18 research outputs found

    Defections “Kiai”, “Santri” and Farmers in the New Order and Reform Order in the Islamic Tradition in Rural East Java

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    The study purpose of understand the context which aspects influenced the rejection and the meaning of actions carried out by individual “Kiai”, “Santri” and farmers. “Kiai” is leader in the Islamic boarding school named “pesantren”, so “santri” is students in the “pesantren”. That action such as monoculture cropping patterns, refused Bank credit in trying to farm, and rejected the use of pesticides. Qualitative research phenomenological approach to uncover the meaning behind the defections of action called "noumena". Phenomenological approach holds that each individual action has a unique meaning that need to be understood. Results of this research showed that the action of rejection or defections by “kiai”, “santri” and farmers have different meanings, which is backed by the context and motives, “because motive” and “in order to motive”, are different on the New Order and the Order of the Reform. That action like “wong manut” or follower; “wong mblebes” or farmers creative, strategy and active in the farming; “wong lecet” or blisters; “wong keset” or doormat that starts from “Kiai” and then imitated by “santri” and farmers in the vicinity. The findings of this research is different from the pattern of dichotomy Clifford Geertz about the “santri”, “abangan” and “priyayi”. Understanding the diversity of the individual actions of the sort suggested the concept of agricultural development in Indonesia at the time will come, especially Java, attention to the diversity of local socio-cultural context, not execution of development as a leveler on the New Order. Keywords: defections, ”pesantren”, ”kiai”, ”santri”, farmers, new and reform orde

    International Migration, Remittances and Impact on the Locality of Origin

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the various conditions that  background household workers who are motivated to migrate international; sending remittances to their home town and the impact of migration international TKI on social, economic, and  culture  in the area of origin. The approach of the research is quantitative approach. collecting data with interview techniques. And. inept interview / in-depth interviews to sharpen and enrich the information phenomenon sosial.Analisis data with descriptive analysis and partial least square. The results showed that 1) demographic factors, social factors of economic and social factors driving the culture as a factor to the high motivation of international migration workers from the area of origin, 2) work environment factors and socioeconomic factors TKI abroad, which determines the high post remittance origin region 3) factors of migration and remittances that result in changes in social economic conditions, cultures in the region of origin. Keywords: international migration; remittances diversity; remittances use; social change; lifestyl

    The Effect of the Discovery Learning Model on the Critical Thinking Abilities of Geography Students

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    The discovery learning model, a mainstay in the Indonesian 2013 curriculum, can help hone students’ critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the discovery learning model on critical thinking skills in terms of students’ perceptions of geography subjects. Critical thinking ability, the dependent variable, was measured by a test of critical thinking skills. The moderator variable, namely students’ perceptions of geography subjects, was measured by a subjective questionnaire. The study took place over three meetings and ended with a post-test and questionnaire. The hypothesis was tested using independent sample t-tests and ANOVA using SPSS and a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the scores of the experimental group and the control group. The average critical thinking skills value of students who used the discovery learning model was higher than that of the other students. Keywords: discovery learning, critical thinking, perceptio

    Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik dalam Materi Konsep Dasar Ilmu Geografi di SMA

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    The basic concept material of geography is the first material that must be mastered by high school (SMA) students, but in reality in schools, especially students of SMAN 1 Wongsorejo, students still have difficulty understanding the basic concepts of geography. This research is to describe the difficulties and factors that cause students to have difficulty understanding the material. The research was qualitative in nature with data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research subjects consisted of 10 students of class X MIPA/IPS and two geography teachers. Data collection techniques in this study were through observation, interviews, documentation, and recap of students' daily test results. The results showed that SMAN 1 Wongsorejo students experienced difficulties in sub-material concepts, principles, geographic approaches, which were most dominant in principles and geographic approaches. The factors that cause learning difficulties are external factors and internal factors. External factors in the form of learning methods that are less attractive, the teacher does not reflect on learning, the abstract character of basic geography material, high demands for an independent curriculum, teaching materials and media used are less contextual and do not make use of geospatial information. While the internal factors are independence, cooperation, attention, and poor study habits. In improving the quality of learning on these materials, teachers need to conduct classroom action research, carry out peer tutoring, collaborate with colleagues, guidance and counseling teachers, and parents, carry out learning innovations and improve their professionalis

    Understanding Behaviour Environmental Education Water Resources Model of Outdoor Study on Community of "Osing" at Banyuwangi District East Java Indonesia*

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    Behavior-based preservation of the environment surrounding local knowledge is very good for environmental education for the community. As well as society of "Osing" in District of Banyuwangi maintain the water resources on the basis of local traditions. Purpose of this study was to understand the community actions "Osing" in Banyuwangi in managing environmental water resources based on local wisdom. "Osing" is a native of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. They are a sub-tribe of Java. This study used a qualitative approach with a knife constructionistic approach analysis. Subjects of study include the "Osing" and community leaders. Analysis of data using an interactive model. The results showed as follows: First, the location of the research is the village that has the most water sources in Banyuwangi, a number of 27 pieces. Second, the behavior of the environmental education of  "Osing" shown in various acts of local wisdom, namely: the tradition of ritual "rebo wakesan", "slametan", “sesajen” or "offerings", “tolak balak” or "starting reinforcements", making "jeding" or water reservoir, and the tradition of “gugur gunung” or "autumn mountain" is clean-up measures in the area of ​​water resources. In their understanding, "cutting down trees means disastrous". Every tree and water sources must be something keeping. The keeping or guard is the "ghost" or "spirits". If someone cut trees will be plagued by "ghost" and got a disaster. Keywords: environmental education, society "Osing", and water resource

