153 research outputs found

    Frekuensi Pulsus dan Nafas Sapi Peranakan Ongole Pasca Beranak yang Diinfusi Povidone Iodine 1 %

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui frekuensi pulsus dan nafas saat recovery uterus sapi potong pasca beranak yang diinfusi Povidon iodine 1%. Penelitian ini menggunakan 10 ekor sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) yang beranak normal, sehat, umur 4-9 tahun, skor kondisi tubuh 2,5-3,5. Sapi dikelompokkan menjadi 2 yaitu 1). kontrol 2). infusi Povidon iodine 1%. Semua sapi diperiksa secara fisik meliputi kondisi kesehatan umum, penghitungan frekuensi pulsus dan nafas pada hari ke-3 (minggu ke-1), hari ke 38 dan hari ke 68 pasca beranak. Sapi kelompok 2 diberi infusi Povidon iodine 1 % sebanyak 250 ml per-ekor pada hari ke-3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua sapi dalam kondisi sehat dengan frekuensi nafas pada sapi kelompok kontrol hari ke-3, 38 dan 68 berturut-turut adalah 28,80 ± 5,02; 24,00 ± 0,00 dan 25,20 ± 4,38 kali/menit dan pada sapi kelompok perlakuan adalah 27,60 ± 3,29; 22,40 ± 4,34 dan 21,20 ± 5,76 kali/menit. Frekuensi pulsus pada sapi kelompok kontrol hari ke-3, 38 dan 68 berturut-turut adalah 81,60 ± 8,05; 67,20 ± 14,94 dan 62,00 ± 4,90 kali/menit dan kelompok perlakuan adalah 74,40 ± 8,05; 63,20 ± 9,01 dan 72,80 ± 9,86 kali/menit. Uji t-test didapatkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang singifikan (p> 0,05) antara sapi kontrol dan perlakukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sapi PO sehat 3-68 hari pasca beranak mempunyai frekuensi nafas 21,20 ± 5,76 - 28,80 ± 5,02 kali/menit dan frekuensi pulsus 62,00 ± 4,90 - 81,60 ± 8,05 kali/menit


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    The Effect of Broiler Manure with Lactobacillus casei Fermentation on the Kampung Chicken Feed Convertion Ratio ABSTRACTHusbandry of kampung chicken is constrained by high feed prices and poor productivity. This study aims to utilize alternative feed materials derived from broiler manure to obtain a cheaper feed with good quality. Manure contains high nutrients. Manure was fermented using Lactobacillus casei to improve feed conversion. Two hundred chickens were divided into 4 groups (n = 50). Groups P1, P2, and P3 were given 4%, 8%, and 12% fermentation of L. casei, respectively. Group P0 was given a regular feed without L. casei. Each treatment group consisted of four replicates and were maintained for 60 days. The research design used was Completely Randomized Design subjected to analysis of variant (ANOVA) followed by Duncan test. The feed conversion values of groups P0, P1, P2, and P3 were 4.46; 4.38; 4.21; and 4.54, respectively. The results showed that the feed conversion was not significant in all groups. It was concluded that L. casei fermenter could not improve the feed conversion ratio (FCR).Keywords: FCR, fermentation, kampung chicken, Lactobacillus casei, manure ABSTRAKBudidaya ayam kampung terkendala tingginya harga pakan dan rendahnya produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan pakan alternatif bersumber manur (limbah kotoran) ayam broiler untuk memperoleh pakan murah dengan kualitas baik. Manur broiler masih mengandung nutrisi yang tinggi. Manur difermentasi menggunakan Lactobacillus casei untuk memperbaiki konversi pakan. Dua ratus ekor ayam dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok (n=50 ekor). Kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 masing-masing diberi ransum yang ditambah fermentasi L. casei sebanyak 4%, 8%, dan 12%. Kelompok P0 diberikan pakan biasa tanpa penambahan L. casei. Setiap kelompok perlakuan terdiri dari empat ulangan dipelihara selama 60 hari. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan analisis ragam yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Konversi pakan dari kelompok P0, P1, P2, dan P3 berturut-turut 4,46; 4,38; 4,21; dan 4,54.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konversi pakan tidak berbeda nyata pada semua kelompok perlakuan. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan penggunaan fermenter L.casei pada pakan belum mampu memperbaiki konversi pakan.Kata Kunci: ayam kampung, FCR, fermentasi, Lactobacillus casei, manu

