1,055 research outputs found

    Análisis, desarrollo y optimización de un sistema para el diseño de redes topográficas valorando el modelo digital del terreno

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general el análisis de las técnicas de diseño y optimización de redes topográficas, observadas mediante topografía convencional (no satelital) el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema informático capaz de ayudar a la definición de la geometría más fiable y precisa, en función de la orografía del terreno donde se tenga que ubicar. En primer lugar se realizará un estudio de la metodología del ajuste mediante mínimos cuadrados y la propagación de varianzas, para posteriormente analizar su dependencia de la geometría que adopte la red. Será imprescindible determinar la independencia de la matriz de redundancia (R) de las observaciones y su total dependencia de la geometría, así como la influencia de su diagonal principal (rii), números de redundancia, para garantizar la máxima fiabilidad interna de la misma. También se analizará el comportamiento de los números de redundancia (rii) en el diseño de una red topográfica, la variación de dichos valores en función de la geometría, analizando su independencia respecto de las observaciones así como los diferentes niveles de diseño en función de los parámetros y datos conocidos. Ha de señalarse que la optimización de la red, con arreglo a los criterios expuestos, está sujeta a los condicionantes que impone la necesidad de que los vértices sean accesibles, y además sean visibles entre sí, aquellos relacionados por observaciones, situaciones que dependen esencialmente del relieve del terreno y de los obstáculos naturales o artificiales que puedan existir. Esto implica la necesidad de incluir en el análisis y en el diseño, cuando menos de un modelo digital del terreno (MDT), aunque lo más útil sería la inclusión en el estudio del modelo digital de superficie (MDS), pero esta opción no siempre será posible. Aunque el tratamiento del diseño esté basado en un sistema bidimensional se estudiará la posibilidad de incorporar un modelo digital de superficie (MDS); esto permitirá a la hora de diseñar el emplazamiento de los vértices de la red la viabilidad de las observaciones en función de la orografía y los elementos, tanto naturales como artificiales, que sobre ella estén ubicados. Este sistema proporcionaría, en un principio, un diseño óptimo de una red constreñida, atendiendo a la fiabilidad interna y a la precisión final de sus vértices, teniendo en cuenta la orografía, lo que equivaldría a resolver un planteamiento de diseño en dos dimensiones y media1; siempre y cuando se dispusiera de un modelo digital de superficie o del terreno. Dado que la disponibilidad de obtener de manera libre el MDS de las zonas de interés del proyecto, hoy en día es costoso2, se planteará la posibilidad de conjuntar, para el estudio del diseño de la red, de un modelo digital del terreno. Las actividades a desarrollar en el trabajo de esta tesis se describen en esta memoria y se enmarcan dentro de la investigación para la que se plantean los siguientes objetivos globales: 1. Establecer un modelo matemático del proceso de observación de una red topográfica, atendiendo a todos los factores que intervienen en el mismo y a su influencia sobre las estimaciones de las incógnitas que se obtienen como resultado del ajuste de las observaciones. 2. Desarrollar un sistema que permita optimizar una red topográfica en sus resultados, aplicando técnicas de diseño y simulación sobre el modelo anterior. 3. Presentar una formulación explícita y rigurosa de los parámetros que valoran la fiabilidad de una red topográfica y de sus relaciones con el diseño de la misma. El logro de este objetivo se basa, además de en la búsqueda y revisión de las fuentes, en una intensa labor de unificación de notaciones y de construcción de pasos intermedios en los desarrollos matemáticos. 4. Elaborar una visión conjunta de la influencia del diseño de una red, en los seis siguientes factores (precisiones a posteriori, fiabilidad de las observaciones, naturaleza y viabilidad de las mismas, instrumental y metodología de estacionamiento) como criterios de optimización, con la finalidad de enmarcar el tema concreto que aquí se aborda. 