120 research outputs found

    The NCAA\u27s Breaking Point for Equal Opportunity: A Title IX Perspective on Name, Image, and Likeness Sponsorship Legislation

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    This paper analyzes the efficacy of Title IX when considering national name, image, and likeness (NIL) legislation and NCAA Division I athletic department expenditure behavior. To answer this question, I analyzed Title IX’s legislative history, current compliance rules, recent litigation, and academic literature. Using publicly-available data reported to the US Department of Education, I performed regression analysis on institutional characteristics and expenditure behaviors to assess the impact that spending behavior has on gender equity. My results show that revenue-generating sports had a large impact on spending equity, and disparities in expenditures are more distinct than participation. Ultimately, the market-based exceptions that allow for inequitable gender expenditures have diluted the underlying intent of the rule: equality in sports. Given the narrow population NIL legislation likely would benefit, this study emphasizes the need to take into account the values safeguarded by Title IX when revising policies impacting amateurism, athlete benefits, and gender equity

    Biology of the suprabenthic mysid Schistomysis assimilis (Sars, 1877) on Creixell beach, Tarragona (northwestern Mediterranean)

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    The suprabenthic mysid Schistomysis assimilis (Sars, 1877) was sampled monthly during 1991- 1992 in the surf zone of Creixell beach (Tarragona, Spain, northwestern Mediterranean) in order to describe its life history and estimate its secondary production. In the unstable coastal soft-bottom environment studied, this resident mysid is one of the suprabenthic community's dominant species. Demographic analysis suggests that it is a trivoltine species with a potential longevity of less than one year. According to the size frequency method, its annual production was estimated at 103.55 mg/5 m², with a P/B̅ ratio of 9,12.El misidáceo suprabentónico Schistomysis assimilis (Sars, 1877) ha sido muestreado mensualmente durante 1991 y 1992 en la zona de rompientes de la playa de Creixell (Tarragona, España) (Mediterráneo noroccidental) con el fin de describir su ciclo de vida y estimar su producción secundaria. Este misidáceo residente es uno de los principales componentes de la comunidad suprabentónica previamente reconocida en los fondos de esta playa. El análisis demográfico de la población sugiere que es una especie trivoltina con una longevidad potencial de menos de un año. Utilizando el método de Hynes, la producción anual estimada es de 103,55 mg/5 m² con una tasa P/B̅ de 9,12.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Temporal changes in the structure of the suprabenthic community from Hendaya beach (southern Bay of Biscay): A comparison with a northwestern Mediterranean beach community

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    In 1991-1992, the suprabenthic communities from Hendaya and Creixell beaches (southeastern bay of Biscay and northwestern Mediterranean, respectively) were monthly sampled in order to analyse and compare their qualitative and quantitative structural evolution during an annual cycle. The suprabenthos of Hendaya and Creixell beaches shows a similarity rate of 33.3 % for genera and 11.8 % at the species level, mainly amphipods and mysids. The presence of vicariant especies, especially of the genera Schistomysis, Cumposis and Eurydice indicates a certain degree of biogeographical isolation between the suprabenthos of dissipative type beaches from southeastern Bay of Biscay to northwestern Mediterranean.Las comunidades suprabentónicas de las playas de Hendaya y Creixell (sudeste del golfo de Vizcaya y noroeste del Mediterráneo, respectivamente) han sido mensualmente muestreadas con el objetivo de analizar y comparar su evolución estructural (cualitativa y cuantitativa) durante el ciclo anual 1991-1992. En el suprabentos de las playas de Hendaya y Creixell se han detectado un 33,3 % de géneros y un 11,8 % de especies comunes, principalmente, anfípodos y misidáceos. La presencia de especies vicariantes de los géneros Schistomysis, Cumposis y Eurydice, cuyas respectivas poblaciones son abundantes en ambas playas, revela cierto grado de aislamiento biogeográfico que puede ser, hasta cierto punto, extrapolable al suprabentos de las playas de tipo disipativo localizadas entre la zona sur del golfo de Vizcaya y el noroeste del Mediterráneo.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    On the structure of the neritic suprabenthic communities from the Portuguese continental margin

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    This work presents the investigations made on the neritic suprabenthic communities of the Portuguese margin (continental shelf and upper slope) exposed to seasonal upwelling. These communities were sampled during the AVEIRO-94 cruise at 5 sites located along an E-W bathymetric transect from 21 to 299 m depth using a suprabenthic sled with superposed nets. In the 0 to 100 cm water layer, the total densities ranged from 700.2 to 13591.7 ind. 100m(-2). During daytime, the motile fauna was mainly concentrated within the 0 to 50 cm water layer (76.2 to 97.2% of the total abundance). The night-time sample at the shallower site showed a more even distribution of the fauna in the near-bottom water layers (nocturnal migratory behaviour of some motile species). The Shannon diversity (H') values ranged from 1.84 to 3.54 for the shelf sites and increased at the upper slope site (4.15). Mysids and amphipods were generally dominant except for at the middle part of the shelf where the latter was replaced by euphausiids. The suprabenthic fauna off Aveiro was compared with similar data from the same bathymetric sampling levels off Arcachon (Bay of Biscay). Multivariate analysis showed that differences in faunal composition between the 2 geographic areas were smaller than depth-related variations within geographic areas. The results were discussed in relation to other suprabenthic communities from the northeastern Atlantic.Programa de Cooperação Oceanológica Luso-FrancesaJNICT/Embaixada de FrançaFrench CIRMAT-CNR

