55 research outputs found

    Blocking Mineralocorticoid Receptors prior to Retrieval Reduces Contextual Fear Memory in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Corticosteroid hormones regulate appraisal and consolidation of information via mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) and glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) respectively. How activation of these receptors modulates retrieval of fearful information and the subsequent expression of fear is largely unknown. We tested here whether blockade of MRs or GRs during retrieval also affects subsequent expression of fear memory. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mice were trained in contextual or tone cue fear conditioning paradigms, by pairing mild foot shocks with a particular context or tone respectively. Twenty-four hours after training, context-conditioned animals were re-exposed to the context for 3 or 30 minutes (day 2); tone-conditioned animals were placed in a different context and re-exposed to one or six tones. Twenty-four hours (day 3) and one month later, freezing behavior to the aversive context/tone was scored again. MR or GR blockade was achieved by giving spironolactone or RU486 subcutaneously one hour before retrieval on day 2. Spironolactone administered prior to brief context re-exposure reduced freezing behavior during retrieval and 24 hours later, but not one month later. Administration of spironolactone without retrieval of the context or immediately after retrieval on day 2 did not reduce freezing on day 3. Re-exposure to the context for 30 minutes on day 2 significantly reduced freezing on day 3 and one month later, but freezing was not further reduced by spironolactone. Administration of spironolactone prior to tone-cue re-exposure on day 2 did not affect freezing behavior. Treatment with RU486 prior to re-exposure did not affect context or tone-cue fear memories at any time point. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that MR blockade prior to retrieval strongly reduces the expression of contextual fear, implying that MRs, rather than GRs, play an important role in retrieval of emotional information and subsequent fear expression

    Updating Fearful Memories with Extinction Training during Reconsolidation: A Human Study Using Auditory Aversive Stimuli

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    Learning to fear danger in the environment is essential to survival, but dysregulation of the fear system is at the core of many anxiety disorders. As a consequence, a great interest has emerged in developing strategies for suppressing fear memories in maladaptive cases. Recent research has focused in the process of reconsolidation where memories become labile after being retrieved. In a behavioral manipulation, Schiller et al., (2010) reported that extinction training, administrated during memory reconsolidation, could erase fear responses. The implications of this study are crucial for the possible treatment of anxiety disorders without the administration of drugs. However, attempts to replicate this effect by other groups have been so far unsuccessful. We sought out to reproduce Schiller et al., (2010) findings in a different fear conditioning paradigm based on auditory aversive stimuli instead of electric shock. Following a within-subject design, participants were conditioned to two different sounds and skin conductance response (SCR) was recorded as a measure of fear. Our results demonstrated that only the conditioned stimulus that was reminded 10 minutes before extinction training did not reinstate a fear response after a reminder trial consisting of the presentation of the unconditioned stimuli. For the first time, we replicated Schiller et al., (2010) behavioral manipulation and extended it to an auditory fear conditioning paradigm

    Blocking human fear memory with the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor doxycycline

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    Learning to predict threat is a fundamental ability of many biological organisms, and a laboratory model for anxiety disorders. Interfering with such memories in humans would be of high clinical relevance. On the basis of studies in cell cultures and slice preparations, it is hypothesised that synaptic remodelling required for threat learning involves the extracellular enzyme matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 9. However, in vivo evidence for this proposal is lacking. Here we investigate human Pavlovian fear conditioning under the blood-brain barrier crossing MMP inhibitor doxycyline in a pre-registered, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. We find that recall of threat memory, measured with fear-potentiated startle 7 days after acquisition, is attenuated by ~60% in individuals who were under doxycycline during acquisition. This threat memory impairment is also reflected in increased behavioural surprise signals to the conditioned stimulus during subsequent re-learning, and already late during initial acquisition. Our findings support an emerging view that extracellular signalling pathways are crucially required for threat memory formation. Furthermore, they suggest novel pharmacological methods for primary prevention and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 4 April 2017; doi:10.1038/mp.2017.65


