592 research outputs found

    The epoch of the Milky Way’s bar formation: dynamical modelling of Mira variables in the nuclear stellar disc

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    A key event in the history of the Milky Way is the formation of the bar. This event affects the subsequent structural and dynamical evolution of the entire Galaxy. When the bar formed, gas was likely rapidly funnelled to the centre of the Galaxy settling in a star-forming nuclear disc. The Milky Way bar formation can then be dated by considering the age distribution of the oldest stars in the formed nuclear stellar disc. In this highly obscured and crowded region, reliable age tracers are limited, but bright, high-amplitude Mira variables make useful age indicators as they follow a period–age relation. We fit dynamical models to the proper motions of a sample of Mira variables in the Milky Way’s nuclear stellar disc region. Weak evidence for inside-out growth and both radial and vertical dynamical heating with time of the nuclear stellar disc is presented, suggesting that the nuclear stellar disc is dynamically well-mixed. Furthermore, for Mira variables around a ∼350-d period, there is a clear transition from nuclear stellar disc-dominated kinematics to background bar-bulge-dominated kinematics. Using a Mira variable period–age relation calibrated in the solar neighbourhood, this suggests the nuclear stellar disc formed in a significant burst in star formation (8 ± 1) Gyr ago, although the data are also weakly consistent with a more gradual formation of the nuclear stellar disc at even earlier epochs. This implies a relatively early formation time for the Milky Way bar (8 Gyr), which has implications for the growth and state of the young Milky Way and its subsequent history

    The cytosolic glutamine synthetase GLN1;2 plays a role in the control of plant growth and ammonium homeostasis in Arabidopsis rosettes when nitrate supply is not limiting

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    Glutamine synthetase (EC is a key enzyme of ammonium assimilation and recycling in plants where it catalyses the synthesis of glutamine from ammonium and glutamate. In Arabidopsis, five GLN1 genes encode GS1 isoforms. GLN1;2 is the most highly expressed in leaves and is over-expressed in roots by ammonium supply and in rosettes by ample nitrate supply compared with limiting nitrate supply. It is shown here that the GLN1;2 promoter is mainly active in the minor veins of leaves and flowers and, to a lower extent, in the parenchyma of mature leaves. Cytoimmunochemistry reveals that the GLN1;2 protein is present in the companion cells. The role of GLN1;2 was determined by examining the physiology of gln1;2 knockout mutants. Mutants displayed lower glutamine synthetase activity, higher ammonium concentration, and reduced rosette biomass compared with the wild type (WT) under ample nitrate supply only. No difference between mutant and WT can be detected under limiting nitrate conditions. Despite total amino acid concentration was increased in the old leaves of mutants at high nitrate, no significant difference in nitrogen remobilization can be detected using 15N tracing. Growing plants in vitro with ammonium or nitrate as the sole nitrogen source allowed us to confirm that GLN1;2 is induced by ammonium in roots and to observe that gln1;2 mutants displayed, under such conditions, longer root hair and smaller rosette phenotypes in ammonium. Altogether the results suggest that GLN1;2 is essential for nitrogen assimilation under ample nitrate supply and for ammonium detoxification

    Orbital analysis of stars in the nuclear stellar disc of the Milky Way

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    Context. While orbital analysis studies were so far mainly focused on the Galactic halo, it is possible now to do these studies in the heavily obscured region close to the Galactic Centre.Aims. We aim to do a detailed orbital analysis of stars located in the nuclear stellar disc (NSD) of the Milky Way allowing us to trace the dynamical history of this structure.Methods. We integrated orbits of the observed stars in a non-axisymmetric potential. We used a Fourier transform to estimate the orbital frequencies. We compared two orbital classifications, one made by eye and the other with an algorithm, in order to identify the main orbital families. We also compared the Lyapunov and the frequency drift techniques to estimate the chaoticity of the orbits.Results. We identified several orbital families as chaotic, z-tube, x-tube, banana, fish, saucer, pretzel, 5:4, and 5:6 orbits. As expected for stars located in a NSD, the large majority of orbits are identified as z-tubes (or as a sub-family of z-tubes). Since the latter are parented by x2 orbits, this result supports the contribution of the bar (in which x2 orbits are dominant in the inner region) in the formation of the NSD. Moreover, most of the chaotic orbits are found to be contaminants from the bar or bulge which would confirm the predicted contamination from the most recent NSD models.Conclusions. Based on a detailed orbital analysis, we were able to classify orbits into various families, most of which are parented by x2-type orbits, which are dominant in the inner part of the bar

