165 research outputs found

    Creación de una guía para auxiliares de óptica

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    Tenint en compte que les activitats que fan els auxiliars d’òptica són moltes, i que la formació amb la que opten als seus llocs de treball és poca, es veu la necessitat d’aprofundir en la seva formació. Aquest treball té tres objectius: 1) Realitzar una cerca de la oferta formativa relacionada amb l’exercici de l’auxiliar d’òptica. 2) Recopilar informació sobre les activitats que fan els auxiliars d’òptica i les seves necessitats de formació. 3) Elaborar una senzilla guia, que sigui d’utilitat per a consultes i resolució de dubtes, considerant que seria molt positiva per facilitar el dia a dia de l’auxiliar d’òptica amb poca o cap formació prèvia. Actualment es troba oferta formativa tant en forma de cursos no reglats, com de cursos reglats (cicles formatius). La informació sobre activitats i necessitats s’ha recopilat elaborant una enquesta, que han respost 51 auxiliars d’òptica de la Comunitat autònoma de Galícia. Principalment duen a terme activitats de recepció i atenció al client, venda d’ulleres de sol, assessorament en lents oftàlmiques i muntures, i interpretació de receptes. Les necessitats de formació estan relacionades amb el temps que fa que treballen, i les activitats que els són assignades. Després d’analitzar els resultats de les enquestes, es proposa un document-guia tenint en compte les activitats dutes a terme majoritàriament, i d’acord amb les necessitats de formació

    La regulación política de la familia. Ideología, desigualdad y género en el "Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia"

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    Family is the private institution par excellence; however, it is subject to political intervention. In this article, we reflect on the ideological components that underlie public policies affecting the family and what they mean in the context in which they are activated. We analyze the Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia 2015- 2017, drawn up by the Spanish government. In the current phase of reactivation of neoliberal policies, the family is intended to strengthen its functions of protection and care of its members, in line with the gradual reduction of public responsibilities by the state. In this context, maternity protection is essential, since it focuses the role of women as mothers and caregivers. Thus, changes in the agenda of the family correspond to changes in the equality agenda.La familia es la institución privada por excelencia y, sin embargo, es objeto de intervención política. En este artículo reflexionamos acerca de los componentes ideológicos que subyacen en las políticas públicas que afectan a la familia y el significado que tienen en el contexto en que se activan. Para ello, analizamos el Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia 2014-2017. Borrador de trabajo, elaborado por el gobierno español. En la actual fase de reactivación de las políticas neoliberales, se pretende que la familia fortalezca sus funciones de protección y cuidado de sus miembros, en correspondencia con la progresiva disminución de las responsabilidades públicas por parte del Estado. En este contexto, la protección de la maternidad resulta fundamental, pues focaliza el papel de las mujeres como madres y cuidadoras. Los cambios en la agenda de la familia se corresponden, pues, con cambios en la agenda de igualdad

    Conversión de inhibidores de la calcineurina por inhibidores mTOR contribuye al tratamiento de las neoplasias intraepiteliales en cérvix en mujeres con trasplante renal

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    The patient is a 32-year-old woman with a history of chronic kidney disease due to interstitial nephritis. After 2 years on hemodialysis the patient received a renal transplant and was treated with standard immunosuppression: steroids, mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus. Three years later the patient presented a squamous intraepithelial neoplasia in the cervix and infection with human papilloma virus (HPV), with poor response to local treatment with cryotherapy and laser. Because calcineurin inhibitors have a higher risk of presenting cancer such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and skin cancer, and because inhibitors of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) at the intracellular level could reverse premalignant skin tumor lesions in the head and neck, tacrolimus, was suspended and changed to everolimus, an mTOR inhibitor. As a result, both cervical lesion and HPV infection disappeared 6 years later, with a fair renal function and no episodes of renal graft rejection.Mujer de 32 años con antecedentes de enfermedad renal crónica debido a nefritis intersticial. Después de 2 años en hemodiálisis la paciente recibió un trasplante renal y fue tratada con inmunosupresión estándar: esteroides, micofenolato mofetilo y tacrolimus. Tres años después la paciente presentó una neoplasia intraepitelial escamosa en cérvix e infección con el virus del papiloma humano (VPH), con mala respuesta al tratamiento local con crioterapia y láser. Debido a que los inhibidores de la calcineurina tienen mayor riesgo de presentar cáncer como el linfoma no Hodgkin y el de piel, y los inhibidores de la vía mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) a nivel intracelular pueden revertir las lesiones premalignas de tumores de piel en cabeza y cuello, el tacrolimus, fue suspendido y cambiado por everolimus, un inhibidor mTOR. Como resultado tanto la lesión en cérvix como la infección por VPH desaparecieron 6 años después, con una buena función renal y sin episodios de rechazo del injerto renal

    Inclusion of a specific T cell epitope increases the protection conferred against foot-and-mouth disease virus in pigs by a linear peptide containing an immunodominant B cell site

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes an economically important and highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals. FMD control in endemic regions is implemented using chemically inactivated whole-virus vaccines. Currently, efforts are directed to the development of safe and marked vaccines. We have previously reported solid protection against FMDV conferred by branched structures (dendrimeric peptides) harbouring virus-specific B and T-cell epitopes. In order to gain insights into the factors determining a protective immune response against FMDV, in this report we sought to dissect the immunogenicity conferred by different peptide-based immunogens. Thus, we have assessed the immune response and protection elicited in pigs by linear peptides harbouring the same FMDV B-cell or B and T-cell epitopes (B and TB peptides, respectively).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pigs were twice immunized with either the B-cell epitope (site A) peptide or with TB, a peptide where the B-cell epitope was in tandem with the T-cell epitope [3A (21-35)]. Both, B and TB peptides were able to induce specific humoral (including neutralizing antibodies) and cellular immune responses against FMDV, but did not afford full protection in pigs. The data obtained showed that the T-cell epitope used is capable to induce efficient T-cell priming that contributes to improve the protection against FMDV. However, the IgA titres and IFNγ release elicited by these linear peptides were lower than those detected previously with the dendrimeric peptides.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the incorporation of a FMDV specific T-cell epitope in the peptide formulation allows a significant reduction in virus excretion and clinical score after challenge. However, the linear TB peptide did not afford full protection in challenged pigs, as that previously reported using the dendrimeric construction indicating that, besides the inclusion of an adecuate T-cell epitope in the formulation, an efficient presentation of the B-cell epitope is crucial to elicit full protection by peptide vaccines.</p

    Identification of putative second genetic hits in schizophrenia carriers of high-risk copy number variants and resequencing in additional samples

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) conferring risk of schizophrenia present incomplete penetrance, suggesting the existence of second genetic hits. Identification of second hits may help to find genes with rare variants of susceptibility to schizophrenia. The aim of this work was to search for second hits of moderate/high risk in schizophrenia carriers of risk CNVs and resequencing of the relevant genes in additional samples. To this end, ten patients with risk CNVs at cytobands 15q11.2, 15q11.2-13.1, 16p11.2, or 16p13.11, were subjected to whole-exome sequencing. Rare single nucleotide variants, defined as those absent from main public databases, were classified according to bioinformatic prediction of pathogenicity by CADD scores. The average number of rare predicted pathogenic variants per sample was 13.6 (SD 2.01). Two genes, BFAR and SYNJ1, presented rare predicted pathogenic variants in more than one sample. Follow-up resequencing of these genes in 432 additional cases and 432 controls identified a significant excess of rare predicted pathogenic variants in case samples at SYNJ1. Taking into account its function in clathrin-mediated synaptic vesicle endocytosis at presynaptic terminals, our results suggest an impairment of this process in schizophrenia

    Zoonotic Transmission of Diphtheria from Domestic Animal Reservoir, Spain

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    Toxigenic Corynebacterium ulcerans is as an emerging zoonotic agent of diphtheria. We describe the zoonotic transmission of diphtheria caused by toxigenic C. ulcerans from domestic animals in Spain, confirmed by core-genome multilocus sequence typing. Alongside an increasing number of recent publications, our findings highlight the public health threat posed by diphtheria reemergence.This work was partially funded by Área de Ganadería de la Dirección General de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación de la Comunidad de Madrid.S

    Clinical infections by herpesviruses in patients treated with valproic acid: A nested case-control study in the Spanish Primary Care Database, BIFAP

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the risk of clinical infections by herpesviruses in patients exposed to valproic acid (VPA).We performed a case-control study nested in a primary cohort selected from the Spanish primary care population-based research database BIFAP (Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria) over the period 2001–2015. The events of interest were those diseases caused by any herpesviruses known to infect humans. For each case, up to 10 controls per case matched by age, gender, and calendar date were randomly selected. A conditional logistic regression was used to compute adjusted odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Current use of VPA was associated with a trend towards a reduced risk of clinical infections by herpesviruses as compared with non-users (OR 0.84; CI 95% 0.7–1.0; p = 0.057). Among current users, a trend to a decreased risk with treatment durations longer than 90 days was also observed. The results show a trend to a reduced risk of clinical infection by herpesviruses in patients exposed to VPA. These results are consistent with those in vitro studies showing that, in cultured cells, VPA can inhibit the production of the infectious progeny of herpesviruses. This study also shows the efficient use of electronic healthcare records for clinical exploratory research studie

    Informe Anual del Sistema de Información Microbiológica. 2015

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    El objetivo del presente informe es mostrar los resultados de la información recibida en el SIM durante el año 201