273 research outputs found

    The organizational-economic mechanism for the development of integration processes in the production and processing of products

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    Purpose: The article considers the development of integration processes in the production and processing of agricultural products. Design/Methodology/Approach: The competitive development of regional economic complexes requires identifying and implementing new, more efficient forms of production and business activities. Findings: The development of integration processes in agriculture and processing industry is an important condition affecting the efficiency of economic entities, as well as their organizational, economic and financial sustainability. Practical implications: The authors suggest an organizational-economic project of the regional integration structure. Originality/Value: One of the most popular methods for solving the problem of further development of diversified agricultural enterprises is the integration of manufacturers that allows combining the entire reproduction cycle into a single process - starting with the production of raw materials and ending with the release of high-quality products intended for final consumption.peer-reviewe

    The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs based on broiler meat and components of chicken eggs after different types of thermal treatment

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    The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs (SFFs) based on broiler meat and coagulated chicken egg melange after different types of thermal treatment (water or steam boiling, braising, baking, frying) were studied. The amino acid profiles were determined on Knauer analyzer; tryptophan by standard method. The biological value of the treated products was assessed using amino acid balance coefficients calculated by the method of N. N. Lipatov. It was found that the changes in the initial amino acid profiles of the SFFs were the least after water and steam boiling; braising and baking were found to increase the contents of the essential amino acids. The amino acid profiles in the treated SFFs were close to the reference values. The best criteria of their biological value (coefficient of rationality of amino acid composition, comparable redundance) were found after water and steam boiling. It was found that all types of thermal treatments insignificantly affected the parameters of fatty acid balance within the SFFs; the changes found were primarily related to slight increase in total content of saturated fatty acids and increase in total content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in compare to initial profiles, by 2.64–3.88% depending on the treatment type. The changes in ω‑6/ω‑3 PUFAs ratios were more substantial especially after braisin

    Design for Ural Historical and Cultural Heritage Objects: Analysis of Techniques

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    Предметом изучения является графический дизайн, используемый для объектов историко-культурного наследия Урала. Анализируются примеры сувенирной и полиграфической продукции, предлагаются основные приемы, передающие облик исторических построек и помогающие актуализировать их уникальность в условиях современного города. Сделаны выводы о значимости средств графического дизайна для объектов культурного наследия, касающиеся цветового решения, использования реальных фотографий, лаконичной графики.The subject of this article is graphic design for objects of historical and cultural heritage of the Urals. Examples of souvenir and printing products are analyzed, basic techniques that convey the appearance of historical buildings and help to actualize their uniqueness in the conditions of a modern city are derived. Author came to conclusion that means of graphic design is of great of importance for heritage sites related to color solutions, the use of real photographs, laconic graphics

    A comparative description of dynamics of metabolic response indexes in the phases of burn disease course depending on terms of the onset of surgical intervention.

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    A question of possibilities of influence on decline of progressing systemic response on the burn trauma remains open, despite actuality and active study of this problem. The aim of this work was carrying out a comparative description of dynamics of metabolic response indexes in the phases of burn disease (BD) course depending on terms of the beginning of the surgical intervention. Рatients with a thermal trauma were inspected and analyzed in this work. All the patients were estimated for the index of the thermal defeat severity, the percentage of the area of deep burn, a general area of burn, the age of a patient and the presence of respiration system burn. According to these, all the patients were divided into separate groups of research. The 1st group included 46 injured with the index of thermal defeat severity (TDS) from 61 to 90 units. The 2 group included 29 patients with the TDS index over 91 units. According to the terms of surgical intervention, patients of these groups were divided into sub-groups: 1.1 and 2.1, where the first surgical intervention was conducted five days before burn disease; 1.2 and 2.2, where the first surgical intervention was conducted five days after of burn disease. The level of cortisol and glycaemia of blood serum of injured people on different stages of inspection were taken into consideration. The diagnostically-curative program was conducted according to the clinical protocol of medical care to injured with thermal trauma. Estimating the dynamics of cortisol level, there was a considerable increase of it over the first twenty-four hours in both groups, which preserved during an acute period of burn disease. In the patients of the sub-group 2.1, with the TDS index over 91 units, who underwent early surgical tactics, the further activating of a sympathic adrenal system on the 7th day after the burn (an increase in cortisol by 82% compared with the previous indicator) was noted. From the first twenty-four hours after the burn, injured people suffered from a stress-induced hyperglycaemia which developed in all research groups, the latter did not depend on the severity of the burn trauma and did not correlate with the cortisol level of blood serum. With the early surgical treatment of burns, a more rapid normalization of blood glucose level in patients of 1.1 and 2.1 sub-groups on the 5th and 7th day of burn disease accordingly occurred

    Порівняльна характеристика адаптаційних можливостей серцево-судинної системи при різних методах знеболювання у хворих із скелетною травмою на догоспітальному етапі

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    According to the results of a retrospective analysis of 53 victims with orthopedic trauma there was found out that the number of patients who had not been anaesthetized during the pre-hospital period was 19.9 %. There were also patients who had different kinds of anesthesia. 49.0 % - non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 11.3% - narcotic analgesics, 20.8 % - multimodalanalgesia. Hemodynamic parameters in a group of patients who hadn’t been anaesthetized and in NSAIDs groupwere determined by hyperdynamic type. It indicates about insufficient pain relief at this stage of care.За результатами ретроспективного аналізу 53 потерпілих із скелетною травмою виявлено, що кількість хворих, які не отримували знеболювальних препаратів на догоспітальному етапі, склала 19,9 %. Серед тих, які отримували знеболювальні препарати, 49,0 % хворих – нестероїдні протизапальні засоби (НПЗЗ), 11,3 % пацієнтів – наркотичні анальгетики, 20,8 % хворих – мультимодальну аналгезію. Гемодинамічні показники у групі хворих, які не отримували знеболювальних препаратів, та у групі знеболювання НПЗЗ визначались за гіпердинамічним типом, що свідчить про недостатній рівень знеболювання на даному етапі допомоги

    Organization of the educational and production environment for the dual training of students of a professional educational organization

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    Рассматриваются возможности использования дуальной системы образования при подготовке квалифицированных специалистов в условиях социального партнерстваThe article deals with the possibilities of using the dual system of education in the training of qualified specialists in the conditions of social partnershi

    Тhe study of Association of gene polymorphism with sports success and risk of alimentary-dependent diseases in athletes representing cyclic sports

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    The studies of genetic polymorphisms rs1815739 (ACTN3 gene), rs2016520 (gene PPARD), rs1042713 (ADRB2 gene), rs1799945 (HFE gene), rs1801282 (PPARG gene) of athletes involved in cyclic sports were carried out. Genotyping was performed using allele-specific amplification with real-time detection of results and the use of TaqMan probes. As a result of the research, a higher incidence of alleles associated with endurance (T-polymorphism rs1815739 and G - polymorphism rs2016520) was revealed in athletes of cyclic sports. The analysis of the results of genetic polymorphisms: rs9939609 gene FTO, ADRB3 rs4994 gene rs2228570 and VDR gene showed that the risk of development of alimentary-related diseases (obesity and osteoporosis) in the examined athletes after sports career is lower than in the General population

    Frequency of occurrence of genetic polymorphisms associated with sports success in elite athletes in team sports

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    Objective: to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of polymorphisms rs1815739 (ACTN3 gene), rs2016520 (PPARD gene), rs1042713 (ADRB2 gene), rs1799945 (HFE gene) in athletes of high­performance sports.Materials and methods: genotyping was performed using allele­specific amplification with real­time detection of the results and using TaqMan probes.Results: a higher frequency of alleles associated with endurance was found: the t allele of the rs1815739 polymorphism (ACTN3 gene), the g allele of the rs2016520 polymorphism (PPARD gene), the g allele of the rs1042713 polymorphism (ADRB2 gene), and the g allele of the rs1799945 polymorphism (HFE gene) in athletes of game sports.Conclusion: the results of genotyping of polymorphisms associated with endurance in the examined athletes showed a higher frequency of occurrence than in the population as a whole

    Management of the educational and production environment of the enterprise in the dual preparation of students

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    Рассматривается учебно-производственная среда предприятия, реализуемая в виде наставничества при дуальной подготовке обучающихсяThe article examines the educational and production environment of the enterprise, which is implemented in the form of mentoring with dual training of student