133 research outputs found

    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases-producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> in common vampire bats <i>Desmodus rotundus</i> and livestock in Peru

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    Antibiotic resistance mediated by bacterial production of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL) is a global threat to public health. ESBL resistance is most commonly hospital‐acquired; however, infections acquired outside of hospital settings have raised concerns over the role of livestock and wildlife in the zoonotic spread of ESBL‐producing bacteria. Only limited data are available on the circulation of ESBL‐producing bacteria in animals. Here, we report ESBL‐producing Escherichia coli in wild common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus and livestock near Lima, Peru. Molecular analyses revealed that most of this resistance resulted from the expression of blaCTX‐M‐15 genes carried by plasmids, which are disseminating worldwide in hospital settings and have also been observed in healthy children of Peru. Multilocus sequence typing showed a diverse pool of E. coli strains carrying this resistance that were not always host species‐specific, suggesting sharing of strains between species or infection from a common source. This study shows widespread ESBL resistance in wild and domestic animals, supporting animal communities as a potential source of resistance. Future work is needed to elucidate the role of bats in the dissemination of antibiotic‐resistant strains of public health importance and to understand the origin of the observed resistance

    Biological aspects of cancerogenesis: which targets for the prevention?

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    ifCNV: A novel isolation-forest-based package to detect copy-number variations from various targeted NGS datasets

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    Copy-number variations (CNVs) are an essential component of genetic variation distributed across large parts of the human genome. CNV detection from next-generation sequencing data and artificial intelligence algorithms have progressed in recent years. However, only a few tools have taken advantage of machine-learning algorithms for CNV detection, and none propose using artificial intelligence to automatically detect probable CNV-positive samples. The most developed approach is to use a reference or normal dataset to compare with the samples of interest, and it is well known that selecting appropriate normal samples represents a challenging task that dramatically influences the precision of results in all CNV-detecting tools. With careful consideration of these issues, we propose here ifCNV, a new software based on isolation forests that creates its own reference, available in R and python with customizable parameters. ifCNV combines artificial intelligence using two isolation forests and a comprehensive scoring method to faithfully detect CNVs among various samples. It was validated using targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) datasets from diverse origins (capture and amplicon, germline and somatic), and it exhibits high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. ifCNV is a publicly available open-source software (https://github.com/SimCab-CHU/ifCNV) that allows the detection of CNVs in many clinical situations

    Genomic and proteomic : clinical interest

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    Anti-PrP antibodies block PrPSc replication in prion-infected cell cultures by accelerating PrPC degradation.

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    manuscript received October 15, 2003; revised manuscript received December 15, 2003; accepted December 16, 2003. We thanks P. Rondard, O Bischof, J.-L. Laplanche and J.-P. Pin for their fruitful discussions. we are grateful to S. barrère for her assistance in the statistical analysis of the data and H. McMahon for her assistance in reading the manuscript

    Anti-prion drug mPPIg5 inhibits PrP(C) conversion to PrP(Sc).

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    Prion diseases, also known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases that include scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. The 'protein only hypothesis' advocates that PrP(Sc), an abnormal isoform of the cellular protein PrP(C), is the main and possibly sole component of prion infectious agents. Currently, no effective therapy exists for these diseases at the symptomatic phase for either humans or animals, though a number of compounds have demonstrated the ability to eliminate PrPSc in cell culture models. Of particular interest are synthetic polymers known as dendrimers which possess the unique ability to eliminate PrP(Sc) in both an intracellular and in vitro setting. The efficacy and mode of action of the novel anti-prion dendrimer mPPIg5 was investigated through the creation of a number of innovative bio-assays based upon the scrapie cell assay. These assays were used to demonstrate that mPPIg5 is a highly effective anti-prion drug which acts, at least in part, through the inhibition of PrP(C) to PrP(Sc) conversion. Understanding how a drug works is a vital component in maximising its performance. By establishing the efficacy and method of action of mPPIg5, this study will help determine which drugs are most likely to enhance this effect and also aid the design of dendrimers with anti-prion capabilities for the future

    Ablation of prion protein immunoreactivity by heating in saturated calcium hydroxide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prions, the infectious agents that cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), are relatively resistant to destruction by physical, enzymatic, and chemical treatments. Hydrolysis in boiling saturated calcium hydroxide (limewater) utilizes inexpensive chemicals to digest protein components of offal. The purpose of this work was to determine if incubating brain material from scrapie-infected sheep in near-boiling saturated calcium hydroxide solution (Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub>) would abolish immunoreactivity of the infectious prion (PrP<sup>Sc</sup>) as determined by western blot.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>After incubating for as few as 10 minutes in saturated calcium hydroxide at 99°C, immunoreactivity of protease resistant bands by western blot analysis is completely lost.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Boiling in limewater may offer an alternative for disposal of carcasses and enable alternative uses for rendered products from potentially infected carcasses.</p

    New Lipidomic Approaches in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Lipid analysis has been a crucial source of information in cystic fibrosis (CF). New methodologies for qualitative and quantitative lipidomics allow evaluation of a large number of samples, of special interest in patient screening for diagnostic and prognostic biological markers, as well as in cell physiology. In this chapter, two new complementary approaches are described: matrix-assisted laser desorption coupled to time of flight (MALDI-TOF-ClinProTools™) and liquid chromatography coupled to ion trap mass spectrometry (LC-MS( n )). MALDI-TOF-ClinProTools™ offers a large unbiased screening for the discovery of potential lipid alterations in diseased patients. LC-MS( n ) represents a state-of-the-art lipidomic tool for the identification and quantification of such alterations. The combination of both may open new perspectives in the quest for lipids participating in CF pathogenesis, therapy targets, and biomarkers

    Inoculation of Scrapie with the Self-Assembling RADA-Peptide Disrupts Prion Accumulation and Extends Hamster Survival

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    Intracerebral inoculation of 263K Scrapie brain homogenate (PrPsc) with a self-assembling RADA-peptide (RADA) significantly delayed disease onset and increased hamster survival. Time of survival was dependent on the dose of RADA and pre-incubation with PrPsc prior to inoculation. RADA treatment resulted in the absence of detectable PrPsc at 40 d followed by an increased rate of PrPsc accumulation at 75 d up to sacrifice. In all PrPsc inoculated animals, clinical symptoms were observed ∼10 d prior to sacrifice and brains showed spongiform degeneration with Congo red positive plaques. A time-dependent increase in reactive gliosis was observed in both groups with more GFAP detected in RADA treated animals at all time points. The PrP protein showed dose-dependent binding to RADA and this binding was competitively inhibited by Congo Red. We conclude that RADA disrupts the efficacy of prion transmission by altering the rate of PrPsc accumulation. This is the first demonstration that a self-assembling biomolecular peptide can interact with PrPsc, disrupt the course of Scrapie disease process, and extend survival