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    A clinical trial was undertaken using three different inhalant anaesthetic agents and one intravenous anaesthetic agent in dogs undergoing routine desexing surgery. Healthy adult dogs undergoing either ovariohysterectomy or castration were assessed as to their demeanour, with the more excitable dogs being placed in groups receiving premedication with acepromazine and morphine. All dogs were then randomly assigned an anaesthetic agent for induction of general anaesthesia. The agents were the inhalants halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane, and the intravenous agent propofol. Inhalant inductions were undertaken using a tight fitting mask attached to a standard anaesthetic machine with a rebreathing circuit, with the maximum dose of inhalant available from a standard vaporiser. Propofol inductions were undertaken via intravenous catheter. Dogs induced with propofol were randomly assigned one of the three inhalant agents for maintenance. Those induced by inhalant agent were maintained using the same agent. The surgical procedure was undertaken in standard fashion, as was recovery from anaesthesia. All dogs received the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent meloxicam. Data collection was divided into three stages: induction, maintenance, and recovery from anaesthesia. Variables measured at induction of anaesthesia were time to intubation, number of intubation attempts, tolerance of mask, quality of induction and quality of transfer to the maintenance stage. Standard variables for monitoring of anaesthesia were recorded throughout the maintenance of anaesthesia. Variables measured at recovery were time to righting, time to standing and quality of recovery. The mean time to intubation when using the newer inhalant sevoflurane (196.2 ± 14.8sec, mean ± SE) was not significantly different to that for halothane (221.4 ± 14.0sec) or isoflurane (172.4 ± 15.0sec). Time to intubation with isoflurane was significantly faster than with halothane. Mean time to intubation with propofol (85.4 ± 7.7sec) was significantly faster than that for any of the three inhalants. Choice of inhalant had no effect on quality of induction. The use of premedication significantly improved the quality of induction. The use of propofol for induction likewise significantly improved the quality of induction. Standard cardiorespiratory variables measured during the maintenance phase of anaesthesia remained within normal clinical ranges for all three inhalants, and were therefore not further analysed. Choice of inhalant agent had no significant effect on the time to righting or standing in recovery. The use of propofol for induction had no effect on these variables. Animals placed in groups receiving premedication had significantly longer times to righting and standing. The oesophageal temperature at the end of the procedure had a significant effect on times to righting and standing, with lower temperatures contributing to slower recoveries. Independent of procedure time, male dogs had shorter times to righting than female dogs

    Dopaminergic D1 receptor signalling is necessary, but not sufficient for cued fear memory destabilisation

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    Rationale. Pharmacological targeting of memory reconsolidation is a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of fear memory-related disorders. However, the success of reconsolidation-based approaches depends upon the effective destabilisation of the fear memory by memory reactivation. Objectives. Here, we aimed to determine the functional involvement of dopamine D1 receptors in cued fear memory destabilisation, using systemic drug administration. Results. We observed that direct D1 receptor agonism was not sufficient to stimulate tone fear memory destabilisation to facilitate reconsolidation disruption by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. Instead, administration of the nootropic nefiracetam did facilitate mifepristone-induced amnesia, in a manner that was dependent upon dopamine D1 receptor activation, although. Finally, while the combined treatment with nefiracetam and mifepristone did not confer fear-reducing effects under conditions of extinction learning, there was some evidence that mifepristone reduces fear expression irrespective of memory reactivation parameters. Conclusions. The use of combination pharmacological treatment to stimulate memory destabilisation and impair reconsolidation has potential therapeutic benefits, without risking a maladaptive increase of fear

    Preventing intrusive memories after trauma via a brief intervention involving Tetris computer game play in the emergency department: a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial.

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    After psychological trauma, recurrent intrusive visual memories may be distressing and disruptive. Preventive interventions post trauma are lacking. Here we test a behavioural intervention after real-life trauma derived from cognitive neuroscience. We hypothesized that intrusive memories would be significantly reduced in number by an intervention involving a computer game with high visuospatial demands (Tetris), via disrupting consolidation of sensory elements of trauma memory. The Tetris-based intervention (trauma memory reminder cue plus c. 20 min game play) vs attention-placebo control (written activity log for same duration) were both delivered in an emergency department within 6 h of a motor vehicle accident. The randomized controlled trial compared the impact on the number of intrusive trauma memories in the subsequent week (primary outcome). Results vindicated the efficacy of the Tetris-based intervention compared with the control condition: there were fewer intrusive memories overall, and time-series analyses showed that intrusion incidence declined more quickly. There were convergent findings on a measure of clinical post-trauma intrusion symptoms at 1 week, but not on other symptom clusters or at 1 month. Results of this proof-of-concept study suggest that a larger trial, powered to detect differences at 1 month, is warranted. Participants found the intervention easy, helpful and minimally distressing. By translating emerging neuroscientific insights and experimental research into the real world, we offer a promising new low-intensity psychiatric intervention that could prevent debilitating intrusive memories following trauma

    Neural substrates of individual differences in human fear learning: Evidence from concurrent fMRI, fear-potentiated startle, and US-expectancy data

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    To provide insight into individual differences in fear learning, we examined the emotional and cognitive expressions of discriminative fear conditioning in direct relation to its neural substrates. Contrary to previous behavioral–neural (fMRI) research on fear learning—in which the emotional expression of fear was generally indexed by skin conductance—we used fear-potentiated startle, a more reliable and specific index of fear. While we obtained concurrent fear-potentiated startle, neuroimaging (fMRI), and US-expectancy data, healthy participants underwent a fear-conditioning paradigm in which one of two conditioned stimuli (CS(+) but not CS(–)) was paired with a shock (unconditioned stimulus [US]). Fear learning was evident from the differential expressions of fear (CS(+) > CS(–)) at both the behavioral level (startle potentiation and US expectancy) and the neural level (in amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, hippocampus, and insula). We examined individual differences in discriminative fear conditioning by classifying participants (as conditionable vs. unconditionable) according to whether they showed successful differential startle potentiation. This revealed that the individual differences in the emotional expression of discriminative fear learning (startle potentiation) were reflected in differential amygdala activation, regardless of the cognitive expression of fear learning (CS–US contingency or hippocampal activation). Our study provides the first evidence for the potential of examining startle potentiation in concurrent fMRI research on fear learning
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