    Infeksi Aeromonas Salmonicida Dari Berbagai Wilayah Di Indonesia Pada Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio)

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    Aeromonas salmonicida merupakan bakteri penyebab furunculosis pada ikan yang mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomi di dalam budidaya ikan air tawar. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui gambaran darah ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) yang diinfeksi oleh A. salmonicida, juga dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Sebanyak empat isolat atipikal A. salmonicida telah diisolasi dari ikan di empat daerah di Indonesia yaitu Pontianak, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Jambi dan satu isolat atipikal A. salmonicida subjenis smithia dari ATCC sebagai kontrol. Sebanyak 45 ekor ikan mas berukuran 1215 cm dibagi menjadi lima kelompok. Kelompok 14 diinfeksi dengan A. salmonicida 0,1ml x 10 4 sel/ml secara intraperitoneal dari empat isolat berbeda. Kelompok ikan 5/kontrol tidak dilakukan infeksi bakteri. Isolat A. salmonicida yang berasal dari Pontianak menunjukkan jumlah leukosit total dan kadar hemoglobin meningkat jelas pada hari ke-7 sesudah infeksi, disertai peningkatan jumlah rata-rata heterofil, limfosit dan monosit pada hari ke-7 sesudah infeksi. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan bahwa isolat A. salmonicida dari Pontianak merupakan isolat patogen yang menyebabkan reaksi akut jika dibandingkan dengan isolat dari daerah lain. Isolat A. salmonicida dari Yogyakarta menyebabkan Perubahan patologi paling ringan. Isolat dari Jambi dan Pontianak menyebabkan lesi kulit hingga lapisan otot, epicarditis mulai hari ke-3 sesudah infeksi

    The Efficacy Study of Duramectin, Oxfendazole, Piperazine, and Pyrantel pamoate Against Gastrointestinal Worms In Horses In Yogyakarta Special Region*)

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    This research aimed at determining the efficacy of duramectin, oxfendazole, piperazine, and pyrantelpamoate against gastrointestinal worms in horses in Yogyakarta Special Region and Central Java. The object of research involved 40 horses diagnosed with gastrointestinal worm infection. Prior to the research, all of the horses were subjected to examination for clinical symptoms and parasitology laboratory checkup for signs of worm eggs in their feces, and they were pronounced positive for experiment animals with at least 150 eggs per gram of feces per horse. The research horses were weighed to determine the dose of worm medication to be used. The research horses are divided into four treatment groups, each group consists of ten horses. Group I was given duramectin with a dose of 0.2 mg/kg of body weight. Group II was given oxfendazole with a dose of 7.5 mg/kg of body weight, Group III was given 125 mg Piperazin treatment per kilogram of body weight and Group IV was given pyrantelpamoate with a dose of 20 mg/kg of body weight. After receiving themedication, the horses were observed to document the progress in terms of clinical symptoms and the amount and type of worm eggs in their feces every three days for four times in a row. The research data results were tabulated and were descriptive-comparatively analyzed.The research result showed varying efficacy level of worm medication for horses. Oxfendazole kills Strongylus and Parascaris worms. Duramectin kills Strongylus worms and reduce some of the Parascaris worms. Piperazineandpyrantelpamoate kills the Strongylus wormsand reduce some of the Parascaris.

    Penyakit Ginjal Kronis pada Anjing dan Kucing: Manajemen Terapi dan Diet

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    Chronic kidney disease is a progressive impairment of renal function and irreversible. The kidneys fail to maintain metabolism and fluid and electrolyte balance, causing uremia. This disease is a common problem in old cats and dogs that not detected by the owners up to 75 % of kidney function is damaged. Clinical signs vary as polyuria, polidipsi, anorexia, vomiting, weight loss, pale mucous membranes, mouth ulceration, halitosis and acute blindness. Chronic renal failure is not curable so that the necessary medication management and proper diet in orderto improve the quality of life and prolong the life of the animal

    MANFAAT SUPLEMENTASI VITAMIN C PADA KESEHATAN TERNAK RUMINANSIA (Benefits of Vitamin C Supplementation on Ruminants Health)

