2,585 research outputs found

    Analysis of the TCP genes expressed in the inflorescence of the orchid Orchis italica

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    TCP proteins are plant-specific transcription factors involved in many different processes. Because of their involvement in a large number of developmental pathways, their roles have been investigated in various plant species. However, there are almost no studies of this transcription factor family in orchids. Based on the available transcriptome of the inflorescence of the orchid Orchis italica, in the present study we identified 12 transcripts encoding TCP proteins. The phylogenetic analysis showed that they belong to different TCP classes (I and II) and groups (PCF, CIN and CYC/TB1), and that they display a number of conserved motifs when compared with the TCPs of Arabidopsis and Oryza. The presence of a specific cleavage site for the microRNA miRNA319, an important post-transcriptional regulator of several TCP genes in other species, was demonstrated for one transcript of O. italica, and the analysis of the expression pattern of the TCP transcripts in different inflorescence organs and in leaf tissue suggests that some TCP transcripts of O. italica exert their role only in specific tissues, while others may play multiple roles in different tissues. In addition, the evolutionary analysis showed a general purifying selection acting on the coding region of these transcripts

    The inflorescence transcriptome of Orchis italica: analysis of coding and non-coding transcripts

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    Orchis italica è un’orchidea selvatica mediterranea appartiene alla famiglia delle Orchidaceae, sottofamiglia Orchidoideae. Sebbene di recente siano stati condotti numerosi studi sui fattori di trascrizione e trascritti non codificanti che regolano lo sviluppo del fiore, il meccanismo molecolare alla base della fioritura nelle orchidee rimane ancora poco chiaro. In questo lavoro è stato utilizzato un approccio di Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) per studiare i trascritti corti e lunghi espressi nei tessuti fiorali di O. italica. Per caratterizzare il miRNoma fiorale di O.italica è stata costruita e sequenziata una libreria di small RNA di infiorescenza. Tra le 37.818 reads uniche, il sottogruppo di 24 nt è risultato il più abbondante. L’analisi dei micro RNA (miRNA) ha consentito l’identificazione in O. italica di 23 famiglie conservate di miRNA e di nuovi possibili miRNA specifici di orchidea. Il profilo di espressione dei miRNA nei tessuti fiorali di O. italica e la predizione dei loro possibili bersagli ne indicano una funzione conservata rispetto a quella delle specie modello. Per analizzare il trascrittoma di O.italica, il cui genoma non è ancora disponibile, è stato utilizzato un approccio de novo. Partendo da più di 100 milioni di reads, sono stati assemblati 132.565 trascritti, raggruppati in 86.079 unigenes. L’annotazione funzionale ha assegnato il 45,3% degli unigenes alle sequenze presenti nella banca dati NCBI, il 37,4% alla GO terms, il 18,3% alla KOG e l’8,3% alla KEGG. L’analisi di espressione in silico è stata validata con la Real-Time PCR su dieci unigenes selezionati, indicando una correlazione positiva statisticamente significativa. Oltre ai trascritti codificanti, sono stati analizzati anche quelli non codificanti (lncRNA), la cui analisi del profilo di espressione ne ha lasciato ipotizzare un ruolo funzionale nei tessuti fiorali di O. italica. L’analisi del trascrittoma di O. italica ha consentito di identificare 12 trascritti appartenenti alla famiglia di fattori di trascrizione TCP, probabilmente coinvolti nella determinazione della simmetria fiorale (nelle orchidee bilaterale). L’analisi filogenetica ha rivelato che essi appartengono a differenti classi (I e II) e gruppi (PCF, CIN and CYC/TB1) e che mostrano numerosi motivi conservati comparti con quelli di Arabidopsis e Oryza. Inoltre è stata dimostrata la presenza in un trascritto TCP di O.italica di uno specifico sito di taglio per miR319 ed è stata condotta l’analisi di espressione di tutti di trascritti TCP identificati in differenti e tessuti fiorali e in foglia in due stadi di sviluppo. I risultati suggeriscono che alcuni trascritti TCP svolgono funzioni ridondanti nei vari tessuti e stadi di sviluppo esaminati, mentre altri trascritti esercitano una funzione specifica e solo in determinati tessuti

    Transcriptome-wide identification and expression analysis of DIVARICATA- and RADIALIS-like genes of the Mediterranean orchid Orchis italica.

