127 research outputs found

    La quarta domèstica o crèdit de participació reduït

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    La interpretació i l'aplicació de les normes contingudes als articles 41 i 42 del Codi de Família, dedicades a la compensació econòmica per raó del treball que neix a liquidació del règim de separació de béns, ha estat complexa i discutida. Les diferents qüestions que s'han suscitat han donat lloc a una abundant jurisprudència a nivell d'Audiències Provincials i també del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya que ha resolt nombrosos recursos de cassació sobre la matèria. En aquest treball, ens plantegem l'oportunitat de la reforma projectada sobre aquest tema al Projecte del Llibre II del Codi Civil de Catalunya, en el que sembla que el legislador vol introduir canvis que afecten a la pròpia naturalesa jurídica del règim econòmic matrimonial legal supletori de Catalunya..The interpretation and the application of the rules contained in articles 41 and 42 of de Family Code, about compensatory spousal payments in favour of the stay-at-home spouse arising from de liquidation of the separate property regime, has been difficult and discussed. The various issues that were raised have led to abundant case law from the Provincial Court and from the High Court of Justice of Catalonia too, who has solved numerous appeals on the matter. In this paper, we consider the opportunity of the reform projected on the subject in Book II of the Draft Civil Code of Catalonia, where it seems that the legislator wants to introduce changes that affect the legal nature of the default separate property regime in Catalonia

    Productes volàtils de la descomposició tèrmica catalítica de residus de polietilè tereftalat

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Tutora: Małgorzata DzięciołPoly(ethylene terephthalate), commonly abbreviated as PET, is one of the most widely used thermoplastics in everyday life thanks to its excellent physical and chemical properties. Due to the slow biodegradability of PET wastes and the fact that its consumption is still increasing, there is a growing interest on recycling of post-consumer PET wastes to reduce its volume in land-fill sites. Among the recycling methods, chemical recycling is the most acceptable method in environmental terms as it leads to the formation of the materials from which the polymer is originally made or other raw materials. Moreover, the recycling of polymer waste by thermal processes (pyrolysis) can be an important source of hydrocarbons for the petrochemical industry, contributing to the environmental protection. However, this process requires high quantity of energy due to the poor thermal conductivity and endothermicity of plastics. To decrease thermal decomposition costs of polymeric material wastes, cheap catalysts have become of the most interest from a global recycling point of view. In the present work, two kinds of fly ash (coal and biomass fly ash) were tested as catalysts to examine their influence on the volatile compounds emitted during thermal decomposition process of waste PET in selected conditions: 400ºC in N2 atmosphere. Moreover, two methods of mixing sample with each fly ash were performed to compare their effects. The analysis was performed using gas chromatography method with different detectors and spectrophotometric method

    Sentencia 149/08, de trece de marzo, Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, Sección decimosexta

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    The relation that exists between the veterinary and the owner of the cat who comes to his office is a veterinary services contract, which main obligation is just a media obligation. Therefore, the contractual liability derives from de damage caused by a veterinarian’s negligence, and he must compensate the material damage and the moral damage produced by the animal’s death.La relación existente entre el veterinario y el dueño del gato que acude a su consulta es un contrato de servicios veterinarios, cuya obligación principal es una obligación de medios. La responsabilidad contractual deriva, entonces, del daño producido por una actuación negligente del veterinario y debe resarcir el daño material y el daño moral producido por la muerte del animal

    Sentencia 149/08, de trece de marzo, Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, Sección decimosexta

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    La relación existente entre el veterinario y el dueño del gato que acude a su consulta es un contrato de servicios veterinarios, cuya obligación principal es una obligación de medios. La responsabilidad contractual deriva, entonces, del daño producido por una actuación negligente del veterinario y debe resarcir el daño material y el daño moral producido por la muerte del animal.The relation that exists between the veterinary and the owner of the cat who comes to his office is a veterinary services contract, which main obligation is just a media obligation. Therefore, the contractual liability derives from de damage caused by a veterinarian's negligence, and he must compensate the material damage and the moral damage produced by the animal's death

    Persona, familia y género: liber amicorum a Mª del Carmen Gete-Alonso y Calera

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 347.6(460) P467fCoordenado por: Judith Sole Resina

