78 research outputs found

    Alimentos ricos en selenio potencialmente útiles para controlar los niveles de mercurio entre afrocolombianos: Hacia una intervención intercultural

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    Introduction: Diet-based interventions may be a culturally acceptable option to decrease mercury exposure and thus prevent the effects that this metal can have on the health of the population. Selenium is an element that can act as a chelator, decreasing mercury levels in the body. Objective: explore the relationship between the consumption of selenium-rich foods and mercury exposure in the Afro-Colombian population. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 320 individuals from five municipalities of Chocó, Colombia. They were asked about the frequency of consumption of selenium-rich foods, and their association with mercury concentrations in hair was estimated. Results: Walnuts, whole wheat flour, and yeast extract were identified as foods to consider in future interventions. The median mercury in hair was 0.407 ug/g (Minimum: 0.006 - Maximum: 40.028). Conclusion: It is proposed that the banana juice, the pineapple colada, the borojó (Borojoa patinoi) sorbet, the cucas, the enyucado, and the sábida of ripe primitive banana are basic elements for a culturally acceptable intervention.Introducción: Las intervenciones basadas en la dieta pueden ser una opción culturalmente aceptable para disminuir la exposición al mercurio y prevenir así los efectos que este metal puede tener sobre la salud de la población. El selenio es un elemento que puede actuar como quelante, disminuyendo los niveles de mercurio en el organismo. Objetivo: explorar la relación entre el consumo de alimentos ricos en selenio y la exposición a mercurio en población afrocolombiana. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 320 individuos de cinco municipios del Chocó, Colombia. Se les preguntó sobre la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos ricos en selenio y se estimó su asociación con las concentraciones de mercurio en cabello. Resultados: Las nueces, la harina de trigo integral y el extracto de levadura fueron identificados como alimentos a considerar en futuras intervenciones. La mediana de mercurio en el pelo fue de 0,407 ug/g (Mínimo: 0,006 - Máximo: 40,028). Conclusiones: Se propone que el jugo de plátano, la piña colada, el sorbete de borojó (Borojoa patinoi), las cucas, el enyucado y la sábida de plátano primitivo maduro son elementos básicos para una intervención culturalmente aceptable

    Determinantes sociales de la intoxicación por plaguicidas entre cultivadores de arroz en Colombia

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    Objective Large quantities of pesticides are used in rice crops. The aim of this study is to characterize how farmers are exposed to pesticides and subsequent poisoning. Materials and Methods A multilevel (individual and community) multi-method study, which included ethnographic and survey methods, as well as measurement of pesticides in water and human samples, was performed. Results The production process is described and the main risk factors are presented. Pesticides are considered the greatest danger at work and at their homes. Workers have poor working conditions and are not protected by the system of occupational risks. Azinphos-methyl, endosulfan, ?-BHC, bromophos-methyl, bromophos-ethyl and 2,4-DDT were found in water samples. The survey included 381 workers with mild (12.86%), moderate (67.98%) and severe (5.51%) poisonings respectively. Severe cases presented lower levels of education, lower levels of health care access to the contributory regimen of the Colombian social security system and higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, herpes or other viral infections. Conclusion There are precarious working conditions that favor exposure to pesticides correlated to the exclusion of farmers from the occupational risk system, to poverty and to poor education. It is urgent to include these workers to the system of occupational risk system and to improve their living conditions, thus reducing unsafe practices when handling pesticides. © 2016, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. All rights reserved

    WOU Community Health + Polk County COVID-19 Project: Campus-Community Partnership to Prevent Disease and Promote Community Well-Being During a Global Pandemic

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    The WOU Community Health + Polk County COVID-19 project is a local example of how Academic Health Departments can serve as public health training sites for students of public health and address the public health needs of the local community. An academic health department (AHD) represents a formal affiliation between an academic institution and a public health practice organization, such as a local health department. The WOU Community Health + Polk County COVID-19 project team consists of WOU faculty in Community Health, recent alumni, undergraduate students, and Polk County Public Health. This session will review the outcomes, challenges, and lessons learned from a one-year health communication and contact tracing intervention in Polk County, Oregon. How can undergraduate students, faculty, and community partners build a network for student success and community well-being? We share our publicly available health communication campaign materials and discuss students’ perspectives on professional development and networking opportunities within the project

    Estado de la oferta técnica de servicios de higiene y seguridad industrial, Colombia, 2010

