31 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo das habilidades motoras e cognitivas em praticantes de futebol de diferentes locais de prática

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    Orientador : Iverson LadewigDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Educaçao Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 2004Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentraçao: Exercício e esporteResumo: Quando assistimos a uma partida de futebol é possível observar que as condições de jogo mudam constantemente em função da bola e dos jogadores, e para cada contexto de jogo o jogador deve buscar decidir corretamente que movimento realizar, além de executá-lo com perfeição. No futebol podem ocorrer situações em que o jogador toma decisões apropriadas, porém não executa com precisão as habilidades motoras, assim como podem existir situações em que o jogador possui dificuldades no processo de tomada de decisão, mas possui habilidades motoras apuradas. Estas duas situações causam dificuldades para atingir o objetivo. Portanto, o êxito no futebol depende da integração das habilidades motoras e cognitivas. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar as habilidades motoras e cognitivas de praticantes de futebol do centro de treinamento (CT), escolinha e campo de várzea através de dois testes motores, Wall Volley Test e Soccer Dribble Test e, quatro testes cognitivos: conhecimento declarativo e de procedimento, tomada de decisão e identificação dos chutes. Neste estudo foi constatado que o CT obteve melhores resultados em todos os testes, provavelmente em função da associação de fatores como, maior tempo de prática semanal e anual comparando aos demais locais, estrutura física adequada, um profissional atuando e também a forma de incentivo familiar (os pais dos praticantes os deixam jogar o quanto quiserem). Entretanto, na várzea e na escolinha alguns desses fatores não estão presentes, o que comprometeu o rendimento dos praticantes. A várzea quando comparada a escolinha apresentou desempenhos superiores nos testes motores e inferiores nos testes cognitivos, sendo que somente no teste de tomada de decisão houve diferenças significativas. Isso denota que a várzea apesar de não ter estrutura adequada e um profissional orientando, como na escolinha, obteve resultados similares a este local de prática. Todos os resultados nos levam a afirmar que o desempenho de um praticante de futebol não depende de fatores isolados, mas da integração de múltiplos fatores.Abstract: Usually when we saw soccer match it is possible to notice that the conditions of the game change constantly in the way of the ball and the players and for each game context the player should decide the right movement to do, and also to execute with perfection. In soccer games can have situations that the player takes appropriated decisions, but do not do with precision the motor skill, then also can exist situations when the player have difficult to make decisions, but have good motor skill. These two situations can cause barriers to reach the objective. Then the successful in soccer depends on of motor and cognitive skills. This study had the objective compare the motor skill and cognitive skill of soccer players in the training centers, soccer schools and field through two motor tests, Wall Volley Test and Soccer Dribble Test and, four cognitive tests: declarative and procedure knowledge, decision making and kick identification. In this study was found that training centers had the better results in all tests made, probably because of several factors as, more time of week practice and annual compared with the others, structure made properly, a professional working and also the familiar incentive (the family of the soccer player live them to practice whenever is necessary). However in the field and the schools for soccer some of this factors do not are present, why it compromised the performance of soccer players. The field when compared with soccer schools give high development in the motor tests and less in the cognitive tests, but only the decision making test had significant differences. This shows that field even do not having structure for training properly and on professional orientation, as in the soccer school, obtained similar results as this local. All results show us and lead us to affirm that the development of soccer player do not depend on of isolated factors, but the integration of variety factors

    Air kerma area product in cone beam computed tomography

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    Objective: to evaluate the influence of FOV in air kerma-area product (KAP) and the constancy of exposure parameters on cone beam computed tomography equipments. Methodology: Two cone beam CT (GENDEX CBX 500 and  i-CAT Classic) were used and seven exposures with the following FOVs were performed: (A) 14cm x 8,5cm, (B) 14cm x 6cm, (C) 8,5cm x 8.5cm e (D) 8,5cm x 6cm, for CBX 500; and (E) 14cm x 6.cm, (F) 14cm x 8cm e (G) 14cm x 13cm, for the i-CAT. The technical exposure factors (kV, mA, mAs and voxel), remained constant. The dosimetric evaluation was performed with air KAP meter manufactured by IBA dosimetry, model kerma X plus TinO, positioned at the output of the X-ray beam. To evaluate the constancy of the exposure parameters a semiconductor (Radcal, Rapidose) fixed in front of the tomography image receptor was used. Result: The KAP values ​​obtained ranged between 360.1 mGy.cm² and 1031.2 mGy.cm². The FOV height had a substantial influence on the radiation dose. Repeatability and accuracy of the tube voltage varied less than 10%. Conclusion: The radiation dose is directly related to the height and inversely related with the FOV diameter; even within the recommended limits, the percentage variation of repeatability and accuracy of kV, for the tomography equipments tested, points to the regular equipment calibration, in order to reduce radiation dose to the patient to a minimum

