83 research outputs found

    Structural characterisation of corrosion products on archaeological iron. An integrated analytical approach to establish corrosion forms

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    International audienceThe description and identification of corrosion products formed on archaeological iron artefacts needs various approaches at different observation scales. For this study, samples of five different sites were prepared using two techniques. The first one consists in cutting cross sections perpendicular to corrosion layers. This allows local observations and analysis of the corrosion layer stratigraphy at different levels. The second one consists in performing manual grinding or abrading of the corrosion layers starting from the current surface of the excavated artefact to the metal core. It allows the description of the successive layers and is well adapted for the analysis on a larger scale. In addition to these two observation scales, the identification of the iron oxides formed needs the coupling of several complementary techniques. Elementary compositions were determined by SEM-EDX and Electron Micro-Probe Analysis (EMPA). Structural identification was performed by X-ray micro Diffraction under synchrotron radiation (µXRD) and micro Raman spectroscopy. These analyses were performed on the same samples both with X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy in order to ensure a reliable characterisation. In some cases there are some ambiguities or overlapping between signatures of different phases by micro X-rays diffraction (as maghemite/magnetite) or Raman spectroscopy (as goethite/magnetite) which can be raised by the association of the two methods. The final aim is to set up an analytical methodology that will be the best for the study of ancient iron corrosion products. It is the first step of the study of long term mechanisms of iron in soil

    Combination of X-ray synchrotron radiation techniques to gather information for clinicians

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    International audienceAmong the different techniques specific to synchrotron radiation, the combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy with X-ray scattering experiments is a powerful tool to characterize samples with a capability to gather structural and electronic information at the cellular level. In the present contribution, selected examples making use of such techniques, point out as well the information that one can have access to. Via the presentation of the physicochemical data, this paper focuses on displaying the information that has a significant clinical character

    "Live” Prussian blue fading by time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    Prussian blue (PB) is an artists' pigment that has been frequently used in many artworks but poses several problems of conservation because of its fading under light and anoxia treatment. PB fading is due to the reduction of iron(III) into iron(II) and depends a lot on the object investigated. Due to the complexity of the structure, the precise physico-chemical mechanisms behind the redox process remain obscure. In this paper, we present a procedure to investigate light- and anoxia-induced fading of PB-paper samples by means of time resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy performed at the Fe K-edge. A system composed of a visible light source and a flux-controlled environmental cell allowed light, gas and humidity to be modified in situ. The synchrotron X-ray beam was evidenced to induce a reduction of PB and to play a major role in the kinetics. The analysis of the PB fading kinetics of a sample submitted to various gas and light environments showed that both synchrotron beam and anoxia were influencing PB reduction in a correlated way. In comparison, light was found to play a minor role. Finally, we have demonstrated that the type of paper substrate could influence significantly the kinetics of reduction. Several hypotheses to explain the correlation between PB reduction mechanism and substrate are presente

    XANES spectroscopy for the clinician

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    XANES spectroscopy, which uses synchrotron radiation as a probe, offers substantial information about the local structure of biological samples, encompassing those without long range order such as Pt anticancer molecules, and nanometre scale or amorphous particles of calcium phosphate. Its subcellular spatial resolution, as well as its capacity to operate at room temperatures and pressures represent major advantages for medical research. Moreover, paraffin embedded biopsy samples can be analysed without any further preparation, Key publications which illustrate these capacities are presented

    XANES spectroscopy for the clinician

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    XANES spectroscopy, which uses synchrotron radiation as a probe, offers substantial information about the local structure of biological samples, encompassing those without long range order such as Pt anticancer molecules, and nanometre scale or amorphous particles of calcium phosphate. Its subcellular spatial resolution, as well as its capacity to operate at room temperatures and pressures represent major advantages for medical research. Moreover, paraffin embedded biopsy samples can be analysed without any further preparation, Key publications which illustrate these capacities are presented

    Chemical characterization of inks in skin reactions to tattoo

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    Skin reactions are well described complications of tattooing, usually provoked by red inks. Chemical characterizations of these inks are usually based on limited subjects and techniques. This study aimed to determine the organic and inorganic composition of inks using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) and Raman spectroscopy, in a cohort of patients with cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions to tattoo. A retrospective multicenter study was performed, including 15 patients diagnosed with skin reactions to tattoos. Almost half of these patients developed skin reactions on black inks. XRF identified known allergenic metals - titanium, chromium, manganese, nickel and copper - in almost all cases. XANES spectroscopy distinguished zinc and iron present in ink from these elements in endogenous biomolecules. Raman spectroscopy showed the presence of both reported (azo pigments, quinacridone) and unreported (carbon black, phtalocyanine) putative organic sensitizer compounds, and also defined the phase in which Ti was engaged. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this paper reports the largest cohort of skin hypersensitivity reactions analyzed by multiple complementary techniques. With almost half the patients presenting skin reaction on black tattoo, the study suggests that black modern inks should also be considered to provoke skin reactions, probably because of the common association of carbon black with potential allergenic metals within these inks. Analysis of more skin reactions to tattoos is needed to identify the relevant chemical compounds and help render tattoo ink composition safer.Peer reviewe

    Multiscale approach to provide a better physicochemical description of women breast microcalcifications

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    Despite the incidence of breast cancer among women, mammography and anatomopathology investigations are still the gold standard method for preventive screening and diagnosis. Several criteria are used to diagnose precisely the severity of the pathology like the distribution and shape of breast microcalcifications (BMCs). However, the link between the different chemical phases of BMCs and the cancer stage remains unclear. As BMCs physicochemical speciation has the potential to help clinicians during their diagnosis, this study aims to propose a methodology using advanced spectroscopical analysis techniques to finely characterize BMCs and uncover the relationship between mineralization processes and breast cancer. A state of the art in the domain is first proposed to highlight the role of BMCs and the importance of extensive analytical analysis using electron microscopy and vibrational techniques. Secondly, a detailed methodology for BMCs multiscale analysis is proposed and the relevance of each technique illustrated through the study of a biopsy from a patient suffering of an infiltrating low-grade ductal carcinoma: scanning electron microscopy analysis was used for the morphological description of BMCs, infrared micro and nanospectroscopy techniques for their chemical speciation at the micrometric and sub-micrometric scales