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    Introduction. Institutions that supply occupational health services must offer services that are reliable and of high quality across the spectrum of industrial hygiene and safety needs.Objective. Services for occupational health were identified at several institutions, and the technical quality and reliability of these services were compared in different regions of Colombia.Materials and methods. This descriptive study identified the services available for industrial hygiene and safety in 15 cities of Colombia. A survey was conducted in 192 institutions offering such services and a statistical analysis of these results was undertaken. This sample was taken from a nationwide list of institutions purportedly licensed for this activity.Results. Thirty-two percent (61) of the evaluated institutions provided hygiene services, and 48% (93) provided safety services. The range of health services was provided on a subcontract basis both for professional personnel and the equipment. Six institutions in the area of industrial hygiene and 1 in the area of industrial security were supplying services with pending or suspended institutional licenses.Conclusion. Deficiencies in the quality, infrastructure and levels of automation were identified at institutions that supply services of hygiene and industrial security. The resulting recommendatios are that the Ministry of the Social Protection fortifies mechanisms for (1) the evaluation and control of the supplied services, and (2) verify that the institutional activity is in accordance with current and valid licensing.Introducción. Las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de prevención de riesgos laborales tienen la función de ofrecer servicios técnicos y confiables en salud ocupacional, seguridad e higiene industrial.Objetivo. Identificar la oferta de servicios existentes respecto a la prevención de riesgos laborales (parte de higiene y seguridad industrial), considerando sus características técnicas y de calidad, en diferentes regiones del país.Materiales y métodos. Corresponde a un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal (2009-2010) de cobertura nacional (15 ciudades) para identificar la oferta de servicios de higiene y seguridad industrial. Se obtuvo un listado nacional de instituciones con licencia para prestar este tipo de servicios, se seleccionó una muestra de 192 instituciones, se aplicó una encuesta y se hizo el análisis estadístico de la información.Resultados. Sesenta y una (31,77 %) de las instituciones evaluadas prestan servicios de higiene y, 93 (48,44 %), de seguridad industrial. El estudio evidenció una oferta de servicios de higiene basada en la subcontratación. Se encontró que 6 (6,52 %) instituciones en el área de higiene industrial y 1 (0,52 %) en el área de seguridad industrial, no contaban con licencia vigente para la prestación del servicio.Conclusión. Se identificaron deficiencias en la calidad, condiciones de infraestructura y tecnificación de las instituciones que ofrecen servicios de higiene y seguridad industrial. Es necesario que el Ministerio de la Protección Social fortalezca los mecanismos para la evaluación y control de los servicios ofrecidos y revise la forma en que hoy se expiden las licencias que autorizan la prestación de estos servicios. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v32i1.58

    Servicios de medicina del trabajo en colombia

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    Objetivo Caracterizar la calidad técnica de los servicios que en el área de medicina del trabajo ofertan las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud ocupacional (IPSSO) en las principales ciudades del país. Métodos Corresponde a un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal  (2009–2010) de cobertura nacional (15 ciudades) en el que mediante la aplicación de una encuesta diagnóstica se obtuvo información de 192 Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud Ocupacional (IPSSO).Resultados El estudio evidenció que el 74,7 % de las IPSSO cuentan con licencia vigente para la prestación de servicios en el área de medicina del trabajo, que la oferta de servicios se realiza sobre la base de la subcontratación tanto de profesionales como de equipos y que el uso de las guías de atención integral en salud ocupacional basadas en la evidencia (GATISO), es muy incipiente.Conclusiones Se identificaron, entre otras, deficiencias técnicas, administrativas, de gestión, de infraestructura y de personal, que afectan la calidad de los servicios de medicina del trabajo ofertados por las IPSSO, las cuales no permiten asegurar que se estén estudiando a profundidad y con suficiencia los efectos de los factores de riesgo en la salud de los trabajadores

