20 research outputs found


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    Strongyloidiasis in dogs, despite its uncertain zoonotic status, is potentially danger for dogs owners. It is considered that strongyloidiases characteristic for tropical and subtropical regions, but in recent years it is increasingly found in non-endemic countries. The aim. To determine the extent of the invasion, clinical signs and diagnostic methods of strongyloidiasis in dogs of different groups in Kyiv and Kyiv region. Materials and methods. A total of 364 dogs were studied (130 animals lived in shelters (Group 1) and 234 in homes (Group 2). Diagnosis of strongyloidiasis was performed by native smear and Baerman methods. Additionally, the sensitivity of the modified string test was tested. Samples of venous blood were taken from dogs with confirmed strongyloidiasis for haematological and biochemical analysis. Results. A study found that the extent of invasion (EI) in shelters and home dogs was 3.0±0.36 % (4/130; Group 1) and 2.5±0.25 % % (6/234; Group 2) respectively. It was found that three repetitions of the Baerman method test increased its efficiency to 90.5 %. The sensitivity of the modified string test was 100 %. Clinical manifestations included disorders of the respiratory (20 %: 2/10) and digestive systems (80 %: 8/10), weight loss (70 %: 7/10). Blood tests did not reveal changes specific to strongyloidiasis, eosinophilia was observed in only one dog in the acute stage of the disease. Conclusions. The results of our studies indicate the presence of strongyloidiasis in dogs in Kyiv and Kyiv region and probability of the spread of the pathogen in the environment. Symptoms in dogs with strongyloidiasis were nonspecific and cannot be used for diagnosis. A modified string test and Baerman method has demonstrated high efficacy and may be recommended to clarify the diagnosis of a chronic invasion


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    To increase the efficiency of combined transportation, the supporting structure of flat wagon has been created. A feature of the wagon is that the sections have a low center of gravity. This solution allows for the transportation of oversized cargo on a flat wagon within the established dimensions. The design of this flat wagon can be used for the carriage of goods not only by main lines, but also in rail and water traffic when transported by rail ferries. To ensure the safety of transportation of a flat wagon with containers on a railway ferry, their dynamic loading was determined. It is taken into account that a large-capacity container of 1AA standard size is placed on each section. The solution of the mathematical model was carried out in the MathCad software package. The resulting accelerations, as components of the dynamic load, were taken into account when determining the stability of a container on a flat wagon during transportation by a rail ferry. It was found that the stability of the container is ensured at tilt angles up to 25°. A computer simulation of the dynamic loading of the supporting structure of an articulated flat wagon with containers during transportation by a railway ferry has been carried out. The calculation is implemented in the CosmosWorks software package using the finite element method. The fields of distribution of accelerations relative to the supporting structure of the flat wagon and containers are determined. The maximum percentage of discrepancy between the results of mathematical and computer simulation does not exceed 11 %. The research carried out will contribute to the creation of innovative designs of flat wagons, as well as to increase the efficiency of the operation of combined transport in international traffi

    Evolution of Youth Protest: Soviet Historiography of Informal Youth Associations in Ukraine

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    This article presents a historiographical study of the informal youth associations of Soviet society that is relevant to contemporary sociology. Although informal youth associations in the Soviet Union had always existed, their analysis was only possible after the beginning of “perestroika”. The activation of research began in 1986–1988. The peak of sociological research on these youth associations, as well as the development of mechanisms to analyse and point in their direction, occurred in 1989–1991. The authors have described the main areas of activity of informal youth associations, as well as how this problem has been addressed by some researchers

    Світоглядні уявлення як шлях привласнення дитиною ціннісних орієнтацій та духовного розвитку

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    The key purpose of the study was to conduct a survey of children of senior pre-school and primary school age with the help of a diagnostic interview «Factors of the child's choice of socially significant values». Structural and dynamic qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon of «value orientations» are represented by the unity of its components: 1) cognitive; 2) emotional; 3) behavioral. The sample of respondents consisted of children from various regions of Ukraine; total number – 153 children: 95 of senior pre-school age, 58 of primary school age. The data showed that the majority of Ukrainian pre-school and primary school children who took part in this study have a high and above-average level of formation of worldviews. The analysis of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral manifestations of the worldview made it possible to generalize the typical characteristics of groups of children based on the formation of the picture of the world.Ключовою метою дослідження було проведення опитування дітей старшого дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку за допомогою діагностичної співбесіди «Фактори вибору дитиною соціально значущих цінностей». Структурно-динамічні якісні характеристики явища «ціннісних орієнтацій» представлені єдністю його складових: 1) когнітивної; 2) емоційної; 3) поведінкової. Вибірку респондентів складали діти з різних регіонів України; загальна кількість – 153: 95 старшого дошкільного віку, 58 молодшого шкільного віку. Дані показали, що більшість українських дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку, які брали участь у дослідженні, мають високий і вище середнього рівень сформованості світогляду. Аналіз емоційних, когнітивних та поведінкових проявів світогляду дав змогу узагальнити типові характеристики груп дітей на основі формування картини світу

    Control of YH<sub>3</sub> formation and stability via hydrogen surface adsorption and desorption

