134 research outputs found

    “Socio cognitive factors involved in the teaching learning process in English language”

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    Nowadays, English language learning is an important part of education because it allows us to have access to updated information. However, teaching is not an easy process, so some researchers in the area are looking for new methods and strategies that favour students in the process of teaching and learning English. On the other hand, this research project entitled "Socio-cognitive factors involved in the English language teaching-learning process"refers to the problems that teachers and students have during this process. When teaching a new language, students have difficulties that are not only related to academic performance, but are also influenced by other factors. This occurs because teachers are unaware of the social and cognitive aspects that affect the teaching-learning process of their students. Thus, the main objective of this research is to determine the influence of social-cognitive factors on the English language teaching-learning process. Therefore, this research project has been divided into two parts: the first part is based on a literature review on socio-cognitive factors and how they influence the teaching-learning process. The second part presents the results obtained from the surveys applied to the students of the first semester of the PINE of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, in Latacunga city. Based on the descriptive-qualitative method, the technique applied for this study was a student survey using a questionnaire as an instrument. It was adapted from the socio-cognitive theory: (Bandura, 1986); Multiple Intelligence: (H. Gardner, 1999) where thirty-five students participated. The analysis of the theoretical references exposed within the theoretical framework, it was possible to identify that different socio-cognitive factors that affected the process such as: the physical environment, the teacher-student relationship, didactic resources, family (motivation), economic level, culture, memory capacity, perception and attention. The outcomes of the survey showed how social and cognitive factors affect the teaching-learning process of the aforementioned students, as well as identifying those with the greatest impact on the educational environment. Therefore, it is essential for both students and teachers to know which factors can affect or favour the educational processes in order to build an adequate environment in the institutions.El aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa es hoy en día una parte importante de la educación porque nos permite acceder a información actualizada. Sin embargo, la enseñanza no es un proceso fácil, por lo que algunos investigadores del área buscan nuevos métodos y estrategias que favorezcan a los estudiantes en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés. Por otro lado, este proyecto de investigación titulado "Factores sociocognitivos implicados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés" se refiere a los problemas que tienen los profesores y los alumnos durante este proceso. Cuando se enseña un nuevo idioma, los alumnos tienen dificultades que no sólo están relacionadas con el rendimiento académico, sino que también influyen otros factores. Esto ocurre porque los profesores desconocen los aspectos sociales y cognitivos que afectan al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Así, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es determinar la influencia de los factores socio-cognitivos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés. Por ello, este proyecto de investigación se ha dividido en dos partes: la primera parte se basa en una revisión bibliográfica sobre los factores sociocognitivos y cómo influyen en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La segunda parte presenta los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas aplicadas a los estudiantes del primer semestre del PINE de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, en la ciudad de Latacunga. Basado en el método descriptivo-cualitativo, la técnica aplicada para este estudio fue una encuesta a los estudiantes utilizando como instrumento un cuestionario. Se adaptó de la teoría socio-cognitiva: (Bandura, 1986); la Inteligencia Múltiple: (H. Gardner, 1999) donde participaron treinta y cinco estudiantes. El análisis de los referentes teóricos expuestos dentro del marco teórico, permitió identificar que diferentes factores socio-cognitivos que afectaron el proceso como: el ambiente físico, la relación profesor-alumno, los recursos didácticos, la familia (motivación), el nivel económico, la cultura, la capacidad de memoria, la percepción y la atención. Los resultados de la encuesta mostraron cómo los factores sociales y cognitivos afectan al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los mencionados alumnos, además de identificar los de mayor impacto en el entorno educativo. Por lo tanto, es fundamental que tanto alumno como profesores conozcan qué factores pueden afectar o favorecer los procesos educativos para construir un ambiente adecuado en las instituciones

    Impact of transient down-regulation of DREAM in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency: The role of DREAM in the maintenance of hESCs