    Prevalência de anemia em crianças pré-escolares do município de Farias Brito, CE

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a prevalência de anemia em pré-escolares do município de Farias Brito, CE. Estudou-se uma amostra de 71 crianças com idade entre 3 e 6 anos da Escola de Educação Infantil Joana Alves Bezerra. A presença de anemia foi verificada pela dosagem de hemoglobina (Hb), utilizando-se espectrofotometria, e pela avaliação da morfologia das células sangüíneas. Foram consideradas anêmicas as crianças com H

    Life experiences of Brazilian women with urinary incontinence

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    Our aim was to amplify the knowledge about the life experiences with urinary incontinence of Brazilian women. Were used the clinical-qualitative method with semi-directed interview. Eight women, housemaids, the 30 to 45 years, low socioeconomic status, with complain of urinary incontinence and never seek treatment, were selected by the snowball technique, and the size closing was by saturation criterion. The content analysis technique and psychodynamic approaches allowed the creation of two categories: one hidden problem and lonely life experience. For women, urinary incontinence is a problem that should be hidden, one obstacle in interpersonal interactions, a stigma that prevents the search for treatment. They live in fear and shame. They silenced, suffer alone, and to resist, react with the loneliness. The conclusions were that incontinent women prefer silence to having to ask for help, the insulation in was the protection form and aloneness, survival.Nosso objetivo foi aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre as vivências com a perda urinária entre mulheres brasileiras. Utilizou-se o método clínico-qualitativo com entrevistas semi-dirigidas. Oito mulheres, faxineiras, de 30 a 45 anos, de baixa situação socioeconômica, com queixa de perda urinária e que nunca realizaram tratamento, foram selecionadas pela técnica bola de neve, com fechamento amostral pelo critério de saturação. A técnica de análise de conteúdo com abordagens psicodinâmicas possibilitou a criação de duas categorias: um assunto velado e uma vivência solitária. Para as mulheres, a perda urinária é um assunto que deve ser escondido, um obstáculo nas interações interpessoais, um estigma que impede a busca de tratamento. Elas convivem com o medo e a vergonha. Calam-se, sofrem sozinhas, e para resistir, reagem com a solidão. Concluímos que as mulheres incontinentes preferem o silêncio a ter que pedir ajuda, encontram no isolamento a forma de proteção, e na solidão, a sobrevivência.Nuestro objetivo fue profundizar los conocimientos acerca de las experiencias con la pierda de orina de mujeres brasileñas. Utilizamos el método clínico-cualitativo y entrevistas semi-dirigidas. Ocho mujeres incontinentes, empleadas domésticas, con edad entre 30 a 45, bajo estatus socioeconómico y que nunca trataran la incontinencia urinaria, fueran seleccionadas por la técnica de bola de nieve y pelo criterio de saturación. La técnica de análisis de contenido con enfoque psicodinámico permitió la creación de dos categorías: una cuestión encubierta y una experiencia solitaria. Para las mujeres, la incontinencia urinaria es un problema que debe ser ocultado, un obstáculo en las interacciones interpersonales y un estigma que impide la búsqueda de tratamiento. Viven en el miedo y vergüenza. Silencian, sufren solas y reaccionan con la soledad. Concluimos que estas mujeres prefieren el silencio a tener que pedir ayuda, encuentran en el aislamiento, la forma de protección, y en la soledad, la supervivencia.62763

    Transcriptional profiles of the human pathogenic fungus paracoccidioides brasiliensis in mycelium and yeast cells

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    This work was supported by MCT, CNPq, CAPES, FUB, UFG, and FUNDECT-MS. PbGenome Network: Alda Maria T. Ferreira, Alessandra Dantas, Alessandra J. Baptista, Alexandre M. Bailão, Ana Lídia Bonato, André C. Amaral, Bruno S. Daher, Camila M. Silva, Christiane S. Costa, Clayton L. Borges, Cléber O. Soares, Cristina M. Junta, Daniel A. S. Anjos, Edans F. O. Sandes, Eduardo A. Donadi, Elza T. Sakamoto-Hojo, Flábio R. Araújo, Flávia C. Albuquerque, Gina C. Oliveira, João Ricardo M. Almeida, Juliana C. Oliveira, Kláudia G. Jorge, Larissa Fernandes, Lorena S. Derengowski, Luís Artur M. Bataus, Marcus A. M. Araújo, Marcus K. Inoue, Marlene T. De-Souza, Mauro F. Almeida, Nádia S. Parachin, Nadya S. Castro, Odair P. Martins, Patrícia L. N. Costa, Paula Sandrin-Garcia, Renata B. A. Soares, Stephano S. Mello, and Viviane C. B. ReisParacoccidioides brasiliensis is the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a disease that affects 10 million individuals in Latin America. This report depicts the results of the analysis of 6,022 assembled groups from mycelium and yeast phase expressed sequence tags, covering about 80% of the estimated genome of this dimorphic, thermo-regulated fungus. The data provide a comprehensive view of the fungal metabolism, including overexpressed transcripts, stage-specific genes, and also those that are up- or down-regulated as assessed by in silico electronic subtraction and cDNA microarrays. Also, a significant differential expression pattern in mycelium and yeast cells was detected, which was confirmed by Northern blot analysis, providing insights into differential metabolic adaptations. The overall transcriptome analysis provided information about sequences related to the cell cycle, stress response, drug resistance, and signal transduction pathways of the pathogen. Novel P. brasiliensis genes have been identified, probably corresponding to proteins that should be addressed as virulence factor candidates and potential new drug targets

