211 research outputs found

    Environmental sustainability, nonlinear dynamics and chaos reloaded: 0 matters!

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    n this paper, we reconsider the overlapping generations (OLG) environmental model in- troduced in John and Pecchenino (1994) and Zhang (1999) by adopting the specification of the environmental dynamics proposed by Naimzada and Sodini (2010). The model is characterized by two different regimes that may alternate: one in which environmental evolution and economic growth co-evolve in the same direction; the other in which the environmental problem is not internalized by the agents, that is, the agents do not devolve any private resource to the environmental quality, leading to a possible trade-off between environment and economic growth. The analysis of the equilibrium dynamics, described by a two dimensional piecewise smooth map, shows that starting from a parametric configuration in which the dynamics are eventually driven by a unique regime, the increase of the negative effect of the agents’ consumption activity ends up in scenarios where the two regimes alternate, determining the rise of stable cycles or the occurrence of chaotic regimes. It is interesting to notice that because of the nonsmoothness of the map, the rise in environmental harm produced by economic activity may induce a sudden transition to chaotic regime

    Bowling alone but tweeting together: the evolution of human interaction in the social networking era

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    The objective of this paper is to theoretically analyze how human interaction may evolve in a world characterized by the explosion of online networking and other Web-mediated ways of building and nurturing relationships. The analysis shows that online networking yields a storage mechanism through which any individual contribution—e.g. a blog post, a comment, or a photo—is stored within a particular network and ready for virtual access by each member who connects to the network. When someone provides feedback, for example by commenting on a note, or by replying to a message, the interaction is finalized. These interactions are asynchronous, i.e. they allow individuals to relate in different moments, whenever they have time to. When the social environment is poor of participation opportunities and/or the pressure on time increases (for example due to the need to increase the working time), the stock of information and ties stored in the Internet can help individuals to defend their sociability

    Environmental degradation and indeterminacy of equilibrium selection

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    This paper analyzes an intertemporal optimization problem in which agents derive utility from three goods: leisure, a public environmental good and the consumption of a produced good. The global analysis of the dynamic system generated by the optimization problem shows that global indeterminacy may arise: given the initial values of the state variables, the economy may converge to different steady states, by choosing different initial values of the control variable

    Should I stay or should I go? Carbon leakage and ETS in an evolutionary model

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    Emissions trading is gaining increasing importance around the world as a suitable instrument to address climate change. In the absence of a global carbon market, however, unilateral carbon policies may end up causing carbon leakage effects, the more so if carbon prices are to increase in the future to achieve more ambitious emissions abatement targets. This paper intends to explore the possible delocalization effects of an Emissions Trading System (ETS) by proposing an evolutionary theoretical model in which regulated firms decide whether to stay (keep their production activities in the domestic country) or leave (move production abroad where no ETS is in place) imitating what other firms do. We investigate how this decision is affected by some key ETS design features, such as the emissions cap, the number of allowances granted for free to ETS firms, the level of a floor price for allowances. Numerical simulations show that the firms' decision on whether to abate emissions or relocate abroad are more sensitive to policies that reduce the cost of green technologies than to changes in specific features of the ETS design such as the emissions cap, the floor price and the number of permits granted for free.Web of Science103art. no. 10556

    Estimation of pore-water electrical conductivity in soilless tomatoes cultivation using an interpretable machine learning model

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    Soilless culture is widely adopted for improving produce quality and yield and increasing input efficiency. Most of the benefits potentially achievable in soilless systems are possible through precise and continuous management and adjustment of plant nutrition. Under operational conditions, the electrical conductivity (EC) is the main driving parameter leading fertigation strategies, but its measure in the drainage water can be not completely representative of the root zone in the growing medium. Nowadays low-cost sensors can be adopted to measure bulk EC (ECb) in the substrate. The Hilhorst equation is commonly used to convert the ECb into pore-water EC (ECw). This equation is widely calibrated for soil cultivation, but unable to perform properly for soilless substrate with high moisture content and water permittivity. In this work, two cultivation cycles of cherry tomato, managed in a closed-loop soilless system, were used to calibrate and validate two alternative models to the above equation (i.e., generalized additive model - GAM, and extreme gradient boost model - XGBoost). The models predicted ECw from the ECb recorded by substrate sensors. Plants were grown in rockwool using two different strategies for nutrient solution refill achieving different ECw trends during the cultivation. The Hilhorst equation confirmed its unsuitability for ECw prediction in soilless systems. ECw prediction through GAM was not satisfying at low and high ECw values. XGBoost was the most suitable model for ECw estimation, particularly at extreme EC values

    Can vesicle size distributions assess eruption intensity during volcanic activity?