    Pengurangan Risiko Bencana: Korelasi Pengetahuan dan Kesiapsiagaan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Batu

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    Internalization of disaster risk reduction (DRR) education in the school curriculum has been applied to various levels of education in Indonesia. Given that disaster knowledge is closely related to preparedness, the relevance of both becomes something essential to study. This study aims to 1) describe the level of knowledge of high school students regarding DRR and their preparedness to face disasters, 2) explore the relationship between DRR knowledge and student preparedness to face disasters. This research is a descriptive correlative study. This research was conducted in Batu City which has a status of a multi-disaster prone area. The data collection was done by survey. The number of research samples were 240 students spread across SMAN 1 Kota Batu, SMAN 2 Kota Batu, SMAN 3 Kota Batu, and SMA Islam Kota Batu. The research data was analyzed using Spearman's nonparametric test with a significance of 0.01. The results of the study showed that the student's DRR knowledge level belonged to the category of "understanding" and the level of preparedness of the students was categorized as "ready". Furthermore, there is a positive and significant relationship between two variables studied with a correlation coefficient value of 0.711


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    Abstract: East Java is one of the region which have a potentialnatural disaster. There are fourpotentialdisastersoccurredinthe region, namelyfloods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. The disasterproved tohave a negative impacton people's lives. The impact ofthe disasteris due toa lack ofanticipationforcommunities to disastersthatoccurin thereenvironment. To preventlong-term impact, environmental Education(EE) has astrategic roletoempowerstudents tohaveanticipatoryculture. This study is a preliminary research which aims to identify thecharacteristics of thedisaster which occurredinEast Java and conditions of disaster education at school. Object of the study is floods of the Konto river and landslides at Pujon district and the Kelud eruption at Pandansari Ngantang. This research uses descriptive analysis by reducing data, looking for determinant variables, and takes a conclusion. The research results show the natural disaster in research consists of flooding, landslide, and eruption. Floods and landslides occur on rainy season around December-January. Catastrophic floods caused by heavy rainfall and deforestation. While, the eruption depends on each mountain. The cause of disaster is material of eruption. Status of environment education at school is diverse, there is a region by mandatory local content-based with monolithic approach, and there is also region by elective with integrative approach. Load of the EE subjects is 2 credits, while the school is not compulsory be integrated to the main subject. In this study also be foud tha teachers do not have a EE model for anticipate natural disaster.Keywords: disaster characteristic, Environment education, Cultureanticipator

    A Preliminary Study of Bioactivity and Identification of Secondary Metabolite Functional Groups in Extracts of Agelas nakamurai Hoshino Sponge from Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia

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    Uji pendahuluan bioaktivitas dan identifikasi gugus fungsi metabolit sekunder ekstrak dalam metanol, n-heksan and metilen klorida dari spons Agelas nakamurai Hoshino, asal pulau Kapoposang, kepulauan Spermonde telah dilakukan. Juga test bioaktivitas dilakukan menggunakan Artemia salina (LC50) untuk mendapatkan  konsentrasi letalnya.  Hasilnya  LC50  adalah 187.932  ppm   yang  menunjukkan potensi ekstrak sebagai obat anti kanker. Identifikasi komponen dengan reagensia spesifik seperti Lieberman- Burchard, Mayer, Wagner, Dragendorff dan Salkowski ditambah hasil analisis FTIR menunjukkan kandungan komponen ekstrak seperti alkaloid, steroid and terpenoid. Karakteristik pita serapan alkaloid adalah for alkaloid adalah stretching NH at 3600 to 3400 cm-1 dan stretching pendukung C-N at 1250 to 1930 cm-1. Komponen spesifik untuk Agelas nakamurai adalah substitusi bromo dalam alkaloid yang ditandai oleh munculnya pita serapan  C-Br medium pada 760 to 745 cm-1

    Characteristics of Desaster Pre Liminary Research in Developing Learning Model of Environment Education Based on The Disaster in Efford to Grow an Cultural Anticipatory

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    Abstract: East Java is one of the region which have a potential natural disaster. There are four potential disasters occurred in the region, namely floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. The disasterproved tohave a negative impacton people's lives. The impact ofthe disasteris due toa lack of anticipation for communities to disasters that occurin there environment. To preventlong-term impact, environmental Education(EE) has astrategic roletoempower students to have anticipatory culture. This study is a preliminary research which aims to identify the characteristics of the disaster which occurred in East Java and conditions of disaster education at school. Object of the study is floods of the Konto river and landslides at Pujon district and the Kelud eruption at Pandansari Ngantang. This research uses descriptive analysis by reducing data, looking for determinant variables, and takes a conclusion. The research results show the natural disaster in research consists of flooding, landslide, and eruption. Floods and landslides occur on rainy season around December-January. Catastrophic floods caused by heavy rainfall and deforestation. While, the eruption depends on each mountain. The cause of disaster is material of eruption. Status of environment education at school is diverse, there is a region by mandatory local content-based with monolithic approach, and there is also region by elective with integrative approach. Load of the EE subjects is 2 credits, while the school is not compulsory be integrated to the main subject. In this study also be foud tha teachers do not have a EE model for anticipate natural disaster. Keywords: disaster characteristic, Environment education, Cultureanticipatory DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um017v20i12015p05