58 research outputs found

    Algunas observaciones sobre la desaparición del futuro de subjuntivo y su forma compuesta del sistema temporal castellano

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    El presente artículo gira en torno a la cronología de la desaparición de las formas cantare y hubiere cantado del sistema temporal castellano, atendiendo a las diferencias entre el español peninsular y su variedad americana, en las que se fijó en su día Germán de Granda (1978). Debido a la escasez de datos acerca de la forma compuesta del futuro de subjuntivo, el autor realiza un pequeño análisis de su empleo en las obras de la narrativa española de los siglos XVI–XIX recopiladas en el corpus CORDE

    How do we make use of the knowledge of Present Perfect, Past Simple and Past Continuous when teaching their Spanish “equivalents”?

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania znajomości czasów Present Perfect, Past Simple i Past Continuous w procesie nauczania ich hiszpańskich „odpowiedników”. Za punkt wyjścia do wskazania podobieństw i różnic pomiędzy tymi czasami i ich hiszpańskimi ekwiwalentami posłuży analiza podstawowych kryteriów typologicznych łączących język angielski z językiem hiszpańskim oraz odróżniających je od polszczyzny. Ponadto autor zwróci uwagę na przyczynę nieprawidłowego stosowania przez polskich uczniów czasów Past Simple i Past Continuous oraz Pretérito Indefinido i Pretérito Imperfecto, która wiąże się z myleniem kategorii aspektu z kategorią czasu.The aim of this article is to present the possibilities of making use of the knowledge of Present Perfect, Past Simple and Past Continuous when teaching their Spanish “equivalents”. Taking into account some typological criteria which connect English with Spanish and distinguish these languages from Polish, the researcher will attempt to indicate some basic similarities and differences between Present Perfect, Past Simple and Past Continuous, and their Spanish “counterparts”. Furthermore, the author will endeavour to point out the main reason for the incorrect usage of Past Simple and Past Continuous, and Pretérito Indefinido and Pretérito Imperfecto by Polish speakers due to confusion between the category of aspect and tense

    Sobre las causas de la sustitución de cantare habeo por cantaré

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    The aim of the article is to comment on the reasons for the replacement of the analytic future form (cantare habeo) by the synthetic one (cantaré) in Medieval Spanish. Undoubtedly, we are dealing with a process considered to be a linguistic change, which was triggered not only by a series of different morphological and phonological factors, but also by those of a semantic and syntactic nature. We should nonetheless bear in mind that this replacement basically meant a change in the for¬mal expression of posteriority. For this reason, its creation did not prove to be so innovative, unlike, for example, the appearance of cantaría, which was a completely new and nonexistent conjugation verbal category in Latin

    On the expression of posteriority in peninsular and Mexican Spanish between 1929 and 2015

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    This article aims to comment on the changes which took place among forms expressing posteriority in Peninsular and Mexican Spanish between 1929-2015. The study is based on a prepared corpus which is comprised of twenty novels (ten Spanish and ten Mexican). Emphasis is not only put on the distribution of "cantará, va a cantar y canta", but also on the in-depth analysis of the usage of "cantaría, iba a cantar, y cantaba". Furthermore, the analysis includes the so-called accompanying forms, such as "vaya a cantar, fuera a cantar, fuese a cantar, irá a cantar, iría a cantar, va a haber cantado e iba a haber cantado".El presente artículo gira en torno a los cambios que se produjeron entre las formas de posterioridad en el español peninsular y en su variedad mexicana en los años 1929-2015. Basándonos en nuestro propio corpus que comprende veinte novelas (diez españolas y diez mexicanas), no solo llamamos la atención sobre la repartición de "cantará, va a cantar y canta", sino que también analizamos con detenimiento el uso de "cantaría, iba a cantar y cantaba". Además, nuestro análisis abarca las llamadas formas acompañantes: "vaya a cantar, fuera a cantar, fuese a cantar, irá a cantar, iría a cantar, va a haber cantado e iba a haber cantado"

    Sobre la extensión temporal de «haya cantado» y la posible reorganización de los tiempos del modo subjuntivo en el español de América

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    El presente artículo gira en torno a la extensión temporal de haya cantado y su capacidad de sustituir a cantara~-se y hubiera~-se cantado en las oraciones subordinadas documentadas en distintos países de América. Dicho proceso se parece mucho a lo que se observa en el francés contemporáneo en el que se emplean solo dos formas del modo subjuntivo: que je chante y que j'aie chanté. Teniendo en cuenta el parentesco existente entre las lenguas románicas, no se puede excluir a estas alturas que en el español de América se produzca una reorganización de los tiempos del modo subjuntivo que contribuya a la desaparición de las formas cantara~-se y hubiera~-se cantado.The aim of this article is to comment on the temporal extension of haya cantadoand its potential to replace cantara~-se y hubiera~-se cantado in subordinate clauses documented/registered in different countries of Latin America. This process resembles the change observed in contemporary French in which only two forms of the subjunctive mood are used: que je chante and que j'aie chanté. Taking into account the similaritiesbetween Romance languages, we cannot exclude at this point a possible reorganisation of the traditional division of tenses in the subjunctive mood in Latin American Spanish which may contribute to the disappearance of cantara~-se and hubiera~-se cantado