    Perfil clínico e neuropsicológico de crianças com transtorno do deficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and neuropsychological findings in children with suspicion of attention deficity hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The assessment involved 150 children aged 7 to 14 referred to NANI at UNIFESP. RESULTS: 75 children (55 M and 20 F) fulfilled the criteria for ADHD, among which 35 were of the inattentive type, 28 of combined type and 12 were hyperactive/impulsive. There was negative correlation between the digit score and the Corsi test. Children with hyperactivity and impulsivity had a low performance for functional memory. Children with oppositional defiant disorder presented pattern changes in adaptability when there was a change in the rhythm the stimuli were presented and lower adaptation to time variability (Hit RT), in addition to higher rates of omission in the continuous performance test. CONCLUSION: This study suggests multiple interrelations between the scores of neuropsychological battery useful for detailed delimitation of the clinical profile of children with ADHD.O objetivo deste trabalho foi delimitar indicadores clínicos e neuropsicológicos em crianças com suspeita de transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDA/H). Foram avaliadas 150 crianças (idade de 7 a 14 anos) encaminhados ao NANI da UNIFESP. RESULTADOS: 75 crianças (55 M e 20 F) preenchiam os critérios para o TDA/H, dentre os quais 35 (46,6%) pacientes eram desatentos, 28 do tipo combinado e 12 do tipo hiperatividade/impulsivo. Observou-se correlação negativa com o escore de dígitos e no escore do teste de Corsi. Crianças com hiperatividade e impulsividade apresentaram baixo desempenho nas funções relacionadas à memória operacional. Crianças com transtorno opositor desafiante apresentaram alterações nos padrões de adaptação às mudanças do ritmo com menor adaptação às variações do tempo de exposição aos estímulos (Hit RT), além de maiores taxas de omissão no teste contínuo de performance. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo sugere múltiplas interrelacões entre os escores em provas neuropsicológicas que são úteis para uma delimitação do perfil clínico de crianças com TDAH.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL

    Determining social factors related to pesticide poisoning among rice farmers in Colombia

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    Objetivo Caracterizar la forma en que los agricultores se exponen a los plaguicidas y se presenta la intoxicación. Materiales y Métodos Estudio multi-métodos y multinivel (individuo y comunidad), que incluyó métodos etnográficos, encuesta y medición de plaguicidas en agua y muestras humanas. Resultados Se describió el proceso productivo y se conocieron los principales factores de riesgo. Los plaguicidas son considerados el mayor peligro en el trabajo y en sus viviendas. Los trabajadores tienen precarias condiciones laborales y no están protegidos por el sistema de riesgos laborales. En las muestras de agua se encontraron azinfos-metil, endosulfán, b-BHC, bromofos-metil, bromofos-etil y 2,4-DDT. En la encuesta participaron 381 trabajadores de los cuales 12,9, 68 y 5,5 % tuvieron intoxicaciones leves, moderadas y severas, respectivamente. Los casos severos tenían menores niveles de escolaridad, menor nivel de afiliación al régimen contributivo del sistema de seguridad social y un mayor número tenía enfermedad cardiovascular, diabetes, herpes u otras infecciones virales. Conclusión Existen precarias condiciones laborales que favorecen la exposición a plaguicidas caracterizadas por la exclusión del sistema de riesgos laborales, pobreza y baja educación. Es urgente la inclusión de estos trabajadores al sistema de riesgos laborales y la mejora de las condiciones de vida. De esa manera se podrán disminuir las prácticas inseguras en el manejo de plaguicidas.Objective Large quantities of pesticides are used in rice crops. The aim of this study is to characterize how farmers are exposed to pesticides and subsequent poisoning. Materials and Methods A multilevel (individual and community) multi-method study, which included ethnographic and survey methods, as well as measurement of pesticides in water and human samples, was performed. Results The production process is described and the main risk factors are presented. Pesticides are considered the greatest danger at work and at their homes. Workers have poor working conditions and are not protected by the system of occupational risks. Azinphos-methyl, endosulfan, beta-BHC, bromophos-methyl, bromophos-ethyl and 2,4- DDT were found in water samples. The survey included 381 workers with mild (12.86 %), moderate (67.98 %) and severe (5.51 %) poisonings respectively. Severe cases presented lower levels of education, lower levels of health care access to the contributory regimen of the Colombian social security system and higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, herpes or other viral infections. Conclusion There are precarious working conditions that favor exposure to pesticides correlated to the exclusion of farmers from the occupational risk system, to poverty and to poor education. It is urgent to include these workers to the system of occupational risk system and to improve their living conditions, thus reducing unsafe practices when handling pesticides

    Micronucleus frequency and exposure to chemical mixtures in three Colombian mining populations