5. Elaborar y programar los algoritmos necesarios para poder desarrollar una aplicación que sea capaz de contemplar las variables planteadas en el apartado anterior en el problema del diseño y simulación de redes topográficas, contemplando el modelo digital de superficie. Podrían considerarse como objetivos secundarios, los siguientes apartados: Desarrollar los algoritmos necesarios para interrelacionar el modelo digital del terreno con los propios del diseño. Implementar en la aplicación informática la posibilidad de variación, por parte del usuario, de los criterios de cobertura de los parámetros (distribución normal o t de Student), así como los grados de fiabilidad de los mismos ABSTRACT The overall purpose of this work is the analysis of the techniques of design and optimization for geodetic networks, measured with conventional survey methods (not satellite), the development and implementation of a computational system capable to help on the definition of the most liable and accurate geometry, depending on the land orography where the network has to be located. First of all, a study of the methodology by least squares adjustment and propagation of variances will be held; then, subsequently, analyze its dependency of the geometry that the network will take. It will be essential to determine the independency of redundancy matrix (R) from the observations and its absolute dependency from the network geometry, as well as the influence of the diagonal terms of the R matrix (rii), redundancy numbers, in order to ensure maximum re liability of the network. It will also be analyzed first the behavior of redundancy numbers (rii) in surveying network design, then the variation of these values depending on the geometry with the analysis of its independency from the observations, and finally the different design levels depending on parameters and known data. It should be stated that network optimization, according to exposed criteria, is subject to the accessibility of the network points. In addition, common visibility among network points, which of them are connected with observations, has to be considered. All these situations depends essentially on the terrain relief and the natural or artificial obstacles that should exist. Therefore, it is necessary to include, at least, a digital terrain model (DTM), and better a digital surface model (DSM), not always available. Although design treatment is based on a bidimensional system, the possibility of incorporating a digital surface model (DSM) will be studied; this will allow evaluating the observations feasibility based on the terrain and the elements, both natural and artificial, which are located on it, when selecting network point locations. This system would provide, at first, an optimal design of a constrained network, considering both the internal reliability and the accuracy of its points (including the relief). This approach would amount to solving a “two and a half dimensional”3 design, if a digital surface model is available. As the availability of free DSM4 of the areas of interest of the project today is expensive, the possibility of combining a digital terrain model will arise. The activities to be developed on this PhD thesis are described in this document and are part of the research for which the following overall objectives are posed: 1. To establish a mathematical model for the process of observation of a survey network, considering all the factors involved and its influence on the estimates of the unknowns that are obtained as a result of the observations adjustment. 2. To develop a system to optimize a survey network results, applying design and simulation techniques on the previous model. 3. To present an explicit and rigorous formulation of parameters which assess the reliability of a survey network and its relations with the design. The achievement of this objective is based, besides on the search and review of sources, in an intense work of unification of notation and construction of intermediate steps in the mathematical developments. 4. To develop an overview of the influence on the network design of six major factors (posterior accuracy, observations reliability, viability of observations, instruments and station methodology) as optimization criteria, in order to define the subject approached on this document. 5. To elaborate and program the algorithms needed to develop an application software capable of considering the variables proposed in the previous section, on the problem of design and simulation of surveying networks, considering the digital surface model. It could be considered as secondary objectives, the following paragraphs: To develop the necessary algorithms to interrelate the digital terrain model with the design ones. To implement in the software application the possibility of variation of the coverage criteria parameters (normal distribution or Student t test) and therefore its degree of reliability