    La reforma del Derecho catalán en materia de discapacidad

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    El estado de alarma ha afectado al cumplimiento de las medidas dispuestas en procedimientos de familia, especialmente a las relativas a la guarda de los menores, que en algunos supuestos no se han podido cumplir de acuerdo con lo establecido en las resoluciones judiciales. A ello se suman los cambios de circunstancias económicas por la paralización de la economía que dificultan o imposibilitan el cumplimiento de las prestaciones de alimentos y prestaciones compensatorias fijadas. Estas y otras cuestiones han planteado muchas dudas a las que se ha tratado de dar respuesta desde distintas instancias y, sin lugar a dudas, darán lugar a la incoación de muchos procedimientos judiciales. Ante la previsión de un colapso cuando se levante el estado de alarma, ya se han previsto una serie de medidas procesales de carácter tempora

    Unveiling the Membrane and Cell Wall Action of Antimicrobial Cyclic Lipopeptides: Modulation of the Spectrum of Activity

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    Antibiotic resistance is a major public health challenge, and Gram-negative multidrug-resistant bacteria are particularly dangerous. The threat of running out of active molecules is accelerated by the extensive use of antibiotics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and new antibiotics are urgently needed. Colistin and polymyxin B are natural antibiotics considered as last resort drugs for multi-resistant infections, but their use is limited because of neuro- and nephrotoxicity. We previously reported a series of synthetic analogues inspired in natural polymyxins with a flexible scaffold that allows multiple modifications to improve activity and reduce toxicity. In this work, we focus on modifications in the hydrophobic domains, describing analogues that broaden or narrow the spectrum of activity including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, with MICs in the low µM range and low hemolytic activity. Using biophysical methods, we explore the interaction of the new molecules with model membranes that mimic the bacterial inner and outer membranes, finding a selective effect on anionic membranes and a mechanism of action based on the alteration of membrane function. Transmission electron microscopy observation confirms that polymyxin analogues kill microbial cells primarily by damaging membrane integrity. Redistribution of the hydrophobicity within the polymyxin molecule seems a plausible approach for the design and development of safer and more selective antibiotics

    Dimensional crossover of correlated anion disorder in oxynitride perovskites

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    A simple crossover from two-dimensional to three-dimensional correlated disorder of O and N atoms on a cubic lattice has been discovered within the Ba1xSrxTaO2N series of perovskite oxynitrides. The crossover is driven by lattice expansion as x decreases, and provides a rapid increase in entropy due to a change from subextensive to extensive configurational entropy regimes.We thank STFC, UK for support for H. J. and provision of ISIS beamtime, and EPSRC for additional support. This work was also supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Spain through Project MAT2017-86616-R, the Severo Ochoa Program SEV-2015-0496, and Fellowship support to AB (MAT2011-24757). We thank the ALBA synchrotron for the provision of beamtime and Prof. Rosa Palacin, Dr Carlos Frontera (ICMAB-CSIC) and Dr F. Fauth (ALBA) for assistance with data collection.Peer reviewe

    ISOTOPE : ISOform-guided prediction of epiTOPEs in cancer

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    Immunotherapies provide effective treatments for previously untreatable tumors and identifying tumor-specific epitopes can help elucidate the molecular determinants of therapy response. Here, we describe a pipeline, ISOTOPE (ISOform-guided prediction of epiTOPEs In Cancer), for the comprehensive identification of tumor-specific splicing-derived epitopes. Using RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry for MHC-I associated proteins, ISOTOPE identified neoepitopes from tumor-specific splicing events that are potentially presented by MHC-I complexes. Analysis of multiple samples indicates that splicing alterations may affect the production of self-epitopes and generate more candidate neoepitopes than somatic mutations. Although there was no difference in the number of splicing-derived neoepitopes between responders and non-responders to immune therapy, higher MHC-I binding affinity was associated with a positive response. Our analyses highlight the diversity of the immunogenic impacts of tumor-specific splicing alterations and the importance of studying splicing alterations to fully characterize tumors in the context of immunotherapies. ISOTOPE is available at https://github.com/comprna/ISOTOPE