    Orbital analysis of stars in the nuclear stellar disc of the Milky Way

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    Context. While orbital analysis studies were so far mainly focused on the Galactic halo, it is possible now to do these studies in the heavily obscured region close to the Galactic Centre. Aims. We aim to do a detailed orbital analysis of stars located in the nuclear stellar disc (NSD) of the Milky Way allowing us to trace the dynamical history of this structure. Methods. We integrated orbits of the observed stars in a non-axisymmetric potential. We used a Fourier transform to estimate the orbital frequencies. We compared two orbital classifications, one made by eye and the other with an algorithm, in order to identify the main orbital families. We also compared the Lyapunov and the frequency drift techniques to estimate the chaoticity of the orbits. Results. We identified several orbital families as chaotic, z-tube, x-tube, banana, fish, saucer, pretzel, 5:4, and 5:6 orbits. As expected for stars located in a NSD, the large majority of orbits are identified as z-tubes (or as a sub-family of z-tubes). Since the latter are parented by x2 orbits, this result supports the contribution of the bar (in which x2 orbits are dominant in the inner region) in the formation of the NSD. Moreover, most of the chaotic orbits are found to be contaminants from the bar or bulge which would confirm the predicted contamination from the most recent NSD models. Conclusions. Based on a detailed orbital analysis, we were able to classify orbits into various families, most of which are parented by x2-type orbits, which are dominant in the inner part of the bar

    ALMA Uncovers Highly Filamentary Structure toward the Sgr E Region

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    We report on the discovery of linear filaments observed in the CO(1-0) emission for a ∼2′ field of view toward the Sgr E star-forming region, centered at (l, b) = (358.°720, 0.°011). The Sgr E region is thought to be at the turbulent intersection of the “far dust lane” associated with the Galactic bar and the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). This region is subject to strong accelerations, which are generally thought to inhibit star formation, yet Sgr E contains a large number of H ii regions. We present 12CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and C18O(1-0) spectral line observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and provide measurements of the physical and kinematic properties for two of the brightest filaments. These filaments have widths (FWHMs) of ∼0.1 pc and are oriented nearly parallel to the Galactic plane, with angles from the Galactic plane of ∼2°. The filaments are elongated, with lower-limit aspect ratios of ∼5:1. For both filaments, we detect two distinct velocity components that are separated by about 15 km s−1. In the C18O spectral line data, with ∼0.09 pc spatial resolution, we find that these velocity components have relatively narrow (∼1-2 km s−1) FWHM line widths when compared to other sources toward the Galactic center. The properties of these filaments suggest that the gas in the Sgr E complex is being “stretched,” as it is rapidly accelerated by the gravitational field of the Galactic bar while falling toward the CMZ, a result that could provide insights into the extreme environment surrounding this region and the large-scale processes that fuel this environment

    First metallicity determination from Near-Infrared spectra for five obscured Cepheids discovered in the inner Disk

