10 research outputs found

    Análisis de la calidad de vida y de la capacidad funcional en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca en atención primaria

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    Objectiu. Avaluar la qualitat de vida (QV) i capacitat funcional (CF) dels pacients amb insuficiència cardíaca en atenció primària, amb dues eines, el MLWHF i el 6MWT. Métodos. Estudi descriptiu transversal i analític de 167 pacients amb IC. Estudi de correlació entre la puntuació obtinguda en el qüestionari de QV y la distància recorreguda en el 6MWT. Resultados. Fuert correlació entre la clase funcional i la puntuació del test de QV (p 0.001),així com de la distància en el 6MWT (p 0.001). També es va establor correlació entre el test de QV y el 6MWT (r=-0.69 p 0.001). Conclusiones. El MLWHF y el 6MWT son 2 eines útils i de fàcil aplicació que reflexen correctament el grau de severitat de la IC.Objetivo. Evaluar la calidad de vida (CV) y capacidad funcional (CF) de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca(IC) en atención primaria con 2 herramientas, Métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal y analítico de 167 pacientes afectos de IC. Estudio de correlación entre la puntuación obtenida en el cuestionario de CV y la distancia recorrida en el 6MWT. Resultados. Fuerte correlación entre la clase funcional y la puntuación del test de CV (p 0.001),como también con la distancia recorrida en el 6MWT (p 0.001). También se estableció correlación entre el test de CV y el 6MWT (r=-0.69 p 0.001). Conclusiones. El MLWHF y el 6MWT son 2 herramientas útiles y de fácil aplicación que reflejan correctamente el grado de severidad de la IC

    An Online Training Intervention on Prehospital Stroke Codes in Catalonia to Improve the Knowledge, Pre-Notification Compliance and Time Performance of Emergency Medical Services Professionals

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    Strokes are a time-dependent medical emergency. The training of emergency medical service (EMS) professionals is essential to ensure the activation of stroke codes with pre-notification, as well as a rapid transfer to achieve early therapy. New assessment scales for the detection of patients with suspected large vessel occlusion ensures earlier access to endovascular therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact on an online training intervention focused on the Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation (RACE) scoring of EMS professionals based on the prehospital stroke code in Catalonia from 2014 to 2018 in a pre-post intervention study. All Catalonian EMS professionals and the clinical records from primary stroke patients were included. The Kirkpatrick model guided the evaluation of the intervention. Data were collected on the knowledge on stroke recognition and management, pre-notification compliance, activated stroke codes and time performance of EMS professionals. Knowledge improved significatively in most items and across all categories, reaching a global achievement of 82%. Pre-notification compliance also improved significantly and remained high in the long-term. Increasingly higher notification of RACE scores were recorded from 60% at baseline to 96.3% in 2018, and increased on-site clinical care time and global time were also observed. Therefore, the online training intervention was effective for increasing EMS professionals' knowledge and pre-notification compliance upon stroke code activation, and the wide adoption of a new prehospital scale for the assessment of stroke severity (i.e., the RACE scale) was achieved

    Análisis de la calidad de vida y de la capacidad funcional en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca en atención primaria.

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    Objectiu. Avaluar la qualitat de vida (QV) i capacitat funcional (CF) dels pacients amb insuficiència cardíaca en atenció primària, amb dues eines, el MLWHF i el 6MWT. Métodos. Estudi descriptiu transversal i analític de 167 pacients amb IC. Estudi de correlació entre la puntuació obtinguda en el qüestionari de QV y la distància recorreguda en el 6MWT. Resultados. Fuert correlació entre la clase funcional i la puntuació del test de QV (p&0.001),així com de la distància en el 6MWT (p& 0.001). També es va establor correlació entre el test de QV y el 6MWT (r=-0.69 p& 0.001). Conclusiones. El MLWHF y el 6MWT son 2 eines útils i de fàcil aplicació que reflexen correctament el grau de severitat de la IC.Objetivo. Evaluar la calidad de vida (CV) y capacidad funcional (CF) de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca(IC) en atención primaria con 2 herramientas, Métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal y analítico de 167 pacientes afectos de IC. Estudio de correlación entre la puntuación obtenida en el cuestionario de CV y la distancia recorrida en el 6MWT. Resultados. Fuerte correlación entre la clase funcional y la puntuación del test de CV (p&0.001),como también con la distancia recorrida en el 6MWT (p& 0.001). También se estableció correlación entre el test de CV y el 6MWT (r=-0.69 p& 0.001). Conclusiones. El MLWHF y el 6MWT son 2 herramientas útiles y de fácil aplicación que reflejan correctamente el grado de severidad de la IC

    Health care quality indicators and improvements to make in the prehospital care of adults exposed to carbon monoxide