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    Little is knownabout the functions of downstreamregulatory element antagonist modulator (DREAM) inembryonic stem cells (ESCs). However, DREAM interacts with cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in a Ca2+-dependent manner, preventing CREB binding protein (CBP) recruitment. Furthermore, CREB and CBP are involved in maintaining ESC self-renewal and pluripotency. However, a previous knockout study revealed the protective function of DREAMdepletion in brain aging degeneration and that aging is accompanied by a progressive decline in stem cells (SCs) function. Interestingly, we found that DREAM is expressed in different cell types, including human ESCs (hESCs), human adipose-derived stromal cells (hASCs), human bone marrow-derived stromal cells (hBMSCs), and human newborn foreskin fibroblasts (hFFs), and that transitory inhibition of DREAMin hESCs reduces their pluripotency, increasing differentiation.We stipulate that these changes are partly mediated by increased CREB transcriptional activity. Overall, our data indicates that DREAMacts in the regulation of hESC pluripotency and could be a target to promote or prevent differentiation in embryonic cells.Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa, FEDER CTS-6505; INP-2011- 1615-900000; P10-CVI-6095Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FEDER RD12/0019/0028; PI10/00964; PI14/0101

    miR-7 Modulates hESC Differentiation into Insulin-Producing Beta-like Cells and Contributes to Cell Maturation

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    Human pluripotent stem cells retain the extraordinary capacity to differentiate into pancreatic beta cells. For this particular lineage, more effort is still required to stress the importance of developing an efficient, reproducible, easy, and cost-effective differentiation protocol to obtain more mature, homogeneous, and functional insulin-secreting cells. In addition, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as a class of small non-coding RNAs that regulate many cellular processes, including pancreatic differentiation. Some miRNAs are known to be preferentially expressed in islets. Of note, miR-375 and miR-7 are two of the most abundant pancreatic miRNAs, and they are necessary for proper pancreatic islet development. Here we provide new insight into specific miRNAs involved in pancreatic differentiation. We found that miR-7 is differentially expressed during the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into a beta cell-like phenotype and that its modulation plays an important role in generating mature pancreatic beta cells. This strategy may be exploited to optimize the potential for in vitro differentiation of hESCs into insulin-producing beta-like cells for use in preclinical studies and future clinical applications as well as the prospective uses of miRNAs to improve this process.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness BFU2016-74932-C2 BFU2013-45564-C2FEDER Funds PI-0272-2017Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health PI-0272-2017European Cooperation in Science and Technology BM1305Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness CD16/00118Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III PI16/00259 PI17/02104 RD16/0011/0034 CD16/0011

    Influence of the New Spanish Legislation concerning the Management of Nuclear Waste

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    The aim of the present paper is to present and analyse the results obtained from a comparative economic feasibility study performed for the two main nuclear spent fuel management cycles: Once-Through Cycle and Twice-Through Cycle in a Spanish scenario, taking into account the new Spanish legislation with which new tax provisions for generation and storage of nuclear waste must be included in the cycle costs

    Derivation of HVR1, HVR2 and HVR3 human embryonic stem cell lines from IVF embryos after preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for monogenic disorder

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    From 106 human blastocyts donate for research after in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for monogenetic disorder, 3 human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) HVR1, HVR2 and HVR3 were successfully derived. HVR1 was assumed to be genetically normal, HVR2 carrying Becker muscular dystrophy and HVR3 Hemophilia B. Despite the translocation t(9;15)(q34.3;q14) detected in HVR2, all the 3 cell lines were characterised in vitro and in vivo as normal hESCs lines and were registered in the Spanish Stem Cell Bank.Junta de Andalucía FEDER TCMR0021/06, PI246-2008Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FEDER) RD12/0019/0028, RD012/0036/0017, PI10/00964, PI11/02923, PI14/0101

    Attitude towards oral biopsy among general dentists in Murcia

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    Objective: The present study explores the attitude of general dentists towards oral biopsy as a diagnostic method in application to oral lesions. Material and methods: A questionnaire was administered by mail to 520 general dentists in the Autonomous Community of Murcia (Spain), addressing a number of items: sociodemographic parameters, years of professional experience, the diagnosis of mucosal lesions, the performance of oral biopsies, and their histopathological evaluation. Results: The global response rate was 32.7% (55.9% for males and 43.5% for females), with a global mean age of 35.9 years. Of note is the fact that the group with least professional experience did not include oral biopsy as diagnostic procedure, with statistically significant differences versus the other groups of experience (p=0.048) Conclusion: The assimilation of oral biopsy as a diagnostic procedure is seen to increase with the number of years of professional experience

    New insights on the ripening pattern of ‘Blanquilla’ pears: A comparison between on- and off-tree ripened fruit