    Pleasure-suffering indicators of nursing work in a hemodialysis nursing service

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    OBJECTIVE To measure the pleasure and suffering indicators at work and relate them to the socio-demographic and employment characteristics of the nursing staff in a hemodialysis center in southern Brazil. METHOD Quantitative research, with 46 workers. We used a self-completed form with demographic and labor data and the Pleasure and Suffering Indicators at Work Scale (PSIWS). We conducted a bivariate and correlation descriptive analysis with significance levels of 5% using the Epi-Info® and PredictiveAnalytics Software programs. RESULTS Freedom of Speech was considered critical; other factors were evaluated as satisfactory. The results revealed a possible association between sociodemographic characteristics and work, and pleasure and suffering indicators. There was a correlation between the factors evaluated. CONCLUSION Despite the satisfactory evaluation, suffering is present in the studied context, expressed mainly by a lack of Freedom of Speech, with the need for interventions to prevent injury to the health of workers

    A dive in the images of the body and swimsuits in brazilian female olympic swimming (1932-2016)

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    Submitted by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2019-07-10T14:32:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Rosângela Soares Campos - 2019.pdf: 6624017 bytes, checksum: 95e2a1fff6d95c8daf3d1cc46c24c4de (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2019-07-11T12:23:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Rosângela Soares Campos - 2019.pdf: 6624017 bytes, checksum: 95e2a1fff6d95c8daf3d1cc46c24c4de (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-07-11T12:23:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Rosângela Soares Campos - 2019.pdf: 6624017 bytes, checksum: 95e2a1fff6d95c8daf3d1cc46c24c4de (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-05-27Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEGThis work aimed to investigate the body and swimsuit images in Brazilian female Olympic swimming between 1932 and 2016. To do so, we analyzed the construction of social images of the female body in sport in general and then specifically in swimming (scenario as well as the representation of these social images in the visual images, which in this thesis in question were the photographs. The photographs in turn were analyzed through the proposal of Goffman (1979) and Pruitt (2013). The swimsuits were studied considering the social context in which they were made, as well as their technical description. Brazilian female swimming was divided into five periods: glamor era (1932-1952); era of scientism (1972-1976); the beginnings of professionalism (1988-1996); technological age (2000-2009); and posttechnological era (2010- to the present day). Interviews were conducted with swimmers Maria Isabel Guerra, Flávia Nadalutti, Adriana Salazar and Fabíola Molina, as well as some photographs of their personal archive and photographs available in the media. We also analyzed photographs of swimmers Maria Lenk, Piedade Coutinho, Patrícia Amorim, Rebeca Gusmão and Etiene Medeiros. After that, the images of swimmers published in Veja magazine between 1968 and 2016 were investigated. The results showed that in the national scenario, doping and sexual harassment issues were more prominent than performanceEste trabalho teve como proposta investigar as imagens do corpo e dos maiôs na natação olímpica feminina brasileira entre 1932 e 2016. Para tanto, foi analisada a construção das imagens sociais do corpo feminino no esporte em geral e, em seguida, especificamente na natação (cenário nacional e internacional), assim como, foi analisada a representação dessas imagens sociais nas imagens visuais, que nessa tese em questão eram as fotografias. As fotografias por sua vez foram analisadas por meio da proposta de Goffman (1979) e Pruitt (2013). Os maiôs foram estudados considerando-se o contexto social no qual foram elaborados, assim como sua descrição técnica. A natação feminina brasileira foi dividida em cinco períodos: era do glamour (1932- 1952); era do cientificismo (1972-1976); primórdios do profissionalismo (1988-1996); era tecnológica (2000-2009); e era pós-tecnológica (2010-até os dias atuais). Foram realizadas entrevistas com as nadadoras Maria Isabel Guerra, Flávia Nadalutti, Adriana Salazar e Fabíola Molina, assim como foram analisadas algumas fotografias do arquivo pessoal dessas nadadoras e de fotografias disponíveis na mídia. Foram analisadas também fotografias das nadadoras Maria Lenk, Piedade Coutinho, Patrícia Amorim, Rebeca Gusmão e Etiene Medeiros. Após foram investigadas as imagens das nadadoras veiculadas na Revista Veja entre os anos de 1968 e 2016. Os resultados evidenciaram que no cenário nacional houve maior destaque a questões relacionadas ao doping e ao assédio sexual do que à performance