72 research outputs found

    Introduction pathways and socio-economic variables drive the distribution of alien amphibians and reptiles in a megadiverse country

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    Aims: We identify alien reptiles and amphibians, invaders or not, in Brazil and evaluate the following: (a) which alien species are found in the country; (b) where they originate from; (c) how they are distributed; (d) why and how they were introduced; and (e) which factors affect the record incidences and local richness of these species. Location: Brazil. Methods: We conduct a comprehensive survey of different data sources to collect records of alien amphibians and reptiles. We then use a causal model approach to evaluate the influence of space, climate, anthropogenic predictors, and introduction pathways on alien richness and number of records. Results: We find a total of 2,292 records of 136 species of alien reptiles and amphibians. Although species from many regions of the world can be found, most are snakes, lizards and anurans originating in the Americas. Although records of alien amphibians and reptiles are found throughout Brazil, they are concentrated in more economically developed areas. Socio‐economic measures have both a direct and indirect causal relationship over the distribution of alien species and affect all introduction pathways, which are key factors explaining the alien species’ distribution. Pet trade was directly related to alien diversity, while all the three introduction pathways contributed to explain the number of records. Main Conclusions: We reveal a high diversity of alien amphibians and reptiles widespread in an already megadiverse country. The finding that alien richness occurs in highly populated and wealthy areas and that it is linked to the pet trade helps to direct efforts towards the surveillance and prevention of the spread of alien species in Brazil. A higher record incidence is associated with species introduced accidentally or for human consumption, mainly represented by a few already invasive widespread species, impairing management measures

    Protection and risk for different school stress trajectories

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    The study of chronic stress, potentially harmful to development, resents the focus of research on modal trends, not discriminating individual trajectories of chronicity. This study aimed to associate groups differentiated by the trajectory of stress, in children from the 1st to the 3rd year of Elementary School - Without Stress, Acute Stress and Chronic Stress, to the variables of protection or risk of the child and the school itself. One hundred and eleven students (56 boys) participated in the Child Stress Scale, Provinha Brasil, School Stressors Inventory and Social Skills Rating System - Teachers. Early childhood education, the Basic Education Index and the location of the school were considered. Comparison and prediction analyses were performed. Results indicated worse performance and greater perception of stressors in the group with chronic stress. Externalizing behavior, performance stressors and less permanence in Early Childhood Education contribute to chronicity. The focus on trajectories highlighted the vulnerability of chronically stressed children.Los estudios acerca del estrés crónico potencialmente dañino para el desarrollo se basan en investigaciones enfocadas en tendencias modales, sin discriminar las trayectorias individuales de la cronicidad. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo asociar los grupos diferenciados por la trayectoria de estrés en niños del 1.° al 3.° grado de la primaria –Sin estrés, Estrés puntual y Estrés crónico–, con las variables de protección o de riesgo del niño y de la escuela. Se evaluaron a 111 alumnos (56 chicos) utilizando la Escala de Estrés Infantil, la Provinha Brasil, el Sistema de Inventario de Estrés de Escolares y el Social Skills Rating System, Maestros. Se consideraron la Educación de la primera infancia, el Índice de educación básica y la ubicación de la escuela. Se hizo el análisis de comparación y de predicción. Los resultados indicaron un peor rendimiento y una mayor percepción de estresores en el grupo con estrés crónico. El comportamiento externo, los factores estresantes del rendimiento y la menor permanencia en la educación de la primera infancia contribuyen a la cronicidad. El enfoque en las trayectorias destaca la vulnerabilidad de los niños con estrés crónico.O estudo do estresse crônico, potencialmente prejudicial ao desenvolvimento, ressente-se do foco das pesquisas em tendências modais, não discriminando trajetórias individuais de cronicidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo associar grupos diferenciados pela trajetória de estresse, de crianças do 1º ao 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental - Sem Estresse, Estresse Pontual e Estresse Crônico, à variáveis de proteção ou de risco da própria criança e da escola. Participaram 111 alunos (56 meninos) avaliados pela Escala de Estresse Infantil, Provinha Brasil, Inventário de Estressores Escolares e Social Skills Rating System – Professores. A Educação Infantil, o Índice da Educação Básica e a localização da escola foram considerados. Análises de comparação e de predição foram realizadas. Os resultados indicaram pior desempenho e maior percepção de estressores no grupo com estresse crônico. Comportamento externalizante, estressores do desempenho e menor permanência na Educação Infantil contribuem para a cronicidade. O foco nas trajetórias ressaltou a vulnerabilidade das crianças cronicamente estressadas