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    To better understand the key processes involved in the ripening of attached fruit, we have investigated physico-chemical and biochemical changes occurring in ‘Blanquilla’ pear during on-tree (attached fruit) and off-tree ripening (harvested fruit). Flesh firmness, sugars, acids and the volatile profiles as well as ethylene metabolism, PG and PME enzyme activities and oxidative damage were measured. Firmness loss in detached ‘Blanquilla’ pear (off-tree), was initially mediated by oxidative stress (higher accumulation of malondialdehyde) and then by ethylene in a process in which 1-aminocyclopropene 1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase was the limiting factor. In contrast the progressive but slower softening observed during on-tree fruit ripening was not associated to oxidative damage but rather to a delayed production of ethylene limited, in turn, by the activity of ACC oxidase. An interesting association was found between the initiation of the ethylene production and a concomitant increase of sucrose levels during on-tree ripening also accompanied by a decline in hexanal. The putative role of these compounds as a tree-associated factor modulating on-tree pear ripening is discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Análisis comparativo de la competencia digital en estudiantes de educación secundaria

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    La competencia digital es una temática que el contexto de pandemia a nivel mundial ha movilizado diferentes aspectos tanto sociales, culturales, educativos, salud, trabajo entre otros. Por lo que las personas en general se han visto obligados a adaptarse bruscamente a estos cambios. En ese sentido, en el ámbito educativo tanto docentes como estudiantes, hasta padres de familia se han visto inmersos en los entornos virtuales, desarrollando la competencia digital empíricamente o en algunos casos con apoyo. Por ello, el estudio estuvo orientado a determinar las diferencias existentes en la competencia digital de los estudiantes del primer al tercer grado de secundaria de cuatro instituciones educativas públicas, durante el periodo 2022. Es un estudio de carácter cuantitativo por que se recurrió al uso de la estadística descriptiva para el análisis de datos, de naturaleza empírica, según su finalidad fue una investigación básica con diseño no experimental y transversal, y de nivel descriptivo comparativo. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta que fue remitida vía on line a través de un cuestionario con opciones múltiples para la respuesta de los 256 participantes de la muestra. Uno de los principales resultados evidencia que dos grupos son diferentes en su competencia digital, el nivel predominante es intermedio. Se concluye que la competencia digital se desarrolla en niveles diferentes en dos grupos de estudio, resaltando que dichos grupos también guardan una marcada diferencia social, cultural y contextual.Publishe

    Recycling versus Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Fuel: Economic Factors

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    The objective of the present study is to compare the associated costs of long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel—open cycle strategy—with the associated cost of reprocessing and recycling strategy of spent fuel—closed cycle strategy—based on the current international studies. The analysis presents cost trends for both strategies. Also, to point out the fact that the total cost of spent nuclear fuel management (open cycle) is impossible to establish at present, while the related costs of the closed cycle are stable and known, averting uncertainties

    Los juegos tradicionales influyen en el aprendizaje de los Niños de 4 a 5 años en los centros infantiles ¿divino niño¿ y ¿Santa Catalina Laboure¿ de la ciudad de Atuntaqui en el Periodo de septiembre 2010 a abril 2011.

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    El estudio de los juegos tradicionales que influyen en el aprendizaje de los niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años de la ciudad de Atuntaqui, con una Guía Didáctica como propuesta de mejoramiento, es sin duda una cuestión de actualidad e importancia en la formación de los niños de nivel inicial. Los Centros del Buen Vivir administrados por el MIES INFA, disponen únicamente de una docente parvularia – en el mejor de los casos; y el número de madres promotoras quienes sin formación específica docente, deben asumir la responsabilidad de proteger y formar a los niños y niñas que la comunidad entrega bajo su cuidado. Por esta razón, se hizo necesario elaborar una Guía Didáctica que proporcione al personal de los Centros investigados, las herramientas de trabajo más adecuadas para asumir con éxito el rol que cumplen en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil.Los docentes de los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil ¿Santa Catalina de Laboure¿ y ¿Divino Niño¿ no están muy familiarizados con los juegos tradicionales de la ciudad de Atuntaqui, quizás debido a que no todos los docentes que trabajan en esas instituciones son originarios o residen en la ciudad, tampoco cuentan con el apoyo de su director o autoridad para trabajar con nuevas estrategias de enseñanza aprendizaje de nivel inicial, particularmente con la estrategia del juego en el aula.-Sobre esta información se procedió a seleccionar los juegos tradicionales que sean aplicables al trabajo de aula de nivel inicial para estructurar la guía.- La intencionalidad del diseño de la guía didáctica es facilitar el trabajo de las madres promotoras y la parvularia y encontrar además la metodología y estrategias que mejoren la calidad del aprendizaje y motiven la participación de los niños y niñas de los centros investigado