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    Vitamin C is an important water-soluble vitamin that is needed by every living thing. Domestic animals, including ruminants, were capable of synthesizing ascorbic acid, primarily in the liver, therefore, vitamin C is not considered to be an essential nutrient for healthy ruminants. Nevertheless, in ruminants, vitamin C is important in biochemical reactions involving collagen cross-linking, hydroxylation of proline and lysine, and steroid and bile acid synthesis. However, in fact, Dietary vitamin C is extensively degraded in the rumen. Although ruminants are able to synthesize vitamin C, when ruminants experience stress and suffer from various diseases, vitamin C supplementation from outside is still needed to restore their health condition. Therefore, vitamin C supplements still have great benefits for optimizing their health conditions. This review discusses the effects of vitamin C and its supplementation on the health of ruminants

    Fitat Dan Fitase : Dampak Pada Hewan Ternak

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    In countries with high plant biodiversity such as Indonesia, the availability of food of plant origin is very diverse. The presence of anti-nutrients in plants would potentially cause problems in cattle if not managed properly. phytic acid is one anti nutritional factor that have a role in disrupting the health and productivity The term phytate refers to the molecule phytic acid, which generally acts as a chelate to Mg, Ca, Na, and K, and in some cases protein and carbohydrates. Seeds of cereals, legumes and oilseed plant which is used as animal feed usually contains a lot of phytic acid which can cause a decline in nutritional value. However, with a variety of processing methods, levels of phytic acid in animal feed can be reduced or even eliminated. In addition to the processing method, the method of adding phytase enzyme may also be done to improve the nutritional value of the animal feed ingredients

    Brief Review: The Negative Impact Of Mimosin in L. leucocephala in Ruminant Animals and Processing Methods to Reduce Poisoning Effects on Ruminant Livestock

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    Leucaena leucocephala, a high-quality ruminant feed, is essential for livestock production in the tropics, despite the presence of mimosine in the leaves. Mimosine, in high concentrations, can severely affect animal health and performance. Mimosine and its metabolites, 3-hydroxy-4-(1H)-piridon (DHP), are toxic to ruminants and caused hair loss, slow growth, and oral ulceration, whereas DHP is goitrogenic because it is analogous to tyrosine so resulting in goiter. Mimosine and its metabolites are the main hindrance blocks for the utilization of L.leucocephala as animal feed. Characteristic signs of L.leucocephala toxicity are alopecia, anorexia, reduced weight gain, and weight loss, excessive salivation, esophageal lesions, enlarged thyroid and low circulating concentrations of thyroid hormones. Therefore, the research workers had tried to develop different methods to eliminate the toxicological effects of mimosine and its metabolites. This paper aims to briefly review the negative effects of mimosine from L. leucocephala and its processing to reduce the toxic effects on ruminants. Keywords: Leucaena leucocephala, mimosine, toxicity, metabolite


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    The aim of this research is to find out the larvicidal effect of rumput Kebar ethanol extract againts A. aegypti larvae. Seven hundred and twenty larvae of third instars were divided into 3 series and consist of 4 concentrations, (0 ppm, 2000 ppm, 2500 ppm and 3000 ppm) with 3 replications. Each group using 20 larvae of third instars were placed in 200 ml of treatment solutions. The effect of the treatments were monitored by counting the number of dead larvae after 24 h, 48 h and 72 h of exposure. Data was analyzed by ANOVA and Probit analysis was used to find out Lethal Concentration50 and LC90. The results showed that the average mortality is highest on the concentration of 3000 ppm after 72 h of exposure were 27 (36,15%). LC50 and LC90 values of 4770.626 ppm and 8264.651 ppm after 24 h of exposure

    Studi penentuan status hidrasi secara klinis pada anak kambing peranakan=Study on Clinical Assessment ofHydration Status of Pre-Ruminant Etawah Goats

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    The purpose of this research was to develop accurate, and objective guidelines for assessing hydration status of suckling goat. Ten male suckling goats (Etawah) aged between 10 to 14 days old were used in this study. Dehydration was induced by fasting from all kinds of feed and administration of diuretics (furosemide 2 mg/kg im q 4 hours, spironolactone 50 mg PO, q 8 hours and hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg PO, q 8 hours) and chatartic (sucrose solution 2 g of sucrose/kg in 20% aqueous solution, PO, q 8 hours) during 24 hours. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship between some clinical parameters (enophthalmus, skin-tent, pulse, respiration rate, body temperature) and the degree of dehydration, as determined by change in body weight. The results indicate that enophthalmus and skin elasticity on thoracal region were closely related to the hydration status (R2 = 0,94 and R2 = 0,90) and therefore could be useful as predictors for evaluating hydration status of suckling goat. Keywords: dehydration â suckling goat âdegree of dehydratio