    Reptile pet trade in Brazil : a regulatory approach to sustainable biodiversity conservation

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    The pet trade is the main cause of the growing number of exotic reptiles worldwide, posing a risk for invasion emergence and species extinction. In this study, we identify and analyze the obstacles involved in controlling the native and exotic reptile trade in Brazil to identify the main gaps and limitations in this regard. We propose measures that will aid in the planning of public policies that are more effective to protect native fauna. The pet trade regulation in Brazil is currently guided by poorly implemented policies. The main problems are associated with failures in legislation and enforcement, corruption, and lack of resources. As a result, the illegal trade control, current efforts for the sustainable use of biodiversity, and the prevention of the introduction of exotic species are insufficient. We recommend a multidisciplinary approach, based on actions to reduce legislation deficiencies and inconsistencies, intensification of inspection actions, and investment in educational actions aimed at raising societal awareness

    Pet distribution modelling : Untangling the invasive potential of Trachemys dorbigni (Emydidae) in the Americas

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    Human activities have been changing the global biogeographic patterns by the introductions of invasive species. For reptiles, the invasion rate increase of non-native species is remarkably related to the pet trade, especially for freshwater turtles. Here we estimated the invasive potential of the South American turtle Trachemys dorbigni in the Americas using a combination of climatic and human activity variables. We built species distribution models based on data from the native and invasive ranges, using the ensemble model from five different algorithms (GAM, MAXENT, BRT, RF and GBM). We compared the two models’ performance and predictions, one calibrated with only climatic variables (climate-driven), and the second also included a descriptive variable of human activity (climate plus humandriven). Suitable areas for T. dorbigni covered occurrence areas of its congeners and highly diversified ecoregions, such as the eastern USA, the islands of Central America, and the south eastern and eastern Brazilian coast. Our results indicate that human activities allow T. dorbigni to establish populations outside of its original climatic niche. Including human activity variables proved fundamental to refining the results to identify more susceptible areas to invasion and to allow the efficient targeting of prevention measures. Finally, we suggested a set of actions to prevent T. dorbigni becoming a highly impacting species in the areas identified as more prone to its invasion

    Mammals of the campus of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    O estudo foi desenvolvido no Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), localizado na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, no bioma Pampa. Aqui uma listagem de mamíferos é apresentada e são discutidas a ocupação espacial e estratégias de conservação da mastofauna local. Entre novembro de 2001 e outubro de 2002 foram registradas 26 espécies nativas e duas espécies exóticas (Lepus europaeus e Mus musculus) de mamíferos, distribuídas em 14 famílias. A maioria das espécies registradas apresenta ampla distribuição, é comumente associada a áreas abertas e apresenta tolerância a distúrbios antrópicos. Entretanto, também foram registradas espécies consideradas raras ou ameaçadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Lontra longicaudis, Monodelphis dimidiata e Nyctinomops laticaudatus), para as quais são sugeridas estratégias de conservação. A baixa diversidade de espécies registrada no Campus pode estar relacionada à forte pressão de modificações antrópicas, à pequena extensão da área estudada ou a fatores históricos, já que a área de estudo é originalmente campestre (Pampa), tipo de ambiente que abriga menor diversidade de mamíferos que áreas de florestas nativas.The study was conducted in the Campus of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), which is located in the Central Depression of Rio Grande do Sul State, in the Pampa biome. Here, a mammal list is presented and spatial occupation and conservation strategies of local mammals are discussed. Between November 2001 and October 2002, 26 native species and two exotic species of mammals (Lepus europaeus and Mus musculus) were recorded, representing 14 families. Most recorded species presents wide distribution, is likely associated to open environments and is tolerant to human disturbances. However, we also recorded three species that are considered rare or threatened in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Lontra longicaudis, Monodelphis dimidiata and Nyctinomops laticaudatus), for which conservation strategies are recommended. The low species richness recorded in the Campus can be related to the strong pressure of human disturbances, to the small extension of the studied area or to historical factors, as the studied area is originally a grassland (Pampa), a type of environment containing a lower mammalian diversity than native forests