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    Abstract. We studied three-dimensional (3-D) vesicle size distributions by X-ray microtomography in scoria collected during the relatively quiescent Phase II of the April–May 2010 eruption at Eyjafjallajökull volcano, Iceland. Our goal was to compare cumulative vesicle size distributions (VSDs) measured in these samples with those found in Stromboli volcano, Italy. Stromboli was chosen because its VSDs are well-characterized and show a correlation with eruption intensity: typical Strombolian activity produces VSDs with power-law exponents near 1, whereas larger and more energetic vulcanian-type explosions and Plinian eruptions produce VSDs with power-law exponents near 1.5. The first hypothesis to be tested was whether or not the samples studied in this work would contain VSDs similar to normal Strombolian products, display higher power-law exponents, or be described by exponential functions. Before making this comparison, we tested a second hypothesis, which was that the magma–water interactions in the Eyjafjallajökull eruption might have a significant effect on the VSDs. We performed 1 bar bubble-growth experiments in which the samples were inundated with water and compared them to similar control experiments without water inundation. No significant differences between the VSDs of the two sets of experiments were found, and the second hypothesis is not supported by the experimental evidence. The Phase II Eyjafjallajökull VSDs are described by power-law exponents of ~0.8, typical of normal Strombolian eruptions, and support the first hypothesis. The comparable VSDs and behavior of Phase II of the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption to Stromboli are interpreted to be a reflection of similar conduit systems in both volcanoes that are being constantly fed by the ascent of mingled/mixed magma from depth. Such behavior implies that continued activity during Phase II of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption could be expected and would have been predicted, had our VSDs been measured in real time during the eruption. However, the products studied show no peculiar feature that could herald the renewed eruption intensity observed in the following Phase III of the eruption

    Major threats caused by climate change to grapevine

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    The main worrying feature of climate change is its rapid evolution, in extent and variation, becoming less and less predictable. In this paper, we have reviewed the available literature and elaborated original data to outline how climate change will affect the grapevine cultivation and wine quality. We start by discussing which features of climate change will impact grapevine production most. The effects of heatwaves, air and soil temperature, extreme rainfall events, atmospheric evaporative demand, wildfires, and smoke are addressed. An increased frequency and intensity of heat waves since 2010 is shown in four grapevine production areas of Northern Italy. The focus then shifts to the impacts of the predicted increase in temperature and drought on frost risks, grapevine phenology, yield, berry quality and water needs as well as vine and vineyard carbon budgets. Climate change will challenge the achievement of current yields and wine quality as well as the ability of vineyards to sequester atmospheric carbon, but such effects will likely depend on the characteristics of the growing environments and on the varieties present. Climate change-related threats to grapevine call for a rapid implementation of adaptation strategies


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    The fetal ductus arteriosus (DA) contracts to oxygen, and this feature, maturing through gestation, is considered important for its closure at birth. We have previously obtained evidence of the involvement of cytochrome P-450, possibly of the 3A subfamily (CYP3A), in oxygen sensing and have also identified endothelin (ET)-1 as the attendant effector for the contraction. Here, we examined comparatively wild-type (WT) and CYP3Anull (Cyp3a(-/-)) mice for direct validation of this concept. We found that the CYP3A subfamily is represented only by CYP3A13 in the WT DA. CYP3A13 was also detected in the DA by immunofluorescence microscopy, being primarily colocalized with the endoplasmic reticulum in both endothelial and muscle cells. However, a distinct signal was also evident in the plasma membrane. Isolated DAs from term WT animals developed a sustained contraction to oxygen with transient contractions superimposed. Conversely, no tonic response occurred in Cyp3a(-/-) DAs, whereas the phasic response persisted unabated. Oxygen did not contract the preterm WT DA but caused a full-fledged contraction after retinoic acid (RA) treatment. RA also promoted an oxygen contraction in the Cyp3a(-/-) DA. However, responses of RA-treated WT and Cyp3a(-/-) mice differed in that only the former abated with ET-1 suppression. This implies the existence of an alternative target for RA responsible for the oxygen-induced contraction in the absence of CYP3A13. In vivo, the DA was constricted in WT and Cyp3a(-/-) newborns, although with a tendency to be less narrowed in the mutant. We conclude that oxygen acts primarily through the complex CYP3A13 (sensor)/ET-1 (effector) and, in an accessory way, directly onto ET-1. However, even in the absence of CYP3A13, the DA may close postnatally thanks to the contribution of ET-1 and the likely involvement of compensating mechanism(s) identifiable with an alternative oxygen-sensing system and/or the withdrawal of relaxing influence(s) operating prenatally