    Rayman: Interoperability use of Meteorological Observation

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    The observation of atmospheric phenomena enables generating of knowledge about the weather and meteors occurrence in a region. When this information is georeferenced it becomes useful for a great number of professional and public activities in the field of e.g. building, infrastructures, aeronautics, biota, tourism, agriculture and energy. At the present time access to that information is limited. Few meteorological agencies apply geo-Standards, hindering the development of GIS tools for monitoring, threshold alerts and decision support helping. This work describes how public agencies publish meteorological data and the solution developed at the Spanish Electrical Network (REE) to store the information provided by the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET). The implemented solution enables the access to the weather observations collected by the meteorological agency and the rays captured by the detection network in a interoperable way and the exploitation, by as well a desktop GIS capable of connecting with Oracle-Spatial database as through the interfaces of the OGC standardized services (WMS, WFS and SOS)

    Reproductive Strategies Under Different Environmental Conditions: Total Output vs Investment per Egg in the Slipper Lobster Scyllarus Arctus

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] The slipper lobster Scyllarus arctus is an important fishery resource in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula), with a large reduction of its populations in recent decades in the North-east Atlantic and Mediterranean, but only limited information on its reproduction. This study provides an analysis of the reproductive potential of this scyllarid during two breeding cycles (2008 and 2009) in the NE Atlantic (43°20′N 8°50′W). We studied several reproductive traits (fecundity, brood weight, egg weight and volume) in broods with eggs both in an early and late embryonic stage, in relation to female size and temporal variations. Total output (fecundity and weight) and egg weight were closely linked to maternal size, and this relationship remained in broods with late-stage eggs. In relation to temporal variations, our data revealed an important seasonal variability in fecundity and egg weight, showing an inverse pattern in the reproductive strategy in the first two seasons of the reproductive period, with a maximum egg weight in winter (December–February) and a maximum number of eggs produced in spring (April–May). A predictive model for realized fecundity was developed: log (FE) = 0.064 + 2.907 log (length)−0.018 Month2 + 0.174 Month, which accounted for over 90% of variation in the total data.Xunta de Galicia; 07MMA009103PRThis study is part of the project ‘Study of the reproductive biology and larval development of the small European locust lobster Scyllarus arctus: basic knowledge for a Sustainable Fishery Management’ (07MMA009103PR) co-funded by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF

    Estudio de la iluminación natural en la edificación

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    En la estación de radiación solar e iluminación de alta calidad del International Daylight Measurement Program (IDMP) en Madrid ubicada en la terraza norte de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (40º 25’ N, 3º 41’ W) se está realizando un estudio conjunto entre profesores de la ETSAM y de la EUATM sobre la iluminación natural en la Edificación. Desde hace más de un año, se están midiendo iluminancias globales en superficies horizontales, en superficies verticales con las cuatro orientaciones (N, S, E y O) y en superficies inclinadas con distintos ángulos de inclinación mediante un domo semiesférico sobre el que se colocan los sensores fotométricos. Todas estas medidas para los tres tipos de cielo (despejado, parcialmente cubierto y cubierto). También se ha construido un modelo a escala de un local de la ETSAM con la finalidad de medir la iluminación natural simultáneamente en el local y en el modelo reducido. Una vez conocida la viabilidad del modelo se ha estudiado la iluminación natural que tendría dicho local, orientado al norte en la realidad, si estuviese orientado hacia el Sur, el Este o el Oeste. Con todo esto se han realizado varios trabajos de fin de máster del Máster en Técnicas y Sistemas de Edificación de la EUATM y se continúan realizando otros

    Estudio sobre el nivel de actividad física que llevan a cabo los alumnos de quinto curso de Educación Primaria de la ciudad de Huesca. Una propuesta de proyecto educativo para Educación Primaria

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    Actualmente la obesidad infantil es un factor de riesgo muy alto para la salud, los estilos de vida han cambiado y es muy importante fomentar la práctica de actividad física entre los jóvenes. Por ello se ha llevado a cabo una investigación para conocer el nivel actividad física que practican los alumnos de quinto curso de Primaria de la ciudad de Huesca, así como las preferencias y favoritismos hacia un deporte u otro según el género. Para poder disminuir el nivel de sedentarismo se ha propuesto un proyecto basado en la utilización de la bicicleta para crear hábitos saludables que impliquen tanto a los alumnos como a sus familias y los motiven para realizar actividad física de una forma más continua

    Development of the Happiness Index in a country

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    [EN] In this paper, a Happiness Index is built through the Human Dignity Respect Index which is explained by Author (2014). The index is created using three main values: development, freedom and equality. But the equality is explained by solidarity, justice and peace. Then, the Happiness Index is developed with this five concepts. The aim of this paper is to obtain the minimum quantitative variables to explain these values as well as to obtain a generic formula, which allows measuring the happiness of a country/region. The term “generic” is introduced because this formula could be extrapolated to any country. The variables to obtain the Development Index are health (Life Expectancy at birth), income (Gross National Income per capita), education (Mean year of schooling and Expected years of schooling) and education quality (Primary school teachers trained to teach, Performance of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics and science, Pupil–teacher ratio, primary school and Public expenditure on education). The Freedom Index is calculated through Net migration rate, International inbound tourists, Exports and imports and Research and development expenditure. In the case of Solidarity Index, the variables are At-risk-ofpoverty rate, Share of total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames of floor and Material Deprivation rate. Prison population and Homicide rate are the variables which are used to obtain the Peace Index. Finally, the Justice Index is calculated with Police Officers, Professional Judges, Prison population and Crimes and violence. In this work the index is calculated for a selection of countries of European Union (Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech, France, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuan, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom). This selection is produced because the data information is not available for all countries. The data information is obtained from EUROSTAT and the Human Development Report (UNDP, 2014). Finally, the Happiness Index has been compared with Overall Life Satisfaction Index from UNDP (2014).Sanz García, M.; Caselles, A.; Micó Ruiz, JC.; Soler Fernández, D. (2016). Development of the Happiness Index in a country. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 807-818. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2016.3096OCS80781

    Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model

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    This paper presents a new well-being index which allows environmental quality to be measured through CO2 emissions, renewable energies and nuclear power. Its formula derives from a geometric mean used to calculate which things in the human production system warm the planet and which do not. This index has been introduced into a gender-defined stochastic population dynamic mathematical model which measures well-being in a country. The main variables in this model are rates of death, birth, emigration and immigration, as well as three UN indices: Human Development Index, Gender Development Index and Gender Empowerment Index. This model has been extended with variables that allow an environmental quality evaluation, and it has been validated for Spain during the 2001-2010 period. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis has been carried on the simulated future trend (2011-2020) to see which environmental quality variables refer more to deaths, births or the Human Development Index. Copyright © 2016 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Sanz-García, MT.; Caselles Moncho, A.; Micó Ruiz, JC.; Soler Fernández, D. (2016). Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model. International Journal of Global Warming. 9(3):362-396. doi:10.1504/IJGW.2016.075448S3623969

    Decentering, Acceptance, and Non-Attachment: Challenging the Question 'Is It Me?'

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    Among mindfulness measures the three constructs acceptance, decentering, and non-attachment are psychometrically closely related, despite their apparent semantic differences. These three facets present robust psychometric features and can be considered core themes inmost 'third wave' clinicalmodels. The aimof the present study was to explore the apparently different content domains (acceptance, decentering, and non-attachment) by administering various sychometric scales in a large sample of 608 volunteers. Resilience and depression were also assessed. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses performed in two randomly selected subsamples showed a bifactor approximation. The explained common variance suggested a unidimensional nature for the general factor, with good ps chometric properties, which we named 'Delusion of Me' (DoM). This construct is also strongly correlated with resilience and depression, and appears to be a solid latent general construct closely related to the concept of 'ego.' DoM emerges as a potentially transdiagnostic construct with influence on well-being and clinical indexes such as resilience and depression. Further studies should analyze the potential utility of this new construct at a therapeutic level

    La estación de radiación solar e iluminación de alta calidad del IDMP en Madrid y su aplicación a la edificación

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de la actividad investigadora que se ha realizado hasta el momento en la estación de radiación solar e iluminación de alta calidad del International Daylight Measurement Program (IDMP) en Madrid ubicada en la E. T. S. de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (40º 25’ N, 3º 41’ W). Esta estación ha centrado su investigación fundamental en dos temas: luminancias y eficacias luminosas de la radiación solar (global, difusa y directa) para todo tipo de cielos, todo ello desde un punto de vista físico, cuyos trabajos y resultados se exponen con detalle. La finalidad de este estudio es poder aplicar los resultados obtenidos a la Edificación, tanto en edificios ya existentes como de nueva construcción, para obtener un máximo confort visual a partir de la iluminación natural, con el consiguiente ahorro energétic

    Improving water quality does not guarantee fish health: Effects of ammonia pollution on the behaviour of wild-caught pre-exposed fish.

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    Ammonia is a pollutant frequently found in aquatic ecosystems. In fish, ammonia can cause physical damage, alter its behaviour, and even cause death. Exposure to ammonia also increases fish physiological stress, which can be measured through biomarkers. In this study, we analysed the effect of sublethal ammonia concentrations on the behaviour and the oxidative stress of Barbus meridionalis that had been pre-exposed to this compound in the wild. Wild-caught fish from a polluted site (pre-exposed fish) and from an unpolluted site (non-pre-exposed fish) were exposed, under experimental conditions, to total ammonia concentrations (TAN) of 0, 1, 5, and 8 mg/L. Swimming activity, feeding behaviour, and oxidative stress response based on biomarkers were analysed. Pre-exposed fish showed both an altered behaviour and an altered oxidative stress response in the control treatment (0 mg/L). Differences in swimming activity were also found as pre-exposed fish swam less. Lower feeding activity (voracity and satiety) and altered response to oxidative stress were also observed at 1 mg/L TAN. Biomarker results confirmed pre-exposed fish suffer from a reduction in their antioxidant defences and, hence, showed increased oxidative tissue damage. In summary, pre-exposed fish showed more sensitivity to ammonia exposure than fish from a pristine site