231 research outputs found

    Girona - Costa Brava Airport: expansion possibilities study

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    This study shows an estimated evolution for Girona – Costa Brava Airport. Studying the airport’s background and the air traffic in the Catalonia region, a market opportunity is identified. The market is analyzed and quantified, and based on this analysis, a detailed traffic forecast is developed. With the forecasted aircraft movements and number of passengers, the present infrastructure is evaluated for the needs that will exist by the design horizon (2040). The airside is sized to absorb the peak day operations, and the landside to absorb the peak hour passengers providing an adequate level of service for the expected customers. The necessary modifications are proposed, following IATA rules, taking into account the airport’s master plan and the present reality of the area. Finally, the environmental and social impact of these modifications is qualitatively evaluated

    Editorial: Functional fitness/high intensity functional training for health and performance

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    [EN] Functional fitness training (FFT) is an emerging fitness trend that emphasizes functional, multi-joint movements, including aerobic (e.g., cycling, rowing, running) and strength exercises (e.g., weightlifting and derivatives: squat, snatch, clean and jerk, bench press, deadlift; bodyweight exercises: air squat, push-up, pull-up, muscle-up; plyometrics: box jumps, tuck ups) (Claudino et al., 2018; Feito et al., 2018). Researchers have shown that FFT may be not only suitable for professional athletes but also for populations with different fitness levels. Indeed, it is suggested that FFT elicits greater muscle recruitment than aerobic exercises alone, thereby improving both endurance and muscular strength and power (Bergeron et al., 2011; Claudino et al., 2018; Feito et al., 2018; Schlegel, 2020; Sharp et al., 2022). However, FFT units (i.e., workouts) are highly varied daily, and more research is needed to clarify its acute effects and its associated chronic training adaptations (Bergeron et al., 2011; Claudino et al., 2018; Feito et al., 2018; Schlegel, 2020; Sharp et al., 2022). Therefore, the aim of this Research Topic is to increase the knowledge of the evidence-based effects and adaptations of implementing FFT on health and performance in individuals with different biological conditions


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    Os equinos, ao contrário de hoje, eram animais totalmente livres, com isso, é fundamental saber a influência do tempo de estabulação em relação ao seu comportamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar se o tempo de estabulação interfere no grau de bem-estar dos equinos, avaliado por meio da manifestação de comportamentos anormais. O trabalho foi realizado na Cabanha El Guitarrero, localizada no Município de Galvão, em Santa Catarina, no período entre junho de 2013 a março de 2014. Foram avaliados oito animais adultos da raça Crioula, sendo quatro machos castrados e quatro fêmeas (fêmeas em anestro), com dois machos e duas fêmeas distribuídos de forma aleatória nos dois tratamentos experimentais: T4h (animais permanecem fora da baia, em pastagem, por quatro horas diárias); T10h (animais permanecem fora da baia, em pastagem, por dez horas diárias). Os dados foram coletados em três diferentes dias e as observações realizadas nos turnos matutino (das 9h às 11h30min) e vespertino (das 14h às 17h). As observações foram realizadas a uma distância que não alterasse o comportamento dos animais. O método de observação foi por animal focal, com cada animal identificado e observado de maneira individual. Os comportamentos sociais e o tempo de pastejo foram os dados que mais apresentaram diferença. Os animais que ficavam fechados nas baias apresentavam mais comportamentos agonísticos, pastejo e do ócio em pé; com isso, eles se tornavam mais estressados. Em relação aos comportamentos normais, os principais realizados pelo grupo de tratamento quatro horas livres foram pastando; comportamento social e comportamento lúdico, quando fechados nas baias ficaram mais tempo comendo e dormindo. Os animais do grupo de tratamento 10 horas ficaram mais tempo pastando e tendo comportamentos sociais. Os valores médios (horas) dos comportamentos anormais foram de 20,7 para o grupo quatro horas livre, contra 13,9 para o grupo 10 horas livre. Em decorrência isso, animais que ficam mais tempo fechados apresentam mais atividades anormais que animais no pasto.Palavras-chave: Pastagem. Pacing. Baia