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    La industria minera colombiana ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo. Dependiendo de la escala y del mineral extraído, se generan mezclas químicas complejas que impactan la salud de las poblaciones ocupacionalmente expuestas y de las comunidades cercanas a los proyectos mineros. Cada vez hay más evidencias que sugieren que la inestabilidad cromosómica (CIN) es un vínculo importante entre el desarrollo de ciertas enfermedades y la exposición a mezclas complejas. Para comprender mejor los efectos de la exposición a mezclas complejas realizamos un estudio de biomonitorización en 407 individuos sanos de cuatro zonas: tres situadas en municipios que explotan sistemas mineros de diferente escala y una zona de referencia sin actividad minera. Se analizaron sistemas de minería a gran, mediana y pequeña escala en Montelíbano (Córdoba), minería artesanal y de pequeña escala (MAPE) en Nechí (Antioquia) y un sistema de minería cerrada en Aranzazu (Caldas). El área de referencia sin actividad minera se estableció en Montería (Córdoba). La ICP-MS midió la exposición multielemental en el cabello, y la NIC se evaluó mediante la técnica de micronúcleos en bloque de citocinesis (MNBN). La exposición a mezclas de elementos químicos fue comparable en trabajadores y residentes de las zonas mineras, pero significativamente superior en comparación con los individuos de referencia. En Montelíbano, el aumento de las frecuencias de MNBN se asoció con la exposición combinada a Se, Hg, Mn, Pb y Mg. Este patrón distintivo difirió significativamente de otras áreas. Específicamente, en Nechí, Cr, Ni, Hg, Se, y Mg emergieron como los principales contribuyentes a las frecuencias elevadas de MNBN. Por el contrario, una combinación de Hg y Ni desempeñó un papel en el aumento de MNBN en Aranzazu. Curiosamente, el Se se correlacionó consistentemente con el aumento de las frecuencias de MNBN en todas las áreas mineras activas. Los elementos químicos en Montelíbano muestran un rango más amplio en comparación con otras zonas mineras, reflejando las características de la minería de alto impacto y a gran escala en la zona. Esta investigación proporciona información valiosa sobre los efectos de la exposición a mezclas químicas, subrayando la importancia de emplear este enfoque en la evaluación del riesgo de las comunidades, especialmente las de las zonas residenciales. © 2023 Los autoresThe Colombian mining industry has witnessed significant growth. Depending on the scale and mineral extracted, complex chemical mixtures are generated, impacting the health of occupationally exposed populations and communities near mining projects. Increasing evidence suggests that chromosomal instability (CIN) is an important link between the development of certain diseases and exposure to complex mixtures. To better understand the effects of exposure to complex mixtures we performed a biomonitoring study on 407 healthy individuals from four areas: three located in municipalities exploiting different-scale mining systems and a reference area with no mining activity. Large, medium, and small-scale mining systems were analyzed in Montelibano (Córdoba), artisanal and small-scale mining (ASGM) in Nechí (Antioquia), and a closed mining system in Aranzazu (Caldas). The reference area with no mining activity was established in Montería (Córdoba). ICP-MS measured multi-elemental exposure in hair, and CIN was evaluated using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus technique (MNBN). Exposure to mixtures of chemical elements was comparable in workers and residents of the mining areas but significantly higher compared to reference individuals. In Montelibano, increased MNBN frequencies were associated with combined exposure to Se, Hg, Mn, Pb, and Mg. This distinct pattern significantly differed from other areas. Specifically, in Nechí, Cr, Ni, Hg, Se, and Mg emerged as the primary contributors to elevated frequencies of MNBN. In contrast, a combination of Hg and Ni played a role in increasing MNBN in Aranzazu. Interestingly, Se consistently correlated with increased MNBN frequencies across all active mining areas. Chemical elements in Montelibano exhibit a broader range compared to other mining zones, reflecting the characteristics of the high-impact and large-scale mining in the area. This research provides valuable insights into the effects of exposure to chemical mixtures, underscoring the importance of employing this approach in the risk assessment of communities, especially those from residential areas. © 2023 The Author

    Excessive TV viewing and cardiovascular disease risk factors in adolescents. The AVENA cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excessive television (TV) viewing might play an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aim of this study was to examine the independent associations between TV viewing and CVD risk factors in adolescents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A sample of 425 adolescents, aged 13- to 18.5-year-old, was included in this study. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein (apo) A-1, apo B-100, and lipoprotein(a) levels were determined. A composite CVD risk score was computed based on age-, sex-, sexual maturation- and race-standardized triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and glucose. TV viewing was self-reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two hundred and twenty-five adolescents (53%) who spent >3 hrs/day watching TV were considered as the "high TV viewing" group. Ninety-nine adolescents (23%) from the total sample were classified as overweight according to International age- and sex-specific BMI values. The high TV viewing group had significantly less favorable values of HDL-cholesterol, glucose, apo A1 and CVD score, independent of age, sex, sexual maturation, race and weight status. There was a significant interaction effect of TV viewing × weight status (P = 0.002) on WC, and the negative influence of TV viewing on WC persisted in the overweight group (P = 0.031) but was attenuated in non-overweight adolescents (P > 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Excessive TV viewing seems to be related to an unfavorable CVD risk factors profile in adolescence. Reducing TV viewing in overweight adolescents might be beneficial to decrease abdominal body fat.</p

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery