46 research outputs found

    Towards full citizenship: correlates of engagement with the gender identity law among transwomen in Argentina.

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    In May 2012, Argentina passed its "Gender Identity" Law, which aimed to address the legal invisibility, discrimination and marginalization that transgender individuals have historically faced. The aim of this study was to explore factors associated with engagement with the Gender Identity Law among transwomen living in Argentina.Data were derived from a 2013 nationwide, cross-sectional study involving transwomen in Argentina. Using multivariate logistic regression, we assessed the prevalence and factors associated with acquiring a gender-congruent identity card within the first 18 months of enactment of the Gender Identity Law.Among 452 transwomen, 260 (57.5%) reported that they had obtained a new gender-congruent identity card. In multivariate analysis, factors positively associated with acquiring a new ID were: previously experiencing discrimination by healthcare workers (adjusted odd ratio [aOR] = 2.01, 95% CI: 1.27-3.20); having engaged in transition procedures (aOR = 3.06, 95% CI: 1.58-5.93); and having a job other than sex work (aOR = 1.81, 95% CI: 1.06-3.10). Foreign born transwomen were less likely to have obtained a new ID (aOR = 0.14, 95% CI: 0.06-0.33).More than half of transwomen in our sample acquired a new gender-congruent ID within the first 18 months of enactment of the Gender Identity Law. However, access to and uptake of this right has been heterogeneous. In particular, our findings suggest that the most empowered transwomen may have been among the first to take advantage of this right. Although educational level, housing conditions, HIV status and sex work were not associated with the outcome, foreign-born status was a strong negative correlate of new ID acquisition. Therefore, additional efforts should be made in order to ensure that benefits of this founding policy reach all transwomen in Argentina

    Improving effect of chronic resveratrol treatment on central monoamines synthesis and cognition in aged rats

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    [eng] Resveratrol is a polyphenol exhibiting antioxidant and neuroprotective effects in neurodegenerative diseases. However, neuroprotective properties during normal aging have not been clearly demonstrated. We analyzed the in vivo effects of chronic administration of resveratrol (20 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks) in old male rats (Wistar, 20 months), on tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activities which mediate central monoaminergic neurotransmitters synthesis, and besides, on hippocampal-dependent working memory test (radial maze). Our results show an age-related decline in neurochemical parameters that were reversed by resveratrol administration. The resveratrol treatment enhances serotonin (5-HT) levels in pineal gland, in hippocampus, and in striatum, and those of noradrenaline (NA) in hippocampus and also dopamine (DA) in striatum. These changes were largely due to an increased activity of TPH-1 (463 % in pineal gland), TPH-2 (70-51 % in hippocampus and striatum), and TH (150-36 % in hippocampus and striatum). Additionally, the observed hippocampal effects correlate with a resveratrol-induced restorative effect on working memory (radial maze). In conclusion, this study suggests resveratrol treatment as a restoring therapy for the impaired cognitive functions occurring along normal aging process, by preventing 5-HT, DA, and NA neurotransmission decline

    Pandemic Influenza A in the ICU: Experience in Spain and Latin America GETGAG/ SEMICYUC/(Spanish Work Group on Severe Pandemic Influenza A/SEMICYUC)

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    Introducción: La pandemia de gripe A (H1N1)v es la primera pandemia en la que las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) desempeñan un papel fundamental. Su evolución ha sido muy rápida desde los primeros casos diagnosticados en México y la afectación posterior de países del cono sur hasta su llegada a Europa durante la época estival. Objetivo: Comparar las características clínicas y de evolución de los pacientes críticos ingresados hasta el 31 de julio de 2009 en España con algunas series de Latinoamérica. Material y método: Se consideraron 6 series de pacientes ingresados en la UCI. Se realizaron comparaciones de las características clínicas, complicaciones y evolución entre las series. Resultados: Los datos evidencian una población joven (35–45 años) con predominio de ingresos por neumonía viral con grave insuficiencia respiratoria y una elevada necesidad de ventilación mecánica (60–100%). Si bien algunas determinadas poblaciones, como los obesos, las embarazadas y los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar crónica, parecen estar expuestas a un riesgo más elevado, la ausencia de comorbilidades alcanza un porcentaje considerable en casi todas las series (40–50%). La mortalidad superior en Latinoamérica oscilo´ entre el 25 y el 50%, y demostró´ el particular potencial patogénico del nuevo virus. El uso del tratamiento antiviral es tardío (entre 3 y 6 días) y poco generalizado, con mayor retraso en Latinoamérica respecto de España. Conclusiones: Estos datos indican que una estrategia de tratamiento más intensivo con un acceso más precoz y fácil al antiviral podría reducir el número de pacientes que requieren UCI y su mortalidad.Introduction: Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1)v infection is the first pandemic in which intensive care units (ICU) play a fundamental role. It has spread very rapidly since the first cases were diagnosed in Mexico with the subsequent spread of the virus throughout the Southern Cone and Europe during the summer season. Objective: This study has aimed to compare the clinical presentation and outcome among the critical patients admitted to the ICU until July 31, 2009 in Spain with some series from Latin America. Material and method: Six series of critically ill patients admitted to the ICU were considered. Clinical characteristics, complications and outcome were compared between series. Results: Young patients (35–45 years) with viral pneumonia as a predominant ICU admission cause with severe respiratory failure and a high need of mechanical ventilation (60–100%) were affected. Obesity, pregnancy and chronic lung disease were risk factors associated with a worse outcome, however there was a high number of patients without comorbidities (40–50%). Mortality rate was between 25–50% and higher in the Latin America series, demonstrating the specific potential pathogenesis of the new virus. The use of antiviral treatment was delayed (between 3 and 6 days) and not generalized, with greater delay in Latin America in regards to Spain. Conclusions: These data suggest that a more aggressive treatment strategy, with earlier and easier access to the antiviral treatment might reduce the number of ICU admissions and mortalit

    Informe sobre els serveis socials de les Illes Balears

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    Estudio global sobre las necesidades de los diversos sectores sociales y sobre los recursos, públicos y privados, disponibles en las Illes Balears. Los diversos capítulos se centran en las características sociodemográficas de las Illes Balears en el umbral del siglo XXI, la relación entre infancia y familia, las necesidades y servicios de las personas mayores, las personas con discapacidad, los programas y recursos para el tratamiento y la prevención de las drogodependencias en Mallorca y la inserción social de los colectivos desfavorecidos.BalearesES

    Repurposing doxycycline for synucleinopathies: remodelling of α-synuclein oligomers towards non-toxic parallel beta-sheet structured species

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    International audienceSynucleinophaties are progressive neurodegenerative disorders with no cure to date. An attractive strategy to tackle this problem is repurposing already tested safe drugs against novel targets. In this way, doxycycline prevents neurodegeneration in Parkinson models by modulating neuroinflammation. However, anti-inflammatory therapy per se is insufficient to account for neuroprotection. Herein we characterise novel targets of doxycycline describing the structural background supporting its effectiveness as a neuroprotector at subantibiotic doses. Our results show that doxycycline reshapes α-synuclein oligomers into off-pathway, high-molecular-weight species that do not evolve into fibrils. Off-pathway species present less hydrophobic surface than on-pathway oligomers and display different β-sheet structural arrangement. These structural changes affect the α-synuclein ability to destabilize biological membranes, cell viability, and formation of additional toxic species. Altogether, these mechanisms could act synergically giving novel targets for repurposing this drug