    Validity of the Polar V800 monitor for measuring heart rate variability in mountain running route conditions

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    PURPOSE: This study was conducted to test, in mountain running route conditions, the accuracy of the Polar V800 monitor as a suitable device for monitoring the heart rate variability (HRV) of runners. METHOD: Eighteen healthy subjects ran a route that included a range of running slopes such as those encountered in trail and ultra-trail races. The comparative study of a V800 and a Holter SEER 12 ECG Recorder included the analysis of RR time series and short-term HRV analysis. A correction algorithm was designed to obtain the corrected Polar RR intervals. Six 5-min segments related to different running slopes were considered for each subject. RESULTS: The correlation between corrected V800 RR intervals and Holter RR intervals was very high (r = 0.99, p  0.05) and were well correlated (r ≥ 0.96, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Narrow limits of agreement, high correlations and small effect size suggest that the Polar V800 is a valid tool for the analysis of heart rate variability in athletes while running high endurance events such as marathon, trail, and ultra-trail races. KEYWORDS: HRV; Open field running conditions; Polar V800 heart rate monitor; Validatio

    673. Study of Prescribing patterns and Effectiveness of Ceftolozane/Tazobactam Real-world Analysis (SPECTRA): Results from a multi-national, multicenter observational study

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    Abstract Background Ceftolozane/tazobactam (C/T) has demonstrated efficacy to treat complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAI), complicated urinary tract infections (cUTI) and hospital acquired bacterial and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia. However, physicians, providers, and other stakeholders including payers want broader real-world evidence to inform clinical decisions and optimize healthcare resource use. Methods SPECTRA is a multi-national, multicenter, retrospective, inpatient, observational study of patients treated with C/T in Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain and The United Kingdom. Adult inpatients treated with ≥48 hours of C/T were included. Demographics, clinical characteristics, treatment management patterns, and outcomes were analyzed. Results There were 687 patients from 38 participating hospitals in 7 countries. The average age was 57.6 years (±17.3 [SD]) and most were male 456 (66.4%). The majority had at least one comorbidity 563 (82.0%), with the most common being heart disease 208 (30.3%), immunocompromised state 207 (30.1%) and chronic pulmonary disease 195 (28.4%). The most common indications were pneumonia 204 (29.7%), sepsis 147 (21.4%), and cIAI 106 (15.4%); 162 (23.6%) had multiple sites of infection and 245 (35.7%) were polymicrobial infections. Median C/T treatment was 12.0 days (11.0 [IQR]). Half of the patients were admitted to the ICU 343 (49.9%), 43.4% of which was related to the infection. Clinical success was 66.1%. All-cause in-hospital mortality was 22.0% with 8.7% being infection related. 30-day all-cause readmission was 9.8% and 4.7% were infection related. Conclusion C/T was used to treat infections among critically ill patients and for multi-source, polymicrobial infections. Despite the complexity of the patients in this real-world analysis, most C/T patients had beneficial outcomes that are similar to results of controlled clinical trials. Disclosures Alex Soriano, MD, MSD, Pfizer, Shionogi, Angelini, Menarini, Gilead: Honoraria Laura A. Puzniak, MPH, PhD, Merck & Co., Inc.: former employee and stockholder David Paterson, MBBS, Accelerate: Honoraria|bioMerieux: Honoraria|Entasis: Advisor/Consultant|Janssen-Cilag: Grant/Research Support|MSD: Advisor/Consultant|MSD: Grant/Research Support|MSD: Honoraria|Pfizer: Grant/Research Support|Pfizer: Honoraria|PPD: Grant/Research Support|Shionogi: Grant/Research Support|VenatoRx: Advisor/Consultant Stefan Kluge, MD, Astrazeneca: Lecture fees|Biotest: Lecture fees|Cytosorbents: Grant/Research Support|Cytosorbents: Lecture fees|Daiichi Sankyo: Grant/Research Support|Daiichi Sankyo: Lecture fees|Fresenius Medical Care: Advisor/Consultant|Fresenius Medical Care: Lecture fees|Gilead: Advisor/Consultant|Gilead: Lecture fees|Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma: Lecture fees|MSD: Advisor/Consultant|MSD: Lecture fees|Pfizer: Advisor/Consultant|Pfizer: Lecture fees|Phillips: Lecture fees|Zoll: Lecture fees Alexandre H. Watanabe, PharmD, Merck & Co., Inc.: Employee Engels N. Obi, PhD, Merck & Co., Inc.: Employee|Merck & Co., Inc.: Stocks/Bonds Sunny Kaul, BSc, MBChB, PHD, FRCP, FFICM, Chiesi: Speaker fees|Gilead: Speaker fees|GlaxoSmithKline: Speaker fees|MSD: Grant/Research Support|MSD: Speaker fees|Shionogi: Speaker fees|Vifor Pharma: Grant/Research Support

