18 research outputs found

    Projection effects on pressure profiles: A case study of the Virgo replica

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    An accurate mass calibration of galaxy clusters is a crucial step towards precise constraints on the cosmological parameters σ8 and Ωm from clusters. Cluster masses can be estimated assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, but several physical and observational effects can alter this calculation. One of those are projection effects which are the focus of our present analysis. We present a case study of the simulated Virgo cluster, extracted from the CLONE constrained simulation. We study Virgo pressure and electron density quantities projected along different directions, including along the Milky Way-Virgo axis which mimics our observation direction. We show two main projection effects: the role of the integrated mass along the line of sight (LoS) in each chosen direction, including the presence of massive objects, and the signature of small scale physics in the core of the cluster along these directions

    Cosmicflows Constrained Local UniversE Simulations

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    Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 10 figuresInternational audienceThis paper combines observational datasets and cosmological simulations to generate realistic numerical replicas of the nearby Universe. These latter are excellent laboratories for studies of the non-linear process of structure formation in our neighborhood. With measurements of radial peculiar velocities in the Local Universe (cosmicflows-2) and a newly developed technique, we produce Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (CLUES). To assess the quality of these constrained simulations, we compare them with random simulations as well as with local observations. The cosmic variance, defined as the mean one-sigma scatter of cell-to-cell comparison between two fields, is significantly smaller for the constrained simulations than for the random simulations. Within the inner part of the box where most of the constraints are, the scatter is smaller by a factor 2 to 3 on a 5 Mpc/h scale with respect to that found for random simulations. This one-sigma scatter obtained when comparing the simulated and the observation-reconstructed velocity fields is only 104 +/- 4 km/s i.e. the linear theory threshold. These two results demonstrate that these simulations are in agreement with each other and with the observations of our neighborhood. For the first time, simulations constrained with observational radial peculiar velocities resemble the Local Universe up to a distance of 150 Mpc/h on a scale of a few tens of megaparsecs. When focusing on the inner part of the box, the resemblance with our cosmic neighborhood extends to a few megaparsecs (< 5 Mpc/h). The simulations provide a proper Large Scale environment for studies of the formation of nearby objects

    Probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment algorithm for multi-object spectroscopic surveys

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    Context. Several new multi-object spectrographs are currently planned or under construction that are capable of observing thousands of Galactic and extragalactic objects simultaneously. Aims. In this paper we present a probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment algorithm that takes spectrograph targeting constraints into account and is capable of dealing with multiple concurrent surveys. We present this algorithm using the 4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) as an example. Methods. The key idea of the proposed algorithm is to assign probabilities to fibre-target pairs. The assignment of probabilities takes the fibre positioner’s capabilities and constraints into account. Additionally, these probabilities include requirements from surveys and take the required exposure time, number density variation, and angular clustering of targets across each survey into account. The main advantage of a probabilistic approach is that it allows for accurate and easy computation of the target selection function for the different surveys, which involves determining the probability of observing a target, given an input catalogue. Results. The probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment allows us to achieve maximally uniform completeness within a single field of view. The proposed algorithm maximises the fraction of successfully observed targets whilst minimising the selection bias as a function of exposure time. In the case of several concurrent surveys, the algorithm maximally satisfies the scientific requirements of each survey and no specific survey is penalised or prioritised. Conclusions. The algorithm presented is a proposed solution for the 4MOST project that allows for an unbiased targeting of many simultaneous surveys. With some modifications, the algorithm may also be applied to other multi-object spectroscopic surveys

    An optimized tiling pattern for multiobject spectroscopic surveys: application to the 4MOST survey