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    Yttrium is known to form two hydrides: YH2, a metal, and YH3, which is dielectric. However, the stability of YH3 is not fully understood, especially in the context of thin films, where the yttrium layer must be coated to protect it from oxidation. In this work, we show that the stability of a YH3 thin film depends on the capping layer material. Our investigation reveals that YH3 appears to be stabilized by hydrogen that is adsorbed to the capping layer surface. This is evidenced by the YH3-YH2 transition temperature, which was found to be correlated with the desorption temperature of hydrogen from the surface. We posit that surface-adsorbed hydrogen prevents hydrogen from diffusing out of the thin film, which limits YH3 dissociation to the solubility of hydrogen in the YH2/YH3 thin film

    Цифрова трансформація закладу професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти: проблемний аналіз

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    Modern society is characterized by a significant impact of information technologies on all spheres of human life. In a special way, the processes of digital transformation affect educational institutions, including vocational (vocational and technical) ones. Now vocational (vocational and technical) education occupies an important place in the sector of the country’s economy, prioritizing effective training of highly qualified labourers in the state policy of Ukraine. Nowadays, the professional activity of labourers incorporates an intellectual component related to working with electronic devices, artificial intelligence systems, etc. Monitoring of the labor market shows that a skilled worker of the XXI century should be able to think critically, process information analytically, and work with mechatronics systems. The analysis of the European experience in training qualified workers reflects a certain lag of domestic institutions in terms of digital supply. At the same time, the level of teachers’ digital competence at vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions needs improving. As a result, the issues of digital transformation for educational institutions are urgent and topical. Provision of modern digital equipment, formation and development of digital competence of all participants in the educational space are becoming the main tasks of teaching stuff in the current conditions. In a special way, the tasks set become relevant during the period of quarantine restrictions, when educational institutions mainly work on distance and mixed forms of teaching.Сучасне суспільство характеризується значним впливом інформаційних технологій на всі сфери життя людини. Особливим чином процеси цифрової трансформації впливають на заклади освіти, у тому числі заклади професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти. Наразі професійно-технічна освіта займає важливе місце в секторі економіки країни, пріоритетом у державній політиці України є ефективна підготовка висококваліфікованих кадрів. Нині професійна діяльність робітників включає інтелектуальну складову, пов’язану з роботою з електронними пристроями, системами штучного інтелекту тощо. Моніторинг ринку праці показує, що кваліфікований працівник XXI століття має вміти критично мислити, аналітично обробляти інформацію та працювати з мехатронними системами. Аналіз європейського досвіду підготовки кваліфікованих кадрів відображає певне відставання вітчизняних закладів у цифровому забезпеченні. При цьому рівень цифрової компетентності викладачів у закладах професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти потребує підвищення. Як наслідок, питання цифрової трансформації для навчальних закладів є актуальними та нагальними. Забезпечення сучасним цифровим обладнанням, формування та розвиток цифрової компетентності всіх учасників освітнього простору стають основними завданнями педагогічних колективів в сучасних умовах. Особливо поставлені завдання є актуальними в період карантинних обмежень, коли освітні заклади працюють переважно за дистанційною та змішаною формами навчання

    Features of Indicators of Blood General Clinical Analysis and the Summary Analysis of an Organism’s General Reactivity at Chronic Inflammatory Process

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    Inflammatory diseases cause health disorders which result in a reduction of the population. That is why this medical problem is considered to be a very important one. The human immune system is responsible for protecting the body from infections of various origins, while inducing chronic inflammation (characterized by a long, often invisible course) which can result in proneness to recurrence, complications and resistance to therapy. The authors of the article analyzed and proved that there are immune status shifts in patients with chronic nonspecific inflammatory processes depending on the pathogen, phase and level of damage

    Optical detection of hydrogen diffusion through thin film barrier materials

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    The ability of hydrogen to dissolve and diffuse in solid materials causes accelerated material wear and decreased robustness. In many applications hydrogen induced embrittlement determines the lifetime of hardware components that operate in direct contact with hydrogen gas. In addition, hydrogen induced embrittlement can also play a role in components exposed to hydrogen species generated by corrosion processes. Hydrogen permeation into such components can be mitigated in several ways. For instance, metal alloying can be applied in order to reduce the hydrogen solubility. Alternatively, a protective film can be added that acts as a diffusion barrier between the component and the hydrogen environment. Such a barrier is beneficial when a component has a complex structure that is crucial for its functionality and, therefore, cannot be altered. The choice of material for an optimal protective film will depend on the particular application. An easily accessible and preferably low cost technique for comparison of the hydrogen permeation in candidate barrier layers is needed to efficiently search for an effective material. In this work, an optical sensor for hydrogen diffusion in thin metal and non-metal films was proposed and the relevant physical processes regarding the fabrication and use of such a sensor were investigated. This knowledge was applied for measuring and comparing hydrogen diffusion through a range of potential barrier materials and reference materials. A Y thin film was used as the sensor layer, onto which a test layer, of which the diffusion properties are to be measured, was deposited. The dielectric function of the sensor film changes upon hydrogen absorption, which was monitored with spectroscopic ellipsometry or optical transmission. The design was optimized to enable comparison of hydrogen permeability in different materials. The work in this thesis resulted in, to our knowledge, the first quantitative measurements of the hydrogen diffusion constant in Ru. Furthermore, the knowledge was applied to design a layer stack that allows a reliable comparison of hydrogen diffusion kinetics in various barrier layers with low hydrogen diffusion constants