12 research outputs found

    Zooterapia amazônica: uso de gordura de sucuri ( Eunectes murinus ) como cicatrizante natural

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    Zootherapy (the use of the therapeutic potential of animals) is at least 6,000 years old, and has been kept active throughout generations until modern days. Animal fat is commonly used in the zootherapeutic folk medicine from South America, specially the green anaconda's fat, which is widely promoted as a natural medicine to treat wounds, even though there is no scientific evidence showing its efficacy. In this study we compared the total healing time and the proportional daily reduction of dorsal epithelial incisions in adult male Wistar rats treated with nitrofural (a commercial cicatrizing ointment) and with anaconda fat. We applied the treatments every two days and measured the incision diameter daily, during ten consecutive days. Differences among the groups in the total healing time and in the proportional daily reduction of the incision consistently showed that the fat-based treatment resulted in a faster healing process compared to the commercial ointment tested. The literature suggests that the efficacy of animal fat on healing may be primarily related to the presence of fatty acids, which have been widely demonstrated to be important for biochemical reactions involved in healing processes. Our findings are widely socially relevant, considering that traditional Amazonian communities that use anaconda fat in folk medicine do not have easy access to pharmacies and hospitals.Práticas ancestrais de zooterapia (uso das potencialidades terapêuticas da fauna) existem há pelo menos 6000 anos, e têm sido mantidas ao longo de gerações até os tempos modernos. Gordura de animais é comumente utilizada na zooterapia tradicional da América do Sul, e a gordura de serpentes sucuris é amplamente comercializada como cicatrizante natural, embora não existam evidências científicas que mostrem sua eficácia terapêutica. Neste estudo comparamos o tempo de cicatrização epitelial total e a redução proporcional diária de uma incisão dorsal em ratos Wistar machos adultos, entre um grupo controle, um grupo tratado com nitrofural (uma pomada cicatrizante comercial) e um grupo tratado com gordura de sucuri. Nós aplicamos os tratamentos a cada dois dias e medimos o diâmetro da incisão diariamente por dez dias consecutivos. Diferenças entre os grupos no tempo de cicatrização total e na redução proporcional diária da incisão consistentemente mostraram que gordura de sucuri teve ação cicatrizante mais eficiente que a pomada comercial testada. A literatura sugere que a eficácia de gordura animal em processos de cicatrização pode estar principalmente relacionada à presença de ácidos graxos, os quais têm sido amplamente demonstrados como importantes para reações bioquímicas envolvidas em processos de cicatrização. Os resultados têm ampla relevância social, considerando que as comunidades tradicionais amazônicas que utilizam a gordura de sucuris como zooterápico não têm acesso fácil a farmácias e hospitais

    Amorphous calcium carbonate in the shells of adult Unionoida

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    Shells of adult individuals from two different bivalve families, Hyriopsis cumingii and Diplodon chilensis patagonicus, were studied by Micro-Raman spectroscopy and Focussed Ion Beam-assisted TEM. The shells contain amorphous calcium carbonate in a zone at the interface between the periostracum and the prismatic layer. In this area, the initial prism structures protrude from the inner periostracum layer and it is demonstrated that these structures systematically consist of highly disordered and amorphous calcium carbonate. Within this zone, ordered and disordered areas are intermingled discounting the existence of a crystallization front and favouring models of domainal crystallization processes via so-called mesocrystals. These observations are the first documentation of the use of amorphous calcium carbonate as a precursor phase by adult mollusc species and lend further support to hypotheses postulating widespread use of amorphous phases as building material of skeletal tissue in biology.9 page(s

    LA-ICP-MS and EDS characterization of electrode/electrolyte interfaces in IT-SOFCs materials

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    Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in combination with SEM is used for the determination of elemental spatial distribution in ceramic multi-layer systems as those found in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFCs). Because layer sintering occurs at high temperature (usually well over 1000°C), there may be mutual diffusion of ions from one layer to the other, with dramatic consequences on cell performances. In this work, two model materials have been used to test LA-ICP-MS: La0.83Sr0.17Ga0.83Mg0.17O2.83 (LSGM), one of the most promising electrolytes for IT-SOFCs, and La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSM), a highly representative material of perovskites, which are amply used to design electrode materials. A two-layer system screen-printed onto an LSM pellet (LSM-LSGM-LSM pellet) was successively sintered at a typical processing temperature, i.e. 1300 °C, for a short time (1h). Elemental spatial distribution was determined by line profile analyses carried out on fracture surfaces; for comparison SEM-EDS line profiles were tested on the same surface. LA-ICP-MS line profile analysis evidenced that, notwithstanding the relatively low sintering temperature, and short firing time (1 h per sintering), manganese cation diffusion into LSGM is relatively abundant, in agreement with previous literature reports and present EDS results. While line scan EDX analyses are not conclusive as for Ga and Mg diffusion, LA-ICP-MS shows that both ions diffuse across both interfaces, and Ga diffuses even over very long distances into the LSM pellet; on the contrary, only trace amounts of Mg can be found far from the LSGM/LSM interface