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    Objetivo. Investigar la calidad asistencial en los episodios de exposición a monóxido de carbono (CO) asistidos por unidades prehospitalarias mediante indicadores de calidad (IC) y las variables relacionadas con el uso del pulsicooxímetro para medir de forma incruenta el porcentaje de saturación de la hemoglobina con CO (SpCO). Método. Estudio de cohorte de los episodios de exposición a CO atendidos por las unidades de soporte vital avanzado (SVA) del Sistema de Emergencias Médicas de Cataluña. Se seleccionaron 11 IC y se diseñó un análisis multivariante para investigar las variables relacionadas con el uso del pulsicooxímetro. Resultados. Se recogieron 1.676 episodios de exposición a CO. En 1.108 (66,1%) se registró la SpCO con pulsicooxímetro, siendo SpCO > 10% en 358 (32,3%). De los 11 IC, cinco no alcanzaron el estándar recomendado. El análisis multivariante mostró un menor uso del pulsicooxímetro cuando había asociación con otro tóxico, OR 0,34 (IC 95% 0,11-1,00) y cuando la primera asistencia era realizada por SVA médico, OR 0,43 (IC 95% 0,31-0,59). Hubo mayor uso del pulsicooxímetro ante la presencia de antecedentes psiquiátricos OR 3,01 (IC 95% 1,27-7,17), la cefalea OR 2,13 (IC 95% 1,22-3,72) y el uso de oxigenoterapia OR 10,33 (5,46-19,53). Conclusión. En la asistencia prehospitalaria de los episodios de exposición al CO existe una falta de cumplimiento de algunos IC. Hay variables relacionadas con la infrautilización del pulsicooxímetro, con puntos de mejora

    Study of risk factors for injuries due to cardiopulmonary resuscitation with special focus on the role of the heart: A machine learning analysis of a prospective registry with multiple sources of information (ReCaPTa Study)

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    Background: The study of thoracic injuries and biomechanics during CPR requires detailed studies that are very scarce. The role of the heart in CPR biomechanics has not been determined. This study aimed to determine the risk factors importance for serious ribcage damage due to CPR. Methods: Data were collected from a prospective registry of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest between April 2014 and April 2017. This study included consecutive out-of-hospital CPR attempts undergoing an autopsy study focused on CPR injuries. Cardiac mass ratio was defined as the ratio of real to expected heart mass. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to select clinically relevant variables and subsequently classification tree models were built. The Gini index was used to determine the importance of the associated serious ribcage damage factors. The LUCAS® chest compressions device forces and the cardiac mass were analyzed by linear regression. Results: Two hundred CPR attempts were included (133 manual CPR and 67 mechanical CPR). The mean age of the sample was 60.4 ± 13.5, and 56 (28%) were women. In all, 65.0% of the patients presented serious ribcage damage. From the classification tree build with the clinically relevant variables, age (0.44), cardiac mass ratio (0.26), CPR time (0.22), and mechanical CPR (0.07), in that order, were the most influential factors on serious ribcage damage. The chest compression forces were greater in subjects with higher cardiac mass. Conclusions: The heart plays a key role in CPR biomechanics being cardiac mass ratio the second most important risk factor for CPR injuries

    A functional virgin olive oil enriched with olive oil and thyme phenolic compounds improves the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes : A randomized, crossover, controlled trial

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    The consumption of antioxidant-rich foods such as virgin olive oil (VOO) promotes high-density lipoprotein (HDL) anti-atherogenic capacities. Intake of functional VOOs (enriched with olive/thyme phenolic compounds (PCs)) also improves HDL functions, but the gene expression changes behind these benefits are not fully understood. Our aim was to determine whether these functional VOOs could enhance the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover, controlled trial, 22 hypercholesterolemic subjects ingested for three weeks 25 mL/day of: (1) a functional VOO enriched with olive oil PCs (500 mg/kg); (2) a functional VOO enriched with olive oil (250 mg/kg) and thyme PCs (250 mg/kg; FVOOT), and; (3) a natural VOO (olive oil PCs: 80 mg/kg, control intervention). We assessed whether these interventions improved the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reactions. The FVOOT intervention upregulated the expression of CYP27A1 (P = 0.041 and P = 0.053, versus baseline and the control intervention, respectively), CAV1 (P = 0.070, versus the control intervention), and LXRβ, RXRα, and PPARβ/δ (P = 0.005, P = 0.005, and P = 0.038, respectively, relative to the baseline). The consumption of a functional VOO enriched with olive oil and thyme PCs enhanced the expression of key cholesterol efflux regulators, such as CYP27A1 and nuclear receptor-related genes