    Ochrona dziedzictwa kultury w systemie prawnym Unii Europejskiej

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    For a long time the European Community, followed by the European Union, did not pay considerable attention to the protection of European cultural heritage or to the issue of cultural policy, and they left this field, more or less consciously, to the system of the Council of Europe. The matters concerning this field were only stipulated in Art. 151 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. However, this article limits the activity of the European Union in the realm of culture to supplementary and supportive activities. When undertaking such activities, it is necessary to respect national and regional diversity and to bring the common cultural heritage of Europe to the fore. Cultural policy shall remain the domain of the Member States, though. The Union should encourage cooperation between Member States and supplement their activities as stipulated in Art. 151. The realm of culture in Community law is only regulated by so-called soft law. The Community legislative acts in the form of regulations, directives or decisions touch upon this field only when the realm of culture overlaps with the realms regulated by Community laws, such as the transfer of persons, goods, commodities and the protection of competition.For a long time the European Community, followed by the European Union, did not pay considerable attention to the protection of European cultural heritage or to the issue of cultural policy, and they left this field, more or less consciously, to the system of the Council of Europe. The matters concerning this field were only stipulated in Art. 151 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. However, this article limits the activity of the European Union in the realm of culture to supplementary and supportive activities. When undertaking such activities, it is necessary to respect national and regional diversity and to bring the common cultural heritage of Europe to the fore. Cultural policy shall remain the domain of the Member States, though. The Union should encourage cooperation between Member States and supplement their activities as stipulated in Art. 151. The realm of culture in Community law is only regulated by so-called soft law. The Community legislative acts in the form of regulations, directives or decisions touch upon this field only when the realm of culture overlaps with the realms regulated by Community laws, such as the transfer of persons, goods, commodities and the protection of competition

    Sobre el presente pro futuro en el español contemporáneo

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    En este artículo se analiza una serie de factores de índole semántico-sintáctica que condicionan el uso del presente pro futuro en el español contemporáneo. Además de destacar distintos tipos de oraciones en las que es obligatorio el empleo de la forma canta con referencia a lo posterior, se llama la atención sobre la importancia del contexto en la correcta interpretación de la referencia temporal transmitida por el presente. Por último, se comenta el uso de algunos marcadores temporales que expresan inmediatez y, por tanto, se refieren más bien a la simultaneidad que a la posterioridad

    Chorwacka ustawa o prawie autorskim

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    "Chorwacja, podobnie jak Polska, w momencie zgłoszenia chęci przystąpienia do struktur Wspólnot Europejskich musiała dostosować przepisy prawne w zakresie ochrony własności intelektualnej do europejskich standardów. Wynikiem tych dążeń jest między innymi chorwacka ustawa o prawie autorskim."(...

    Wolność myśli, sumienia i wyznania w prawie polskim. Próba analizy pojęć – określenia zakresu

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    The issue of religious schools being financed from public resources in Poland needs to be approached primarily from the point of view of the constitutional guaranties of the freedom of conscience and religion. To this end the regulations of the Law of May 17, 1989 on the guarantees of the freedom of conscience and religion need to be analyzed together with the Law on the relations between the Republic of Poland and the Roman Catholic Church that was passed on the same day. It is only then that the following regulations should be considered: the concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland signed in Warsaw on July 28, 1993, the Law of June 14, 1991 on financing the Catholic University in Lublin from the state budget, and the Law of June 26, 1997 on financing the Papal Theological Academy in Krakow from the state budget. The latter institution presently operates under the name of the Pontifical University of John Paul II. Finally, an analysis is required of a group of three laws of April 5, 2006 on financing the Papal Theological Faculty in Warsaw, Papal Theological Faculty in Wrocław and Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education “Ignatianum” in Cracow respectively.The issue of religious schools being financed from public resources in Poland needs to be approached primarily from the point of view of the constitutional guaranties of the freedom of conscience and religion. To this end the regulations of the Law of May 17, 1989 on the guarantees of the freedom of conscience and religion need to be analyzed together with the Law on the relations between the Republic of Poland and the Roman Catholic Church that was passed on the same day. It is only then that the following regulations should be considered: the concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland signed in Warsaw on July 28, 1993, the Law of June 14, 1991 on financing the Catholic University in Lublin from the state budget, and the Law of June 26, 1997 on financing the Papal Theological Academy in Krakow from the state budget. The latter institution presently operates under the name of the Pontifical University of John Paul II. Finally, an analysis is required of a group of three laws of April 5, 2006 on financing the Papal Theological Faculty in Warsaw, Papal Theological Faculty in Wrocław and Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education “Ignatianum” in Cracow respectively