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    Bilateral symmetry of flowers is a relevant novelty that has occurred many times throughout the evolution of flowering plants. In Antirrhinum majus, establishment of flower dorso-ventral asymmetry is mainly due to interaction of TCP (CYC and DICH) and MYB (DIV, RAD and DRIF) transcription factors. In the present study, we characterized 8 DIV-, 4 RAD- and 2 DRIF-like genes from the transcriptome of Orchis italica, an orchid species with bilaterally symmetric and resupinate flowers. We found a similar number of DIV- and RAD-like genes within the genomes of Phalaenopsis equestris and Dendrobium catenatum orchids. Orchid DIV- and RAD-like proteins share conserved motifs whose distribution reflects their phylogeny and analysis of the genomic organization revealed a single intron containing many traces of transposable elements. Evolutionary analysis has shown that purifying selection acts on the DIV- and RAD-like coding regions in orchids, with relaxation of selective constraints in a branch of the DIV-like genes. Analysis of the expression patterns of DIV- and RAD-like genes in O. italica revealed possible redundant functions for some of them. In the perianth of O. italica, the ortholog of DIV and DRIF of A. majus are expressed in all tissues, whereas RAD is mainly expressed in the outer tepals and lip. These data allow for proposal of an evolutionary conserved model in which the expression of the orthologs of the DIV, RAD and DRIF genes might be related to establishment of flower bilateral symmetry in the non-model orchid species O. italica

    Neuropsychiatric performance and treatment of hepatitis C with direct-acting antivirals: a prospective study

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    Background: Since direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) have been approved for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, a small series of patients with new-onset neuropsychiatric alterations have been referred to us. We therefore set out to study neuropsychiatric function in relation to DAAs prospectively. Methods: Ten patients with cirrhosis and 12 post-liver transplant (post-LT) patients were enrolled. All underwent wake electroencephalography (EEG) and a neuropsychological evaluation (paper and pencil battery, simple/choice reaction times, working memory task) at baseline, at the end of treatment with DAAs and after 6 months. At the same time points, full blood count, liver/kidney function tests, quantitative HCV RNA, ammonia and immunosuppressant drug levels were obtained, as appropriate. Results: Patients with cirrhosis were significantly older than post-LT patients (65\ub112 vs 55\ub17 years; P<0.05). Neuropsychological performance and wake EEG were comparable in the two groups at baseline. At the end of a course of treatment with DAAs, a significant slowing in choice reaction times and in the EEG (increased relative delta power) was observed in patients with cirrhosis, which resolved after 6 months. In contrast, no significant changes over time were observed in the neuropsychiatric performance of post-LT patients. No significant associations were observed between neuropsychiatric performance and stand-alone/combined laboratory variables. Conclusion: Some degree of neuropsychiatric impairment was observed in relation to treatment with DAAs in patients with cirrhosis, but not in post-LT patients, suggesting that the former may be sensitive to mild DAA neurotoxicity

    The risk of cancer progression in women with gynecological malignancies and thrombophilic polymorphisms: a pilot case-control study.

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    Cancer produces a hypercoagulable state, which might lead to thrombosis, and on contrary, unprovoked venous thromboembolism might be the manifestation of an occult cancer. In this pilot case-control study, we assessed the risk of gynecological malignant diseases related to the presence of the factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A polymorphisms. Fifty-two women underwent an operation for gynecological malignancy and were enrolled in the study. Women who underwent an operation for gynecological nonmalignant disease in the same days of cases were considered as controls. The presence of factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A was assessed in case and control groups. In all, 7 out of 52 cases were carriers of the 2 polymorphisms compared with 20 out of 198 controls (odds ratio = 1.3; 95% confidence interval, 0.6-3.0). The results were also similar when the risk was considered separately for the site of cancer. As for advanced and metastatic malignancies, the odds ratios were 2.3 (95% confidence interval, 0.9-6.0) and 3.3 (95% confidence interval, 1.0-11), respectively, compared to noncancer patients. When these 2 groups were compared to nonadvanced cancer group, the odds ratios for carriers of polymorphisms were 2.7 (95%confidence interval, 0.7-11.0) and 3.9 (95%confidence interval, 0.8-18.6) for advanced cancer and metastatic malignancies, respectively. Women with factor V Leiden or prothrombin G20210A polymorphisms who developed gynecological malignancy might present with a higher stage of cancer at the time of surgery. Larger case-control studies in similar cohort of patients are needed to confirm these findings

    Adherence among Italian paediatricians to the Italian guidelines for the management of fever in children: a cross sectional survey

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    BACKGROUND: Italian guidelines for the management of fever in children (IFG) have been published in 2009 and thereafter disseminated in all country. A survey was conducted before their publication and three years later to investigate their impact on knowledge and behaviors of paediatricians. METHODS: A questionnaire was administered to convenient samples of paediatricians in 2009 and in 2012, eliciting information about fever definition, methods of temperature measurement, and antipyretic use. Differences in responses between 2009 and 2012 and between paediatricians who were or were not aware of the IFG were evaluated. RESULTS: The responses rates were 74% (480/648) in 2009 and 69% (300/434) in 2012. In 2012 168/300 (56%) of participants were aware of the IFG. The proportion of paediatricians who correctly would never suggest the use of physical methods increased from 18.7% to 36.4% (P < 0.001). In 2009 11% of paediatricians declared that the use of antipyretic drugs depends on patient discomfort and did not use a temperature cut off. In 2012 this percentage reached 45.3% (P < 0.001). Alternate use of antipyretics decreased from 27.0% to 11.3% (P < 0.001). Use of rectal administration of antipyretics in absence of vomiting decreased from 43.8% in 2009 to 25.3% in 2012 (P < 0.001). In general, improvements were more striking in paediatricians who were aware of the IFG than in those who were not aware of them. CONCLUSIONS: Behaviours of Italian paediatricians improved over time. However, some wrong attitudes need to be further discouraged, including use of physical methods and misuse of rectal administration. Further strategy to disseminate the IFG could be needed