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    Large multiobject spectroscopic surveys require automated algorithms to optimize their observing strategy. One of the most ambitious upcoming spectroscopic surveys is the 4MOST survey. The 4MOST survey facility is a fibre-fed spectroscopic instrument on the VISTA telescope with a large enough field of view to survey a large fraction of the southern sky within a few years. Several Galactic and extragalactic surveys will be carried out simultaneously, so the combined target density will strongly vary. In this paper, we describe a new tiling algorithm that can naturally deal with the large target density variations on the sky and which automatically handles the different exposure times of targets. The tiling pattern is modelled as a marked point process, which is characterized by a probability density that integrates the requirements imposed by the 4MOST survey. The optimal tilling pattern with respect to the defined model is estimated by the tiles configuration that maximizes the proposed probability density. In order to achieve this maximization a simulated annealing algorithm is implemented. The algorithm automatically finds an optimal tiling pattern and assigns a tentative sky brightness condition and exposure time for each tile, while minimizing the total execution time that is needed to observe the list of targets in the combined input catalogue of all surveys. Hence, the algorithm maximizes the long-term observing efficiency and provides an optimal tiling solution for the survey. While designed for the 4MOST survey, the algorithm is flexible and can with simple modifications be applied to any other multiobject spectroscopic survey

    Euclid: Early Release Observations -- Overview of the Perseus cluster and analysis of its luminosity and stellar mass functions

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    International audienceThe Euclid ERO programme targeted the Perseus cluster of galaxies, gathering deep data in the central region of the cluster over 0.7 square degree, corresponding to approximately 0.25 r_200. The data set reaches a point-source depth of IE=28.0 (YE, JE, HE = 25.3) AB magnitudes at 5 sigma with a 0.16" and 0.48" FWHM, and a surface brightness limit of 30.1 (29.2) mag per square arcsec. The exceptional depth and spatial resolution of this wide-field multi-band data enable the simultaneous detection and characterisation of both bright and low surface brightness galaxies, along with their globular cluster systems, from the optical to the NIR. This study advances beyond previous analyses of the cluster and enables a range of scientific investigations summarised here. We derive the luminosity and stellar mass functions (LF and SMF) of the Perseus cluster in the Euclid IE band, thanks to supplementary u,g,r,i,z and Halpha data from the CFHT. We adopt a catalogue of 1100 dwarf galaxies, detailed in the corresponding ERO paper. We identify all other sources in the Euclid images and obtain accurate photometric measurements using AutoProf or AstroPhot for 138 bright cluster galaxies, and SourceExtractor for half a million compact sources. Cluster membership for the bright sample is determined by calculating photometric redshifts with Phosphoros. Our LF and SMF are the deepest recorded for the Perseus cluster, highlighting the groundbreaking capabilities of the Euclid telescope. Both the LF and SMF fit a Schechter plus Gaussian model. The LF features a dip at M(IE)=-19 and a faint-end slope of alpha_S = -1.2 to -1.3. The SMF displays a low-mass-end slope of alpha_S = -1.2 to -1.35. These observed slopes are flatter than those predicted for dark matter halos in cosmological simulations, offering significant insights for models of galaxy formation and evolution

    Euclid: Early Release Observations -- Dwarf galaxies in the Perseus galaxy cluster

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    International audienceWe make use of the unprecedented depth, spatial resolution, and field of view of the Euclid Early Release Observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster to detect and characterise the dwarf galaxy population in this massive system. The Euclid high resolution VIS and combined VIS+NIR colour images were visually inspected and dwarf galaxy candidates were identified. Their morphologies, the presence of nuclei, and their globular cluster (GC) richness were visually assessed, complementing an automatic detection of the GC candidates. Structural and photometric parameters, including Euclid filter colours, were extracted from 2-dimensional fitting. Based on this analysis, a total of 1100 dwarf candidates were found across the image, with 638 appearing to be new identifications. The majority (96%) are classified as dwarf ellipticals, 53% are nucleated, 26% are GC-rich, and 6% show disturbed morphologies. A relatively high fraction of galaxies, 8%, are categorised as ultra-diffuse galaxies. The majority of the dwarfs follow the expected scaling relations. Globally, the GC specific frequency, S_N, of the Perseus dwarfs is intermediate between those measured in the Virgo and Coma clusters. While the dwarfs with the largest GC counts are found throughout the Euclid field of view, those located around the east-west strip, where most of the brightest cluster members are found, exhibit larger S_N values, on average. The spatial distribution of the dwarfs, GCs, and intracluster light show a main iso-density/isophotal centre displaced to the west of the bright galaxy light distribution. The ERO imaging of the Perseus cluster demonstrates the unique capability of Euclid to concurrently detect and characterise large samples of dwarfs, their nuclei, and their GC systems, allowing us to construct a detailed picture of the formation and evolution of galaxies over a wide range of mass scales and environments