSIONS: The increased levels of SOD2 in OA patients indicate an increased oxidative stress OA-related, therefore this antioxidant enzyme could be a suitable candidate biomarker for diagnosis of OA. Mitochondrial haplogroups significantly correlates with serum levels of catalase