    Effects of traffic noise on the calling behavior of two neotropical hylid frogs

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    Anthropogenic disturbance has been pointed to as one of the major causes of the world´s biodiversity crisis. Among them, noise pollution is a potential underestimated threat, projected to increase in the next decades accompanying urban expansion. Rising levels of noise pollution may result in negative impacts on species highly dependent on acoustic communication. Amphibians have long served as model organisms for investigating animal acoustic communication because their reproduction depends on transmitting and receiving acoustic signals. A few studies have investigated the effects of anthropogenic noise on anurans, but there is still limited knowledge on how it affects them. In this study, we test the effect of two intensities of traffic noise on calling males of two Neotropical treefrogs species. We expect to record more changes in call parameters, to avoid masking effect, at higher intensity noise treatments, and in the species with higher call/noise frequency overlap. We performed a set of field playback experiments exposing male frogs to road noise at two different intensities (65dB and 75dB). Focal species are Boana bischoffi (high call/noise frequency overlap) and B. leptolineata (low call/noise frequency overlap). Both species changed acoustic parameters during or after the exposure to traffic noise. Advertisement call rate of B. bischoffi decreased during road noise, and dominant frequency decreased over time. Call length of B. leptolineata increased or decreased, depending on the order of noise intensity. We also observed spatial displacement in both species, which moved away from the noise source. Our results provide evidence that traffic noise affects anuran calling behavior, and noise intensity is an important factor affecting how species respond

    Custo de medicamentos produzidos pelo Hospital Universitário, papel da Farmácia Central

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    The hospital pharmacy in large and advanced institutions has evolved from a simple storage and distribution unit into a highly specialized manipulation and dispensation center, responsible for the handling of hundreds of clinical requests, many of them unique and not obtainable from commercial companies. It was therefore quite natural that in many environments, a manufacturing service was gradually established, to cater to both conventional and extraordinary demands of the medical staff. That was the case of Hospital das Clinicas, where multiple categories of drugs are routinely produced inside the pharmacy. However, cost-containment imperatives dictate that such activities be reassessed in the light of their efficiency and essentiality. METHODS: In a prospective study, the output of the Manufacturing Service of the Central Pharmacy during a 12-month period was documented and classified into three types. Group I comprised drugs similar to commercially distributed products, Group II included exclusive formulations for routine consumption, and Group III dealt with special demands related to clinical investigations. RESULTS: Findings for the three categories indicated that these groups represented 34.4%, 45.3%, and 20.3% of total manufacture orders, respectively. Costs of production were assessed and compared with market prices for Group 1 preparations, indicating savings of 63.5%. When applied to the other groups, for which direct equivalent in market value did not exist, these results would suggest total yearly savings of over 5 100 000 US dollars. Even considering that these calculations leave out many components of cost, notably those concerning marketing and distribution, it might still be concluded that at least part of the savings achieved were real. CONCLUSIONS: The observed savings, allied with the convenience and reliability with which the Central Pharmacy performed its obligations, support the contention that internal manufacture of pharmaceutical formulations was a cost-effective alternative in the described setting.A Farmácia Hospitalar em instituições avançadas e de grande porte evoluiu de uma simples unidade de armazenamento e distribuição, para um centro de manipulação altamente especializado, responsável pelo processamento de centenas de requisições clínicas, muitas delas únicas e não disponíveis de fontes comerciais. Foi perfeitamente natural portanto que em muitos ambientes, um Serviço Industrial fosse gradualmente estabelecido, visando responder a demandas tanto convencionais como extraordinárias da equipe médica. Tal foi o caso do Hospital das Clínicas, onde múltiplas categorias de fármacos são rotineiramente elaboradas nas dependências da Farmácia. Entretanto, imperativos de contenção de gastos determinam que tais atividades sejam reajuizadas sob o prisma de sua eficiência e essencialidade. MÉTODOS: Num estudo prospectivo, a produção do Serviço Industrial da Farmácia Central durante um período de 12 meses foi documentada, e classificada em três modalidades. O Grupo I abrangia medicamentos similares a outros fornecidos comercialmente, no Grupo II foram listadas formulações de composição exclusiva, e finalmente o Grupo III espelhava pedidos especiais voltados para investigações clínicas. RESULTADOS: Os achados das diversas categorias assinalaram que 34,4%, 45,3% e 20,3% dos medicamentos elaborados correspondiam a estes três grupos, respectivamente.Os custos industriais foram calculados para os fármacos do Grupo I e comparados com valores de mercado, chegando-se a uma economia de 63,5%.Quando extrapolada para os outros dois grupos, relativamente aos quais não se contava com preços comerciais diretamente equivalentes, atingiu-se uma estimativa superior a 5 100 000 dólares de economia durante um ano de operação. Mesmo levando-se em conta que tais contas deixaram de lado muitos custos, notavelmente aqueles subordinados à comercialização e distribuição, foi lícito concluir que pelo menos parte da economia citada era verdadeira. CONCLUSÕES: A economia observada, em combinação com a eficiência e confiabilidade com que a Farmácia desempenhou suas obrigações, vieram ao encontro do ponto de vista de que a manufatura interna de drogas foi uma alternativa vantajosa sob o prisma de custos, no contexto descrito