    Spatial and seasonal changes of brackish peracaridan assemblages and their relation to some environmental variables in two tidal channels of the Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal)

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    The shallow-water fauna of 2 main channels in the Ria de Aveiro (Canal de Ovar and Canal de Mira) was sampled between June 1995 and June 1996 using a suprabenthic sled. Samples were collected monthly at 5 stations and every third month at 11 other stations, covering both channels from the lower to the upper reaches. The channels differ in their hydrodynamics, in the distribution of the sediment environments and in the salinity gradient, thus providing an invaluable example for field studies. The results presented herein concern peracaridan crustaceans. Multivariate analysis (MDS, ANOSIM and UPGMA) of the faunal data showed significant differences between the 2 channels. Spatial and seasonal variations within the channels were also significant. The distinctive structural features were the higher number of species and overall dominance of mysids in the Canal de Mira as opposed to the dominance of amphipods and higher densities in the Canal de Ovar. In both channels there was a spatial pattern of high densities in areas with a rich sediment environment (fine sediments, high organic content, more diversified and stable food sources). Specific life cycle features, unfavourable temperature and salinity conditions, and probably also increased predation pressure induced a general impoverishment of the peracaridan assemblage during winter. Amphipods (mainly epibenthic and tube dwellers) and mysids (characteristic suprabenthic) showed defined spatial and seasonal patterns. Amphipods dominated the areas with more stable food sources, while the highly motile mysids succeeded in colonising and dominated in more dynamic and unpredictable environments. Density fluctuations of amphipods and mysids occurred seasonally in non-coincident cycles. On the whole, mysids were dominant during winter and spring and amphipods during summer and autumn.Centro das Zonas Costeiras e do Mar - CZCMPRODEP - C.3/94. No. 1

    Rôle du bentos dans le régime alimentaire des poissons démersaux du secteur Sud Gascogne

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    The diet of 34 demersal fishes from the continental shelf and top of the Atlantic slope is studied by analysis of digestive contents. All fishes from this area are stenophagous predators (7 ichthyophagous fishes, 1 concholophagous fish} or euryphagous predators (26 demersal fishes). The small motile benthic crustaceans (Mysidacea, Amphipoda, young Decapoda Natantia and Brachyurans) are the most important food for euryphagous fishes during the first years of their life near the sea floor. This special fauna, now called "suprabenthos", is not well sampled by traditional benthic gears. A new suprabenthic sledge is proposed for quantitative samplings of the motile freeswimming crustaceans

    The non-indigenous Paranthura japonica Richardson, 1909 in the Mediterranean Sea: travelling with shellfish?

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    An anthurid isopod new to the Mediterranean Sea has recently been observed in samples from three localities of the Italian coast: the Lagoon of Venice (North Adriatic Sea), La Spezia (Ligurian Sea) and Olbia (Sardinia, Tyrrhenian Sea). The specimens collected showed strong affinity to a species originally described from the NW Pacific Ocean: Paranthura japonica Richardson, 1909. The comparison with specimens collected from the Bay of Arcachon (Atlantic coast of France), where P. japonica had been recently reported as non-indigenous, confirmed the identity of the species. This paper reports the most relevant morphological details of the Italian specimens, data on the current distribution of the species and a discussion on the pathways responsible for its introduction. The available data suggest that the presence of this Pacific isopod in several regions of coastal Europe might be due to a series of aquaculture-mediated introduction events that occurred during the last decades of the 1900s. Since then, established populations of P. japonica, probably misidentified, remained unnoticed for a long time

    Sequential adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in endometrial cancer--results from two randomised studies.

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    INTRODUCTION: Endometrial cancer patients with high grade tumours, deep myometrial invasion, or advanced stage disease have a poor prognosis. Randomized studies have demonstrated prevention of loco-regional relapses with radiotherapy with no effect on overall survival. The possible additive effect of chemotherapy remains unclear. Two randomized clinical trials (NSGO-EC-9501/EORTC-55991 and MaNGO ILIADE-III) were undertaken to clarify if sequential combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy improves progression-free survival in high-risk endometrial cancer. The two studies were pooled. METHODS: Patients (n=540; 534 evaluable) with operated endometrial cancer FIGO stage I-III with no residual tumour and prognostic factors implying high-risk were randomly allocated to adjuvant radiotherapy with or without sequential chemotherapy. RESULTS: In the NSGO/EORTC study, combined modality treatment was associated with a 36 % reduction in the risk for relapse or death (HR 0.64, 95 % CI 0.41-0.99; P=0.04); two-sided tests were used. The result from the MaNGO-study pointed in the same direction (HR 0.61), but was not significant. In combined analysis, the estimate of risk for relapse or death was similar but with narrower confidence limits (HR 0.63, CI 0.44-0.89; P=0.009). Neither study showed significant differences in overall survival. In combined analysis, overall survival approached statistical significance (HR 0.69, CI 0.46-1.03; P = 0.07) and cancer-specific survival was significant (HR 0.55, CI 0.35-0.88; p=0.01). CONCLUSION: Addition of adjuvant chemotherapy to radiation improves progression-free survival in operated endometrial cancer patients with no residual tumour and high risk profile. A remaining question for future studies is if addition of radiotherapy to chemotherapy improves the results
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