    Target enrichment sequencing coupled with GWAS identifies MdPRX10 as a candidate gene in the control of budbreak in apple

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    The timing of floral budbreak in apple has a significant effect on fruit production and quality. Budbreak occurs as a result of a complex molecular mechanism that relies on accurate integration of external environmental cues, principally temperature. In the pursuit of understanding this mechanism, especially with respect to aiding adaptation to climate change, a QTL at the top of linkage group (LG) 9 has been identified by many studies on budbreak, but the genes underlying it remain elusive. Here, together with a dessert apple core collection of 239 cultivars, we used a targeted capture sequencing approach to increase SNP resolution in apple orthologues of known or suspected A. thaliana flowering time-related genes, as well as approximately 200 genes within the LG9 QTL interval. This increased the 275 223 SNP Axiom® Apple 480 K array dataset by an additional 40 857 markers. Robust GWAS analyses identified MdPRX10, a peroxidase superfamily gene, as a strong candidate that demonstrated a dormancy-related expression pattern and down-regulation in response to chilling. In-silico analyses also predicted the residue change resulting from the SNP allele associated with late budbreak could alter protein conformation and likely function. Late budbreak cultivars homozygous for this SNP allele also showed significantly up-regulated expression of C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR (CBF) genes, which are involved in cold tolerance and perception, compared to reference cultivars, such as Gala. Taken together, these results indicate a role for MdPRX10 in budbreak, potentially via redox-mediated signaling and CBF gene regulation. Moving forward, this provides a focus for developing our understanding of the effects of temperature on flowering time and how redox processes may influence integration of external cues in dormancy pathways


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    The goal of this paper was to organize a database about the parameters of the erosive process for a watershed located at the city of Cunha (eastern portion of the São Paulo State) and to elaborate the maps about Natural Potential for Erosion (NPE) and Soil Loss Expectative (SLE). The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the applied mathematical model, and GIS technology (Idrisi software) was used. Two land cover scenarios were used: one corresponding to the actual land cover (natural forest), and one hypothetic scenario corresponding to a uniform pasture land cover. Throughout analysis of the USLE factors and PNE map it was observed that the watershed is highly vulnerable to erosion process. For SLE elaborated considering the natural vegetation, the important role that such land-cover type plays in order to control the erosive process is noted. The SLE map elaborated for the pasture showed that the soil loss would be highly and dangerously increased if none conservationist practice were applied and/or the soil was misused. The estimated annual values of soil loss are: 5.1 t.ha-1 for the natural vegetation, and 28,280.0 t.ha-1 for pasture.Este trabalho teve como objetivo organizar um conjunto de informações sobre os fatores envolvidos no processo erosivo para uma microbacia localizada em Cunha e, a partir deste banco de informações, elaborar e interpretar os mapas do Potencial Natural de Erosão (PNE) e Expectativa de Perda de Solo (EPS). O modelo matemático utilizado foi a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (EUPS) e esta foi aplicada através de recursos de geoprocessamento (software Idrisi). Usaram-se dois cenários de cobertura do solo: um real, formado por vegetação natural secundária de Mata Atlântica, e um hipotético, formado exclusivamente por pastagem. Analisando-se os fatores da EUPS e do mapa PNE, constatou-se que a microbacia possui forte propensão ao desencadeamento da erosão, sendo que a EPS para o cenário de vegetação natural evidenciou o importante papel deste tipo de cobertura no sentido de amenizar a erosão. Já o cenário de pastagem indicou altos valores de EPS e mostrou que este tipo de cobertura potencializaria o processo erosivo a níveis críticos se nenhuma medida conservacionista fosse adotada. Estima-se um valor anual médio de perda de solo de 5,1 t.ha-1 para o cenário de vegetação e de 28.280,0 t.ha-1 para o cenário de pastagem