    Re-description of the external morphology of Phyllomedusa iheringii Boulenger, 1885 larvae (Anura: Hylidae), with comments on the external morphology of tadpoles of the P. burmeisteri group

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    Phyllomedusa iheringii is a leaf frog endemic to the Uruguayan Savanna, which reproduces in water bodies in open areas. Here, based on the lack of some informative characteristics observed on the first description of this species, we re-describe the larval external morphology of P. iheringii from localities in Brazil and Uruguay, and compared them with other species from the P. burmeisteri group. The tadpoles of P. iheringii belong to the suspension-rasper guild. The body length corresponds to approximately one-third of the total length. The body is pyriform in dorsal view and laterally triangular. The snout is rounded in a dorsolateral view. The spiracle is single and almost ventral, not forming a free tube, and sinistral. The opening of vent tube is dextral. The oral disc is anteroventral and anteriorly directed, with single ventral emargination. Marginal papillae uniseriate, interrupted in a wide dorsal gap, and with pointed tips. The labial tooth row formula is 2(2)/3(1). The third lower row is four times shorter than the others. Furthermore, the tadpoles of P. iheringii showed morphological differences in relation to other species of the P. burmeisteri group, this species seems to be smaller in average and have fewer marginal papillae in the oral discs

    Biochemical detection of E-ADA on Neospora caninum tachyzoites and the effects of a specific enzymatic inhibitor

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    Objective. This study aimed to investigate the presence and activity of the ecto adenosine deaminase (E-ADA) enzyme in tachyzoites of Neospora caninum (Nc-1 strain), as well as to assess the activity of a well-known E-ADA inhibitor, the deoxycoformycin. Materials and methods. The parasites were grown in cell culture, being subsequently separated in a pellet of tachyzoites, on which the E-ADA activity was tested using the concentrations 0 (control), 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mg mL-1. Results. The E-ADA showed high activity, progressively increasing its activity according to the enhancement of the protein concentration. The test was carried out with different concentrations of deoxycoformycin, showing that it was able to inhibit the E-ADA present on the free form of the parasite. Conclusions. Based on these results we conclude that the E-ADA is present on tachyzoites of N. caninum, and deoxycoformycin is able to inhibit this enzyme. In this sense, knowing the negative impact of N. caninum on reproductive issue in cattle (mainly abortion), might it is an alternative in order to deal with this parasitic infection. Key words: adenosine deaminase, deoxycoformycin, neosporosis (Source: CAB, MeSH)

    Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale

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    © 2020 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aim: To develop an instrument to investigate knowledge and predictive factors of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSIs) in nursing students during clinical placements. Design: Instrument development and cross-sectional study for psychometric testing. Methods: A self-administered instrument including demographic data, injury epidemiology and predictive factors of NSIs was developed between October 2018–January 2019. Content validity was assessed by a panel of experts. The instrument's factor structure and discriminant validity were explored using principal components analysis. The STROBE guidelines were followed. Results: Evidence of content validity was found (S-CVI 0.75; I-CVI 0.50–1.00). A three-factor structure was shown by exploratory factor analysis. Of the 238 participants, 39% had been injured at least once, of which 67.3% in the second year. Higher perceptions of “personal exposure” (4.06, SD 3.78) were reported by third-year students. Higher scores for “perceived benefits” of preventive behaviours (13.6, SD 1.46) were reported by second-year students