    ROS1 copy number alterations are frequent in non-small cell lung cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine the prevalence and partners of ROS1 rearrangements, to explore the correlation between FISH and IHC assays, and to investigate clinical implications of ROS1 copy number alterations (CNAs). METHODS: A total of 314 NSCLC patients were screened using ROS1 FISH break-apart probes. Of these, 47 surgical tumors were included in TMAs to analyze ROS1 heterogeneity assessed either by FISH and IHC, and chromosome 6 aneusomy. To characterize ROS1 partners, probes for CD74, EZR, SLC34A2 and SDC3 genes were developed. ROS1 positive FISH cases were screened also by IHC. RESULTS: Five patients were ROS1 positive (1.8%). We identified two known fusion partners in three patients: CD74 and SLC34A2. Four out of five ROS1 rearranged patients were female, never smokers and with adenocarcinoma histology. Rearranged cases were also positive by IHC as well. According to ROS1 CNAs, we found a prevalence of 37.8% gains/amplifications and 25.1% deletions. CONCLUSIONS: This study point out the high prevalence of ROS1 CNAs in a large series of NSCLC. ROS1 gains, amplifications and deletions, most of them due to chromosome 6 polysomy or monosomy, were heterogeneous within a tumor and had no impact on overall survival.This work was supported in part by a grant from (1) Fundació La Marató de TV3 (666/C/2013), from (2) Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RD12/0036/0044), from (3) Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (PT13/0010/0005), (4) from Xarxa de Bancs de Tumors (XBTC), (5) from Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2014SGR740) and (6) from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS-ISCIII) (PI13/00140)

    A functional virgin olive oil enriched with olive oil and thyme phenolic compounds improves the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes: a randomized, crossover, controlled trial

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    The consumption of antioxidant-rich foods such as virgin olive oil (VOO) promotes high-density lipoprotein (HDL) anti-atherogenic capacities. Intake of functional VOOs (enriched with olive/thyme phenolic compounds (PCs)) also improves HDL functions, but the gene expression changes behind these benefits are not fully understood. Our aim was to determine whether these functional VOOs could enhance the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover, controlled trial, 22 hypercholesterolemic subjects ingested for three weeks 25 mL/day of: (1) a functional VOO enriched with olive oil PCs (500 mg/kg); (2) a functional VOO enriched with olive oil (250 mg/kg) and thyme PCs (250 mg/kg; FVOOT), and; (3) a natural VOO (olive oil PCs: 80 mg/kg, control intervention). We assessed whether these interventions improved the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reactions. The FVOOT intervention upregulated the expression of CYP27A1 (P = 0.041 and P = 0.053, versus baseline and the control intervention, respectively), CAV1 (P = 0.070, versus the control intervention), and LXRβ, RXRα, and PPARβ/δ (P = 0.005, P = 0.005, and P = 0.038, respectively, relative to the baseline). The consumption of a functional VOO enriched with olive oil and thyme PCs enhanced the expression of key cholesterol efflux regulators, such as CYP27A1 and nuclear receptor-related genes.This research was funded by: the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2009-13517-C03-01, AGL2012-40144-C03-01), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CB06/03/0028, CB07/08/0016, CD17/00122, CD17/00233, and JR17/00022), FEDER funds (CB06/03), and the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2014-SGR-240, 2017-SGR-522)

    A functional virgin olive oil enriched with olive oil and thyme phenolic compounds improves the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes: A randomized, crossover, controlled trial

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    The consumption of antioxidant-rich foods such as virgin olive oil (VOO) promotes high-density lipoprotein (HDL) anti-atherogenic capacities. Intake of functional VOOs (enriched with olive/thyme phenolic compounds (PCs)) also improves HDL functions, but the gene expression changes behind these benefits are not fully understood. Our aim was to determine whether these functional VOOs could enhance the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover, controlled trial, 22 hypercholesterolemic subjects ingested for three weeks 25 mL/day of: (1) a functional VOO enriched with olive oil PCs (500 mg/kg); (2) a functional VOO enriched with olive oil (250 mg/kg) and thyme PCs (250 mg/kg; FVOOT), and; (3) a natural VOO (olive oil PCs: 80 mg/kg, control intervention). We assessed whether these interventions improved the expression of cholesterol efflux-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reactions. The FVOOT intervention upregulated the expression of CYP27A1 (p = 0.041 and p = 0.053, versus baseline and the control intervention, respectively), CAV1 (p = 0.070, versus the control intervention), and LXRβ, RXRα, and PPARβ/δ (p = 0.005, p = 0.005, and p = 0.038, respectively, relative to the baseline). The consumption of a functional VOO enriched with olive oil and thyme PCs enhanced the expression of key cholesterol efflux regulators, such as CYP27A1 and nuclear receptor-related genes