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    We report the discovery of five new classical Cepheids located in the inner Galactic Disk at longitude l ≃ −40° in our IRSF/SIRIUS Near-Infrared (NIR) variability survey. The new Cepheids are unique in probing the kinematics and metallicity of young stars at the transition between the inner Disk and the minor axis of the central Bar, where they are expected to be less affected by its dynamical influence. This is also the first time that metallicity of Cepheids is estimated on the basis of medium-resolution (R ∼ 3, 000) NIR spectra, and we validated our results with data in the literature, finding a minimal dependence on the adopted spectroscopic diagnostics. This result is very promising for using Cepheids as stellar proxy of the present-time chemical content of the obscured regions in the Disk. We found that the three Cepheids within 8–10 kpc from us have metallicities consistent with the mean radial metallicity gradient, and kinematics consistent with the Galactic rotation curve. Instead, the closest (∼4 kpc)/farthest (∼12 kpc) Cepheids have significant negative/positive residuals, both in velocity and in iron content. We discuss the possibility that such residuals are related to large-scale dynamical instabilities, induced by the bar/spiral-arm pattern, but the current sample is too limited to reach firm conclusion

    ALMA uncovers highly filamentary structure towards the Sgr E region

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    We report on the discovery of linear filaments observed in CO(1-0) emission for a 2\sim2' field of view toward the Sgr E star forming region centered at (l,b)=(358.720^\circ, 0.011^\circ). The Sgr E region is thought to be at the turbulent intersection of the ''far dust lane'' associated with the Galactic bar and the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). This region is subject to strong accelerations which are generally thought to inhibit star formation, yet Sgr E contains a large number of HII regions. We present 12^{12}CO(1-0), 13^{13}CO(1-0), and C18^{18}O(1-0) spectral line observations from ALMA and provide measurements of the physical and kinematic properties for two of the brightest filaments. These filaments have widths (FWHM) of 0.1\sim0.1 pc and are oriented nearly parallel to the Galactic plane, with angles from the Galactic plane of 2\sim2^\circ. The filaments are elongated, with lower limit aspect ratios of \sim5:1. For both filaments we detect two distinct velocity components that are separated by about 15 km s1^{-1}. In the C18^{18}O spectral line data with \sim0.09 pc spatial resolution, we find that these velocity components have relatively narrow (\sim1-2 km s1^{-1}) FWHM linewidths when compared to other sources towards the Galactic center. The properties of these filaments suggest that the gas in the Sgr E complex is being ''stretched'' as it is rapidly accelerated by the gravitational field of the Galactic bar while falling towards the CMZ, a result that could provide insight into the extreme environment surrounding this region and the large-scale processes which fuel this environment.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Smooth kinematic and metallicity gradients between the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster and nuclear stellar disc. Different components of the same structure?

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    The innermost regions of most galaxies are characterised by the presence of extremely dense nuclear star clusters. Nevertheless, these clusters are not the only stellar component present in galactic nuclei, where larger stellar structures known as nuclear stellar discs, have also been found. Understanding the relation between nuclear star clusters and nuclear stellar discs is challenging due to the large distance towards other galaxies which limits their analysis to integrated light. The Milky Way's centre, at only 8 kpc, hosts a nuclear star cluster and a nuclear stellar disc, constituting a unique template to understand their relation and formation scenario. We aim to study the kinematics and stellar metallicity of stars from the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster and disc to shed light on the relation between these two Galactic centre components. We used publicly available photometric, proper motions, and spectroscopic catalogues to analyse a region of 2.8×4.9\sim2.8'\times4.9' centred on the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster. We built colour magnitude diagrams, and applied colour cuts to analyse the kinematic and metallicity distributions of Milky Way's nuclear star cluster and disc stars with different extinction along the line of sight. We detect kinematics and metallicity gradients for the analysed stars along the line of sight towards the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster, suggesting a smooth transition between the nuclear stellar disc and cluster. We also find a bi-modal metallicity distribution for all the analysed colour bins, which is compatible with previous work on the bulk population of the nuclear stellar disc and cluster. Our results suggest that these two Galactic centre components might be part of the same structure with the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc being the grown edge of the nuclear star cluster.Comment: Submitted to A&A. 13 pages, 9 figure