    Effects and mechanisms of mindfulness training and physical exercise on cognition, emotional wellbeing, and brain outcomes in chronic stroke patients : Study protocol of the MindFit project randomized controlled trial

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    Post-stroke cognitive and emotional complications are frequent in the chronic stages of stroke and have important implications for the functionality and quality of life of those affected and their caregivers. Strategies such as mindfulness meditation, physical exercise (PE), or computerized cognitive training (CCT) may benefit stroke patients by impacting neuroplasticity and brain health. One hundred and forty-one chronic stroke patients are randomly allocated to receive mindfulness-based stress reduction + CCT (n = 47), multicomponent PE program + CCT (n = 47), or CCT alone (n = 47). Interventions consist of 12-week home-based programs five days per week. Before and after the interventions, we collect data from cognitive, psychological, and physical tests, blood and stool samples, and structural and functional brain scans. The effects of the interventions on cognitive and emotional outcomes will be described in intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses. We will also explore potential mediators and moderators, such as genetic, molecular, brain, demographic, and clinical factors in our per-protocol sample. The MindFit Project is a randomized clinical trial that aims to assess the impact of mindfulness and PE combined with CCT on chronic stroke patients' cognitive and emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, our design takes a multimodal biopsychosocial approach that will generate new knowledge at multiple levels of evidence, from molecular bases to behavioral changes. , identifier NCT04759950

    Effects and Mechanisms of Cognitive, Aerobic Exercise, and Combined Training on Cognition, Health, and Brain Outcomes in Physically Inactive Older Adults : The Projecte Moviment Protocol

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    Altres ajuts: It has also been rewarded with three pre-doctoral fellowships ( FPU014/01460, FI-2016, and FI-2018).Introduction: Age-related health, brain, and cognitive impairment is a great challenge in current society. Cognitive training, aerobic exercise and their combination have been shown to benefit health, brain, cognition and psychological status in healthy older adults. Inconsistent results across studies may be related to several variables. We need to better identify cognitive changes, individual variables that may predict the effect of these interventions, and changes in structural and functional brain outcomes as well as physiological molecular correlates that may be mediating these effects. Projecte Moviment is a multi-domain randomized trial examining the effect of these interventions applied 5 days per week for 3 months compared to a passive control group. The aim of this paper is to describe the sample, procedures and planned analyses. Methods: One hundred and forty healthy physically inactive older adults will be randomly assigned to computerized cognitive training (CCT), aerobic exercise (AE), combined training (COMB), or a control group. The intervention consists of a 3 month home-based program 5 days per week in sessions of 45 min. Data from cognitive, physical, and psychological tests, cardiovascular risk factors, structural and functional brain scans, and blood samples will be obtained before and after the intervention. Results: Effects of the interventions on cognitive outcomes will be described in intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses. We will also analyze potential genetic, demographic, brain, and physiological molecular correlates that may predict the effects of intervention, as well as the association between cognitive effects and changes in these variables using the per protocol sample. Discussion: Projecte Moviment is a multi-domain intervention trial based on prior evidence that aims to understand the effects of CCT, AE, and COMB on cognitive and psychological outcomes compared to a passive control group, and to determine related biological correlates and predictors of the intervention effects. Clinical Trial Registration: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT03123900