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    Una stazione per il monitoraggio delle variazioni del flusso di calore dal suolo è stata installata all’isola di Vulcano sul cono attivo di La Fossa, all’esterno del campo fumarolico di alta temperatura. La stazione misura i valori di temperatura del suolo a sei differenti profondità, lungo uno stesso profilo verticale. Le misure consentono di ottenere il gradiente di temperatura (°C/m) nel suolo ed il coefficiente di correlazione lineare (R2) delle temperature registrate lungo il profilo. Tali parametri (R2 e °C/m) consentono di determinare il flusso di calore nei periodi in cui la componente conduttiva è la principale forma di trasporto del calore. La stazione è stata progettata ed assemblata nel laboratorio di elettronica della sezione di Palermo dell’INGV e utilizza un programma di acquisizione ed un sistema di trasmissione interamente progettati e sviluppati dallo stesso personale. Dopo un primo periodo di osservazione dei dati e di verifiche tecniche la stazione, denominata Bordosud, è entrata nel sistema di monitoraggio geochimico dell’attività di Vulcano gestito dalle Sezione di Palermo dell’INGV. L’energia termica rilasciata da un sistema vulcanico è un parametro di primaria importanza per la sorveglianza dell’attività vulcanica. Durante i periodi intereruttivi, il calore rilasciato attraverso la circolazione dei fluidi idrotermali e l’energia termica associata all’emissione di vapore attraverso i campi fumarolici costituiscono una buona parte dell’energia totale rilasciata dal vulcano

    Design of a Novel Long-Reach Cable-Driven Hyper-Redundant Snake-like Manipulator for Inspection and Maintenance

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    Robotic inspection and maintenance are gaining importance due to the number of different scenarios in which robots can operate. The use of robotic systems to accomplish such tasks has deep implications in terms of safety for human workers and can significantly extend the life of infrastructures and industrial facilities. In this context, long-reach cable-driven hyper-redundant robots can be employed to inspect areas that are difficult to reach and hazardous environments such as tanks and vessels. This paper presents a novel long-reach cable-driven hyper-redundant robot called SLIM (Snake-Like manipulator for Inspection and Maintenance). SLIM consists of a robotic arm, a pan and tilt mechanism as end-effector, and an actuation box that can rotate and around which the arm can wrap. The robot has a total of 15 degrees of freedom and, therefore, for the task of positioning the tool centre point in a bi-dimensional Cartesian space with a specific attitude, it has 10 degrees of redundancy. The robot is designed to operate in harsh environments and high temperatures and can deploy itself up to about 4.8 m. This paper presents the requirements that drove the design of the robot, the main aspects of the mechanical and electronic systems, the control strategy, and the results of preliminary experimental tests performed with a physical prototype to evaluate the robot performances

    Annual Meeting of the International Society of Cancer Metabolism (ISCaM): Cancer Metabolism

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    Tumors are metabolic entities wherein cancer cells adapt their metabolism to their oncogenic agenda and microenvironmental influences. Metabolically different cancer cell subpopulations collaborate to optimize nutrient delivery with respect to immediate bioenergetic and biosynthetic needs. They can also metabolically exploit host cells. These metabolic networks are directly linked with cancer progression, treatment, resistance, and relapse. Conversely, metabolic alterations in cancer are exploited for anticancer therapy, imaging, and stratification for personalized treatments. These topics were addressed at the 4th annual meeting of the International Society of Cancer Metabolism (ISCaM) in Bertinoro, Italy, on 19-21 October 2017

    Probiotic modulation of the microbiota-gut-brain axis and behaviour in zebrafish

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    The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in the bi-directional gut–brain axis, a communication that integrates the gut and central nervous system (CNS) activities. Animal studies reveal that gut bacteria influence behaviour, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels and serotonin metabolism. In the present study, we report for the first time an analysis of the microbiota–gut–brain axis in zebrafish (Danio rerio). After 28 days of dietary administration with the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501, we found differences in shoaling behaviour, brain expression levels of bdnf and of genes involved in serotonin signalling/metabolism between control and treated zebrafish group. In addition, in microbiota we found a significant increase of Firmicutes and a trending reduction of Proteobacteria. This study demonstrates that selected microbes can be used to modulate endogenous neuroactive molecules in zebrafish
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